o * R E s n ai c o E m n t-, c'c 1< k c m t., 4> n --"mwn-rwyorpion Gary Tho mas 878-2365 Boelw- * NOSOOY MAS WPLD MORiE HOMES ON MIILTQON THROUGIl M L S FOR W3. 1984. 1985 andfilfar in 1986 CLAYTON HACKENBROOK 878-771 STEWART HADDON 1878-3333 FREDA LAWR BETTY INGEL 827-4288 JOAN JOHNSTON 8777210 LORNEGUNO MIKEMORGAN 878-8093 LINDSAYVMCLAREN 854-2451 . MAUJRICE MIL PAUL PAGE . r878-2995 KEN NEWELL 878-5339 AUDREY NEW GAILPULLEN 876-110 REJANE PETPOFF 878-282 LORRAINE RA BRIANGREEN 878-195 JEANSNOWOEN 878-3155 WAYNE WARr PHIL PRESTIOGE 87"8924 GENE McLEOD 878-4304 LINA WAANEF 7a 1 I i TOR. UINE 826-1030 ENCE 878-4 LACK 87831 JOUR 876-4t ELL 87&85 NOALL 878-0 1ER 878-1C 1 878-W PERSONAIZIEO: ALL THE WAY - Tis custom-bail t homne *ill reaIIyplOease the chralre mindet uyer Set on one acte on PI MU the suite of the Village Step fhagh thre European- burît 2-sforey home wilS l4 Feindoffis to fhe sunk.n living room plus bedroms. balcn from the mate andi rasedd cinng room. the krtt.hen bedroom Special ft~ ectures are filatiurns solid oak Cupboards anrd cer clripool andi sauna. lu. a roughedtin amic tioôr and emtt 1 the famriY roOm central ,acuum system Se, on 15 acres wilh Oakr tioorin'g anti beamoi plus aie of country spinor This home is rfailli tght stoyn Many ottrsr bonuses Cali urnigue and *e thnli pou wilii th ie dit. anti ask ti terence Cali 0*8.L PULLEN $224,900 GARY TNORIAS $178.800o A 'IWlT -.1. ....t - n1 a groai flqonrhoOrt cîoe to tir ShrOr vatir Io -clrots' (a de, 1 li-r' j 10t Higli s'ho.I Ne. carttett.on t nt i t O, eiroor'n 2 t pC.- t <tris full baser^ni Don 1 0v Cai t> ta, PAUL PAGE SliP 800(l i e 7. 3-bedroom home. tucliet awap p cPic. turesitue area wrth lots of tretes Ied iaush greein gras Tis an geal roitelet âaa frornCity congstion. Spaclous living roors, formai tiining room, den or office Coring ciii be a dtighti n tire nage Iullypequippec! gardies WCicren, Famiip roors lookrs out onto 38' decr Acre Lot To oie. th.8 .ionsiy home cbt landi asr -for JUbi A untue miLIIVE ItRUM lUmer S irIs a leoi odespl.t -ilh cpgratied brOattloom. 2 tireptaces, famry '005r Y OUR SEARCH FOR SPACE *dti en e room wth bar, 3 bedrooms Heateti once pou ses Itîis irnoressise. 2-storep ingreunit pool with nec tiner anti nec home. 4 bectrooms, 3 bathroomr. main iater A vil5 priva1< homs for uent ftoor tcuundry. tamit> rooirr witir fireptace rite people. Calt toeiap andi asr for Parit al sid$e Sentil lot tourtreif cîti BRIAN GREEN $178.800 BETTY INOLE 18.8 CENTURY os a large ideton. mrg dom, b.edrodms LOfINE OU House Ga panti 3 do. tamn s or ovepS ori catch aIl nhe, delai LINAorWi ountai ne ..2 nlomes plus apart mdt oe, Carr aqe rage. norlisho tracter se. r te tru tît inilemen horse lovers wiIl aliprectate tris haS rochfer y.. Cao >00 i in pour .* port Fir fur.. s eallt aINE S379,900 =:IbpiîfuI centra arr &ý air cleaner plsti asement s5 flnisllod vveh la'rge ec. roorn Tire yard iras bols protes sronctip tarsdsccpeil citir an rsterloclring brick wailrcay front & teat Attractise C offcrels ingrount pool Earlp posses filon arariabie. Cati anti ask toit CAtL PULLEN $137.900 air dock. Paf 11115 on today5 I . Cai As8 $124.50 frot, impeccabl. bapes 150«I120 lot. InroanI pool 20'u40'. Pientp 0l grillsi as'tiirube. 3teareZ Itdon, mers 1100< lamltp romrl, irnlto b=ô nt Il pOa viant tire country ie close in.. In,. is tl For potir paraphai Inspection cail80 JOAN JOHNNST% 11811180 f bon tarrrdrp. Couîi b. cosffeere bacr éitotiajlex for more info pleila.. ccli RJNPETROF P 1163110 due.g rue Milton business section Necs sme lînishrsg. Esceltent potes frai ýfor tietaits contct. PAUI.PAGE S299.000 2 bedroUn. home .o7n Laro nîl Ne. wredows, ptumbilr l. ro ai in woodrburstng stove in liortlg room Grear filet home or roitremllont rffilat For more information cafli FREOA LAWRENCE 111111111111 INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL HAIRDRESSING BUSINESS - Beautiful decor, top of the uine equi pment, ood location. For more iformatioh caîl REIMA IL WNE REALTY $ 89,900 FOR SALE - 4.87 acres of M-1 industrial. Cali PAUL PAGEJLORNE GUNDLACI( SQ,OOOIcrs -FOR LEASE- Commercial space, 5,000 sq. fit. Cafl PAUL PAGE -, $6.501. q. fIt. FOR LEASE - Industrial space, 15,80Ô sq. tt. Cari be divid- ed. Cai PAUI. PAGE $3.SOIaq. lit. ~ ELEST,~ 77 133 164 641 - MIR - &W I*iM"t