Abused w m en contihue use of Milton..home Haltagi Waen's Place, a aber« in Milon. houaed la women &W dlà ta 43 laut ynr. Wth lb.. came IN4 ciiren.- Afthaoughthe nmber af women seeing limter in M 0dro. ped illghty, 4.5% (rom the previcus year. thq0umber of children itent up C7% trm 132 in 118. Tht chldren ranged inagst, rm a ieweeb ate &duit daughtrs ini their Ml accom- panying their mothers. Theilt lttt's criais lian awered 7W colais M1 rtlatlng to tther pitysical or emo- tianal abuse. Of thost camr4 atu the imilter. 87% arrivtd under emergen- cy conditions. Hall o the iltakes wert à reut of bth physical and eniotionsi abuse, Vdabout 20% sut fered only tino- tiaial abuse. "'Tht abuser is usully a man, tther a husband or lover, but in 6% of the residenta. the abuer wui another perses. such as a mother. steplather. mother-in-lsw or landord. During 19M., shelter waa also given Io some victims of rapt. When space s avaiable. weflen who are. unable te tand aifordable housin are gven a temporary roo over tlir heads. The average occupancy level lait year was 69%, almost 0% hghtr than 19M4 Almaet hall of the resi- dents were net workîng when thty came ta Halton Womeeîs Place, and 43% were between the ages of 21 and 30. Others had worktd part ime or at low-paying jobs eamaing $10.000 annually or les&, and 10% had.neyer held a job. Another 31% were sup- ported threugh UIC, and family benefits, welfare. support payments andmaternity benefals 12% anlyl. Olmy 32% o tie women reported heving any moeey in th bank, and 2T% had less than $Mm. Family in- carnes ranged up to $30.000 aiynlly. Among tht rêsidents, 58% wert married ta their abuser. 23% had comman-law speuses. and the re mainder were-hurt by thear ri1-e"d and ex-hushanda Teserelations varedin lengthifromone'%p - 4 yeas -the aversgelengttws just under nie years. Statistics eLao show 61% o th wemen and 67% of the men had ne previaus relation- ships.<ver ane-thrd af th women had left an earlaer abusive situation, and 36% o the men had rined a previeus marriage threugh violence. 9% RElLTURNKO HOME Of these ehç _eturfled ta liir ahuive îîtuatîen.s - juil 9% ao(al the residents - 33% believe -he pro- maaed te change.~ 13% went back "for th sake of the chikren." anmd a asad 7% said thty had ne alter- native." states the annual report for Halton Wmens Place. -Somne of theother rasons gven for returninfi i IHER NEWI LOCATION -a- W-~ ~S Uq t"- 5. -~w.-~,q* hi~ h Se id. < Se .no.e .~ - h.e~ oea psusêh V gh hui h la,. .O.idihOM i. oeidw.dS..4 ai h.ISeihP<ft~Uh~ lu MSeA i M .u~i h - il 5.. ~ amp. DIT U~ ?Ie ihel iOula. I. Clioed Sp -. h. Vu*s~y'. 5>. - h. Ouhia. au, - h~, Cb* at im et i « Sl foc"s. At1 P& pam e ft md rmhÈelu WednumdY J 11I »M MUN cUMwiuLOAL ýcWflb lm ahmuary are eNag: 'My lawyer adviaed t. hê'01 Iy pos ai t i uapela or 'Ne lhroaleed te kiU meif 1 tie a4o'rllbaqpa t lis, dldn't tam.' -Wedneseday June 4 Suady sebool rotm el Kax WI* siaed Inte .incidence aof f t tîmClaarck fho.1:014 abus.111% wont ibmaed pronTu'am* « AR mua f1Pu"tl p. 0. oul marriap,.34% durlng lrep nc-y mttlliMbWtlh dfrkl t LL kLA Ru »0% werepbfcedin front of th Schow for the dauaaofIlle ex- "V fr womma low«Wi la Wot ehldréAs -anmd i% n troait of ot- tcu*Fe aithe Mtins couaalll. shý &oWut aa MW ta, lu nues. ', e' repart stttu.- "Slxty. ars _ .mp. Aiy- tb« w gqca gWl-O or ergp dnt aotfee wmenbld For ltu nouraged h attend. Sl-Un cile .,. ouedim en ant For Rm»it 51 naioIl aDebby ,inI=t:the5 , inother. 21% ai them more then four THE KM .TRIO (Judy Hunter vtad ta ated a fitsmu Lamim. times. About 48% ai the a&"« amen Volga R uai adDavid Dans) ami Con lluoat 84M 0for ileno oua had bhm chared with amuit t m a B OUMn IRE IIUIN O N vilé e hattend. lime or anather - ane-thîrd of the with vobes ICKatijgWst ané 1»b AOhéfh &W amsvmuR charges laid by the waman. and hall Jdy lmter Wn p .Wtt rttsolti Up585j CItOO.la afeug an af thm by tht police. Where Milles Publie Ll6 t 7:3al1aP.ns ittiolnta a (brlgm odoca chrgs otre laid, 27% were stlThtcue em l amaleforth (.wr and améoprm from pendlid tat the endaoflUS>. but 51% puchsetofa i pa be placet! by :& p.m. aé78:30 p.m.. (Wl* ocre cesvlcted, a 19% Increase com- CMnumc Tudier Association aI NNiiaL For M"- ladiniatton, pircé 1019048 nwmbtr of 32%. dm flrary. ickets uam$M for s&" es, ctlahe e" at 1177-M. "*Over hall af the victims 152%) and $3 for aludm A aiméseners For have reeved medical tresîment aI i bets, cati L»Rua a 1781-43 Saturday June 14 ane lime or another for thir in- or Judy Ilunter at & . PALERMO UNITRO CNURCH jures, infllcled mo comnmonly by rsa acihsb ou et56 pm.i4 nd mdimvlng (80%). httinfi Satu " U@7d7 p.. t bhe rb crner5, (74%), beig thrawn araund (74%). iY. bUM s 5a 6). ai tdpea orneré alapped <(M%) or punchtd (96%). A bau 10111110lMeW @t'U ad. SAd NdU.tdinr 7,ner talle Other indgntes arm a vrid as cNbm'In ' 81W buma, II 4 under 12) fNU diner $450. For the. mind ai man -. meiedrd are OfIall-St-. 110'0 tafl 0-01- f. ickeu. cal 817-1400,1111-1WS or forceté itta exual actlvity, athers 9Wh». gmn ala raiId. bl 88401 are burned vitha cigarettes. bitten, hm tob i ttI. or caldeé olth billag osIer. Over Thét fouth am"e NA8SAWYA W@dneidgy JUIMI 18 one-th" iraithese Victlms tre ,a. FMffl beheléatlrovhue Publiec 3 Tbe ram 10i0 am ta SaM.OA taditt 'whtnever ha tce,$s Iheit omn10:30am. ta à p. Ai litUIICLASS edn"ymorn A»u 5%aittresd w~m ~1amfu it!be diapmseia ai totrm 9:»010:300&.m. frat cia. tram Othiosles 01iltz fl% aa . m IS. flyitlng avalablt CatI Ing fIam Poi - averflo t(romi = adcdaning; _sports'<MCA t5 1 In Uteraglat Mismnugai Interim Place.., pg i ty~ali. - Up e oeering ItalIes Womea s to o ttfi timu. M. W= zSG June 25 Place. 11% of the wemnen sajéthey NNSUOAWEYA PRUYTRIIAN Mboruand h ,& l t. tay wiWbgd le leorganire their laves aI4UCH calebratis lis lIothslUi- w Dau ISTRICT HOAtICULTURD4. wiuthtor spoasé, 17% otre un- mry euth a lioma@mWh ckdtbFry IIOpy Whoan e gruedlià D sure, and '2% bad the goal ai mak- ait4:20 p.m..Coltnla7 foruMWa m à bu1triip ouaytaPtelriI ing Ihir marriageswoark." Thetchidhen; $4 torsà quarter dadem.. In- Am sibdta eauiIaPaea departure tatlcs shw 24% mav- chx iéesld, etc. Aivanca l" o SiloS or r len e t a 8-08 té in with fgnily or frienda, 16% tickets eauld be appreIxa"lé la nmwea alut. founé thelr own accammzodc. 88404 for, tidke.1 14% moved te anther "ssel or graup home. 9% reurned home tII Sumy June 8 flAOOOOlME theïr spos..and 3% made othWrar- M MQ tlMm rangement& . mV.. A U IURLAO Wit!n SIU~A1 stri wJIhEt ~the Grind Slmply bruit on Cuprio Paint and Stain Rsmowr J o reuws Most points or slaintmfroom oo M"ta amsny. 2 zB. tde proiâct ta work. o tanwt N utwaali off the aid paint Otti ihyu 3 gaudan boau and bruah.Its dut esmg And Its safe to ns around planta and Iawns. IXFIIffdoos tRudght. The num eCupnncid -or hger qual.y Vftwd Simne, CoBn tawçs rm md Pm i nd Steiin emotv Cop.Iand Lumber 700 Main Street E. Avaliabi. at your nearest partlclpating St. Cilr Paint and Paper People dernier AsaIshla ag ym ouat paulcipatlnq Hom Harditoredoali e Tis e 5y. "d t wtrneisnw 1o male a -bwrtSs decqsçfl>u c, aflo. Taniav 1000- 128K onei&W nico M4h C*mkMf egmd WMM e UM >ySusmaR cord me sq~CIeari te 10W n febooenlme.For %ak* e T1Ee pe<*nwSnoaK1 a boeu - an ura'bie sal =adyioeOM v mgha 250a. Geulnc v.As 32.OO .......... row 199.0 lm na oe*bol pleU>w .... ... ... ... t . t 't