Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 May 1936, p. 3

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i~1 ý &-& ataumfý -1 Opening DANCE a HUTTONVILLE PARK FRIDAY, MAY 15 WïiIis Tipping's Blue Dragoons M Dan.aIrg fî'oî 9.130 ta 5.30, D.S.T.. LADIES - 30c. GENTLEMEN 50c Lot's Go 1 cIioit IUbhy'8 ltrk ,S Iiai, 2Sioz. un. .lfor - - --,25c Plcwe'S Pl1iff-d (as'lupiî' eavh ---- 9C Kirk'R (i îe ii I i, ,îal- ,d-1 1fiveefor -15c ikie ao i \î lu iýit îilitv .;;ivte: W iter, bot., 8e Pearli a1, n5b----19C Miagic l1îiig ii l i îahantd at 1v Ilb. tîi- 28C Baikiing Brani, 2I.l;îg. - - 13C RIed & \Vi iiit. Catit.îp, !Q- o . bot. 2 for -- -- J Reaiiv ('t Maci i i, riîi, 11). 51 Del Mai, >îble-t ii ,2Sc l\L('îC o i î1,t,.s i : )I t ý, is. 25c RIed &WIte iii go l i Iii îTea 1). 30e I b.pk1' - - - - 159c Golu Medai lQîî~ii i Ja iova H " îîli, ' z. 1ikg. 10e liii jortîd -ooî l15c 17c, 6 fIorlle---------- or999 Sunkist Naveci l vlî',iied wo d29e "IlE R. CUNNINGHAM WE 30 *.u lumUlhIDELIVER 1'QuaIItýy always hlgher thon the prlce" Genuine KILN DRIED CORN EMASTER and PRATT Cbick Feeds Tbî'!i CALF MEAL LIME for spraying or building. CEMENT COCKSHUT'T PLOWS Frost & Wood Mower's aind findera R I tHONE RS.AD MS MHTS 48 R .A A S 339 MAf~È( V~~kl Why Suffer With Sore Feet -- KEITH CAMPBELL FOOT CULTURIST hAMILTON, ONTARIO Successfuli n the Worst Cases SEED CORN Mdangie Serd, ut ii ii Pig and Hog (.how? A. S. WILLMOTT Flour Feed Sait Ail kinds of Seeds COAL and COKE A ful Une )' Purina Chows PHONE 1il DEBTS--DEBTS, ! yon ,It ai l nic KELLY & AIKEN ORANORVILLE. ONTARIO Mcluirchuid u uI icc1, eg R It. ,10 . c Icetcueci Flour-lIed & Vhite lPastr 1 b l~ 9 Falcoîn on;tuer, No. 2 sî uattin, 4for -- --25c Cherry V alley Chloce Basphvi ries, '2 tinîs 1--29c lic-c-t aoinnttf Otikville harbor1 lian ,hmc llgt dfferenre front lait year' mae eel a.r 2M10 arde ircntihe ecd af the 'whar., lun20 f-tL tiep %whiite tiithe hanlior ia 13 ie 15 tact, il 1i. reltted. lotie' Ureenhmt,,ing Si. - Ail ktis nif Betig aced Pot Plante. 'I'..naioee anti Vegetableef Plante. Cai F'l.omerafcr baîîqîc' t. B a n g i c g Baakete repliileti. eaonnbie piee. -h. B. Joncs & son. ANNUAI, EXOiJRSiON t. Quen- aitu Bei ete e il Niagara Faiellac. p ,cîne 7iii Fore $i.75 tllic. Bnîng votlenl, cachet anti ejoy a dey ct 4iiîiiii Qucciaetoii Hcighuii. Ticket i con étale et Mrtanal1e', Drag Storce. "ClcIac.îip 'tVeet" mac mail observeti un Milien. Every afiernoon anti even ig crres cf hote-omnerut ere io be -ceniclerieg eubbimhifront lamne anti iackparda. andi nom the tomn peesente a greatly tntpros id appeareoce. The Sc.SaiyîDoiT. ce r 6ciel t. eeporti., vqcite III ai lhi home. tifs anp fi ende hope l i li oae i reccîver Ivan Gatlt, w are sorry te c cap. c ciII ronlInet te lit e bd. ih a obc li u,,ed bu milf ceon recoes MmvOTîRIcTFItvtrD.-MalueriCarney. of Terra Ca, mes lieti$25 by NMag. isteate L. 3J . CBal t e Uorgetown police court. fer driving i cee mhule hic lîcense mas indee atiapecetan Iroin, lie tiepact nient of motar vehiclen. Fracture for ili. pageant, "'Acroas <'aemda. îîndec uh direction cf Mue, lihicl.i.tabelnz heIifio ilieihlli. Tbera ice til!ceint f-,-c-ce-cd an,. -ne ishng ta. Jin may do e aitihe t-nm hall ccxi Montiay nigit ai 8,30. Canada us tii pen.d anoiler oilliui ,,t, gciing rd cf gradct neni-sing. TIte to-of ai leethai a-eeiit tod he iccer wmlt b. the irrotoricte elmnatedl A eecieing tiea aI ofthc iem tintgu tuai',,stai iiimccci min ic Oceniii Th. May nte'uîr.g ai tiche ilu Union Weiien s lî.nitutît mil be field .L hoeiîof iiMrtiT. 4c onaih CcWdl needay. Mey 201h .Thi .ing tii, anîat cmeeting ail ieo.v ace iieeeniiy requesiedtta hapreneni ai; 2 30 p n 1iauIC Wîiuc Bua,. ! fai.regîuari d tiai lhe bick mrisaiSretct i tre ccning fut luhai. mtl meny uirge cîtti yet L. (ii.lisW. pitp ibe Mii.l 'iý oI.nun.aie îiîIlidie Here'a bop Victoria Day on@ we&k front 8ondcyi. liupport th e y Scoute by huyng a ticket foc hetii.inbores. Mr. Gan. titi cof Toronto. @pent a tem day. ai theihomofnutMr. B. Ser. Ai Re.silvouha. ingodtseliante of hi.étraitstore tii'-St. Lagrr.neGrue- ery store, Mtltnctc~ts i il il mliint on ïtî:.ictay eventcneat, May lTth, et il Th. icepeuto.- a" etiig attle for ituiîerîî,cc in tuic duiic e Acisn Frac Prost. Mise EhîliBreecan, of Bîmman. ville. V laitotihec elcivi, Mrs, P. Letîn- .àd whiv,yexterday. Mcr.and Mis. AS Oeiioway. et iOattiltan, veitedtheIi forcer, broter, O. T. tlittaler, oi Sceday. Victoria Day 1.11. un Suînday ibis year andi ana recit the holiday will be ebserved ce Mocday fi.lg Mr. and Mcc, F. lecearýd 'hte and noc,.-Donnie,' aleiteti Me. antd Mec. W. J.Hili. ien Wiliam@s. un Mo thorao Day. HI, mac. finenti, .11La lelet know t t itM. J. A. Allce, w9oha me teord i8i rcceverieg aih-ii las@ cf I iger. t. W. XPoncter, me secrêt iii report, li.cîInfined tathe houiet. uhhlmes. Hic mny triend. hope h. mIi coo raoler. tom Noihxeg w-m"na a muian tuore tcaic h@,ving notiung it. morrp aluout. Nom ihat HiîM--fiini ae liihenFOuii. opta hie.nxi t.nýil] bi icL. teacliclue mildt ribe tIse art icicating tuncanti an a civiliiitg ircItuîcnee. It .ioifciuroe îlot lic le pre-iltord tai uii.4211 Amîtuis i diteul i. lac îî Vii. vc-cc n ;uýiic ae afiil ileotil ail, arresio hivl, mcuulî dt ,ueriv im'e' tucu ff-etd. Blultaecari r .tndcibiedip doiîg gond mark andlc abliig thc poli-e la git on-te. ecene oucr .1uufky. iIn ighiîg crinie. aýn c igluiing lIre. Prompt ia 'i-1 i uiiacu'- itizen,..cnticic b.oikiai tickets mitli the requeeti taitic-ypay fer tient ci e ill _nu (t a procili) fac tii, chaity ar Ciai. n o-t'on acCh- ile icudalle clcicc. Thetiicket, rotule, the hoidera iM, a chanceie . dram for vaiiiaile î,riees- a . tcitie ai thc l.tctervlar.. are e hIleriur,gdiicrgc.nui cd ie tue i. i,.un"ci, otihiti a -it lia heco mu .e a cvcummcci ihcîîu îl. ccioiutiiy. LFNGA cE mENT-s jDr. H. D. Aexander. af the Weeen Bospiiel. Tcoano, acd hic father anti I nner, vicutîrd Mi. anti Mmi..wililc son cer ithe week-end.a Mr.. laser Binderc, ThoacoSanda'* I IMics Haîîîpea, anti William Sentie o tend hic thice scail cli cfTarnte, ivisiteti friends in tome on Sunday. IMr. antiMec. E. Blanîilied cad1 datîliter. Jean, cf Buffalo, ipente Houe',Da ut tie hanteocf mmr Blenîpied'ii father, Tlicm. Fôrrs,Kng t' NOW 18 THE TIME tu gt poce eme clamwert'aiCil persiecharpeneti.1 anti repatret. - Walditee Blecasmitti1 Shep. James Street, Milicon c. nt. 5 Mm. J. Carr miches itu extenti ler ointere than. ta the Ladies' Aid cf Knoo Church, Miton, fur theliovely floam e ceevced iuriglier recent ilineau Speciai t-Miton Ladies' Shoppehec a lage range cf Sîuanter Drecce., Cattantu. iones. Miii Seer eîîckern. flocralcepeR anti tripeu. Pricee ta avit ail. lie B. Uaticp, wli bac bgen counB oei ti, . lite.dfor the pasi twc meekc. ic întpî.ovieg loaviy. We lihoe.tacee hie, aroueti a cuaibefore long -i Oeacgel.amn Heralti. J. L. Ring, proprietoraor the Milon Diiiry, lie dt he ntise ie.r cf iedaiey buuding o Martin Street greeuiy ilm- ig &atide7.ratieg. UnlAti nteer ht p Brgeli, cf Edtoin. iii tell hIc @tory cf the Webt in Grace Clitrchi Fritiay even- icg, May llth, et' ths e eket a8I ýcelaci. Auimeicane.1 Cait oui TiANae3--M,. HMary WiIn.j asti-n,.Leslie, cimh ta express tbeie o1peftit f thut kt1eduetîeanti aym. pathy ciuîmu thetruie tlieic cat ti..eccement, thc deauli of Mis. misi. Word wac, reveicri Mond.y tilrnicg by 8. Syer t ta he onlrî.Iaw. Feinter Carkean, tf Chicago. huai pas-cei away. Mr. Ciarkttin mas aIe a iiepiaemof Mr. anti Mr.i( Wilkinsaon. Mise a Bgaret Prestion iiîe ta tient lier fricaîla fer tintitens andt1 ayntpatiry exiaudati turing ber l'aent breavemeci. Cie deail cf lier sjctecc. CteieeJanet anti Berthaellien Preston. Afiuittrett eanii'Seuviire miii the toyal.1 Navy in the China Sean, Lieut.. tluegetiît .1. W. CasmeIl, son ofrev. W. B. Ca.iimi, o a svile, rettirieti hocme ou Friday. He as aotioiaed ai l'lerîuki,tBanebalillul, cul holti a <lnei. Paierin vencuniy hallon l un a ,.Mn 2Û.aint8.301 p.m. niant. ar i,.KarI Lhbtn'. Orchetra. Niieiity dani'en. Adimissiocn 3,. each. i.înrli erred. Mr. and Mc. IJohnt F. Mrt'laiiit, fiîîtee ic'erncr cd Maren iif the Malian vcoîtp yjaii, bave meveat. theu h on.eceVictora Aveette. iarmeclp iicetîpied by Mrm. Haintes, appoite Dr.',, ecidence. drtead lu aiip. PASTR' A Specialty S& SON )LAR 'epairR t Milton ln Timne 'MAN Jh -)uAnderson. Al' peevons baviig dafims cgainmtl thc .te, t. i Iielaie AdanrI.lihe Atidetion.laie tif tic','wn.Iiiip ef 'Trafalgar, *itiheC, ofy iiHsltîîuu. i'tn.ier. duleneci. whoidieu conicr .tul ic1 1wUh day cl April, 13i. .re itie)d.ueti ouelitic under iicee1 lleilieiiii'it or beicre thc 3lttb d.v cif May, 16 ithermi-i. le,, W. 1i* Di'K. M iliouc. May 11 th, 19:1x; Estate o Mary Agnes Anderson. Au IIpcreo.îe hviie daim, against tu ci-le'ui thc ..A, Mary Ag-c Andt,'etiilI.e iiithe t-oehiuif Trafalgar, fa tbc lloiiniy iitlof îu Spiîut~e tecese . u ieu îlo. î 1icth, uc li d'n ici Aruil, riet. îlîl-il,-enti iaioc' o ilie uiie .igiiel oic-lonoui c ie iic, the 3ih day af May, 1936t. utie-i- tvc [ba rIait,,. ilItlnet te icisel W'. . TACUR Miltoir, i iiitar, % So..m l c t fut)'M.cuin iai x Notie o Coul o Revsio rîht thce anm st4euivile.' Mc. m.Ii Mc. A. K AVooiiciey n-I NotictoftCurtio RrWiisg 1- MÜal nîeeih nacirinf tbisoiiy te of Catherine Janet Preston i-îciII'ul e-. eavale ccou Tuedav and datgher. Lucypiec'n, t to Mr Inti L lie icicii illtir,cci . cir an. 'Vu 'tenday. HpMay d 19 a Weven S. Chambhcers.ldeati cc ii Tr. m iuua ai11 Il ý1mnLfr h t--1paritil&r prices. Pcr.cnaiity Mec 'S ( imbe"e, lointou Xl lmftEci, giu la-a,îtItl tîuu' iin eiS -Bfurus aaa peeiciiy. Baise pettae piuît marrula e te place in J uuuu. ii"eteaiiceleCahrnlat cccii lc, ti i î'd n[u os t-. eteeiy. Pione :lu1141 Ca, iiî.1e4. Sicya H mems t leoiie, u-feiith e t 'Ctmettip a let l'ivîctcetluiîi,.clBHrber Shop anti BeeîiiVeue t ntciî ut'icqcciag neIfth, Toin orlit TUESI>A'u,'M'Y'2h, 13,ai Sp.M, 'ie mekit oeueeacieiithe au.dit Ldalughten. ivlieIliI.Magare, bîciîeter . 1. mua lue. orc Al li wu, u tîai cin auîie Oiirneltot i h. epeeueg orlutta Mn. 11-ypE ('anc , i-i f Mr, si aoTriac261h day of Aitil, lS, are cc uc iîcu Icif pul iilcmngmn c laca aaîane riege ttataaie plae anJuttî. nigred ucmcinoir liefore te1W h 1 daiy of Mac. l!13,i,crwiîc- tiafr ici. ~lh-ifeiggemenit of Ailli uippinula -2Mc,, Eîîtfîb îcrcîîg eeîîcîteélaitelcîl i, e muiometi. W.BAN Blue Drageons, a vrry smari "n'-e engagemntt of h- d tugerMs' .1 V Ieriý. pt.e ohanul.foc the eaa, Mmn uic Mn Ieuir ald iCal Igier. at !I.W'. i. IlîCis, kpicnîcc have aready b.e baei nianti Mc,. Frank tillllgheî, cf i MtaiHltn jitt - - - ~a reaord seecoe la eupcet i h.The eting fitake placeut ath.c aîia a1ieEeua j lnerpe ceemtiv.puIIe Part. pert oftJune.- Geoetoown Mereidi. Milieu. May ]th. ,1036. lu,!!ecey Benjamnti Mls i Streuucilc.aidestnt sac NacîcýI!Hlier andt hae M A. Jak '0"',0ai St. Hiidaa Anglicani i ('hurl uloaei l~~il' it II .a e , S * . s * Th ese va lues are effetive May ltl1 h o! M&pi. Led 9 Lard 2,ý 25c Puifs 211)325Sc h ciaeC.v icut ,Skrmpse1~7C RECKITT'Sc BLUE 6 hi K R AFli* VEL VEFTA CHEFSE CANADIAN CHEESE 1li' o i. n cala Plain or Pimecto Chateau Chelue 2 r, 27 CHRISI IE'S, MeCORM1CK, WESTON'S or Me.CORMICK JERSEY CREAM .B., P-kage SODAc BISCUITS'85o 10L -- Rihîsiio Gden W eSPECIAL ITEA -H Pib Z, g29 1-1b.WTin.ers Il.1 è Macaroni & CIteese c Loaf lb.20C Ilau BROLOGNA 2î-- 25( Canada Garden SEEDS Hni 6-a 'l mc Chicken 2V< G ILLETT'S LYEc 1 r Large Navel Oranges, doz 35c C;,i ke Lemons, doz- 35c Fiirida Grapefruit, 5 for.--------- ------ 25c Silver Skin Onions, 5 Ibs - -- -- - ---- -25C Nessijotate, 5 ILs-- - -- -- - --- - -25c Newi Texas Cahbage, b -- -- -- - -- - Sc Large Cuban Pineapples, ench------------ 21c New Carrots, 2 Lunches ---------------- 9c Large Cucumers, cacdi------------- - --10C HO0USE-CLEANING NEEDS 9 ia c cic e 3 T i . 1 3 < AMMONIA l'g< e'ïooms - tari 25< cA-' &Uaiue Waskins Soda 211-I13c FLOOR WAX i141. Tnt 25( CLOTHES PINS 4ciaIý.OC S ïN g Cli p I flg. Clothes Pin;. 3 »~,5 CLOTHES LISES -0fi 15t; SiMti 25t BON-AMI, Cakc or Pîclc2 i-e 25i .O.S. 4 -pd Pkg. 14.t; 8-pati flic 230. BRASSO ,e SILV.O - L.rgu. Ta 23e LEMON CREAM. Pcý .a12 aa Bai .15c SILVER CREAM, Per;v acWlc 15 FREE DAY DELIXeERY-~PHONE 321l acti e fe iIowicg tae Qa Iet. et, Mr. M. Reaatdby Rev, Mc. Kelly anti M. enH A and a pianoa soin, hp Mtr. 'eant,aI ci mhich mr. a-cil cI ertPlurnhin 1- l. îvL lo, l uc i t irîc l . o icicin Tiictl era, .11 iti l ciri l'ad et luccrirow li at g ciica. l i rom wicci militi htare Iccet . grjus ý-Jdet nd njry.Tlý, TinsmitI n g, scclc lieifrl htiii . 'lc'ciry T le cîîe uulun hcccîe cii ulonrPHONE hc îîcîvcti tIc placier gauve accus oniMAIN ST., uicý cilig .1"îIv, 1it!e,,acl. trceWi tiad ic-n itoitice. 'ýfltiiir lic lurenC am e îiîvev Intelîthehair ccci lmbeor the jildgý a i a " ici "' eic' cucul r Iier ,e. ob lelIo not Wrapped l"ftellespotliewouli Il- b'ellhart IDci y, d fre. S 'lioi c iiciçiiiii ec il ci tul i icl cii ul l Moud Brosw. tSi ,icu ic ec(u, CAKES anti1 wcre p'eoc. l" («Mc. hic. liiî-, uî cici Wedding Cakes ccii or MMccf;,ic(ci.uivu,iti, ic ic CHA4MBERS 1iccahca lIciij-I'ii. Vîcaiilct iclice.-tuuieti vers iicercsiiiiugPhena 66 - asti inpiruriive tcî il lîlu î'c, . Mr.TH li-eiry em atii.iiedi one fiii'y - H iicv Jlic'ltc cciittc ie, ld.t 8" lP P lad 1,r piiict eicciiiv. iv aciO rle iemlierauu'ic.ciiy lc ag I w .,da foliir cItuiy il " ccii 011, aeconahtuico, iîdccvti coi oine hoe n. lic, lîriitil iiOic Ic, s vn it- l'tig A very luci' ".etl giiiiva s icgci iv h Maie Stietai ,lec rI cci fN.iiat icciion ojýr Mci 1,00P rinio M 'iDUfycor M cien. rIlc,, ccggmtql_____ ilitai Suprer pie iiic hld ul ticîg Atîh i3eý suoeruerr Mia. . " i1iiii. Anicirh oir iii etilc t.nýed Saves1 t lent reprecenfliir, e snl oitaii 1he c1o rcielctlal cmcî"cs cliic "iiie EPI Mi VH IL, cii ai lice ?Siicic c, dccil ci To cunici ior iii thu, 9tcii. ]Mlo îcc i t.A. NE W>i Coe'uc,î cr5iningurîc 'O cîr1oeul. Miii l-ris Husselli Peai iacrovtans ue ic ta pi a','. lRe-iui,,lcc oc' civeuf by Ille Metoi Iaie. i Estate of Adam J CHERRES Rc.d Pîilîct 25Sc PERFECTION Cowan's Cocoa, 1I1,.Tic 23C NOTE CHAGE .1PEATJIE FR!. & BAITiR., MAY 18 & 10 George Raft andi Romaliod itîselile IT HAD TO ItAPPEN Clua dMupîs evuHcîe. 'MFýrs"d Meatlieq Te>rytenn-"~Amattir Nîght' T'UE. & Witt>,.MA't !020 sih a mr*isinatittîc ci 4 i5 SHIRLEY TEMPLE tn Captain January rreiire Cliet - ".Skvecraperciî colord Catncn 'Fiamers lite Madame" FR1. & Ir.M*YI 22 & V11 Willi Rgrn In OId Kentucky Vior 1W 'chance ta ceo Wiii NliTICER#PWina' laciigr.cOe lie pii, ttres se advcettii econmeîthiv lîtis aice Guide loi May i15 anti 16i hav liepu changadte ta"IT FRAI)TO RAPý PEN"i arceIng 0Uic liat i anTie. lied Rn.0 tdfac Tiîrsýday and Weticeday, Maî fl, mntti20,. Shîie. Temtple ln "CA'TAIN5 JAS liAli'." Se, our adv. AuTo Jurxuei ixmiteittvtc.-Nel son Picket, dniiggit. in1u{ueed befire Itîtge M unra lit coîtty rtrhlere oc Frlday, aîieg the Wtan lreatiCt. for $181 damagen dcc. te hic autiont ble ci a aciliiotn rec:ur 0fcptamw on Jeuutary 2ittb. .Idgtnciet watt ru serveti ucili ube Jane euion cf thc cout.i Siws AORivSN Dtc.tacr rica ceil showm.mre deiopmntnidur lng the nexi 25 veare tien h haecin the est 25 .entaries,, ev. Dr. I)euei Itidcîtt. edt,,r of 'tue lintil('lireh Mi.sontaey Rcrue iat n iiattil iqýtctuttiaddienii, -New Afriva lin h Making.' aiut rlitîgtan an Fritta "entlg. DRiNia t19 ViieRRTMEiNA(IK.-"Dr' nI litl ith ih t msini nlle0tlihe cid tîî!.dferîrasin ht îcf ar dei Re - e. .. H Cb.nuî.eclf 0 itaria Toeiiipeance :ed attn i Btliigian reeenily. 'Di iniiuiflto 90* per eont.iof th. p.ovi7. 1 ceci, cf ithe acident,anti 50 percentu cf the ieafiy," lie aaid. 11-4tolt olity cuittcil diltte t i ýu iiîs y taeulie Malice iioiîni ~ar Asooieiîin, u'iineiiiicc gen..alt "gre!"cg ihai couniy faire arc nil ily an incentia'e t.ouniig people ti ssork ticeder tut aimea have a grei educatoýncivaict, Mmdîttarent t, etîr riiuui'fi. wha are tukewaî'eî i their cympaathy ta the Peel Cicintu .iir Bitai t-Peel iGazette, Bramptone A vary HBeceitetaitri ena.ric., iy ihe potina peepie çt i.'vfilo lniti, Cirhin St. alua cabo1at.mct 'riesiiy cveîig. tndthde u tpire of the Ecenicg Auilary. l'ie pro 1 cti ituidtitoptays. "Say1 Vhliiaffy aenti"Thco Fînger 'f (lad, Sn. PAIl'S VNID cNIceU 10 a B.~ . sud Bible is., SCOUT ]~NEWS! cd uy tii. minuter. M,, R. H. 1,1, pion, rererdifing the Ontarlo Tent. - pera"n ued fration.w"II &Peak on tiie 1 iiqor sueation lu tiip envice. cuti pelnt i time icasni t. t0, T. Pl. Th. fsiiiowlcg scout treni ava 77p.n -vomleg worahilp, cnedocted eotifieti tii. nmttteeé atthey Tii. 1.(l'. g ILîpare holinlg tii. twilliIttend tiie iemborea. Miii tnoap "in 1cgmet Ilngothp iisean thi. Toronto 1111(1. ironp. Tronto I fft iThtiredaye> eveicg tt 8nclock. A TrscpToronoit i lt oakvile Tmcîîp i;Be vue wIlis ioffereti and I al let Aeicoi, I#tNew Toronto. 'et whuî arteteeotdinle UtilWork na" Mînicot, let Mount Dennl.i« t Wft. ea-nrdtaiiy invIteti. Tes cil be erveti, ton, ,5t Bramiptoni. Ouher tooaeitîiiCSA e trnlg mii t tke. el perteti froint ioiiii, t, ntatil. 'lhesnnvergai'3- sevicea iPi' ton and BilrtIigton, lbiut tey have, Chuiecli ylb.betti a n tîniy e noît yot ment In iliete a pprte.iin.. 'îl8t. 'htktanlgoiicaett -sck for- the jaîsborr. 'l'be attmîesiin prite ie Oe" nd ii iinue tilkil t. isci, it. ueKNOX RI iiearereany turne ing tih hîe deys of Lut j.nibtr.e. Thiflem or t i t. Wie M..M. S.of Knox, ALONG wiTrH Talc ROVER5 RBoston andi Ommtgtî ('iiirclieeare r tmleded nitf, ,cttcnel emeetng of tue W. heti Mr.Wttttanimonnst telremc'.- .i rnitta î'eîverc i. le ilth,, ii Il ng eMay liii andtieh.gave "' a f iebvirt'î th. reli, i.tevtli, ion iceereoticg Rtelle on peconileafal, a 8iti.etslud 83t)pm. DMT. The.Roerg are tili ait.reoid fiient. AtId"eetwmil b. gîveitli bi rMt icn tre. anti If yeti have aliy Wll ,0iaI îit., Mr,. Eakln. of leuee d tkindt Wt ln tourlil ih arndOn ail, Me, Andrew, cf Mane.cna ut pran daeto orjohn Taernei. Canimtte,,omer. ap.înlntcd to look atter thie vents for thq roîtig jean. MILTON GOSPEL TABERNACLE bore,. tF,îîcerqs' liiie i-olintg iceulithe Wordîfcf ilfm." I *lt iintay. Il a- m.. et Bitîen, chtres. J geJ. W. Elt Passes sbpt ovrin Pi t4inday, 8p îc., Bible Sehooi iFinî* itJîdge J. W. miit died IL as libeonerleBigI. leraecenetiav afier an exiedet i ti suitday. 8 il)lii., 'ittir BlereetiHope,' elies. in higrvîar. Ile watt îornîFetc igFae ,;.sýwegat'onoiponofMr.. Wpdedaiy, 8t p.m., Cottage Pae S'id ,.ThontasBille iin pîceset.Meeting. a-tlier".and liii tueexceptincf tornte Frtday, 8 p.rc., (lompî'i Feioweiiip 'd year i t %eoi the itenet lista enurî r et Me@. M ~aîiinMiltoe ttfe in th" Costaitycf Haiton. Mc ws Reiihti,. e ducateti et Upper Canada Cotiege, -Ho, ery onee lut thtreeh, rente." Universitiycf Toronîto. and (Isooti, Muray W. flowney, B.A., Hall, Ho cenimeonced lcm piecetice lit Pastar, j. Mton il gl. as made a K. C. ln ________ e i006l, and le 1913 tram t e.intesi judtge Tie lasse iewerv are eitantngaaiîa )n cf Malien iaocetv. H-alma cierk ,if n. ihes»elcdnofMSi. Paîî'siUnited tehc, (lai pae rweaddlg invitation aietich i.- a paît grand auîperlteîtteni cf Harn- ChAnipioOlBrIUe. nu Iton district, R. A. M., anti c pasc 'iel'h, dekin rftîtile, lu nch let o. msater cf St. Clair Macnie badge. denianîl thefe tiays. e Milic, e. e, .tcivei hy hi. wldow. ighi per cent,.cale. ta% le ccc MargarehMeMa eemon Jacrk cf îeved, ir.tead cf ithe former aix per Taee 0'. n.tightri. Mip Merli. cnt. R.N. c Ciit. adti io iters, ,"Me. John ie lintt Cf Milicn sed Bîtccv heat cave ticeahi niaklema 'nMci.. Jean Canîpbelaf lTacacta, comue. Ontario noer really ft'eic ,il à ai.feog.ic-ù!î tue îils ont.]îMay 2liii. i. çlpaleqiL Hlllîtita APeiINclcIi- E. .Wil.KINBNSct, 'Viiti Taiir le Word lha, b.en rereived that C. W. Ntii.ri ........îîth, t)eeeaiAle &y owper, K.C., tif BraniPicîs, métatee"n tîice. Retînre, etc. Promcpt Sericý- aipoi"nted as offiiai receiscrColrthîeue phonce 193. Farner, Crediitre Act fer Liii, ecttiv, til >liiiAit i,.ls -I iteacf Hilton anti Peel.,Lta sîîceed Pliniieatd Iapr.hacgIng. li. Ucî)rdou Jackson. ifaiiik5li-ie. He ctie. fier, A large gel' iectiti f"c'i wii asumcehiesiitiiuem iîît)etiateip triîîîîtîed 1936*1 'iînwcrl'ih alt1apee et etpcpîîar prre.1 cjIii&catiitî ci euettt'ppe. -Royn C tiene., Main .4t., SSHOES FOR SUMMER phatte 238-î. Whlite Blîce re aitioeît atie.eis-tt ie siiy foc 1e ai d .Hlit-At Miton. on Wcticeeday. NBey 'lriîri lllI a13t13, Jou i Wttce liii., î. EU. iy W aeteni f.rner .ldge Cf "h.e tily e.ý Hal. ,CiL hv tiiu ît, ieeehuicitani cfMagacet "' ie - P s- Srps Mla-e.andi fahe cf ,Jack antid 0 Pivai, e rvire ai ihý e cion lri. ,t ire 3'011r etil O t Paul'- Ctitei helia î.î. i .n. - Intermeci Eegecen Ceetr, l REPAIRING indlv cmitiiamers. SçnIasors GrouillaMARRIED 'SMilIter Peitigret - Th. nîceri a ge S MacNABBS' SHOE STORE tiý, i' Satiîrtiai. May lI. haiý P 'INE4 M .TN 4.Oî iiicpessclAenîte, Faitlank. Ci PHiNi,. - MILTON ( ,ilv. Pot ia..a. of Mlton.c, Insuet on Kellogg'%.-alosays oven freah and flavor- perfect. Made by Kellogg ini London, Ontario. NoNhng tilus Iii.placee o t bCORN, FLAKES COMPLETS DISPERSAL 1 AUCTION SALE of Pure Bred Accredited Holateins and Grade Gîtroseys GEORGE H. KING 'nle ceai et'oflTrafalgar, on Wednesday, May 20, 1936, at 1.30 p.m., S.T. See posters for compiete list J. M. ALDERSON, Freeman J. A ELLIOTT, Milton W. A. RUSSELL, Brampton, Anctioneera I7HOCOLATE D!~ RN ....A ,Vourishlng and Rekreshing Drink I \E Il'T 1< 'iOtUR (III L)REN Wi EN THEY TIRE (OF PLAIN MILE Free from tftnnic acld ICALL . it (1ive ûv oniwitiiy ur CAL312 1 rig' nik L.~.MILTON DAJIRY FAY [(r fi rand hing MILTON, ONT Bake ry

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