E *0~ s.. o I -i c o a 'i et t- k PLUS 4 bedrooma., Iwo bat hroomS, famîiy roont with fireplace. garnes ruant (23x1'ý.Âool-Sîzmd loi. ,95'120ý 6121.0 Cmii Mairion s& 1 dow for More information. 11d"M týIlLDS DRIMUAREA 3o be ".4m. 2 batdbs 12pc on aililorIupgmad arpe Cion u,"' relaoro, val in itîciten "m_,ean. mv-Iný con dîtion Entras înciude n the Pr-re, $74. ý ail Marion lladioe loi an appoîri ment to vîOw M6107 CHECK THIUS LiST1! Upgradad broaclootn. no-wax tiacre, intar.Iocking brick walk, prîvate patio, lentod lot. firepiace. finisit rCcreatîOn roorn, 4 bedroois, Donit miss oui! LislOd St $107.500 Cmii Ena Gooding M61OS TAICE A LfOIC AT TH4IS. .. Bricki bungalow, You'l love lthe location and tito mature irees Cornes comPlote mîith gieafting hardwooîj floors. dinang room and ai a tine prîce of $99.900 Caii Esa Gooding M6089 A PARK*LIKE SETTNO CatU Biil Currie ta vimw th&$ Spacious two-storey home ln CampblivAlm. Foatures include: large sat-in k1tchen, huge separate dlning roon end living roumi, main floor iaundry roont, tour (4) hiroonts and a lot measuring 100 1M l fi. Oftared to you for $9.900. M6103 WAKE UP I1D~RW tully tenc yard townhouse 3-slorey, 3 bedrooms, tînished recreatoon room, 1 ½ý baths. 4 ap plinces îiciuded. Cali now. isy Dabinor Yvonne Gawlig. M6».S OULI TIER LmT - .40.1 Srad nmw. 2-storey memi In Halgo 41lle. lnrtudlng..2 bathe, 3 beIm.abewkid0w, mttachmd 0 ecampleted by Fleme oeil Barer. > IVIM INT IPLEIUUUH 932.000. Pramtigioua ceue with 37 rolîlng mcea. Appaso. U.00 écq. fi. Foaidininq roont with cryatai chadeý«.ioekf looring. thrma/ firepiacea. opiral siaircae.e 15 bedrooras, indoor. and outilleu Wol "A plemeur ta view". Cail iBarbr Glenn . - Fie:. VUNUUH WIIL RiVE Mo au 11ATe Lovety county bungalow, quailuy thrffghout. 1.200 sq. fI. main 11cr, 600 finishod down, two firaplacea. aecludsd traed lot. maplea. aprUce. i 'A acres. Cali Dlarutralenn. M5142. ) PME DINOALOW lacLUDED TUIES LOT $164.500. Fini~ lsdtaparfqion. Appasx 2,300 Sq. fi leSt n.0I No. 7 Hwy. Plae cet Barbèr. Glenn. * ~ 0 -2.4 P.M. JU59 L13IEU 528 Sunnyvale Cmacent. Miiat Sami-detached. threedroom Drap in and view Ihîs iseutiful honte in Tîmberlea Large fanced Capi>Cod-styie. 4 plus bodmnts,' lot. Finîmhed raI. roifm Priced bathrooms, European tl I rîght mi 345W0 CÉII O J. Turner chon mîlli Island. prof. finishev tor your personal inspection. rec. room and den. Loveiy tmnd- MOI #2 scaping. Barbara Glenn wii ba in allendance. M6039 s d% àd t . - MOVIE RIONT IN 'M A VINNEN 12.0.PaOl-SiZed loi. Three.* Andintop noîclihape. Bamutilul- bedroont aide spit home: îoc&ted. iy tandscaffd loi. Il'$ the idemi in Milton. Faturea vmulted cerf.' famîily homne aith 3 apaciaus inga tit expmnd Oser the bedrooma, ,antd a fintphed recrea* éPaclous tamily rooni and the an. lion roonM. Clame ta achoola, atop. tire UPPOaer ' oeesn roomn dînîna pirgo end GO Train. Listadt St roont and kitchen mres CaO Si0 MO. CONi Ev4 Goodîng, #M Yvonne Gawiig. MOM0 DECR DLOR . ENTERTAIIMMIIENT ToNIQHn~ In tis bDECR CAORE This bemutitul bacli*split could ba nhsbright. atelui. 3-bedroomn you.rs, Entertain trour f rianidsand "Foungr uat" home. Cosy sat-in 9&mrdly in the profemsionsî finishad btîchyand with ali*OUt ta the tudof-Styte roc. mron withocibar beclîpard, Plus much more. Asiîg a sase tîrepiacaeas ct ni 0,900 Comne and sea il lCarinaW~alon. MO109 now with Aine D, or Gladys Cran- tord M6111, SpOTLES8 - .IUST MOVE 9N LOTTHEWOND ~ 3'jbdrmS,. 2 weshirmS., large living A ET pou E anoy L Gh O selsinof rdomn and dtinng room, famnily As ou nto th seýuson f tis room'i central air and NEW kiti. quiet court and the aimost country chený Cil Bill Cuiie. M-Bc setting of the bocki yard. For pour adctad pipasure. 3 badroomm. Sun. up lîilchan. rec. roont und more. &00 SC. FT. STORE FOR LEASE Asking onîp $116.9W. Plastia coli Haiton WIN&. $1000 pter month plus Gladys or Ainea. Mil¶114 utîlîties. Cati Barbarg Glenn.raawl A HOME W001171 COMINO NOM£ TO This lfmmauuate iour4iodroom charmer comas complots with a bright aiI kitchen. large formel,' living room aMW dinling nororm. main- floor fantilp raam with &ton@ rIck ation ntorludy thr5 ahanS Cnriarcn ditinna partially finimhed fac. roi îgo fenced yard and iocmted on a quiet court noar schools and shopping. To sema titis attractive home cati Bill Cur- IIEST IIJY IN TOWN Th~mcious townhouse can ha 'ousfrltae iôw prica of $73.900. il gises yrou tnrae bedroOits, 1 "rý bats, part finishod roc, room. and a competqlp fencmd "fard Cmli Io> day and Oakt for Gladys or Aine KM9 tirapiace and 3-pqse wuatroomf, ail piemaantiy:acce d by naturel fir tntm. 'Locae on a huge i 51r.acre lot wlth ample mature trams and semai gient blue epruca, Asiîing $149,900. For deta,îs. ploase cil Dae Addison. 06 A Umafl brick, 3-feGfll'111. 2'storéIY witti an Oak cuataewIbuiit Dachernin Ititchen. 2 f ireptacea, large bolcQny and 4-car garae". Ait agit ina àbocki drap afI5 acres of nu ieatic h>ardwood., a rate fUnd a, any prica. Listed et $217.900. To sema, caii Et.e Zarmit. 870-1156 or Tor. Lino 8264M ., JUST UISTED End unît ownitoume in *Bp IThe Oaks". Testetujiy decoratod. tuily lencett. Tot:viom cmii Ysonne or lsy , M-IV FUyS (5) ACRE LOT with noir drîiied Weil. only $541.900. Pteeacl Barbara Glenn. Ra. 519-853.S923. * Mom0 Realtor Dela Mie - uanael7S.îîW Dm1 EmIeZWAMm U&lMo Nut IWmalqw 110l00illit :mm=p Aiae fl7707 Chat WE'VÉ'MOVED TO 64 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON & 1111ila 876-1156, »W u" ifi MW ' "64 TOR. LIME 82"390' 1a111alm 78414 Wam. 87047 24 NA. ANSWERING SERVICE cm" achurisonk8m40 0.5. Turner Eu Oeodhuu ~Oim1e Mu~ ~ YwoeueOaollg 117111111l $71-t641 .7.4.44 8064 87041W i - I. 'A PUUPUVT FRII UVI R in the country. yet flot fer tram OStisille. Mimsa" , Itton, Lar, lot end à perteci Starter home0. Cali Andp Guliasfo daltis. .09