Upsets in Halton bai Dy IHOWARD moIT Iltmy ho an oid ciche. but Un. pliyoffs have certainly pre-ved ta bea badewsermet an1the. Heiton ens FasIbal Leagwean fer. Upeeta were termcm rallier than the exceltionas two of the teague's top four teema. R&eM&r and Colbeck R Igtl ythe wayside. In bgetsupie Apple Auto Glsaissshouk offr ts- season-long dolidrunto 10 shock RafeMâc by two gantes lu une. b Ihe upener. thie Appte.taquetd ahowed tttey were resdy to piar wîthanau 4 potin- ding of Lhe Dakvilt eaeso Scuil Lawaon out-duelted Gary Brown on te mourir! snd the hitting Wasi iprldeveniy beîteen Mittyi laain<fBill Hau.t, Dei Telier and1 'Murray "?Ar Appt." Hofateter, ail wth two haits apiece1 RaeMiac camne back i he secondi gem.e as Gary Bruwn shut dlown Ap-' geattack wîth s 4-1 victoév Ci-aiga fat helped Appt. lu a quick tead1 witlt a triple in the first iing, lu crme homne un Teliers baoie lit. Ralaia came bâcka in the second with tire. us keyed by inan, Horsts iwo-run triple aud Robint BrOwn's single 10 hold Apple off the. inii. Gary Bertaaaon and TerTy res t h e O'Donneit bath iswled lwo hittera tn lte fingaMl0<aletter alerted and nili thLb.mergin of victory comnog mu Latesun f înlaed a S-4 aquesker. Rod Peine's stealt tuho1m. ResMAC roered lu an early 3-t lest! on .Crachera gsI out litoir key th1e bh ofg0 Rbin Bronsd etequwpment eerly in the deciding ganme Basst Tier acojed Neet Hollick as Belamy's pounded out a 14-3 sic- to tigitten malters and then A] Roshko tory. Bela my's tammered out five scored oni BillH t's double Mn lhe tri es by Dave Wriggleaworlth, Bill fîfth ini o n 0lie 1he score. lu the Rbrt.Gary Bettessun, Bill Stan- sixth, T1llr Lhrew e body blocir un sill andGerry LsiLa iea l te RaeNne's catcher tb sculWltuewinnu onslit. igfnonLewson's sacrifice flv ln a near upset. ReMax midgeta Coniuomg, lb. upset lrenid, SuUy's are extended 10 lite limil beforie lait- knocked out Colbeck Bealtyun two ing their sertes witti Mississaugu 2-t. slraight ganes, Afler a 4-3 opening. Iln tener, Misaissaugu pouuded gante victory. te eants playd tlu a ou n theolb.firsl inning lu wstk il-9 extrs.inuing lie, The game was off witit a 10-4 lauglier. lu gamne two,- suspeoded by fog and repisyed ith ReMax wao backed hy Lb. strong pil- lb. leam urs4iog b. eîraonîg ching of Neil Tes ,esudwon t-t again as Bob Alderton bui a iwo-out ReMax held on bltde ' igine home rmn ini th.bottunt uf lb. seventli 3-2 afler Lskiug as eh.y tla-un tead nnîng Lu force extra lime. un Paul Wilsun's double. Tengue Carl Lunsberry staked Cgibeek to again earned thb. an d scored tb. an 8-7 tend in lb. top of the nih only ainning run in the %îsth on tuuina' lu se inniug pi cher Roy Coltii inn le» siasit a two-run borne mn to seat the TXb. emi-final match-ups atari ta- victury, day, tWednesda i ai 8p m ai Drum- Pennanî-winning Bt-larmy n ad' quis and (teaie Apple Auto Glass vs prubiems with Mi-Kersir Creekers in Belamy's wale Sull.v's lakes on the firsi matchb edging out a i-o deci- teMax midgcts Bock *W: Sondi MacNeil <Coach>, Jennifer McDanald, Wendy Thoma, Corly Ma..cNeîl,' ndreo Cook, Mchelle Gormaon, Kirstie HIIM rk MllalîeuAssis nt Coach) F ýnt R w: Bobbi MacNeil, racey Stewart, Sorah Mallatieu, Joanne Sîevs Juie Gardner Juli Burnett Mtssing Iron, the picture is ura Franklin THANK YOU F R AN ENJOYABLE SEASON PresidenîlBroker NRS Mllportd Reolty mc. FIRS A NNIV turday, September 13/6 o9am -6pm J) 7- s :hanks for miaking us th #1 IMPOR iin OakviII To c lebrate Dur successful first year a your Hyund i dealer were offering Oakville ar a drivers fabulou deals on Canadas most popular imported icars... PonkStellar and Excel' I's a one day only Celebration Sa e and e're makîng tl very worthwhile for you ta loin in the celebration, A bîttersweet endîng- Il may base been a hilerswect en - d4l c ao ompetiliosn ite more i-on4 Blially the bats aei-e ding, but il cappe<t a season of 41.drad Asni Clark-ion pia - vd wsd triumphl for Mltos hoYs senir lit the higisisgIif tht sear Haydar T-balil îesm.Pesirhose impressîsee taiiesii *nda Bsaîcoce ertBei-loti Milon compîled da is eîgbtI o%s Milton couiint puloff the lragt- anidthBinisht ani dv record olver tbe season in league anti cbarpionshîp ai Tbrîtto revi-nti as ilimalle- il in thei finals ni teCn touramet pa~ oi- stiaaa ih sptriClai-kson %wept them 5it ndîts Open Touroament is Ktchener borei t pl. leae.and asta heîdr s anl i the double knoskout final andtit talet il to the Irague chan vieaed asthe dominanîtram însiîuti aller Milton bati travelîrd undefit-tît-t piiinship roîund The.%ai-sitiiloit t cetalOtrîiirougb tbe pielîmînars roundstis fa(ý u n ete cetral odi. isl lues iame ai the ('Jarksnndefeaied Mlton i-t.9and t er e cord l antioit Ithe f banda of sone oifte si-og-sttramns 14-12 tuawisthe ile tautdtiar r keu t-p-itivr st ihata sies cas tiller. asd no team Milton haitidefeaird (larksiis n- cttid (1testiar ks realiter het eiablsîrd aIatnming record agaînni rai-ler Sund. rnrasisg ilai-ksiin ciars fîle aeai.îiîî aillionasheda Milton n11>l. uelph lallîrd Milton tO ad o et i sl îngîon 1-6 ttt Ioîgelî t-stritobt- bnht aif iiiin ts e,ý gamnes, Miltoa .,a-,:3againstwnnonteitlimiladgtlt Clai-kson,.1-2 against i tth-Uer and Mlon ladni piaNei-d n lhi--c tentiia i cigtdu eonftni it nialainst islisgitntle tainis liua asoeks th iai Ta îgiitt I ne anstu(n But Milton coachi Frank lHaydar i-tinpli.hnît-oni e ttil) tbank Btrt gave Clarlînon their due the: li-Betto BlRispton th itsi n d outityrd us."le said Aad Ilt ht-lt-Iîi-îTht- pi-oh tgile super i weakespots thev- badlin the pas(,t boit- upiotJIluas a ing anti-,cces-fi 4 r u î kithplsyed plienomendl gari-s Foîr si-asitt ibose tan games tbey serî ht hi-tiir JeI-iiitgiliî- bit tht- hall ispicialis ioY tar ai-I Iltir %tiîtiisilithi- fisaistilaissi iastiar saa*lack il oitiencei, tatht- ilarkstis cracking .î triple asnd a»u problern Al easnonlîîg ai- hi ii- leT iion a nd itJeretnmiiir consistent hitting andi unr di-i-tî t t u ls-i l utIl ii i-ilt bulal ON sitr deferice plaYeti aiil bultai- at-r 17il-,in lhî-riipenirtoil ialbhra 1ai O N nt sorig W.sbould has, had a liio t Itti tiiu 6 SATU RDAY, LSEPTEM BER l3th, 1986. 9 arn - 6 pm. -71 1071 SPEERS ROA, OAKVILLE, (Just West of 41h Line) 845-79 ONE DAY ONLY! 701 Ma11in Si. E. Mn' 878-8819 ALIGIMENT SPECIL 2495 om rMILTON FIGURE SKATI NG CLUB *ESISTIATISI sud INFORMATION 19S817SEISSI Open Regstration end I1 ~ation Nlght JOHN TORELLI ARENAle (tuier *oîs Cire.)1 Te.wIb.guesi spe&4er ta answer questions on * Can Skate *Con Figure Skate *Skati Sharpeffing * Skat«en d Coachlng Guest Speakers - Paut Fiher end *A Sports Psychoiogitrt 7:30 \~ Is pour Daughter a future Gymnastics CRAMBION havea .0 Registratimn Fu lu sha 6 or 7 yaars of a,. %Do Yeiu bave Soma ~ lia 1Wspara en Sunday 6Setelm buar 2 1 s THEN "cam#an dawn" 1 TO Tba MLTON SPUNGERS IYM TRY-OUT Testing for the Pie- CoMptUVO lovet wîiI be bhoêd batween 10:00 AM and NOO#N. Phtone Bai >at 878-5603 for more details. i