e . ~ ,- t, s The-Casadten Champion. Wd.. MeV 14. 1U67 Theu Ruile 32mts . 842 Wl SM U EMISic 1* Wodainday,1y -14, IBM L]CELLULAITIELEPt4OI %A<LES&L EA8W40 c muauo *NU ST.issIR s - 87"4137 Springersac;hievetheir. - When'll coun<0-é ,a field of give %tîhon iu5strnngeat>nlec. mnceas f ther ciueersno ques- Keywouth pro thse toughst conpelîlon the: iirsh î'ver'un ts rincial x, apsî aiIlWmJS u oet la e ~.Joanne Keworth finais Saturday dMd Suniday inOt- mttandlng. Eit ses wonderful 10 a difficuit appro aniKSClir ht tlier strides. tassa asce them so peaked for the the only girl in on (eanebeamJuns poise and balance an meet." category in Ont The Milton Springers gymnasLs the beam were nbelevable," Tiree Springgrs qualifiai for back handspri narrossed their conientratins1 the SMELoger head mach mi. tise conpetition, but Jennifer proacis. lie Mit tiaI slîm lilm in irnt o a large Kum V'Were tn, Tisey botis DoW, one of Miltolim top com- ou, On onea audience andin the-jacee ufthe scored nneg îKe-oi1isesema i fa th!i irotghouttemao wr p e îet competition Ontil'o can on i 9O0n tise Jr, B category-eRnd Col- eeasioi 0witdaw because font-aNUprectly fr When tisey both swung lier scored 9 10inTyro B). tt*a ofinjwry * itove andli lhrough lhier rouîines in un- te secure unq»xpnning .iols4~ " .h, woke Up 0ne morning wiffi wrried,- shiken- style. prnger coach ailts edd ment adcsif et o i o . But Keywrth r Janet Camnpbell knew evervthing fiunshes. Kevwortisime tiid Cmie]epan~ i competition o auould be rîgist. overail and Collier wa ifh msncles xt imo spasm ts a bests in every i The twn Miltosýatiletes turned thir respective iiv ra . 0 sisame. Si%coqoji bave finslied She smmmi nin n soîiosraI porm»tcsl Tsywre ts 'etperfQr- ucl *and flour exercis Sup4r Swan Song Ilwuna liflting O t1usdblIrcompetitise carmer for Joanne l-Y»o latidmat achlevasset for Kilm Collier, at Otawa on tfhe weelend Joui Borgetrom un onad Io capture th.eaction. Collier shows bh« form aut far lait oslla Key~h f~(top-nlddloî gels sone@ uppeet arty on front Jeunifer Dette«. ~henthhs a ootued shakly. Keyworlh usa aIl m ies lter on nsehe consteutly'pold Impessive scores (bottornsmddie). AI rlght thh.la shown n Iste ai ouieInet lsmoth.r Carotyn Tho ere ensny cn.' log» moussate for her too et the competitlon. bet'finish ever.11 )vided %one ans- ton. Sise performs oach on thse sault: in ber competitive. )tano sel» dos aa ring n, hOer ap- Eton coach polnted approacsh Ournn ewnrts planted a ly on lise difficult produce personal event. nec un vault. beam ises and an 8:50 on bars fr atotal 3580points. That will win mu6t meetsantilied her for tiird sitis Traçy McKenna &nd n - t..e tthée proltcial Sunay it sas tolier's-turn on centre stage, h produced an outtanding beanm outine for 911) points aad followesi il up witis an excellent bar routine tO score 9.15 pointa. 0vetaEiseollecqd 358 pints for finis place in thle tght ivision. "Yeu tfy vno( to ji tthetand tisintu about an ovtaEl score.'- Campblel admitted later. But J, tuSie seen they, were bots scur- ing in arouni mne auni tiey each had more thaji 35 that ttiey couldn't mi'ss 50klî Piulà Geniole brougst Milton itb bighest placing silver, sesuçraI sea- ,ago aI provincial competition thîs wab easily Milton s bel uaggrette finish. Keyvworth % il] retirefront provin- cial streamn competition but will cuntiue 10 train with Springers ,cW ompete ai the igh scisool lu el (itîllierai]Ll' nei.tw sanie . IengeulIse For lies ý,otu,*t sas a great iote 1 oî,utti , mplsaii The lOta event marks'the en of thse tinmletitlve season. lt's sùccess and salbcks~ Smith, wins, Fleming is out 1ItAats a weret of igiss and Ina-s for tise.Millun District Fâgli Scisool track team as one memb6t awon a special honour tni anotiser wts bold sheli miss lthe Hallon ami Peel-Halton races. Tracy Smith s acbosen thse to junior girls atlsete attise Failler Rse mond Tractu Cassic ait Etobicoke .Saturday. aller wnnîng tihe .30 ani i.o inetre events ami placing se- cond ai Cl00 ami ,ourth ai 400 meres. Her succes s as counterpçinted by Anne Fleming's absence. boseeser. Fleming. stio swon a goli medal ai 4«J0 metres atie provincial iigis scisool champinnship last ysar i mdget i. slrained antu e ligaments in s ireatu accident a( scisool last weesis - She did ut coMingnUloni-tise cafeteria." Milton coachs lryan Camnani snid Sise Wont bebectu for a mninUn twol nweeks., Fleming s selkitW on tihe arikle. sebcir is sollen. ami marted pisiotlerapy early in tise week. Fleming s a lîey member ni tise Milton 4 X 4W0 mette relay teans Ceratsai couli challenige for pro- vincial championsaip gold et Ottawea oeil ntontis. tton wu sxpected te bettle Torontos Oakwood Colleglte for tflé honours tisonS 1 Camant cocedai tise gold prize Sturdyai ethtie Faler Reimondin lih fFlemntg's injury I %tui tiintu us bave a sit ttie silven or brpoin tise relay." Mihons-pkq relay teem of Breida Steenhol <euatktutl fer ais sent Camre Pows o Flenming), regu - n c Fauknor air> print@r MkcYqw limon y trosmced by Oawoeda ofNiela Paria, MMel LynclI, bawnette Jale ndd Cili ais.Ce4lllOakwoad finisissi in &55.20 wseile MiltOn sas a distant second in tise six-team race, n 4 10. 42 Faulknor turnedinlu a superb seconnd leg for Milton, bowever, regaînîn I east 50 mettes, of pviol lst grouni 10 irase even sitis Jnnes White Miltons Iopes have 'bessi dashed in tise relay. in'all otiser ameas they are better tisas eser. Gong ino Tuesisys finatlegniftise Heton cbampinnshîps. Mlton secs fleling tise trnogest leam Camani bas coacbei, witis better performances thasu lâst year aithIis ime ami more people 1ttus n nsucis performance. As se*ell as tise usual standouts, $milth.' Stenisof, FauWr ami tise uPa..d-comîng Ca'te posee Milton i, no ie gning -t. eul strofflly in boys tracS MarI Powe>'a and Dae Wsainger tunlnid perI omace ai tise Redmot*l aud btis are improving aply. Pouers secs fourt in tise juior boys ,10 n 4:12.84, establusiev a aeSnal but aac visse schioolrecord. Powen buh been aiqvig sonde off hie ima. almost dally ince h. his besis sork îig wlllm t* icisoedteCin. tappros- imately lui nina. - Hems iumuing eaUy ueLl tlisa vg" Camant notai '11<5 star- mlng te gain a Il u1e ecWnfdetscs, srtlnPto believe in hlniaefa àltile .W inte was secodai Iaone mie t (2:12, à eWCclioormaMu andI persoa eau, foutS overelin 3000 99:37.8,catise scid" eoud) amfclàtverai tu li"w10 Su, a = 1 bIut). He too uoy baa flIa improving race la race' _ramanti i.'EIdout tunosew aisbi limite are." âmiLli ran di1.e1500 ini 4:43.10, tise 3» d :2.,tise 800 in 2:10.00 ami wa o hin thse 400 in 01.03. Steenhof toutS finit ais e senior girls 1,50) ini 4:40.62 cand first in tise 3.000 ini10: 12.3. Sise ses ortsli tise u0 n 2:17.77. Powerseon tise midgst -M0 ini 00.94. Smithis feti h er mgite igis for lis Rtaiton '9àls'a rtriple gold swee i0:>18wlot1,500 and 3,000 mettes..*'At leaat I hope a. lEnsfeel- in prstty slnang', S1teenhin .aheei of achedule ýom- pared wit lt year. IlSaturday aise ras tise atetses ever mun (i Ct1,5W0 is four yeama of highisacisoo,' nsid Cama". Siesa And thergea. nottwh.r u.uuun ately fer 1 foinsela. rley et Miltons Olstrtct rnge Scisool. Mton hem oan. Thmera àalot o( pressure on ber. 0M1"IN OtrM ie ilisSeloola e uel qmd à71 *MlY tise eimet ciene. of making pleysofs. but oould Sh Ub gig gintAnina Malkey »seet Un t.herisoe e Pdue Pu Mif u u s ooev sel 8n à aolle. Se etory blou. (Nelsn who buwonanthe,OOoum limes in a rew."- Bolisared reéently.by shisaplints Stud tl h at fthp,,,-te yens styrnied 3 tîmes lingering. "But they're traînais> noi." se explained. 11"E el a fou pèr Tlree game meent firtes beau for 1E tisink k of iotier iteams are players: concèstration apiered te, catit beter.' rMiltons Distict igh 1,Sdisoola senior airly close to un. But seejifldonilseander Michselle Heron teck tii ls is e ,boys soccer quad leut week. sehicis have he deplis. Ti ere a ot% h AgisOaileIàlp Mt, senior girlsaWtrneblwda in 16.81. \eanz lutonasplayoi pouition ud tey. " s %'0h wky as si t e g Ifa lar, Pht MWNsth teîoin Un 5i5 .1 anod - atan bae e rou.Sfvn sy i esare betîcu> Collier, Tim Poena rnfi sit n h 08i .V6 e ur od ,Msag ae-u n io a22th d eodic4thoseever. Ibreat Rb sVan Grootel. ' teck suIxt n tdwaga~ l a1,500 in lie ailS Queen Eliabeths Park)on the 'Elmese Sté are capable. 'The ss i f lbi cdisee lisesguy a ta 3:16.01 and alth nÏlise3,000 n mesan, , have tecone uT wth gond soigame seouli have made-lise diffatac," 1101Mlton lue 5-3 at Oakville- andinoe luce- a w . l'h.b effort Steves nid. Miltans un down 2-0 As umifas th grla uho are strong Trafalgar Monday, droppi a 7-1 vaMse froon 100 par CMlto 50psrqulckly but alied. SAisrsu Carl. conlenders at l i h vnha Mltons drubbqai etMilten. lida andwu acent. U = » gve100 per cent aIltise uigisI. AIes Sopinka aId Cars bol Wesegr Ci ety oura de - yL>oae M lut idime coud "*m@ ame.." awrynovlcz scored forMi arempetelefEnelafmngy "at Wenaday* Il F emtlus itu eaJames Green scoftd ealuait P lys p =neelelcsa a ln AkduissaMilton could aiM blli hy en t . fo.aed ami Collier connectedagàliat Loyola. le.g Ca 1".sai = on Wonc- g«.n lthe playoifa I(the r«aur stain. man Q',Penhs Pd raarteD nul Cl «JiaatMilteil"Y's t'on. ".TissisBeelse1b, n MW me thwe k iîdcoaci s t esml ebpter d ota Ile. but 1567 iWediet y)goisto P'â due em fais . 1i me uu tànlg iIrepled, 'Itdo t linsta e. aex i ldhnealt Irough à large and fliise thse seuon eai B~e h. ent ebml Ma Rmtciy I'sposaîbg E gue. Pote fIa'gnMll. @sse Y, k. '~ - 4 *' £ Il Phobte hv Jm-nrm, %. à, 1 a to la lu 'y