tiv, tbrem comot. mont nid aies. 41h ngulivMy at. m brneol>~ m. ptire tg mcm mc, Ov - M WMl luyhn '0h roïo Md dkiki Mont, recrm«lon'romn don or 4111 bohCn MIc t»roohmo and si@v, uidpol Lited tg or Mil Currle.m8125 mm - -I11111 - $u"~ To bo compéeted by Sept aS.. PWoMe cli sabe Glenn for fur- tbor mbf. Nat Ihe Pale In Adtn - Pale Avenue. mm00 mnon metn 1cr. inI thm prci. S74 i#%dow for an "aY.A -uw - Superber rais" bungalow on 16-aers wooded loi. Aflebik M.bftcm. malnmwnce.frm, à bulivoome. fuiiy flnwi"n bae. ment, Z36C sq. fi.. circular ,r~OmemIbO amen. um ....tm... OMT LOCA. Tour fornliy wiil love ttele liv.. ber-e hone- 0'plt cheefu kitba wiib wàkouti argealmn Notéymc fourlil bedrocen or di,t l fe ot (56'>i120'> on a quiet crotent. To vie., ceimlli Currie M6133 SUPIR C1.1*9 TM*s Iownbcuse in Dorsot peit won't lmt long. Phue uM$nOotti.g tastefuly decorite vendero relaclng Il windows. iur 0 nwite bedroorn, Ihrng ror, C r¶ o.oombiration witb usta. frot pti dors ebock yard. Caii Andy Guilen Io or dm1.11013e NOMBEUIATIUL lEnteflain trur fmily and ieco in thîs bautfuill d crtm homeé. Loti of upgradee ns r ie@lnally flniabed Tudr-ty =oc. mcmr witb f irepièce MW Oak wtbar. for mrore 1f.- - ifatrin Wallon. mOiNe mcm. r. mimd allie- fir trien. 1 trime end "Pruce@. A Addison. ùpgrad.d broodloom, no wu fbot Ocr rlclrln brick Wslk bedrocms. Don*t relus cutl ifeld ei $107510. Cali Ev. Goodin.Mlc TAUC A LOOK AV THtIS. t. AML se«0 sURIGALOW PLUS 4 bedrooffl. iwo bâtiecroom, P.cm" (in' Il'> 71211h d oi information. 6100 NIAI &UOWW IACEWAY - $Mu le actes plus 4-ysaroid Cap* Cod- style. 2-6ath, 3 bdm., large enter. nlng ltchen. msin 110cr taun- dry pists Coli sorber& Glenn 66126 Reator Dam, flév - fuses POI 6»i B.leCM UM milu auflb SsISU Ules NF -.Adb amim *7Nf a APAMPEMMU BFAUrIT LovoIy brick bungalow on profie* kit 1 r d.r. Jusl 13 mine. Io Miiion ýakmeaà1tom with Barbara Glenn. M5142 TMtI WOWT LAS? LONG A wo.stor*y~, 3-bOrOOm. wmIl- Seauifully decoeed in neejiral tone, 1mperale dinfing rcom, f ull lgnth Iving MOon ànel fmter bdrin., wellr.ut irom kltclien la bolizd bock yard. Qui, A. dy Guiimwoy"for ai vio.iaspç1ilffie.i D.,e te, sM e 111791S M6123 »AMD NIEW - =CON Attractivt 2-storet, 3-bedroom sormi W&f single l'Mge s. q. fil. Sepeuiti livîcng/drlnng mom. Nice deep lot. MMOC. CMIi Cbris Watters. 600 12-STALL MM0 BAIN à IIIIIIICKg BUNGALOW Town of Milton, $210,000. eautiful view froin le. & kit. la wilk-oui dock, 3 bdrms. Downstaers flniabed, 1 bdrm. épi. gîilh Ipi. Pies ai l Barbare Glenn. 12 End unit lounhoume - fuiiy lenc- e. Itel uliy deccstd finis- recroation rocm. t vimw cmii Yvonne Qswig or 'vy Deebin. Weil; &ACnE BUILDING LOT With ne. drilled ll. Cali Barbara Glenn.660 à couple of nivleo f rom Millon Mem hides Ibis nlcdy-lUpt drocen lione. Capi DmngOak y for mors information. M10587 FOR SALE Prime Industriel 27 Acres Corner of Main St. and Thompson Road ClBilCurrie. WE'VE MOVEDTO 64 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON C n-le 876-1156 KOM.N am*8844 ff «848 TOR. UNE 82"390 H.-doeiiby PUlS> amim~. wtum 812 4 NIL A5iSWUNNG SEAViE ~ehet IOlYvie8 5740 N