4, 4 .1 chiliAnd ER» Thory , *@M m in eotmk ab iI " iitii's Umilti l nsm mue es wdes.srnlmslgNeisemo j~~~~~~~ ~ .hIr.So!MsoiTalent* al5qveeglWlsetsIsthl, t. homt ~0isenIng~ cnuui et01.10. Wbdete lmoa, fo thlie junOrI -Children 's Aid settlemenit reached lt'e back t work as usuel for l.unolld mt aemnt = sdY ewwvu m1%Tatmveit l'he contrect wiiua rvd for time-and- seanl d lerical vçrkera of DuHlo cmitran1-iar agligsession but- ihi'pyfor oet0 n sa to lume 8 iresAid Society. wvenithe.two tslrtali.ts.ad avso-asplasttngnuy lue 45 union tmlbera lied been vorking ii. two-year I il eUmusocial vrkm* w. IS *thut s contrict mine lut mntt. cune uiuit nrsetS,2 Lslavrers al'apnasciwosrd e- t atomu.and lthea to ng taa-cl M=dW ay iircles$3 ntie u ii' dn T e UELn 30,lisefih ie 01=oat,1h wmisg rdtoip between a verage salaries-eofsociel vorkers trai ov centracîP ou 61 mp« staff Re naiemn b.d bien trainsi ever *U7.00;,md clericél workes from i $1s,1 c ainc. Sn , otl.'. 1inuloui vs oiigljtiUseng a $1.400 in- "I tbnk t isa ifa5W*tl"pige"sd Mr. 1%eeMmaie.votad 5W par cént i tayaur casaisfor ite social workers andien $1,100 gain TImmpM. I.ttl me pretty, eta vhit ve u ccptiqg àa ivo-j encotralt affesed by for clerical vurkers in a pou-yesn setement. d bail gkd foi' Brookvie Hall doubQd in size with new.t,.200 sq.-fi. addition T* asaet ofkvlleobulcouii sddltaial lliclU drUgfiini dition vamali ad *382i f thafa<m'bleOnciaed ad raisi ,gcouId b. e avlable Sev.1pe CE Boavlle Hall shm&ilo cte ReaivitlesCantoite.estiblislied th h ba lB t9 lmW trainlocal residenti, vuaDretor Lrry Aaimi ba ud fet 0 vtjble spce An BIwa. ý besitooesideed. rgi'ly fr thleproet have beansai a for ,tteDm.cornar et fwd addition vas con- ta Tes«tlnatad eua1 i mohr.uovuvi.salitests îW the cotitheoesthaiê.No q noi m duut watA**,a sstoc dliait recm tendhtaiî 'SI ~ A:s. * . t ~ 0' v-.. -~ .r:: bellville sboulil b'esdy for action t ain tie ord rmZ Fothergill. represeatlng lhe devlopesof CaMpbellvllCsunlry Medovi, of- vblcb h tlil par i corner cf GsIph Une su! RidW wSlirud. ie- lp9fl amuitanw li e thaiOe Pie*«iébldina 'OncepbllAve. Hemisal ork on d ate hi, an&W ladko badiceot greinktlbeulSflui yull pent Camphlvl ook trmi playing iiiahokll ad 05erMay 1Saginat Miton Royale. Itat e la besiltddolrien Best tPrk. lTh. club's nest gaine la elated for lune. 14. et vkldb ime tb. piark ahaild b. reidy: eUN'd l'iesmajr prolem'rta vitil lhe outfield pies, mpjned LelauteSer- vices Drector Lsrry Aablc. He suid the griavomldave boun reidy lb.d the veatherco"oerited ani Oisr'î been oe rata. Aanongtdu con- siderationsisla adlti"l iedn i the. autuana ehold l b. reqmarei. A tanporry accus Inthue r front Re rdSideod bu b.en ul SIn altion. Mr. Afbic uaid due former dlsntond on CaopbNl Ave. shamuli b. reuly fr fr llirSports m00. Addtioit ficîtiwu qtld and luit Sild b t lae "r Wrd Tires caia tlloWray mont salddtheIo" hlai s t~ rupt bUae"ionttb. Slan igrieement. ,Whien a meon ta eacti" b. nid. "tseTow ad b.d isuvisio ige et un el et proviMe . eve inths b.va bu ibs e l~abo4- i.uIvoJ* N~ma clus ~ *i0es aiw n h ànb nt.mule sy h»o np a u à,iy te MM the amwemosm vlU*.oasbu b. hufl tee14 elm eue de t zden r ( rm amy Rhms nbe b ~ItP4,jggjg eatà« . lu àd t. michael Kit kqT~t.oa.h.a.I*vay vii, yul *bdau or o laoeltWliMilles. Bua4atUm !nd Ktehoner-W&teW oboivs.lU No date lias bom set but Mr. fMcTiII. VIIIb, trled in chsantý court lai4Ultn fer tUtles auj BuriîniiW obterisatilCanada boMm ib laineémusn. 1 - Yeu a* m W tt o -u4~ *" f«rth Tcesfor im Ceâaid viiau hw u ai Ibsutas o i f uSaItaîmteOw, yomlid la . huai or* a ihe aun ile 0mi e Ofsd.raatd..Îd.& IOmlidon Ai lt-le fo (NI. a Adule euh LsnagDlaabilltle 1 ettspihes viiib. Halton Fainll udu. WJimes FuMer. lneetlngv b. Mai l p.m. l .in Reour Contre, Rum 119, Lord EMn H111gbod56 e WonowsmIiautae rresmentatlve D"ri Liv.0m W n torrow T"-='u muet at bMtai Pblic LWmrynt 7:45 p i Sue vil ise tbct le localimpact mof lb TweomnIr IHistorien. =y ~preident Leu. mçfflI vil show Ce O hitorical haines amnI UWlsà Agowmlr nlssrtoupst Ontarlo Agrlcultwsl inltU jec< deU ili iface uarrsutbai àsaoca nwtq 'burasmne S5fIm 47:30 et Acton Lom ; i:IWrlot., Act Hie vili bprogemted viOl belesby varlousfa roua ithet ala H il ii then a.ttend ujninl r- n3ee .vii paTikets for availablo fie n.Do lt.t N"Mi s S t Thé takih#f af*pîlursOf prng vlilOvwem viiib. teaicfr a.seeion Baturdoy ai toCtafdaeConservation1 Ba lbWaDng, a me oMd l ungon Colour PboWophlubmt, vil show smmn todmiqucise n nature paoppyAnyone figeroW einljouffl Wh» o a1 pictures et w, dfm n in & raged ta attend. Rttt hat id mtyear *iavhs. MIII nam bit the eadisnj- aedt.Provincal TIZ year the Mlnhtry mfItTamrim.. d Raeiution wvW bae.lie anl-free parapse mAbr i ocfet. ldi uive sccSuate Intr- mation onspacse vsl"htty in 53 provimela pgrbTi ie nyanber.ls 14-8-3735for WI tinin n IIliand 1YrSB&SM for Inomtion in Frenèh. - f»Widng a metnp.OItan fnevssPer Io1Me e a fo<stbwaîlt nwl. Voit Pick amd Choaae fr0,. vitl laoff~erdo uti ~nu fft ftmsfOenmuAiMea lIA lng e gaod home cood. MW eal-aprm odouaf i et mie" 41' s. ( r 7/ Voùr glft.?givlng ullds;hospital Mr Xt MetralanciCo.Dmunity Nwepp - Servirg Milton in 27th ySBi VOLMFf2S-Î.7BE144 ILTON. ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY, MP>.Y 14, 1«--. si PAG -0NCENTS DVIOII~fUId ..~ ..~. wordon.tlàdm No CanibeIviIle bas4ball-until Junà 1