t. v.- Volumters ami; oui SMwudoy aublincanumatiena f or tpl etoWmcmaoh. Hmaro ithe R mi tamaa: Pei Wataoni John Wood.aMW Saeb Sacby. Carnation sales aid MS. rosearch ( lace tii S2-ici susraised in Miton Sarurday for, the Multiple scerîos lhe lundi rame rom 1the sale of lefet.riton., as vieil as mini bouet, 'nmd hostinneres. Barh Sxb%, local cmnpaigo organizer. -aid sîîluîîtm-nrsoîld al of the (105.-N the,- had frîîm tstions aitIhe fieer ces. .Ir., Saxby sabd of the cant- paign Carnation Day is an annuaI mvent fot t4a NMS Scîey. eoincmdîing with Noliers r>ayfor waich c arnations areasysmhul Doutions contrilxteltu MIS rmearch Thias as the firsl year Mrs. Saxby headed the camnealan Employed 4- Naul Tonkin waa oui of the. country during Ihia year'm campaign Nexi yeaf lie and Mis.Saxby a ill combine1 titeir efforts in the fond drive The 1l volunteers wlio cold fLwers on Saiurday enjoyed the task. accor- ding to0the orgacizer. Si. agreed tiai offering .15ie pa-raising bloaoms in retur.- for donations 10ev attractive tri dOUbIIfg cÏ Trainat Shonidan Cow SKILLn: Insuranco MAHIE eO The eut of = c waTonne ohaACHINE'gM Xâo fer g. ias-yr tail eut M 4 wes em are Oeco m àm cw -Ch stç8 dtv" ug:qwàt<inofa lathema r=h &;riz v ow . ia- ' grun<, 80a.dset up- frcl frtepeyom M0- WELDERFITTMER the. -Titrea namiantlclLaacade aèemg (40 weqks> it," apd Nay« GoEdKrant,ut Se p i oe e.weldrig equiproont, Leqgls o CWB or MCCR cefwtllcaon- t" p.y Miltonloe d 4k"Ildamia PViiPfl~Se otered ai the Mîss8ufaCampus, i Port Street ~~WVU5Milolirovr t CIlid~ - E8$am t-ruiher Meais. cas Phybsa Jackson at 278--6134, o Thgarar leaau in aut 11Mee cal your local Canadaf-ffployment Centre. main antan af inaurance. Accdent and criai . ~aurne Jwnm45 par. eSOo<iS-o-s ii l~aalfle îhr5ig5 the Canada Emplo0enl and îmmgmatton Conm cen te 14,18 tU$.0110lant yearî) inSSC pical amuets inaurance ulaa 3 pa w-li w MIM S.ms t. wIeliged-r c rty liabdity gnon up W0 par cent 10 ,18 (80,33). Tiebi.ac totajriaaa fr m $. 1 oi 24.841 . S h e r id a n o l g . S e A K a However, Mr. McQueen recoin mumded ncrbsed uhrd-pariy biabili. ty coverage rani 85 million te, $7 milito. thicIt added $12198 taU R C H Tii. final sgnificant change to, thei. MiH1 è inatwance coverage t-as a requira. ment from tihé provincial govermmenit. SRC E ~ chat &il muclpalieahave cnvlrme- wasco)ncerned the exlent of coverage ;-aiFtl't iff,î;et or extBaîve eIou ls a bitter spUI to swaliow,-ie aiit iquor ruine,, vii iiiin al uandit Ihe M Scel--F»--- l-- ..- -,.- - - sci ainadiari Tire e 1 ý M «,et- asda patient serv~ eole e was no set price gi -en (overage would gilow for a mas- co-qrdinator.4hce waa asked by a pis- 1o1r- lowera lbut tioce whu pWtchac mmnum of $1 million on any ingla e mdd reaf11% self Meserr really tient wliousually organizea the local ad tlim were asked for a$2 "ve-cam oa grgt oa f8 jlpeisef and it'cetairot %as a, ru<-fund drive.10 lakçeov-er this yaar. red donation. mfee- dim 0 lio agnae<oa f$ Halton Board vote s againsi HtOPRTO booze in g roceries - storéisOFTEOW If hell;ltilM(mrdniEduatnPremierontro. and the M 'ister h,,;,nthielotio ýtht e,ra ni m gunér and Commercial Relu- quo,ýi! ril n 9x'er tin> oetuo ingtheoi perdnO F HALTON HILL$ etý,rt 11 u ýt, tk propngl hmita roeera d 1 f1iM Iiustî-es .0iriî- 1-tion %hich origirriimd lrîm the Assmsia 11<11 of Large- icf iird, i n mr. uaiThur-,d.%nght îîrmetîlîg Th.- mitmil, .hieh sa> pot forth hý Mdtrni filte i11 ll arr.sun, in sup- port --f tlh.- i ntarîîî Schîif 't'ustees' ( îii it!Ilin dinî-tedils ard the ta- ~ ~ ta ..thé locrdoe - Trustees voldbasedon1*a lionale tat the more accessible imcohol mb t teenagers the more lkely thev are to drink during and afler F.chool hmurs. The Halton board became a member of AdEL) earîjer 1his year. Funds spart a -row T he- -îîgeslîîn in re î--tablish Business Servie«' sd the Halbon liîî,nltà,îrI 4 fEfiiaîiin resersi- board had a 111 reserve fond of Ii -A'.parked 'w h.!.!h-- Saittifi5i That surplus 'anc maid when mITI ii Li IC the i-mli rate wac bengsel lekeep tic -- - eds ,, Ju>i a 5.1% f increase ldîisn The board spent more fi ti, î,r ,a ains than' $t millitIh 10 clver nerant s.alf c ,! k 1ifrusîntrot c'l harges last ear r I n,! tl s -irva1.îI% fn-ralfflarin 'I1doil befieve lhe board lias prac- r M.q. h r, i-nfi. rî4 , ihm ! -it î-ted inough dscrelionumnlie tcc.8so --vHJ,.'je-nd t rPerse funds %on t add 10tCcsv. -, -r i.ingsi n the long run,- caid Mr. ,,i îsr in l;rr-.iteflandà t' s rnr. r , l-"r if~f , r ýnli ak ililf.rustee Jaiks ihmnîso samd r .r .îrr~î, -:.!, nr r ..~-f, 1- h,,!resmefo(nds sould be a good r- e .-! i,, 'h , (..11'tl n g nl ri-a I ît d IVla-lke SettIng Up a r., i.- r, ip-rrnc-rîî jkîîci-ushiun NOTICIE M F1B11.m - MI TU1E- OTAUS WU oCaNm ACT au il appiat ta parntin npossession of Ial"hvin lduaToe éti 0 Mlle.. , Unlae naoijumeda atm daalîestoysd by Ma 28h. 19W.aidasMalla.. defnacea- a"y ltrau0gim e IammnC) prVaMn ha ng of lIma990111aa dam ipm of 156fr polimna.thImeTown of 14610.. MW&hmat, entar Privala PM"paMyWadedMao lhaoy amadaTh coetla ai Ibe charged agaonal the prop@rly owner and collaci- ad in the mannar of Municipal Taces Goalabeard TImilles ChKco- Poimson s'y. Ragwdmd. Wld Carrffmand MêUwaad are among the ameds cona.derodbicous. and must ba daatroyed aharevar lound. Complainte rmardîing Dandulmo, and Goldanrod vadi vo bit acceptud auý llmasae tmcoiekMalarnoxioiurider the tarma of the Wemd ContreiaI f Amoymous comptant inl ml ot be accapted. KEITI4 LESLIE, WEED INSPECTOR TOWN 0F NALTON HILLS 877-4841 MILTON ST PAULS AWUANCE CHURCH. UNITED CHURCH Som Uhanat123 Min à publIc &ah" ' I jea Paat.mi Rampai 01 878-8895 87%- 9584 Suidey 11 O0 a mi ,worshoe Sermce Sunday, May 18, 1986 i h R, Stanley.&Andrews 9. 45 am - Fundy Su.ndity Ichool Chwegh Se"a. . tiuraay SalIcai il 00 a m MrmngI WomhOç Srvic. ,6 30 pm -*Ev.ning Servei Nuraary FacIiilaetai»ailSarvlcaaRia.one Prresi Orcwy peoiple maring 1 Io dbwwm62878-33Lina hile asGod cliand 9V 40 4'dLio Thornpaonn GRACEWAY Dar', Rd. BAPTIST CHURCH na Indep~t-i"dm@tl Piatmr:WON«lM. tem aaSiJlday, May 18, 1986 10 30 a m - %omeng Service 87622Ù8 6 30 p m- Prase Ciebrclo< $undey, May 1 8, lgà986 Ost Speakmer today Assocale Evangfffi and ,~Canaaffl Declo of W@ salcomgg VaolstemMmi»mli- t Jiciny Smaggwi Mn.atrie. Rv Noem, Unlamà S--iw-.a raa" MaLa- N orplnm sftaat EVEIlVONE WELCOME \ Next t10 hilloi UjbrWy W. Cara About PmapIm îdOC-a.,Sunday Schoot -.- il 00Ca m Mnng Worip PIMIL# 6 30 p m Evening Sersîca BAPTIST ThUrcd4 y7 8bp m- Bible Study 876-4 - ' Nursery PrOvicieO for un Servcas i nlalm Pasiar Or. l4lnaan MocLaad ri Thae ni ai your Saicit for 9BlemChurcli.' unday, May 18, 1986 -1000 a niWorsfîp servnce EPIP'HANY ilo Junior Ctrurcl, LUTI-IERAN1CHURCHa n Siîncay Schooi LUTHRAN FIUCH fr te Whoie Farniy Robealdwin.Public Schoi Nursery Avalabla l1&0 WUaon Or. Afililed wit, the Baptist 878- 3406 coventio.,of Ontario & Ouebq Sunday, May 18, 1986 , THE PRESBYTEPJAN 10 30 aim. Fomi, Worship CHURCN IN CANAt)A Lsten to The Luteran Hoîr' KN03<. MILTON . on Sndays 8 00 am CKOC Il 50 lOanl.aaq Cogn andOrmwithusiThe Rev Noble Dhean * Camaand Gas intS ual r D.lce of Christian Ectuntio., FIRST COMMUNITY CHURCH k sTSnt8847 SEVCSOF MILTON Sunday. May 18, 1986 SEVCSAt £.W. POSTrg SOHOOL ïg 45 a m iblî~e Sludy Classes 11 00Oa Monigorsirî !ý.fiý.,O,ý2 "Xe3 -ýWiý , Adli Z SuperviaINusry 1h. Rmtad ET. Jackt UItch. 11A.,; .-AU.WELCOME kt Dli. Iiaaaecou 17.44164 taarrange Sunday. May 18. 1986 al h&Chalr Ac6aa. PENTECOST '- --.;-- ' 9 OC arn ConcnuAty GalfMi MiLPN GOSPEL HALL 9 30cam Woechîp 3~Ocèie Usi. Samfnia.Thie Laiquaeli0 f TheHoX 878-2022 Sp.tan j Chations Gainea 10 30cam Fellowaisp in Me Na6e of the Lord Jesus Chrat Nursey Avalisaise, Sunday, May 1p, .1988. 8Z8 , 0i0.0arnfil ieg raad 114 5 am Suonday Scheol -OOp m GapalSm-mec CHURCH 0F CHRIST * dnmdy 7:$0 p.tl 1412 Rdlannia Rd. West ~yog, and Biblae gadlng - te. 0basena0lImai JasuChCit a Sunday. May 18, 1986 eiSoo. Acst8 3 7 10,908m BMlSchoolclaafoemll----- agaa EMMANUEL BAPTISI 11 00 à m woneg orrandutea C.HÙRCH - L qfdt Suppa-28Cm.mcaiScm 7 3Op m - fcN Mma .o878-3542 For hfori -dot n d Tranaportathan .Passer Ken Campfla cail 876-2:738 Asistaent P.eatnlu oyd inabar * 'LORDS DAY SERVICES TRINITY BAPTIST CH-URCH Surlday, May 18. 1986 p.0.am OM, olungan 9 45 AM - FAMLY BIBLE HOIJR 4272 Appléaff Une cases for AU. agma NAu. WL .Pop* i1 OC AMe - AMILY WORW IP fflj 634-4879 6 30 PMm-JLMRArK)N -a arnie ai Su~dy. My 18 1 son and M* Y0VI palr. Lloyd >~4S &m 'bBýShooal"ltim.atur$dapahumn3 00 -5 00 AM. o fo 0 ti gfl - Pnb.huitE"W-JLts, a àIW@. Ducins- S1am - 110111,11 W«&OeipmlaFl. mo lia S he %u bi l lta 00a0a09 Iciaon ciuume47Tronbo d Chi-. icf!6 0PM- Et* ev= nhl38 Chcao 630 p. Tin . cringSevi . >L *ELCOMETO AL. SERMIES Saon TtaSo m aiulinnt I AT AwIAIdJL- Od. 745 pi.m.- ProyarMsl" I ~tLai hptn.ma Va$"W 01 ibo4am 0» coumai 4tlabd, 8la mpeqIm m im h~, Bt 1 ,