84 The Caneian Chunpion, Wict. JuneI& t lU IThe practicé swing à--Ia- daM P.- swig l bil "W l y ani 1 blieve thoaeta of dw averageo -). Te bui li- pu&" abav. Durées ti - - ceswqthe playe l e lnaglaary bail. Tie amnoea- tact wluh L<l a n ud hriore nodking tefeu. My aid f rlmd Mme Norman soya tue.arn two key worde describe weat gaeon in a pffr'smind imt bmore b. aw ins oeand mr.h1hbop 1 it it but 1 amn atraid 1 wauit You cm.ue your practice sw- ing to nd youraeltdiaof ala Yu mst reverse yo=wtlnlg In@W . beMot Impourtat thun ingand lkt die bal Sin t ieway the way of 1h. ball. A famSotagolf intructer wua HWM meL e gvaga blo di ty ammd 1%0aahor - pu ft pae pati=s10 ~.m "ig tWeON b11h. ukadt t t ayqamaMio- j~wur etd<swir4 and JM t - i theway. D 701Wy- fl-PFacice. tah. a coupaoq& tlewug bMt.emi c aoMaemtyourac-0 tuai a" wth i e tmo woo't b b. a ae<. tWaoia,- mp rmleuah othor. Dateline ol.b-acI. lclt0M. .. O .UY l roofIl..te '..1 . 0 » eEi.Wà. - l -'A ommt ', o s.. tV h . à. M W.,.t.s~ ift M UTL4N& T. o.dIMy*Sî». rla6&» ila. "ot.n.t = . 91 .tb. --"" id j Wedniesday June 18 The YIICA util operate SUMMER FITNE88 CAMES Wdnmaay mnr- iog; fran 9:30-10:30 &.m. Firit clase June 18. Bbyltting avalable. Cli YMCA a( i 75-8711 Wre8atm. IThe regulmr board meeting for dia MILTON V10 SISTERS uil take place ai the. board rocum Mapieigurst Cr- rectional fligluti7 P.m. IMor board memrbers are needed. Plau" phioneAnti et work at 145etilgUemt 213 r 1663-272; or Sue M10-31 work) or 97"-137 (home). We na.d your input. MILTON TOURISSU COMMITTRE meetsaiat8:30 amn. li diaCommuite. Room of Miltona tawn han.llla- tereated meugbers of die public are welcosed d anmy voluuteer Wo serve on sub-committau. MinutmaoM previous meetinga are availabie ai di. Milton planning office or the Mlton Chamber of Commerce office. Thursday Jun. 19 THE THRIFT 5140F will b ld fron 9:35-11 arn. ai Si. Paulas Unted Church. This ulb. tiie tet oni. until Steber and IllIclotising walbe nt li pnice AMu available are white- elephani articlea, bocks. laoysanmd gamea Proreeda te Milton District II&apital for equipment. Frlday June 20 A STRAWBERRY SOCIAL ull b held at Ebeneer United Ciurct, north ai Guilpis Lin, from :30.8 p.m Strawberrime will b. served at 83.50 for adulteanmud 81.50 for children Pre-echoaers are fre. For informa- tion. canl I-519-85fi-M.07 Saturday June 21 A, CAR WASM ullie b.held by tdu senior young people oftKnox Preabytersan burch t North End Nian beaide MDonadas) frong 9 a. m 10 nmon. Proceeda £gogo sponaor- in a foaster chld MILLIIDE TOWERS. TENANTS ASSOCIATION wll haid a yard and bakeasaleaaiMilton Meadow, the emp- ty loit iexi <c Millide Touersai etf Mlaside Dr. trons9O mm. tWnomn. Wn go underground if *Usader poor.lPro- ceeda ga toa afund t ilt a iS-er- cent rent increa"e Tropine for ai] bargaîn huniers. Satisfaction na rnteed (ar any swemi oh. nre or smaill, ae atiate diemil Sundlay June 22 HILTON MISTOMIAL SMIMT viits the Ontario Agricultural Miieurn. Cars uil l lve trou di. Milton Uàbrary parking Wotnt 1» p.m. Muàeuns admissionala $3 (ponlo PAIR!NAL CAN IELP PARENTAL HOT UNE LODS VOUCOOL WTH YOM oIOID? A UNITED WAVAGENOV $20 MN1. T~h.w 070.000 w 407.000 cutsen.81.50). Spacialdia~j Rural Wonen - Labow mud= y, Wago rie&round th villae. juich Tuesday Jun. 24 Tie regularmnoly mmtnof AMNE8T NERAiNA Wb. hld et 7:30 p.m.. t Louville United Oiiwch on GulphiLine.. ring a trieond tnd adsupport ta dhia wor- diwhile organuamilc. A. STRAWSiERAiy FESTIVAL wWtIb. blid et SI. Paula United Church. 123 Main St. ai 7 p... Cio. your favourite êtr.wbmrry desert. Fmw ase ntrainmeui cam b.ejoyed by Wedneby June 25 Members mand trienda of the. MILTON . no DISTRICT NOR. TICULTU"RA ÇOCIETM bo are - W etmrorg aeakdWcl liMa Parker. mý 854-M lor Florence Haliet 919" to remerveà aeut. PONY transmisson ~ès - Baflbon aleaaetags al-ititthe stimi-town raiarmm Ail l mfàal qmlU mUm Na- Y= , bad u a « a mo i- Tsiunlbsala mai ~doaa a âlrb of JaryM ara~, WofMbd l" wpm fowuu e1.t :.' k cetOmeagralropair opet Mmeim Drieia appromn0labumervl hle oe opormt-ou theo Isuraace Servcea 44 MAIN ST. E., SECOND FLOOR MILTON MF M "UiaSISN O'COMMO"UIM. 878176 CUUMMUL FAUU Roi"aaa «. 38604-2125 Homne SW.et,ome éo.p It that "Y wthour Homeowners plan whlch provdhs protection for Il C PICAL - Iwrla Ind P"rsO. afaca p a70% Co* bumkg 0 ADOmONAL L UVM EXPENBES awp coverad bu bj a a irit rpraaenting 20 f1lh. uilding amonunt. t 82,000 00 vuI *monthly psyment plon *no carrylng chargea oples drop by for a quoe MCURIGI r I1UfVC( IM1TED m UmmalaetSI870804u 1400. inanual transmission t. f If yo'looking for* honest-to-goodness value in a. low'ýpr*oed cq e only mal choice is bug von rfy ap4*POny. W 4 DOOR, HiATCHBýACKS MSRP Doos nî include fax, lcn¶.. local trpnsporf and PD.C iO7~PERS OAD (JUýT VkST OF4 IE 4~ 7 gamt prm.oiTturs. @9mt66mFi. a845>7 Chiel Smuft Cffl àoow MW 0~-$-VMW«Awud UN M, T»Y M IMM reýv fMM Wft: KM T ftm FUM au of ftm mowm "M Rm Imm wt MW W* Woomme, Pim camo»»N& L- . i