kSNAPSUO CILà Watch YOUr EackgrouHE A TELEPHIONE COSTS ONLY A FEW CENTS A DAY OurlocJ bwusI i fice mill Y - No- q 1 VoLuit 7. MLTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 41986, CAN ADI A C itA M PO N T AV ELERS Ul&E'vegetable World soualesSaiWaaNu --of Life of -Altl one WEarthu nau n C NAÐANPACllelO itAILWAY Ail ?Ife'la depenýdentuorntheveg eVERY TRURiDA ýY lMORN ING l Tdl u o tadThe h•tbe Norld forlitsexistence. Thou hBy MARY ELIZAOETH NORMAN the ilaPre are plant*sil ..ilcahusroilife mcœN»iu a as *• ru ONT bNal ate geat majorfity areIlife sustainerq. 40AIN ST. . MILTON 0 iu .m - Fhly, tIAg, iehasnbenat, "NQo graes.,noIlife," m 5 p.m.---thuly,-11w 01c18l ineed a folt.lThe grane-eat'A Cw sanu Tsnsrsasna ot -t& ayer 0 50on llil ecetlunt/ Iganimalt, threcesttle, nsheeptand otr AEtzeatson adMa eKel Perdin1. a n s. ilp..ii eWýFT- rs, are entirely dependent upon vos. S And tC lautatose two ho pei ded 'togao --oPap a"lthe'In, .:l s-haltig tation for theIr eai tencesud the twrith E r l oe the iln counter a a pe r pot th dl::p. . -laily, I4g s. eMng ania are dependent up' h fv-n.e. .»li. 1uet o uoe m m teve tsondey. on thre nerbivera for their existence, e4 The, usamae vrths u. Toenbstibrein heUTheire la aiso a group of animale hat /Tomer.."lMarm tte oul y,"ythi nk reag.m rpadiadane -UNY e inboth al a ant vegeablet nue ,tn err oMmiwaitlu 'm.tif, idja oin Natl4 m impm w1p.n heir diet-yet all are primarily de e he a y she lav t ed withm hatà j' aoymr W g a: m.d.to9.a pendent upronth@ vegetrable world u =m, a. ti o tud.-..n wi' fihertvery T n --- -sortes.- writer lni -* th ural New.York- t-l- ..1. .. on the abe lf eer ,y (haaeuo'idmen ANAPIlAN NATIONAL RAILWAY er.Ya-lawudare.puig = ti nnao. on iFlq ava. U 14,kFUà. How thleapant cellects the cruide .a fe Advertiaman s itfauopilamiatrainN1 trraiteNtheUTs'it a d ipedl'lty. LloydpuIhl dlis curforward. aa moinaent toa, itler Ilm, n ff ai . 1.1 oU.., tra.à. 7. i5P Wu l ait moti the toues teohbe acted • 1'l. eu ,"Ihe saId a trile h aarlay, tda whadrje buy? Achesy ard ar Oe pcuiar bugi r n - ----upon by thre sunklight la fairly undear. Oasis mnthe Night l vmor. le ad o ~rYehsd, a u .1r i ~d ad sioatpal; hm tue maeerarusubanpute Faslug of brandyit nlit thi milliesaotalI .louedrda denemt nd Msod;hwtedferent substances are N 11 cut i a liaitlwsnh't jourther attitude et ..n....-O í&INifM seiected la snet known: how itita t BTAYRWLDi-.. hetoeihtbohreaiiead F aam y ' m iC ter A Worth oneplant la poisonous and atnotheri yTH Y RWA D bla.ofShI*e reatty helpeod thm kng as dvrueme ,a no yesu aongsie a hioeome l itiknln.CaineO ae S edt o rte m iwayai. Sordie was .limirtse -aM NUMENTS necei. ubtne ledai Dilan ,sday , r.,ho...Ila nt ln othe, wti.Most ,artic lar. amrutI -o'. et toqent, wihthe twater, awhich aforme the tap, 1Through many Important erus the by adie was a out about bher fHly c".or1. is crried to the :leavez and there ct ArT TIlE 1 wonh soistar-, yon a enceihdfrhsadaotJm t oes l'aT hoe:i O T psd otesulgtFIr yte 1 . n o, a t highgacefulappearance, strength and sgi- Jlimmte Watz assistantMeunagerof . .-rious chianges takre place, rthewe path lr. 1 - w t nuFe o I le the it Ils antiquity dates backr over the store, and any dur now hed b -- -- - - matertis being converted 'int te rch, F. ia v IF brees wa%%Iljied 7,000 yarslin which timte he han re- madeari manager, If not ofthairt store, CA .. ugan ther subsettnes cpatadb1f i.wn lthe h ,br lh o i l ywm u lbaied almost unchianged ln confrari-o (fsomtether branch. He was earning MEDI ~Cl R.T L R N E R ":un'ie h ';':" I '"a o'ead'nte a'" 'I*, se"' I ty teoblés early progitor.ie•bo--good mane, ho was good te look at, aan t&a lHow ithese changez are e"stet lamp , eehit-u ,lnkI.-w er- lstth ihay feathered tait and esilk- a nin girl in the store would have os STV NSON & ROBERTSON Iuea p so eered la entirely "nk"°w"; mro i -ile glnwed wh en I a,],,- àIlon e rne a, h ,ke1 i . flo l ve i fh' le e Ul h. IYE mFintsecr tor aredtring toteenr he h the Araban Saluikl, but treIlithe, doit- uny encouragement Phsiiasan Srg u ad m Ui ece.lei e d Iany from a, the curb calecoltilne, ielligence and good die. But *so far au Jimmle Was oenerneod X RAY cose n e trV.-uF w ße siwyposition thtt endeared i m iiii to the thtleeW&% only onegirl In the store.1 A'iK tP orTONale Funerala AboutSie'neI filssy o ibwar .,T... m of e gptianPhros, Aroabi, kings and Anybody tcould tell that. Why, hie was riN N eaMlrN. C raea sA otSa e hrnFrwr.d e a m eneosaIlike, remain unchànged, Re- nialasmaking up excuses atoak by1 om r nas in Spanish Conquest th Fini,tr l, m f ita nn,, àotsa vwfriter ln the LsAugeles ftic rIbbou counter, just to get a peuk ati. .When Il the SpnFish Cpt. Pded a, asil MoydRger orr a , ITimeas :at he. And the way Sadi'sduakeyens KirF. Sr d KFlt Hereia founded Cartagrena onu thf qute, noter.King Solomon, in hhis apprer:nation old lght up-weillthere was no' (Mrons a nGun 5u en'northeast icost of South America Ini t :à lumk h t a rrrnof the smooth, leainymmnetricalmura- dtoubt about It. Jimmtel and Sa<lle - ~~~NSURANCE1i9a, Itf w ithval thirea#of estat, wsneofdfneeet y clar conformation of the dog records were jurattgoneon alach ihe lIshng a base for the operations of four 'a ln niun Os d gin by tefet I inhsmer'lon of four things i Jimie hadt b e etr adle tri mar- DR .E. SYE R 1i e e ccident, sieg.ess , ýhe con(iuistdoe@. He cheehie ,to Those iwho k., G r:u , -,¤ ta g el eaeco eyI hi yhmfrmnh.o tlatt e menu N 1 no e ic c well. stie hugtofhn o T 'he going. A lion, which la strongest enigaged, i th a ring andt all. That (ue.-o a . n"r A fHereia, thowe.ver,Idli Dnot rely oni. m ml s dl ha m nt swamong henore, and turueth notaa m uch Seille totldthm. Iut there wasa à. Ihe protection proviedby nau rebut'him.lotaIFlit' Li o. upeam i e from aunyr. A greyhouind; au he o athier fai ly, r it as'tthat Sadle didn't oGiehorc-a neecotu thrw u oin lttensalniatound te|nlient of e - nFin Flesa hi l o;l and a ingagitinst whom therc. want te marry Jimmie. Oh, nush,'d T/L'. laniudng wal8alos 51ee benm1de a le a 1a0oe ano rising up." (Proverbt 30:31). have takren Mhimeven If he didn't have Doli" ý MIEnnNi k toppeld by goum ar lwesi Tee Eý e Idences of his existence are oor- Roy chance Rt aillof tbeing manager 1 ortifieationsl, which are suid to hanve T enmaisa1rnte. r ad rae in anclent l,gypàtian writinigsFioon, wIth a ivver, and enough ln P'hysiciai and 'tei)ll cost,(about $'k0.000.000, awercecalled uP-:lanaaisn n s mr l.1-wr land sculpture; in -coins and Cgens, as the bauk t. buy furniture. Oh. Sadle odice Illoir, 1. hv ýFj--. cin almost immnedlitely to metilt the lwas aiterri for Ihun. Arm, Ii n rm it wl l oumurai decoratoin, pottery and 'would have takteaJimmievwithe no job Om e our, obiasal ttiof attacking forces, for thi@ Neal 'aoter ise rikeæll ontoother handicraftbearing etl of the 'ut ail.,and kept rlgbt on at the ribbon i pointmient. n vast.treasures pasing thrugh Car-!Lloy's..t lone or ing e looked at gehoncounater. But- N S U A C E ol la ued ,,eenctcers and corsalrsi oeR at, at her mie.ml t rie1«F, aroiht i, England the duogwa. m.l op , asin.aworka fer .,tx month. -. from a1 1over thre world. 1 m reuen ,F for , en . N ' lvep yd soleély Ili thel sport of .zouraing«, 1ne ," shle wvoul cuenlde to Mamie and LEGAL Desp['ite oth fact ftlat Cartagena l i lne was1bFrn, bitl l-1one noI-l haIIl which was insilftued theriln 1770. Flle. "Youtaknowthow things are. AnIl Lite 1 re A mole, ButrglAry In close touch with hier more modern, andiflair I wli T' enm. 5 -r m: there-a munon. Vee, If Poggie wuz h eighibors she has chaulad little sincelfor man wlwr FIm 1 ' 1 -re niy through fighn schoolhtmom's at1.as, cidnt iea , thle time f'our eenturionsaglliwhen sirain r a i niulin h!im. ild , Fmo ne arly Airplane Engine iset on her flrtnth1. 1 hadtio lerave a an y> ~sent over ruyal architecte to desiýgn F uniguo il o m ..Stored in U. Building nwand auio aa ss wa anti- the city's paluees and engall eris itolay l i nIh m sape e e l 31-yidrradill etnginem, the worir I Mariser s .sora. n anr F. D . D E W A R ml- r ld rla l- he1": "d""' à"" " " """" f ,l a n n dIiie r who , ail""it """'ther ye' ""v-m " thera soo ose-Churces rand contente fusieoned ln At corrigua er :-, iiinmai " 2r0inn -uyears ag if bing aille[ ' " th e esured yards and yars n i l-a iur-àuse own ist- . âatomhal r , is te style of old Seville ise from n am urKri a rely f:mbIliTiln tao'Iv :h' Invention to his country oIf ribbon, and Decembter camte.lThat I .... - -- ~~~~~~~Moorisah platssand winding streets ditysamii nepllt bsuilnsn i htuawlal wnigtheWol m denn , ething, terrifylingperiodl A. ked with spaish dwellings. On Peec,t minn h+ aee ar o et e o; l.t lotit w hch every tMve-and ten store girl Barriaiter, Solicitor t ýof thea iq iiinlr r ad thealace i s. \ o i h: i t F.L ty f o w e i %wo tn hlilta ful 0,cà T G. R AMSH A W ae Lire od f rmlipe -i,-1! p-an .. :ýiof't'an- a a a - OFFleK ondvuctinceritoen woun.The inventtor, after havinFg searcedpoor litle girlsbehind rthe (counter4 Telpl>u R alatr a d ucie terClrisa irnth:l re i l) to P for- ::iel lUnaly founda tfinaneil tback- Throutgh l it a ll de kept onIlike a aiem tly ueneto, chare Plia cuns tutres. ith11i l -,: i l of iN r : e, bea Iwok balk inthe winler of msohlýliat the front. al l ol d ade at gouar There was a [timu e n F- If w e 1fi, t!iFg 'l', w:, i 1 i o la an ate la t rdue h A i rt la wek twek utred, ~not n-cessar*y te puy cash ilfor ýlsta i th.1 ion ., pnis asnl r l b eg tprhr pw ro eoatcl T e w e fe i il gF,FSaie 1arsr.S le r ILTO N, used for postage:. The posItmaster cri l, u pet"Neal <I l, ls thr IFug h egIn. The ideala s teoFmnke light-i'e- l - to i e .Na F the Un Il dStates and of kohrohcs e el i-ence ur h FIco...... wasing und o tigpines mor.elticjentist aye igi ights o hlp take trventFry. win Net - à 11,extended l credit and sent blls to &so cast, amd give te-neesd cruisog Mom' ik aajishe. toildNlaiàFt. patron:.. nt the endt of theamo n easour Sl o t t d-nIlw 1., 1 onranes vally 1unportant in thosmeearly1 i 'ahedotorileeta uâ Ielephone ~ ~ ~ ~ trmrcants do nota, at one time IDil' tre@ cnFia r vein ;thy t- 1 ' ermi lsthen cam thegadw ipe hruh ealy bhiryof thre postoffice. One'tll Il: 1 Fi ry aHA t, RlI.Frdt-salhow that the prud de ftheu stor e- g dest to the rbb n con- 1 N -TORO NT 0ucha hIllcherished by Il philadelph'an IFnsteen ,. i, ih,. nide aligner and hopeful tifluncal backer ter. J immi e a a antefi. r! Mnager O u e rean,âd.:"'I H. )Farnumsi ci.,to the. il, msl- restremvdthe resultint 10-eylluider radt. w an imgr M Lse B.RCAUW Ell, M.A. Iladelphi ps iame. ta, postage f, t Iio Iý 1 Iji e ieto th ti, te ni!versity t. ftelg e t tetsog "xn ReaiE tansic bil arielia memo whaleh 8ali 0dl .1 Ien i t ýl sz l$epF,ýt, "0 orme. at lent. und abig irlie 1l pay. Maorie "il 1r t ficnåentially expected ntatbilsils 1 a w t -1 l ih Ipower ot uindgenerail m c a val dEllitgasIped with the joy of I - e TelephondiT 1 N aof Posta.gewallibe pei a il te ainhlof her vntry al ned. hitma s l tnc n "the onoth, anFd it ill grati yfaelitate 1 ut so drasIlIcally Ih]o l te i ghtsfn (;bi as thle delivery of letters from the boxes ofal at ben re lie Vtat the!a th"Ingof the" palt.rut Sad"e looke if gentlemen will have the goodnoes is hh.".n.ltow 'la t rane ewsntlf tugeog M s e DIENTISTR-Y pyLhrbu e eenthbourshs nl otain ire s ireve loo atoe ou're illd 'rrelf worin'here -T. F. CHISHOLM F l- bim'cand a wiisil lo . -e s a niglsuSa<ee Male n latl ---- A.K N e,ýlti a efr, F t ý: nt A cb he x 1b r " ntinbodyIn your famly but • DRV-A KNG ice ..acton ert ntu a e f.. heerI n wo.1 rk ,,Ie wat a out! DEN AL ORGLONRanons U.d *X" Fýi. le's;à leias e p li t pice , n 'l'teeofipe-1 BORG ON omaa Use "X" hair eu -r espl ed las a afte r. But aiat neve nw red.thé ome Phow-O rThe simople construction of "X" anuhouht-o kep he nkasefr iaowi e us av oredte o OJiciin oyal F 1, M liN".S 3M1ILToN chatrs, Iûlofgrea ant iquity and thir un ers n ho mg ýlgI ot of hell Tlhere wu, o gl sora- to t.,-" se was kno wn in Iturope at a very ahId mmd abru i -. in' fier ght- ike A the cus t es r X-14AY8en Cein hn"""".erly date. They somewhaL reem ei eloJe e eAn Early U. f. dank oftlwas tve ek ecai anr X Ir you give your imagination free With $400,txxNi ca pial, th'e BIl of ad Eb elw hy hd' er SFR E D'S rtin adi afl lyàvthsNorth AmraiairstImodern commler 1how i mm1,1rie waks makin ou atth BR, i , A CG Koftb.u aphabet aldplace I i . lis nlàinth1co.try.1pnedfo )r.-NTAL.. URUEON ERy1cE TATION ide. It ls repuitedthtenyvm a n mnw 1 ntroduced this type of chair it i hth idew cr k ,n a oetM riercetA erenlnc uny st wa y. "eened' CoruerPu Th e 0f anand Ontario Slu. Pa lac fNonetuch whenhbe lbrought Edar h e Epi, in- r > ofte oish, ad hymstAmorn a el ai? ethat's fnny dn1 N ta omnts my bF arni ea.MilTO,-over continentai craftsmn . Some of aIb a rnia akes tto vrtetl.-l y,,h. JIimi de and Peggn y ran of X-RAYamav s. G FT'4--- these chairs awere essnentially Italien la 1S.ed o nh, n rm te utnssof the Bank of Pennsylvanim eaRh 3day.ie aheyl gota r-i 1er eGA -TIRES d,%ene."- u" were ""d°"btedly madle aicnsosubsrbes ha or Nised YI., 'n.Yeh n a 1*Fgland. possibly nder the direction Cri:ninnd s Is cot w- years ,earlier t.oFs1pply the Coi ýl- ro iPeg1neer ,kdtshel yn' mch To)bacco, cigarettes, o" t.iteancraftsmen. A large variety no" .I m]'on ilIFF nental armiy Fwth rationsi, and Il rt ariteean i erg t t' tehll n' i" h N IE LS E N lnaPof "X"' chaire belongteto heTuorie,t Il n ynosefom teprn ato nrstrn rder to ..at1 *tl a ConteCet y' - rod though they show evidece fsige ron en csatrth Rvo The Chiropý tor. 7 i . t-ngfrinalune aoin n ln uo wt t s lans anIs,, aee of °p.i."«Ring One. C.mm., 24hyu- p w s e oo l a he àt:,n-.esiId,ý. " l Il , . Ftb orilmtes Ial erbaniking institutions in Then laflw pIaeu s rig as oer Dao e T g at, . -là ad C urteus ervie a deru cfFee 1 I, adi nmda ytec l-eshudit ldbecause of lack moi in dhe ldn ay, senhnr 2 ]to i, . I)t , F àp.m.staton. of A erca e nLondon sawn thern. of stablind currency. Morris of', Ar ble way out of a dIfleult .Deos- Ocsy I En iHa mi F ED RIK OH SO Asi e f ononfaeswetmn-a "e rho 'i " ' le h- rothll bo r.dedin debtors, thernesuedtiweo t trlte d'm ster, it slF"u( i abbey and wItIn the famous edi- a a.re l-:-àw h e at rso n a m Sao o id aastroi.s defeat of the Ahenians' b la Int. 1:Fý) Il. Illce isa abust o of ogfellow and a a " in. . . bankran iba, rteytath Phonedo 1a D tAw. .e--.Si.Ma -l_ abt l o æraln n i eera. andmiMithridiates, kingý - oanrt a blet to Uërn e l lost.a r a qui all;hdComing of the Aryans of lPonrta s d rings for a osimiar W A NT E D re 1 ;hàe1'^rricnsiIalaionsCoul A il11,r1ool an lk. iPocahontasl liw - commemorat uno If te plir b y were themoIv Lieensed Auct ionee ea' re n"eam Ilel Itlwas- i i inl"r.leàaeseZethe >pi in,,ring nt- Fo heC in t. 1:1wayPh1 church hais a Lincoln ito w wth thel Ir Croea usi r.w lh' a encne ndfrr- lhon la r t l ;kg h n . -- d Sr u i h tn e h rhlr ur ng to ane i lte deaith of the Rural Route No,. : N;; F N 1 1'. ra r, phIon e ", lo taa u es a tale w s hi prhebienn 1.a'Wesnter abbey atnat-skrg - re4ted lu 1923 In mméory (of Walter Me.s my do ., F'r i d lrl r1 il in dur, A tl .b ssadoàtil tIl w lr11rIl l werfulit ." riyC.qi.ymth.Moe. ti-_eTt W rbl ai lr io ---e c r ierds.. Asr t o o o d ih e s fl e ris o o a n n 193 Hert.T.ý ýda nasty mn espelrmlily whn yn r l e p l l ,rem in, t itl., cation : Ilisethcl 93 -LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR -.e - -\•-, 11,n- --al - ,d- il,,g- - n ;, P la e o B i t i g y a a e s p t a ns , i s p os8ie t Vi ea i g 1 - i nt ef T h e I fr u" if 2 >1 I s:he r -- -- - -- - _ ,-- Ta theal idays to e lh natle C stm fHainlBies ais andl o noresa writer 1 ite hKcan-ohvngbids ais BGaogetwn w n e . uaa. St 8 - y lavpesent at a weddi!inglhas its fourndie n ao . Tura MaInness If lying withtheilfet toward S ld rn eP s eBe d cni oatca.t fteer Ï.,o n ur m ..tie front of the train. When paItIentIs aa aO a g e @ Bornaigbo anda 10.00 a.m. mIddle mage, hen k nights ride fort w n tre praced anbulances howe a yftefetfav ure-1,e theliv lady loves by foce 1n1 the had tosener oIc days.there àusually devl- N -ui la "II be , vehicIle ,which is said to be moie rest oe1 atebtee h eaie f peb à the bridegroom and the krinof thel bridle. Symbolngthe brid/ dalaienemt- Genral sne u r na urnMare. ..Qee of Scot.' Ring er, tod a e thebrdsud.Sy. 9thlunanaon wne r, u nluteresir yaing ng was3 that hlzig th8rieromsfriends areli .L ny ut u -4Fb,-r n Fil m o M r uenofSoa h mtathe ro meThe best an -1 the trag.tei end. Her signet rng9 was o w l edinFig in mdea timles w':' the hela.m .pressed with the royal excutcheon, the ,, s anclture the g tiof Iscaoice. By tarder W. 1. DICK, Milton, arms of scot and, and abovethe crest Today* ltije bet n merely aisc-s to Clerk of the PeIl •"In defen," whitelew lower ownwre Tkey ep hebiegroma fwrm cav tin the initiale "M. L mefling of' t6 crCl A la9 ommemmmmmmmmmmmmm M285t th". crcoucelMay Roi forpereetauls-luious cak- and.tasty biscuits, %' etMage is very moxpen.. bive. A.,ually- hn1 .worth nmakes a big eaket (Irder a i in from your gro, cer today1 Tmi only ai teephone . . . but with me for .oman- ou1elone .You know ihat at any t Ime o' f the day or ruigh Yeu edn ca with, frientia or famiily, far or nearAnd wihat's equally comnforting, you know they always can reach you whien the need airises. If 1 do say wo myself, you'll really enjoy my ersneInm there when you want ms e, See btrUd. " nie te come and stay with Yeu; l'll gladly accept your ivitation. The .ý lady on the right sieems to have sprouted wings, or la she about to e eze, b tietsofpre? Tesepiturs ilst,,te ,he imotance o, b ,elvng bacg- ns befr ou -hoot 1 a o toe of our t a." wh ih ay be tru, but. cr. fla,1 ts e ainly we aire not proud of thom as. r itt 11n ,uis 1 es l1, amples. of our ability to miake ar- ï ý i1vi t ,f, ie, tstiephoirgrJaph. se - Il r i-,imles, it i8 NOr h haph n ' whie tomtalk the subject until he s eferdvleuaily Ymoves to, a more scei- bei.-rey 4 orllaýs 'f w cally attractive placre, or. if he does ni )o(toa not movc vountari o ntice him Too,, often we ilfinthali after al1 we ther. Et,.nthenwe hOuid take no d h not W t t ,;ýapjin the pletureest weinelude 11 hý e ýrhast we V-havein- somne large obt that w"1 distract ;lUded inr1 nd some un.attenition or other sise spoil the Comn- ,less tlydoima itr ·, l i' - t g position. objector aone sa placed lu relation, tlOfcuet 9tobapiur o ur , jeýt -il JI a hlI. of a person engaged hm some charar grt1 eiluintâ akeshinlook terhilatativity, objects thatpertain , iiclou. c, in 1 LI aigt1fac f to thle activity pimperly belong in ridieu us. W findt anoac e. the picture, but to ,ake a picture. '-r turned .giaror ýU p Aucit exampl, Of a dainty imaiden gather- j ula 8-eingte,1),tit estl or a ing flowers in the garden against a Jla seemIng-toe w I- eu background of the family v -nt K,lg ole, or e-btah arthut wI thanging on the line is not artistic frmba ,ri o gni1e, tecompoJsitio. let ius take pains to duYke,ýlkepro.,io by the tips eerci 1althe artistiejudgment wo onkfeal kel>oprton.pssnst nkeeping our pictures free h: .i r cmpse ictures we1of the nincongruous. maY treasur-e just the samne and 9.ay io JOHN VAN GUILDER. du 0 eailuliDia'n 1 wbec par sweti téotb "Ys CANDY Vour wlsdom tooth uys BARNARD'S Who@ yeur swéci touth Sèy$ CANDY four wisdom (00îh sayit BARNARDIS &* « AING POWDER DON'T RISK FAILUIRES ···""9"u hhe"i home, use S•Magieit., abl,ý.utely de-. ipendable. Thaw th rasn Canadau's leading coey Mad. 1.canaa. t.his famnous bakingpwdr n(à)