Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Sep 1986, p. 20

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1 1lMUM ptflgt on senIorà il be a nimeiedMry society Which There are pla s ta maikélthe. eWderly thse 2lut Centqry. tllat is to say hère population more healtliy. TÔ ba e mÙore ôIder people tma eveebefore. geriatric' and p. Ch erîatrike s tat majority et senior Citizens - are must be pp iy i s o um yand active and il an't until they field of gerîatricswll eIr ti an te ageof 85 tIat their bealth -begin'.s çareee doorx in tj<near future. vagi T1%e nwnbers af these frail elderly hom)res eortai reCStme More .reaseb tr110 Per cent injust 15 years. researCh relalsj tu thse aged and hg. be ýre the ones who require t!bdm"t ser. done. lite-Ca Ils for ' sign ficait expaio"a in services forýIoeirs are already coyhmunitv 1 services. Thisis a eSarY loticed and maves are being made (t step if seniors- art Co star in i own ern before thse flood ofamrsben. homes as long as possible. t is k that ~vînialgovenmet ba fomulted those who' are liveoutsie ,ategies for copingwith this dramatie' lions enjoy btter beaith. oait uat in tIse population. These were Con- de%-elop spe.îalize' ouipatint ant ptient in a report rrom Ren Van Horne. services l'or the. elderly and epnd r for senior cititens' affairs calied rehaliliaion and convaIescentser iethse w Agenda". > 'repoiLt States. central theme of. thé report refletts lncluded in the. 'nem a$enda" is the pro- a in thse quote takeil from the Finited, ision of hlghl-quait%- institut 'anal are. im- Ciizens' brief above. An effort wilJ' provemnents in extEnded-Car', prog amsins le to-prevent Onnecessary andi inap- nursingbhaines.and aregulating .ytm o ite inistitutionaliiz the tlt feme the quili:ty of cure in rest homes àe.need-' f-. .ccorýdinR ib <6e report. - ULLY UCENCE& AMPLE PARKING, 324 Sotles A»e., Milte 878-1 110 .SENIORS MEET VOUR, FRIENOS AND NEIGI-BORS AT Milton Mal Shopping Contre WHEEL CHAIRS AVAl lýABLE UPON REOUEST Acres of ftee parking. o$ter 55 stores and services. AT SERVI ç78458 FU 5IMIA UDUIY Seéking soniors' consensus -for future TIe eri eand knoledg o e ninrcitizens. p l te fect. ~sbîgTh pe na fott lnfo hi uue Teye goîY .11ng 0> e asked about . .4 .to en PASSIVE REDUCINOSA A Abot3 eîents of thse region iwer the age of' courage th. socialization of isolated elderfv - Nlrs. 65, will lie offerin solutions to prohlems facing .ollara deýcribes, tiis -group pol i-ing their age gro up. TIN ,will lx- part îcîpating in the rural1 areas or those who have nuJ'rids niai fatnil *n firsi of whal are planned tb he annuai seniors* available:; and peole in poor htvalth or iacking Emni tiAbboti forums.* î 0pîn amobhty Getting teeisolated ipeople invoived *S 0onoiiMarly ee t lna ùnuiý tiMt will contribute to improved health and delli.a à tran m2itefS have a toite in the planning prîicess especiaTIN the potential neeti for acute care. A le of isolation. she *WVSt people who are mosi fec îl-said 1( I*f llara. savs."emslk uc ate.. * eflnn co-Oidinator.of thse EiderlN Serv ices Atîvisors' tom- "hemechanisms should bc thvrv,*shcouid IlieV ~ euai mitte , - ant to participate in commuailt% lit e Tere shijulît Three w.orkshops wilI -ove'r issues identified in a be some sort of vehicle there to' help them i Io il, studv o('seniors' ser-vices. w.hich nust*txpaiid with the ESCA c6-ordinator said. the giremwîng elderly popujation. It vill stand at 1.4 Forum participat are memibers of thse locail DISCOUNT million in 2x)l, that is a* %in fas( rom 1W, 3 ,enior citizens' adiory 'comnmittee aiong wlitl The number of people over the age of 75 takes t he 'town councillor Rose Harrison andl.iresr largest propoetionate jurnp Thse provincial vices program supervisor, Honnie Wtird Simit 1 0/ S»U Miniter f'r Snor ('itizens' Affairs. states thaf committees have been forme-(] hrei iiii h Iis increase's ç4'reating a ncw. generton et region. 'fli Milton commitîe Ail[ duil wrffî't.î CARRIAGE SGUA IE issue whih w1 have a profound cf fect upfn pro- 'issuesý' and wiltact asasoundinghadfrîn.rî vincia servies of' older Miltonians. Information wililxh- led iii rî'.'n 874-1044 According (o Mis. OHara, people agc f15 and councîl (rom thse committee t Older, are most apt to hxve health pr-ibeisShe Mlrs.,O'Hara ciedtthe efforts'id a grtoup et snîîî said peoile who are senior citizens are caring -for. cifizens in Halton HuIs who wvere istrunmenti utr parents in that age hraîcket. Relief and support for the establishment of a toil free felephîîiî nuii 1T X H caregivér4 s î ) ne oif the issues the senioîrs, forumi When Canada Pension offices il Braiptin andt participants '. i adesjmro lalton t'en- Oakvi-lle were closed. so were thé lttll fi-.'.'cilikU M I t ennial Ma nor pms ides a li mi ai mfer of tids frmin peosionsers- with quest ions , Iou I liii forvactio cae ad s nurite ls ii tent berîefîts. A 1-80o fine has been applied toi-r .i homes also offer short -term i.éï f ai care result oi the actions of the residents, "Most fanifies that heéd relief have a fanîilv The local committees are expecfed tii act on theSECALSE member needîng a lot of care." \lrs it iaa x _ ctncernis of other senior citizené whîî 'will kiiew CITIZEN RAI plIined. there is someone to g o l ocFARÉS Respite care in the home is an îîplîiri as aie day In Milton they'l1 be going tfo thse mnite programs outside the home. Fainil% . iimhems <if cil iiens at large: Verna Cal Ian. Ethel Riddetllxi'. APPLICATIONS AVAILAOLE those AI leimer's diseal.e( could ais.> henef î1 Page. Edith Marr, Enid Mongra . .Jeani flasst-l FOR SENIOR CITI2EN8 from expande rprogramis. suvs .Mrs (fît.aa feldt. A. Vardý and Edgar Foster. FS.A<' îîihfei' Eight Mlilto r e resentatives will he aniîng t he Ami Ptolemy isaiso, on the commitîe DISCOON T RA VELCARO$ sentiors who ji1 I commenting on lthie needs tof The forum they'li attend is part oif -ait igoiîog caregivers. T (ir knowledge and pesiinai exper- process' in.planning for services anid tîfenhit.y ng iences are exi ted to he the hasts fotr ideas which issues. said Mrs.. t)'Hara e - will resolvé. s<- e identîfied prolies."e hope to get a consensus on iI, hv 'utoie1pwe C N R TeESAC c )rmittee is makîng plans fased on we discuss, We'll he making recommnentlatioiis. , R I recommendat s andt '.prac ' à' idcas' from the. said con'mittee member Edgarm Fiit.femeu.,06- LTOsiMAL 5 fA<MANC'!ý, B4PT/ST Ci?Cff PASSILusU.qus 878 3542 iU 1--1032 OW.Ni The Congregation Of Emmanuel aPtist Church lt« uc uhonour. enlor citlze!iel For the.le n tni ynur goldn yews we re pia iQ fIob ~a **Sernorsaints" tDwtr to ovide the ~rmth Of ia Chistan residenh, ienvronmeni as wef f as, chroeic -Pastor TepWho are plantadi tihe .@Oft hei Lord ,, ttof4rsh .tt, Courts Of Our Gof. Thty shai sfitibea, fruit nh an otda4gg tio of MtMtn Mou..iNuer..dn lob Iusfîchott wlth T.J PoffvsoA. -P.*..z 3,4 'Wîth iong 1,i0 W'1t t Satis y 5Dm, aend stow Mm ,,m y iatvation.,pbal DE8IONERS Un.~ pu mA OAK FUgNTURE. i27 MAIN ST. 1 'MILTON ONT, E. A" I . .~., -t '-w' '*~~** -. ,'~ 1~ j t '.4 678"492 878-43081IF SUSY N4 I '12 Thse Canadian Champion. Wed.. September 24,-Igo

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