v ~The Oimndien Champion. Wed., June Ji.986 u.m UUUS'uSALES&ILEASING Mie" NAWK r- ý MOURM - ksUaSt.878-4212 S1ii1»n* LM JfM4.1h 88-13 Jensen repeats as top athiete fliomia Jensemn broke nec ground at E.C. Dniry HIgli Scbooi 1thursday nigtbb.ngherai palan to = .ecelv 1.Ma.Athete of ti ear Clauda Maseycai cboeen Iii scoolsa female ahiete of thse year J. ea bben a Canadin n i- pio wrmtder for the. pat two years anvver Uns competitive season. whicis aided in May, ha con 57 mat. chou and kat only five. Maiaey a participated in a wide MX of sachool a2'ica inluding the. talinon, baik Dland valleybill tounanmd ai praised by physical oducation teacher .111iUramt for er ontiie.iam and committment ta the. scoolaiand sprts. Jason Farrow. Drurys ubiquitom. aporta team manager, von tii.Mark andrvenasard for rtiiw«tifl b.d-rjthe-emu sservice. Farrow manswud bth Drnys croea-ccmasrY and b"sktama. llathy Rtussell and Richard Similh splt âeAI JNlciaaRoy Wolaston aseard. give a t hilte fW outtan- ding attitude and c-oprstion. In pocm. i lcoremony. Drîay athjetioe dfrsctor Rob Bihim w- preuessld mlhh a plaqueln ricogn- tion afN ixb uyears d m-vlCeathtei achoal. Bloaham s laleavlng 10 bcome vice-principal at OhviBeTratilgar. Track coaech Harvey Chapanan aisa recelvsd à ari rowmd ai applise. Chapiman, 0cem f themoit active Drury coaches, bhm .oatrlbtsted a greet duel tocard th. construction of the chols tract proram. lHe will lesve tantise il t. tech ai Buri- inglon'. Leetr B Pearon ache". f Thanks, Mrs. Murray I Milon swm Teu*m Cooch Cérole' Muuy 081 he liii a lchardean MemelalTraphy as th. club, »VWgiftg b^ u<appeeclafs wklnuet ut 1club thieooe 01w a. Ry&Mi MCO el.dy-Pecili uad baqe r4. Wuded as the bouquet aof flowe rS a alIffiPfaved 8suiMer. 11018Mel OeDvld tpauedbyut5 RkddeIl. TIhe 130.me.nb.. club eodud CroWey, Koiei Moore, Chrts $MM, hWaY« Roisenid mffi suoîmpellllve yer wth th Lons HaOldLeý Steve Moule won omta4mioo»d sarde ln the ytInfOO nef rmi MMatiMcTai ca wu th re IpI t aoapigrfêli Musfangtos are jr. champions 4 twin mneansi st soho tile For the f irst time, Milton District backfielder yeled at is teammates sbock for Nelson. Over thse course aif Ai M u t n s a e lse They're ai over us." t season t sey adl o l o e g a -~~~~r ' jJ-"iîr oce capin TIer. sai a uiarp ukimmisb just in scored agaînat tbem £ Adse -tscrema mkei front ai tiseMiton net îmmedistely " bts the. ttigteat dejience we v sound hâte it sas easy for Mustangs to prsor toi thit oullilrat. Only a lastI al ear " sad Mlton coasBRil defeat Nelson Hfigis ai Burtîngton's second ciearing by a 'defencoman PMeen aller i. gaine. ý But vsehen c Sherwogd Forest Park Thursday, tAre feet tram Ilhelin. tisarted an scored tseo goals in the first hall ý4 B~ut it1asn't j aimait certain Burlington goal týishe wlnd, Ïeil . , had se- aottoni wai up 2-0 aithtie half., lay- Minute lutet Nelson it thse crossbal ny ipdtcmeuten in gaanst the. wind. but N laon nd the. bail bouncd outIand just agaXt the wind tin the firs hall) ralled laie in thse first and th a~e:it Nelson bt a post. Wreulir ihornit en 00(11>)icibUyechool hIstaI 111111 lrdOuble large mesure of tesecond h>ftak. ît rviusy onoen Nl ollen aBmÂt$ is teamt. li ch of nne. it ue AlIte iof the Yer amui Thmudoi .WhIURM&m m« thse play to Mlton and /okîng crosed ca *ave and Burlngton l s , ey -cing-orîentedo th offÇ in.ýe.lo' bocehrd. scored follw'corner kck ta es .cs Çw 1 f,, second bolf 11> ~Milton goilies Lance Postma tÇust mû.e il 2-t. The. coreback feeling andijwed inta îsve shal But hull) and Bîi Parcfiem put on strang ai abort-lived, hoseverwith thse two-gof1 cushi6n and thse M o h a k b ts à lk displuys. citb Parcbemn rticularly -Sean Haaaleldt and Geot f Pollen comeback markers, couplid witb put tf4ýr aLf o ch. ford alaprie.âM A1111,11% I2* I ia il around tie mid e oIse tieyand we fdt" said Nelson marns scored tise firstwoMln . slam Rangers s12le.1 i 'beyicpttaizil isMiltonc co Iaf a frustrat i coch lerman Keeppe. It cas a rude goals. u a Camelv,ille Mohawskain OBA chisSfliaiid tel gaillie. Cam-s seirbIla Sunday, but Cam- prev' oly =4 oa i e bridge Ranger co-operated Satur ta Dundési Ua la extran u V Nw - o day. RicA Mitchll wk orohawslis Moha.stemporarsly ameles sixat bat., fhlpied teacoreslila Sscott Lirý,raalaskl, the . EC.Drury wlth Uî0noai cadet formerly New York SoutlYs 'T 'Tb lics firnma 6-1 derectC1ensetn chule they catch thi e grue on Gdd ta score Siotn higls tce Iwreatling coach, sunsmed idg. ri15 Le rag . balFn . ey h eug is lt 30sect, ondonh tiseir eprk handdCanbrlge a ~and w~e- utla* -ec York Exchange Tbua year Ontario d.feated New sehleSSherratt' e aýe hog h u 0scnso h their = L ond tes Ut ein Sabir- co on a Müin 'eOn-tano cýl.aned York NorthI" t-eand New York Souths deteated Heron by pin in exhibition match. day. alazming the. homnetamners 12-. nfngGadd a n score ta n.u up 18-t0 in bantam. The. bauslammed action. Warble hait Spencer-~but Jesiseri SudaMoikaentauldaasd Aparade m(ioientit tbr p "uday at Drury, Ontario New Yrk North 214-i2-1and downed Rosebattonu a'â bmley fought had an easiertbine witb him. Jensen wer. up 52 een the game wsaicafled refor Mohawks tthe hutl n- anateftwo American teama. ,New Nec York Souths 31-9 in cadet com* ex'b0tona t d he tshort- hjr nbIwtbaagrsiea due te a thundrstorm. Mohawksa Doug Mcoke Mitchell Mdl York Norths and New York South,, cm- petitonj stafted American leama ltacbattorn tck and Warble wilted in round two er thre oin ua asay (romnan officialc lgldand t Y 411 n fafur competitive rounds. Nec Newe "-alanal cork Nortishbait NecYorkt nned Ne Yrk North's Jamie Ddys tv rweba e ganfra athe rainaut, thus forcing thé scrdassEfllott and Gaddsal ù. Yrt ortis won tserunds and lotit South 1i54-54in bîntam and Queile Walrnsley nedTu-YrSot'Jë Cly72ad gaMitab.weiuedw hde Ne. York South did't sin defeited them tl" in cadet. mu. Miltonacoachs Jaraslassi comr- Sus uesCney7 n Mmnba nesiy e e a ho edI . tts oak yrciha round. M"ll srestirs fared celi by and pimenteid bath Sherratt crestiu'a shaded New York North's Steve parki until a ast lis e middte i the.Ray Evans alrmea téripl am Ontario fieided 27 competilars laçe at tisemeet In bna o-ayn l.fglt e prape ther' Martel 7-6. Browenecas hhnd late monh, ut heyveshon temieles cord c afWeldrs cdicenth e h lii.the. two U.S. touna braught 31 p. ion, Sam Shrratts Sandeep mail aggrrkive since tyf been aCst Martel but scored tweo nts to e i inoterpeules alleiht, Sere mit wlkd, tSe anrdM .best C.J. FaIkeraifNe York sorking selti aur club" t .a iA nst Conley, liet co rd uetly. scinging hot bta balte and ued On utn eâÏ 1w e th annual etbt-Suh7-1iand dasned Nev York Jn cadet action, Canadin m rai lste in the sécond witls upper Moilia c lol. ti a n re ba se andsd ick-on eigOaisor d it macked anincrease ontarlatamapony ie -.Smis ratapinkhoasense3 ndofBrd Specr MtnatvtLn oqs ne ,Mouhawk elteuitiy gai sisro ung eanbatpe a d p cir ieihontand smaani poulos ntriobn"cTponyF4-. Sh¶na ia an Kon Tarnai Je3 nd dSen e r Meilt 1051 148 L vnn tantiex Rasera. In Dundai Paul ullaitla. Mfortunes for the. Ontarso leto. At lCrk Rocliattoni battied Ontario 7-4. Against Spencer. Jensen hîbtion agaist Ontario s Derek sansmed a three-run bomrne t MohI asalub.I itis flurry, te«. Itat yUr'a mei, the AmericaM won chaiipon Dek Brigneil aggraive- dôminted telis t round but tired in Jackqby and is14&Ln ate railahareodcontent. Agalat St. ing tIage naru* the nintS kb i . Iant lnge catgory aid aplit ly i xsb&llu,loutgby s 9-7 margin. hIe second. aaDolnggmnce tacoma Cut,mn P&. a Calisarinea the previoua cash. Evans uirgledand advanced tiac- Molhasclilected i2 ita ail0"ycond on unerro. midl I Nlhoa. cae rtrnsbehind te, beat St, ititta tank firni Onai error cisich sec 4-3. .-.Evans maya t hird. McCrkle ali- Mohawkasesad their acorng ed ta score Evana and me listougbout t gamne agaimt Cam- Nichouote, l"srd Nicholson scorid bridge gSurtday. scning twc la these aaflaler cice chici séwseM- rra i Ielng.once ta thi e c*e .tire Caukie make itlàt. e.ond baie. tinte la the fourth, once inlthe fflttb Schoute lnim d Wt Imscr let.. tclce la lhe egihh and three vUr nla Campliellvilie nla Okvllie th. finatl fratre, Maot.y niegs. ta cen olM Dan Thomson clecth li. a- vailable aiies lime. Th. anier- lng eight loninga e alawid six ta ig*WMwhakarturn ta hame bue for andà a muand stzssck culivoebat the. off ica i dg <ofhunir oic tirs Newcomer Ravin Ryaa threw Cinbellvdbebâil park June 14 fora tl i t atkl2:30 pi. tari aait Mgto's Royal s Me Jarvle wtanhte lus for Camn- Cityllzs. FraO.WMon scores 3 *Heady's wîn it 6-2 :9s Faip M OM pld l le p apceIu anac 7J Au. t. de ma at oh 0.0 UV*~U a> 5' Tandem downs Ching Wheù you can came from behind to, boitme i yor min rIvaIs, thal's e.orceerti.Z Tandem Corn piesunder-13 socer reps were ceerting fliuraday nmgbt. Thats because tbey beat Chinguouey S-3 in Peefl-alton youth ucom action a( Milton. Ching »Il Milton are oaid nvaiu Last year Mlton cenet Cing ir t ~ew the second division bN C*n te-4-3 in their finalI meeting of ths e on. C hin bd finiahed second. one plam » ed of points ubave Mlton. yhd eten Milton 54 in league play. But ttiwaday Milton overcame i "-4 deficit ta sin ai aharpshoter Gitno DAngelia cored four tulles and Brait BtNli scored once. " il as a brilliant ame.' said Miltoj coachs John Saitaderson.'i only hiadil p layera. wtb on. sick and nenre.But they 1laed great Th ii îeminutes the augist u, na mgcorngtwotimebonus.Rul e fiht ing for it and kept coni Milton fasltUe- 3-2 iead at th,- hait. Cingcame back ta knot il bul Mtoucrdwth 10 minutes tri g' and added the inurance goal wîtij tco minutes remaining. Buns scored eariy and DAngelis took care of the other Milton marbers. D'Ane scntînu-e taason nant focZntise Mîton team. with sdven golaIn twootets«Hesbow, consistent improVUiit, Saundersi ri said, and ia complemented by Paut Cannatam oan rigist sing. " Were opeming up defences resl11 ccll ingit now and creatiag a lot of chances,' Sainderson aid. 1