Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Sep 1986, p. 11

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I Ilo i Pools b> ane Charles Hotel Uils itç The (Charlkio Motel bt-came the 1IM lton Flag Football champioosi wth a 21-P î'îdoty over Hallon Pool and Patio Saturday. 1. neie f, the huaIleague finals inmn ent memory, tdu Charles Motel sqtaad second over due régular sebedule, ended due dream ci Balton Pols ta béIetme u iret sixtl-place team la leegue batory la arn du ti- de. For the Cloderetla Ialton Pool cldu e cloek aluck mdalght ait 59: 54 pidthegxme Ate Cbirestl ard wa wnor afie seontngly. oisrioh.ed; e bobbled snep =meas " r «onc culdimmediele- ly natb. and due Charte.' Randy Johnon blocked tedu ll attenpt to nueh victor> fronmthd e aI ,«defrat, blTe wse no doojit e muddy field and indlenent weadur btndiered bt tomse as second-hall sconng ase bmited lu, one second-hait toucbdown pnd couvert byduh Charles MotelScorsd in the. turf quarter. dueconverj utintteldecided d thte.a îgs-coin aooui o The. ganse qeéned loohL4 i t idd ra. Il 4%om typho finaleas bth ternts potcd toucbdmon otdeir fIirt two puemejouu of tdu l'h.Chamesopeed u sann on a 25yard touchdown peu tra quaterect Ievis rîneegettu Rob Scot. But Malta. Pool$ >m f1511bact ila div atdtîraniscapp byea Miki Kindy ta JIn ldcALinden tm elel. c tmDt lux. teinta mlaaed tducouverts, The. Chrles camerighr baclc and bt again with a sx Hmt ,f olowed by a9 two-poînt coovereton lu Wayne S fl44lead. Thi. laid wai s lot-iveil aa Paul Jrvî. bit tor six and R a two-point conversion tbkW hau e scoreai 14 aitbhieugai t irst quart;q ime pay went bock and forth litU second quarter asail tnted and dh all beubard t hadi, fer hote ons, Halton Papis Terrly Kach grabbed an intercepton a 35-yard line but tbe Poolmin were uni cbl.oert. iTihe scoing on a couple qf droppeil pain dba lon eud z Widi du liaIt coming toacimoe Halta struck omsa aid arod-run comibinatîo for six pointe. The. coovert waslo. euded with Malon Pools sporting a 2b44 lai l)aItapPools inseal lwo gloriote chances le open duhlai dhird quarter and tduChares rgainedduthe d lte in Prendergasi bit Temj Stoughtton for Iloughtons secon rla Atth2poitDon Camnpbell adda converi. d liÏ01d le tinu umrgulofvl'ttry.I Witbh Xrles haldioga tmai h-Olaid. bxhto strortgditenco in tdu final quartor and nuther em a ~~Mott cae uO'Minte otrception f«rtdu ou mntiey sawumv et .AI the dot Rendy johmm Umm%* Ma colwootwm Wb- a the Chéries motel dé= bill etterthé Oâfre. At bottom tell hoider Orlan WePheil la t for the f4 lootItall ehmpéon. seen ;*«tLig to Haiton Pool$' blocked field goal etèded on om play. At top loft Rob tef"t on the test play of thalberne. flIne bY a Haillon Pools dolonder. %Nb ýe p bi st ff bu rely- 0 p nter to Terry Iton drive. Denhib Gluck of the Ch«irIcý hil for a 4o %ard g;iiri lýtit ôhn, te také a R.Iton'e defence prevenied the scqre elttdded drizie cou- due curles'. ta Fllit pesa- and dhs hall d erlynLËe ltswas exhibited ~la tain lstoanuift WitbJ.s titan e minute in pay. Halton Pools drove frorn licir on . 5yr M ie tp îniide 1the Charles oiel la yard int A sire fnuchdoA ri pastu Iflton's Jînt Moaghan asa tipoed away hy Prendergaist in the- end tomu. Wldm aone play liftI Hallen set up for the tieid goal attempt'lhat "ould esmure vlctory, or if missed tiend due gaine nie overlîrne Wtb flelle kielter Dave Sweetland ready for the rhip ohot field gioal fateahtepped in.t- 'lme wet ball slipped from theb. hider*s bands. bit th1e ground, and u'a, q uclly ne-set. Bu t 00 in time, l'h. kick didn't cleai' the mass ofrbergifng Chrtes players, led hy Johnson. and lbe gantewais over v th the C harle- as chtimpions, As du wieso ehà wtt a gante that, as the oltI adage goto -ixlh teama deserved ta uîn." atop Pool and Patio cao mîlk away v. h thir heeds lId 11gh.Aduthe ague awardsdanteeon Sept. r, aill showt hetet are onlmera in 111flagfooballeague On any gîen dayan)'înî' cao ni and tlg football jislive and wagi in our ttîwn. Thankii b ail tht pIaNt-rY duhe ague ewecti a nd tdu refermesfn>making the 19%lia.,osii n' o due mort sqc#easin yeass Locals.w,ïl heOlp defend.-na Ire.peuple -fraslMillon may ulimatol> hecide hetier Canada wma a1uor15lteianEiqVandý meie/erty Rtwee>.Stewaert JaeW0Steve- r niute ilton Ju-Jitotaclub suIt b. ballîng an du cammrys ripresentalîves Oct. 4 in In bat mel 1the Canadian iu-Jitsu team. onlysixdtblet.s ineail. ailîlatte on betAeco 12 and ti6 oler eountries for due rtght Iu catI henselc es worid çhampions Tise event happens ont), ever) tAoo years. and af the inaugural, metItot yemra ago Canada emwoW mas orid But manyrountries vmeid hemia a darh hors. muser. anI d tiMo jiu-jitsu loueur and clilefWeuui B Krànslz 11e> iould b. meail>for- hi. andi is crete oeil ime But Itranoîz and i% peolear nemI> ton, Th.y'o'e heen training for months. Jftd each Mlton mernberof 1the teamt claimed t0 lu in peal compeîitio'O fort But Krmnstz bas nm illusions of a talewulk for Canada; "'h. contpetitasn suIt b. ouhr., deinilely, h.e sad, 'especially front Clark is c Ôi n g .to Jr. B opè-er Mdté bk*fY5 aiihave a thance t t h e uman many peaoW hhuichIshoq éa tsenNHL roo&e-c.hheyemr Frday lghuli lit gate làet tl5it uteemtaWcontenit1ton. lier. lanon f ria a del iadie leut ye.r, Edarformer ilio nerm Grant ockviU. 1bous Murray Welk.r daim tdudutela *off kectue ligner le. "' ut e fanewlltbvezacdunce.ta tallit b lark and Terrie as 11db algnsutprap. bl e fn Ira d second peelodm. . hade-dd v heon relttvly memehal mur tdu pretan, aith dre. wimanmd àe . memued aegmîtlyltua leeue 'I 1.. i hc hats pmjut pd cùd.rlng wire a lot cftoMW faes. 1. MillitGoun0a lio bstGfllé> 74. lid mi auo nd& drnpmd an 8-2 docisi o aMissauain tbe rzmate .k nIaselut oOf, duir regulars for 111 f Ulh0<Ihtgame, riy sganbe arUaaItSp m. EuoeThey #ve aselny tla pick ll as a can7.tltor front ,EnulM,the hbut country. abo laId Kramltz Next flîmea. Il b. reedy for 'edbeen taltmng tjat st abat il*s worth iand eeve beeu training barder" Kmrmtzmi. Tht aadin toi t a aMixture of U«Mm.smce sud yautb., Krêiutz MW.d et due mille contIng4ent riflecta à'-.ehave young blool Irying i1, hMae a nanti," Kranslz pointeil out aIklthduime imnedthe ina fairly expoeromince 0internailonel campmdde"' , arraesta, iies gaina acomch, an officia] and aIda canpetlîi in1tdu newly créateil "lmesters" ce iraor>, 'sua' xprecdtal ii on duto»em 1ý ettaBwi i t 11 ntu n, tienajitaurnamenl tem Il.CN , on the. teain that competed. alnat the USA and Trinfitad.on dte M ttcompeted internetionaîl> in F orwida slm 3an4 h. waatn officiaIl aluit naugural i world champioomi event T'h. Canadien teélm won aIl duoe. CoMpeùiMn. Ille~~.1 fened a setback eryKsawles. forn«iey ta i 1faun ea" plji eji3t. L c 0 iiaown righl ,as. 1njrercently (pncbed nerveo s il is ighly undkloltr h. wîll make 111 1onntrip -Hes a bîg part of tdu ciperience w# have,'.Kranatz saaîd, we were dependlng on it. At 35, Knowlee, wbo touches in Oakvllle, was lo b.due captain ci th1e team. Toconipound the toms. h. wll nt b. rspN6qed and alliera on tdu six-man luit aill ttaltt in is plece, Rnobaei, woo't b. nepabed because a serin iof qualltyîq tournantento use beld ta detern e lant menhers andil'%I Ionaitae 10 ol mooer. And, rnetz sai, there are tna many pao- p. et mort or tlsaequaW qpifisd te ni a efair amocee tuhem. lietunment m, stnic lybek bett1. W thM MMinltpictCI fror- Ing. (remta «eporthedU hnted Sate lo ba mling, a d W, n aend I hm the£=rqe Chm ojbat sittma tedll onte turf, ail conne bta iha 1-- ad Wwrfulcontingent, equlvalc of 51.M 0la frano, duh event fron t oitr govetoment. Kranst s mid. Somn.of that money ï;s heein uséeilfor training expenhem mii tu pal teexpeomkom o f tdurt betl jgbîers. I.oi-de. le hate their promeset thi. mut. -W. ex- pette eb. aavlug duetlag," But tdu defendipg champions aill b. doing anme flag.aavtug nf Iheir oen: As Weillesigorosis p1ycat training, i. mh a strnnc eniphalla ait 'orobc fitoes, ltet a s woim . *~flJoSu on tlnift u*ir mental preperednis. 'Tieres alIWuof mental treis in a tournain ethmIis. Erauez mil Tii. montlW sud mondu of insn,1, ail lb. moo*y., *Iltîtlime. And Il cWld cas.. down ta a oummnute ttght. Evtrybody s afratd of aonird.mgAfril nigitti Nbt. oralt 1c", or of ltting 11e other guy lan f eaaiu n Iiilwl hm meselliaprittbelinneni trom the lperé. On t tScore, Ereomla Ifielsaaurel aîtb theCana- ilo lian.1l'tme confident in 111h ti»« 1 tbave in In.alter one mnet es cmntd i n duouI. "lt geU s ijsr aIl tdu ime." Kr.ul.--ver>tte yoeu ais imt gel tibir. Vour re>uation gelsi begUer and biner. anid tdy alaa&ysi se> mendi laetries harder. Tiesei coogguys ahilb.iecerryng on ai z'aaian traitilon. Guys lilte Gens-v. jr and ilfiitt il. and a.' ut-pt-filiu fhtin 10 carrs t'on The t- hret-Miltuîî athîst t>r'~ -Joesi and Iotî hritig di -réni skhîlîs 1o the vontpt-tîtîon '*Steve v a bit older '2s11' h"i ast 0f confidence. KXran.ti.slid t- been -,in international cumpltiti befont- Me' oflo ast and flash % but bes strog And hi' thinks il ouI lIt- doei.n't mate" 'mAd he ha.s a vt-rpoottive-attitude (l uol îloeon koow lmving Rotllis '.14 ha,- lt-tn j btack I1t'lt oruît>y a year "But e s bt-en vers active in tournmets.*K rafi suid. 'Me's put ini hour,. and hiiur-, t training .es gIgn a~ tc ques. average fo eh iî ver> gond comblinations J.nes Ili loun.t1. dur the light ta England ie s 11tyîîggst lnhe fiant 'tte bas oi,.st o strength.' Kranstz S-ai is unît- weîlt point r% lus co)nfl oce, as witfs aIl yth ut Bf es Moti latt1 i pe 1e As lthe training narrows t101he otal feot laya. Ifanstz und lb. thers tr% ta put everythhng con-erflîng th. tour niinetit. excipt winnîog. ouI of thpir -Thees lio roont for second thoÙeil s u nul Wben wacre there wacre 'going f1)do ouf best. there's on aller wey. Aid shauld il ever bappen thal ae tome, e'ervone îs gning la came bock klnowing lhey'î-e don. Iheir best." And thon Krmnati adilei with a smite. "and ae'll blense il omtha officil ' Notr: Teani members are cover. injt a fgond esai fteirown expenses for lb. trip ta Engand.1The Cuomîtan Jiu-Jitsu Asociaionnîspeyîng Ibeain (are but thon are- still a miod tant oulalanding espensâes Aoyone wishing Ia male donations can Con- tact KrnlaI: lrougb tht- Mlton Jiu, Jîlsu club atl8M-9074 onai-jolu' mjit -title

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