w JBeé Watch that credlit arebi gearslly a ol te sine y u' Wha allfyuraul, wimcoup wroq hando . ina ai rataplbace wtàbnoe daya mt thmr - ifsora t , uelee.sgnI ta e n l at mit. yu dontbe fhi dreun- wor. Ter ar niracreiirrddistsm wsnted cardas oem one cati uie dieni. iIi laitt' m ia ar irte '102g. 1 i die werhtplaca titan le aey nliar single ca- S. Mak ", rhnlela e l er a er ewr nsattii.a te.calrds lud diJ usiehens-1ea y nfor BpY dat. laprlIad n ie rrCe ar rai Theaibr yaneienppisfo m ar rapeibaiewrnsU. 1 o n,e ad toi report lent or stob.e Tasneia apisfrms 's m- =_ M.,,al eed the phione mbar te niadiclea bicase tbey're net untiead sod but true ttai mrne r"dt '&rd mOie I L~ a n d yniur card's expir dat. Se lit tela" foreyar. ran baitfted dirrtly te failyand frieds tlaso -ur pharmharuet will aIwaya. 3. Dn'tluir yo r cek arda let u ca' loecamnen. n slarmuegly ilaJ* check yeur mceuuly staieniant. dsam aiaun ide ake MMWuli aromisrt. ridbr e rd obpg and chack iham o ffatneaFrsa eicin, Ir.car glova rempartmaflia. aie * yaur niondi'y satenvn o finaks such as antibuotics, petery 4Don't lie oU ad 1; m nebi lehîue »rcd.dataerloratas ?airly qukckly se the hr sra nee ien ais hae usad y"frad macli orIl mark dia expir dote rlght ro,O ntaena ules. ur ,or 10. Naver çave your crd numibar ever tha ranit, frntacatdabhpt Ith n ec tie hatlie. tur tyen na stor ureauranit. its PRO emirf e et your radwhaa yenra A. N in a It'a asay for waits or salas. EgTA?!GL5 XA.ETT - LIUO 420 MMI ST., I _____________________saoua 416)78-470CAIL BILL ______________________EVALI Imnpeccable 3-bedroomr famîily homne Cernei brick t replace in living room. Slidivg doors fr01 large h itchen oveflooking southaîn aopopkura gardan Z radi seer onaian lation. Cail EÉNNOLIN*AGCRESEL ai 842C920 or ras. 827-9390.£ COUNTRY DOLL HOUSE g- ON M ACRE, NEW LISTING 2 bedrooni brick bungalow, supe at-4 khuches, comesd b<sezswsy, 1I10hbae ment. Lois of potentiat, nicain tend. $c=pd Wen't lest. 134,900. Cati mENOLNA GPRSEL ff2-1920 er res. 827-9M9. 4 SEDROOMSI LARGE LOTI Idl tamullp home wîf h bella and auhistes - Central ai( conditionîng. miatar settener, TV f ows and rotor hsad, zoverad patio, air tibht steie in tamily room art but a fa, fuatures. Cali JOHN MOODY et 842.1920 or res 827-7722. T11OCaaisTnatCN*ny 312t.a&ehereU . 842-1020 lily. u-eeemom~ nuvsoJfng mcm a kitchen rot lous Coud hars oriliving quartarS, sorn ver Il acre. Vacant, saon, asking S1 19.5w. Ar, go peur peracuiet tour today 0f this Iovst 5-beron, ail-brck bfelw which fustures. estin kitcheui hbge iv- ing recel, new breadtoefn, tJihfsdrc rom ard ais a gaines room! Listt2 card- ohmuld g inl wlm ye have cia te placi e rdu . Remmnier te ruat your redit carItlle Icine lu ce the rgasc abl. Thi aise ex- B a .lyptetarsmetim« e! a hea a ir ae prescriptions MiIed fie- 0 Mlways rmaemt your prescriptin lgiven tei you alona as saainn Xer asparific problani ai a s9e f tua, i tn oudnt umeit uopla= y, sefely dis oetho reat. nts o ird nevv givan tei anlliar pence and eever vn ed for anothar tume berause the ni- catuen's composition Mnay change. LENIZKY VOR A PENSONAI. IATION. OF VOUA HOME NEW, NEW, NEW, & Describes this 4-bedrooni homne Close te schooIsý FuIiy lancad yard. 4 appliences nrCluded. Listed fol oniy $115,000) Cai1 BILL LENIZI(Y HOME 85313797 or OFFICE 878-8495. 81012 H ANDSOME 2-STOREY HOME Witfl a neutral decor, 3 bedrooms, 2 washroans, single-car garage, 1, cOUlA a GAX A the ilide of thîs 3 bsdroom hoine broadloom f loors, and wih îsnetrtdecor,eet vhtitchon wlthý locat9d on a large lot. Just lag oi w, cian ovwsis inaiter I1is!gd Oxclusiyely a t borne tselurs interlock 1nr-brick patio, $1<f,~O.92 evers zdaaend ancely lnd- $14-. g.0 87 WRECKING YARD.ý Loc.ated just outside of Milton. 45 acres, 2 out-' buildings, founidation for garage. Just listed at $449,000. Caîl aur offilce for pli fuit details. 79 __________________________ il ILas*- '- -'*S il il -