Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Apr 1936, p. 3

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____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ u __ __MM__ ___ ___ BACKED BY 5 YEARS GUARANTEE KA~. __ -- -- 1 HEATRE PR.&BTAPERIL245 E lectrie Jean Rarlem and Spencer RIPE' r ApE' Refrigerators. 1.1.OdL Ce lereit Cartoon: As Iow as $149.50 " coutry Bcoy" NORGE AND FPRIDAIRE TUE.. & ED., A PltIJ 28 A&2f gt, ll-orclai rerigratrt4giv umrs he reaemt Joeaphîns MoLebluson andt Pat Thei New t.NorgAi .trlii efieoon ie ieaflcgeetDtn in Vau e per dllar ,timîtt ty tti)rt . ,,Le mi itthe uîmarket. -1 -- 1 ý - 1 -- . ,;ý - - ih.OIL FORTHELAM S TIe ti lultin iqteti ii, i lit'w.' re , ti nit)m Jruvnietii oni uL one iýllimtrtd i l .'tlieIi r u ot," Msrch 2nd, 1936 wieiî îuhlowe'îiao l(uilitton flint Ihou ci ootiniotaml nfor 9j yeame. Porte lej i ilil nt chiltioron ttr. W'e con utlom yotîî machines lite in Mliltoît that have een ,in i service for seveti yeers, wth a finish uiî porceleîu, jiit ce gititî amethe da) lo y twi er-. inst.fed. Lecicer w'tiî illvhtiip antd mia, hît fot eamily.I Sec The New Norge bfore yoii huly, ü0elipitrflotîr prie with ll SN oh iike '1.heIIak lî Pceg s o omas 81495c. H. A.CAVELLI lied &XWhite No. 4 1eas Red &White Coro .'-f tinslA------ 29e lie d White Tnnîatoes, '24's )~ Falcon Choîce BItlue liice, per lb.- --- Ried & White 'Baking Powder, 16 oz.) Red & White Flotur, 7 IL bag Ail for 49e Suprenie Shortenivg, 1 lb. plig. Costard Powder, 5) oz. tin loc ;I lb. tin -----21c I3eaver lBîneh)errie, 2 tins -------- --Z c Del Mate ('reain Style C'orn, per tin -- -----12e Mazola Oiii, f, r rilads for cooking. 1 lb. tin ----- 27e Applelords Presto Pack Wax Paper, per pkg.-15c Clothes Pin.i, ; doz- ----- - --- -- -- - c Guest lvory Toiet Soap, .I cakes - ---- 19e Slîîrriff's Sweet M.çster.ý Choc. D essert, :3 for_. 25C Shred(ded Wheat, *2 pkg." ---- --- 23e l) Juel.ely Powes, glass plate 25c Fînrida Oranges, fulo ieý arge size, doz. ---39C Sunikist Nacvel O ago'perd z - ----29e 11111 R. CUN NINGHAM DEE 30 EIE "*Quallty always h/gher thon the prlce", CO0NCE R-T I PARISH HALL. NORVAL Wednesday, April 29th, at 8 p.m. Choir of St.Thornas ChurchToronto He:trd ,' er t;ri .t t .t1,I K , ioda i- #, 1'. ni. Admission 25c. ilmt li, N rvait J. CADISKY OPTOMETRIST Tuesdaayy lleîMith 't 1936 Anv(ne sfe gfrtrn ' esiîoto. tefeeitve vision, or lieadâchee, i.hûolt( nt niss ihtt. tIIorttnity of vonsultng this eyeight cpecial- itt E vert teptti ) free, býlasses. .uplied P.4. teasonable prites t.fhe oure t>to BABY CHICK S U P PLIE S PUR1?'2A STARTENA titi finest etrtîi1g fed vîtu cri 1.1i'u ttI' tît . thiti ta itti tgrrdieltt whicel t tepetîp the vlamnin A. îtîtiî i.tte. tint. srdtîîg rtgmii t dierose. 1erdrri tur Pui a rt r- .uus Lt e. PEýAT MOS S - orr i tuer -omn nîars ,nsiteto readtly milamtuable prittîcall draft prooL A. S. WILLMOTT Flour, Feecis, Ail kinds of Goal PHONE l6 Ï.tTitEt3, DiiiTis"-co i- el.u _________________________________________________ Pantng mnd Papcrtangiog. B. mats f e. A trremcwatiin of ses i - ~~~riimed iiO'ooot'WalipaP FOR ALE Iet popîiiar pices. t l ilail DEOTSR SEALEi mmpie..-Boya cientc, main S.C.White Leghorn Cicks tiyo avant amready sent toI ernote r ctes o IMayor George R. Harris, edihir r stor outte r nte. tu the Gecetta,. duingtou. msWle in o Ail tieie T ftttt coini.Vjj1 & àKE .ceModjy ftarrnuoiciami tarel bueo tteti in trît iR 0 P1. u. in'rr M IBTEuàesimos itl> a friendly c e Ail eggc siet etgh 24 t-. peur The ~Coilcutî,,u spemiite We regret thast nt; a fLbs. Elgin doeeo adoe, and ti arc io r uS t Harris, pubicter uf9t. Burliugl peot. 1ORANGE VILLIL, ONTARI oO ctette. basl berenilltour ontetit iiketee iltditetin Jaueev'Mr. Marris' masy frima"s n la ail sertua eocti urs it moud te ivt,, do oe nom. Ccouty hope te mut have an early.1 Matuch aed Ap.iCI CttIOilspet tii9e0ei' Cr-uonplte raercry. Bey ChLîuî'ts _ 1110) T, 5' f 2scNo tlletion- No Charge LOL-On Mond&y evening.N Pult, 86ft)lier tikl Et. 18W t eisphoos WjiStBrutie, (tcil Armstrong. A Da IM COctimae 3: ; ;e>te u> ___________lis___ ~ ît Daputy trand Mastter of Ont Bmy the cilktrit lc Mi leo. lii Ve.t,,and Reserenit W. L. L. Li live. grow, lsy anti L. renea. B.A.. botb ft 'rote. iii P0.t re-e th. reglar meeting of Mil tIRS. . VANSICi(LiiDarttu aOIdt"yme anmd Modemc. 1LOL. 2W5,. Ai membe. abosla Phoe 21-,'-I R.Z. ". i, li tint'er the auînpýieerf et .Juc.ur tend. Hanters frotte otbar loi Phoe 21 .21 l 1 "u. i tiiliru Fariners and Icettte, filib. teid in1 are cordialiy minit. Buttviail MIh1.,tf 'r i.,)rs ii0lt,1 Palrmo UCcmuity Hall. Friday, j&Mreexcellent aicetereand tas d.i..'.t 21, f , prii 24th. CarlLehmmarsas & mesage for mii;insmbee. et ttc a ________________________Admissonfi .tai mcludsd. cnation. Andeeon (ber. brtharon-APortrn.edi iso y. ce Friday. Apmii lt. 'r .J. - Piiu ur Cei 2t jAjderon, an hicOtb cn 4.h.* ~ ' ' ' il 0F-CHINA "imlRumba BSnd" Coori! Cartoon: ilerry Oid Seul" FRI. & SATUR.. MAY t A 2 Karen Mriey and dmond TIUNDE.lmnRT !NItiIT Local News. Hlisturg herse shom milii te beit ci Moeday. ay 2;. Acten ii go on tayligt eavini nat Sîînday Mrnmeng. The rnost sidahy read booik of Lhi esmec e lutbe seed cataslogtue. Milton toms ceilh mihI Plimnsamà coum oniiormnfor Cbief (Contatle Had- field. Ms.. J. A. and Mr*..Rilcf Gien. Milan, vited muh friandsuZa mccii hat meek. Wbeyen organise for Ilaebomi. lng. tennis. etc.. let TusitCiisiii'ii) tave a report. Mir. ansd Ms. W. J. Htill. ut 01091 William*e, .ilteuiMr. and Mes.. FLI White on Suinday. MIes g. H. fômoets .rot ornait hoe frein a deigbtitil trip ta Californie, mhere ele epent tb. inter. Fortyfive per cent, cf Bratiiptor puipil bare depealite en tbe Penny Buack lilounting ta 85.616 W )in February. The reWlar Meeting of the i.O.D.F selo teldelt aLthe home cf Misa A ltîin. ou Frîday. Aprih 24t.h. et 3 p mo A mprogresive crotînele socialmoit te heli in Bthel Ctumcb, Druaqir Lu morrese (Ptrdayl ight. Everpon, ha yor amîtcriptien ta TniitCitAu i'toN padt!, cot mc would appreei a. a remittancc un aci'ountct Lyeii earliet cenvnisisce. An o.eretea rooder cet tbe live et 3il baby chick tp.remseitthe dta befr ty Wwo. Robertson, MuenDr< Raison tumnihip coceicil. Whiia the ban on Mot Macine, au, other gainas et chance still remaius il Brampto. they May b. allomeit i the Bramîpton 1.11 faits iisyear. Milton Hîgt cSol fias ben invite ta compote in the secondt annual W. Lribo Celegu. invitatàon (Senséta i bauli ou Sturday attericon. Ida) loé EO. WILIiNSiONti. CttainTiloi l'.rt St. -S4uite. OOvrei Aller ions. Repaie.. etc. Prompt Servile- ph-cr193. Me.. J. fieadman, et Tibury. r tured borne ye.terda & fir a cher .lait itb bier stn.UcW. Mrriaci Mager et the Walker Store. on Suinity. Apri l 2tii. et 7Pag ,Spadkrat doif ng Ieaer. Mn 'sVbate, cf T'ronta. The Umagb Womsc'e Institut. wm hold a ale cf home made baing in th Forme[*' Club Rais, in.liton. Sat d.y. April 25th. Thers iii the oin rondealimhadt. buospie. mcd cati A5 fernoon tes e.lce ho servait. MILTONmeOF)nFgLLciWS fiAKit Moi Ve7!ine-Fred Becectk. District Dev% ty Grand Mater. and hi.itegrre teau et Lodge. . -1.0.0 .. MeuLi More offcai viei,this veet.0 Mooday nig';L nt GeorgaLu'twn. and i Tueiday igbt et Atan. Mnl. D. S. Ruaertace l.ft for Ca gary on cf hat wsesa1 viaiL bac son. Ducan,.Wmte mas quil 1h., tut la nom. m* ansre pîméd La r part. doing nicly. Mr. Robertson Marly t'snds i Milton top te se bavs an early r.ccvsry. Mltoo meil;quit.. on teup un t eiirsent evelte efth'te dy. I- w» , Paru ticat D. Robtertson. sebo le e9 cf th- mon reccuat iiim the Mie.s Nova Sooia. &as hore. Mn a siti o Dr. Defoe, ofthlb. clrlted quint livre ber. 'n Lb. pereau ob Mm. J.1 Marceeil, Kree reday cigbt. April 30tt 1 open for Mtult Nigbtt t the Pftal 1tiin es In lndy Sù-ooolBoo, and the auspices ufthtie Y. W. M.A. Thi mil ue chorusas. rer ding., soles, at 25C. mcd S1c. S. H. Facter. Reeve Of Streatevili tavîog oe.n rconfluei tohibri for cm tmeirs eeta liter hie suiident. .ianoarv. aleh hafsimit dbrute1 ip. la nOW &hi. ta ait upi.i a chair fau hon-e ecbday. Hi meiiy trias milteo iaasad la heame tict te lail provica. tpbriîgalowly. Ceruumt iBrNsAlatuTfLoxît.-Crushý m. te trtpoe.d In tii. patb of a falt irýe on a fillem near Georgett1mun Weulne.uay f nt at seet. W-1 Holce. 47. cufferaitvry aioîo s excediogly painfol inury. Af L.r examanc8on y a local dechir, L m-s ai"mbauiL.hiTonoto Gene Hopita.--Uaorgetown Herahit. t rds mitl5B igbt Aprlt1à . lut 10&'j"B. Mcd Bitle 014,5. At teallouai meeting of the Hal- atat glmledl by the Klt4h5l~ e-a'l n mrblp. nonduct- ton fpra] young Peopiilassaociaion Messes. L1. B. Mackenzie a Son bave, ToPlui of D.aî.b." recently. Walter Linlam. Acf the cipatrect for building au additio l7p.m.-Uveaing worabip. conductelà mas electati preidant for .iecalot.c Wo the.190îth & atone .l.ctrtelai pallnéby Ibsm iniiser. Theme, "Aunaitm woe omonthti. Plan. i're tmait. t,, in town Ibis .priog. - Gieorgetown patient Youthb." Itottithe snotirai Il emon aet 'l'h. .vsntb acnURI meting cf Lb livecltoek judging for ileiîio ai Herald.10.110ePrembyteriai W. M. 13. faii te Crn. and ln ixufrilion andi totiiiigfil, Ngw 8CLIGeLl.PIIOIORMO-OOCUO' he- au an lt.Paul'@ un Tueïaday AprîliiitheJunior hompgntskeme ln Miltotn on Lion~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~) cf 'mfe'ombIksho 6bmhmorniDu. aftArufflo And Satiîrlay. Jlime 1:h. Tentative pat@i1 i. dl.emaned at Burlingf.on. Ad ' ioloig seion. e. im.E Jancieson ere algo matie tu,, lthel nu'iuît fase hoall.tiePli à l 'Ra Ii the speaker in Lhe alter. fi<e r ea tSatnley pai k, Eriti, oit tb. Masni aolctpul. ar uio bacict iil be "Afric ei duetendilîey îtit it B stprhcu lThomms won arrested bin arches on." 'lh. eNature cf Lii. This Wr iiderI!t'omi x111Wti t Mm tounsa vograut. &"il mbeu es- avenîcg mili te a lmisolonary draie csa.ieenactm day t. ,, In e tîilire( u mmmcnd th. aop found 2OP7 cpeors ou "The Romances ofMary aud ttohart ftii,'girls eitroîîeuî It tht" Stîtper end hlm-emie W 1iht.. HaWumagienone ou.Mnfo," praceteibt he, ltIson Y. <itîttltg dliitiganieî'd *I,igil itt.t day tou ira Ve etmrtbtatv&t, coti-W. Cirele. the roîîtîît.Wclrre tîî'î iAcrt- Porisumd IL. Wednecday, 8.p n.-Mid wcck sec. taittiro' îîPl*.tpi'ottotîîeJ 'r. w tv Rit AP'otIN'r CHIilJ.. -At a ePeesal VC.coîilio Siîle n ,ie otldItii e rk ti tm taIlît at. session oGeorgtown romuwncouneil W eitb .tt. iîîouu iito Gi. Marbal semure-appoint.eochiai cf KNOX CHIJRCII I tii - tsBe,iy w'latt, tt tit ,olie uperîn tendent et etreete mcd ittltoWlaizil. Tortontot iiitceeoî Il ,t Imate roke ad tas colector. P.IBen nt"v tiirt rll e(-e HarIonmm apieedaisat 'co' eil services iii Continue it omi t irnot eti te aîel tetieittnt Letor of nter ratesl. KoxPie.lîytriau i'Urc uTu re Tii, juiitr forimer".iie îîttîî dey sudtti tue oeeloîîa etrÏeîîttîtret vitIl It l qut..evîenttha ab goare Tbnmi'ay, Bo...Wiliiam Allea',,s îtaieare lotornmwî iii îît ment iuteude tu mkamorstringent Doeroaurt Ra hrb ocoo attoh.ttitoeiy oafti enforcemrent cf L afin '.atstiog tmil knosen foî'j bis 6"morninig hava. 1nIl. Airetdy tetteet 6t) and .0 radio lienaes. fimyrcal cf 0cr ex- Ions" cr Lb. radio. Subject. 'Makt c etotelots v i. ur entile,, chaneureport fiues for failing te se'ngTerme Wtt i>atb-a strang eto oe l'tilitari corseLb.éiofficiml rght to bave the,. Trmsmtlnn." Tiud moeae it îf ffeti etttîîla mcmodem appliances binhomes. l1'a'day. Mev. Waa. Alian eije.foitows:l Miitî.v'aîtet tîtîttont. Hoie riues i'tmsit -e. ad -TheMystery of Det-floiole itig r,, f0 e'petin tt M. C pieu Loacdir.Uanrdaugh. alaIe.;tntvcepe.1en.Alu MCjjr ,.jOm -d.h Ail -are cet cordlaliy initéd to jtiln lottie: etîd viitosteîiatte tir. Mit.e Billie 1, Liceda. »services.Ml.utit.Niro r ilv îot sud Mr. LmcbIl'a te tar. b Msa.Hiideihoii. Paieremî);t; rrooler t. E. Lisle acdn=altte Cmptell. -if Mil- Special min.fg cf Y.W.M.A. mii t'ît'Mti.litîn. Lnn taho have spent Lb. teinter le h. held after Lb., servies Tboraday________ l rid.rsturnec.. hom eSody fenisg. Important. Plinuas mii coine. AobrRce IPERNaAN.rlT WAVg.-I ha@.butin MILTON GOSPEL TABERNACLE- fortiîti tu sec thLb.service. cfMr. (Formera' Building) wnings 5tttithae afeett itf elIme <'m Carl Rentrer Lu do Permanent Holding forth alb. Word cf Lite un tslo govermeee. tetoi tre operroîeg in Waves for nie. 1He li b. bars one Sonday,,3lap.m.. Bibelichool. an adveriisitîg rcket eeiec that thet April 28lEh. ave t 6aIflsut. uudmy, 8Sp m., cubject. "A Horrible ran oltaînti glus ýfor i .ide'ieoi, gprions. Persanaltvt artns a aPec61%.Pt" lite te tomesad ott toueoft utc Make y0cr appotment erl.-H. - Weuîeeuday. S p.m., CoLtage Prayer Diurne iteintîlets ii]iti. aivrti.. Oakvillesdldn'L ihavsthe fellOses enoin lriday. S Cottage Prayer Meat- 'msre ,9 sti, governnmeeiliîas e,, nierBeiing the bmmprs c&pillestirat Icg MCLugbln*. milLeu sgeîltv sou, îîîîîg aieisn l timo abad lb.oid papers in thelli La 1111 b. He'Ights. with the .faniont hablt i t, Iuinrot bamper. but me dît bavae e da l meainluein ml. rnit oi e woteii tt,lt-atiii'îîg towe elllnig potat-Is that boi tbeau Murray W. Downey, Pastor. sitme, wh lot ti lieîetht.îtt afrosan. mbî. bla e nearly ausboit. Th. accore nghtî Ail eetintt,act. potato*s.looked gocit. too.-Obtvill. Nonohin UWM .W..,.', Intitet.lie modeie r(tile lhrouttitilt,- l'ut htar. goiriti f ntO itil otr Itýht .ttit tt'If Plameskeep off Lb. lawes. 'hi. 'is metiiu eein f b.M linos. ______ lNBs"anmIa eadvlce to prdetrians B? tain Union O, omen'n hctitîtamacu vla e car cnm ril.' .c(.rVers 0 ale h aso r o.DA herseveicelea. ILtLoie.yeam ri oite beltetLehum fM.. j. MMrhali CELEBF1ATED 32Nh> IRtHA o a 1lae.&ait often a Licughtlen em o erace on lred attenon. lApril!1 Lb, L.ll IdeLroy ia appearancce e a few ",mu awee naminea 'lh.milrai. l 1'ai etottrtieu it minute.. Doayour hetctoateMIton ms nme b anigmeaiiiwar. secn.dloirtharr îoniiatSl iii tînetiýv Ilmu butf.Mrs. witelock gave a very inleresi. celitevp,3i ifttic t rîtt, Tttr,tt t. STUNTS t ieg &.nl belpfol paper. Mme. P. Lamb ttHmmitn. t..,tt lud tt".n MUSICAL ELLTIOiCltNSd t rsad a poiler on *"floral oliec" hby saithe tii' .it't rl itn i .teitt. In REAIINGS5 tEthel L'apman. follnwed hy commun-' totisi lt). Ittittet itît Mitit dît'. i ltHtIUSES tit.y*ILgicg Me.. W. Delta gavea aer, tttidioi i ith, i' -ttto.rt lTl1CEIEN ORCHES'TRA. Etc. er. fiait r=pocf district nmeeting. lites aitit attititi l îidt it i Abtire Preaebterian $ucday ficheol Mm..Lamb ea a srlendîd papet on im' îat htt..otîi Tbuoday ight, April lth. ie. 1di îltaLn.uCanadien authnrs. Mrs.i'.la.______ RCEsc ct.eeDK4ei.i'ice Ftn.- 1 ril braith gava a paner, ai"o ademonotra' a.Trebel. Inodlen Rd,. 'roronto. mastcou '",," whichb wae gratty A nul&îu ifet iir-it. ,îickioied hSie. dl liedlZi an cetean ho hi dive'.aposciated. The cîesting masclcîced ama trippiiig down the treet. 'The .1 lîcs'eLuB opncded fer two incute i. i Nationmal Anthein. ailer mbîeh air mac keen. lier cge w-eo..ien. and me hen rîiîîeicted utfreeklectadriving in itere valsarisceIlanasicae. rsdrrai.lec --im..ecr. The.i siei t (>Atilte potice court let Friday. . a oît tiast iue.kpit.",l Ihei MagistraLs I>uglas Davidc.î mw.n Liea-C . viieCneninmirdc he îe, îelie, te csudit, toadl ivPrcicial (Ceetable A'ie w.ý eoet.l uth xiý il actaoothat lha aidctoppvd arcoul - d rit.,tir ii.'. tteof I: t tî' thetgid.. wse be evias foicd cîgcaggîeg oin à'e May lethbol bren atin,,' ii.ý m ighaway. ccnventicn date oftif i. Otane. Liber. I1M E T AB L y Tht Aprîl meeting iefthL. îOmagt aI C.'esativa Association mhen aT'ABà ýYWomen 9 1natîtute mmefield t Lb. leader milI ho'e boaceby voteîîf tbe H tonte cf Mm.. Mateolui MFctte.dr:ègatel. thope frin Halton cou.ty C Ç N G E S J Humer MeCaun' oin.e' Holor hîg me follome t Cety. L. E. FInit. d cIeaning hint*." Mne . t inl uroteown ;Lloyd a). Dînir. iirireî nu rPer on "Motb Uoctrus." andtMie lington ; Gaim . E lliot.t. Millon at Brcwnridg8 comanîeretc oneActan. NMrs. (Dr.) Me.Niven ; Horning . i A a.t onc "'r.aîeg tarnienuter Thc rporst onl, ActoîleAllen ; Caogetom. Vie UlOy niLn id cl t ect'meting t Ms.hi isc ng ; Mlton. R. K. Audnstriî a' f Delatoîgbt a rry P 'le.OatOkvtr 0ui 'b.ebuiEuîî tAet 10aco. L. Bllot t N'Iaon. J. T. TîîcL ; Traiftat lit. VTPiIkttGîE. MiîAL -tPrenanta.' ar.; bI elu Itd&ton es)f . C l.CaDadian Pacifie - Lion of Lb. long service medmi for car. W. S ai Okil:M. a'vice is a ajcsy'» auaiuliai'y turtCa. Smith, non MilI'e. a-nl C&adâ iate W%. J. fîiid ld tturcd i mringwun: Stearmt Brome. iOnk. the Ap it meeting ut Aten roat, 197. vile. WS. McMle. fGeorgetownMMUUMMMMEMMEU Couadan Legion on Tbuoiay evel la re' big, Hf-mai a m.mber cf te 201.11 rt HltieisRifle., g iuSouth Atrica j Has cc itd C ,D, in liff. presentesi thein at tt. coron.-' " ' atiîîn i King tLsai'd t.eVil i'15. - etcad seed le France. Broute. Apeil 2l-fir. A. MGnman. Bastor oBotaeofbatget .rn gb Duos AT'rAsK TultEiier-TmuItor t.Uýited Cbrcb. bas nneluneei tiat a. k IyI, mýr tililait y doge cn thse tailtueo " capteaa ail n ini M rubfsgbmay. on Thurdm aed te.m ad aàpsiisrt.ndent of Lbc R.acgelieal hipway onThuday --l tameCisiircb for th. Deuif. in Torointoi. coi- r tail.tmers h adly turc. A dia -s en ci i June. Mr. Macomme ail : CONNOI'S CHICKEN ,cin a oaarby filid mas chaso tut mn e .tise jýàmnsa-t tc or ;at a sepý lL. . h.sitbe chtie po.itn. me btiertunoce bal I S s r. t Ik on Lrkeys by dogs in Lb,. dis. rnfmntmcmsai eii h le 'trict. Tblotan etflortce Homl' mas gu Language ocithectiraaf. "'th tiiWImt btasiler. No couipenecait:c 8UXAAT.1 ti le allomrd at pesent for turkey. tilîrd- naî by dog«. 'Niting brungeos" motta content-- o'. ment os L beert tîîll f love or a tank M ni OBITLJARY. ft11l0'gaolîee. M GOOhI QUALITY n ____ M R. FOOT mai friendly wth Bfinmpy On Buni il ndtBorny Colis outil Crees n MARY AUNES ANDIERSON Cure mcd Bouion Salve. mcm #It n a oo mI s M ADAM JOHN ANDERSON hy aIl drug stores.M ail' A brotter sud a ulster uied mithin 24M toursofe earbother un tLb. bamtealM .S of Lh. lots Mr. ndoire.5',Ad Acter a c Boc. nioitb in,. Trafalgar tomnship. AuctioD Sale f Fu i ra B-8 At f0 'clmct imt Tboe.dlny ercing. P C)kIrckHersMé ,ili MiesM"ary .@nsAndermn. villa mai, A»is. M B"..fl in ber 7tayear. placard amay and Fn' M da& DighLct at&bout the «ece Our. th.eIl, perty rit UH S. SMOND.s on_ __ _ _ Lh Adarn John AndenvImlbo mas in hise Pi. St.. Mîlton. on SATURDAY a e t ct year. dard. Botb mars unmariaed APRI L 25tt. at 2 m.Tarin. cclh..Fsr )De an tad benuiin ili'hcaltii folr arme iT PFChiéba'. Atimtionear. " N F1 1 ini time. Wit babth batebr &muaigiser jN F S h0 on uie au -Îlebr amily plot in Edana ai. ;ametery. a doubla tisncra as » l,d NOTICE eSseieto ecte X- ou Monday atternoon. the service, fil. à COCOANUT igcondurted ty Ras.. George Fi. Pur' choebse, cf Strvetovilie . steul Dy Rev. The Counicil bac decitel that il Fb- . . Jackson. cf Nerval. :be FIitine tataCOCO,~în , i. ailtcn laM eci f nMi Fune"aiofthe Le Jas. R. Aderm rhei2ilu iit r. f nMti M The fuere1.a.lo ltae Jaîîîac R. A. hse. tro lat WOOL WANTEI) er ' ro, es i.tayaternroci«,l» mesý feagîly attendait Ly friande tronc tbi. ,- t~ lk dwbic .ilIî,.br twe mcl hei sans ne'.,iiitcti n.!fDOMINO BLENO as- _81 tonmn. 'lh, eri'at tthei id m hoemita'1 ttc grAý a- vie. tt,,iti M'lt il t y lîghest lprite lini r *LT-t ~ ir y hi. ptor. Rer. cA. Il. Reno. - .M Ttc p@aIîbrrms m esémar. CtarIes ..RicmeIIo and Fred Andlerscon. of Artcn in. ,tomi'NOFL îIAT7 Z VItai scesr tel Anlderaia, Ncacgamya.; W-mR. aelua e ~ftyluerance nugBra stadnOm t- et rAnderson, RICHMELLO AutBraarton, .iltit.. BerLAdea. Il onHorcshy. Internent mati tuade oi. MARES TIRES PUNeUTtcnc PROOF aiýrcîu mt'y eo na tatrceotnimliceo t ,oGOLDEN TIP Frai Pr.... WiseMilonr the *'i 'euvcrt, ality and petu 'ris aie. r iiu lGtil . tiMr. -md Mnmbi. lit' ol r 1. ci.' ECo,lao. (jure Dortty D.w.onh.,î a' . 1CATCHUP Ru lm- socn <Doluglas Hannyt.i OE . MttPDl.E >e Erly-Inltoulin, o SaturcT. April G.LIONEL M M.Ii ;l. iStlu. ifll, t.u Mi.u d Mm. ,.lPhonte 9-1,r '11 ife.o.ti oir toadWoi di... Eariy (cea RduSa t Oiim he ie ' - ____f.__-W AX RE.ANI a son( Donald Fraderikt). - Syri ilc.on Toesitmy. April * O dL UFI 21t ýi oDr. G0Fandt Mrs.Syer >red BABY CHICKS WEA A.MARRIEDS ~ . LtL !toc ALEN-tIWAIi At Si.Joh's ti ec l S.C. W ite- M ta - AiuttitIt19< on1e S. te' ti rlm oOvcoe. h ~ : QUAKER PUFFEt ito Mýh1ý -12 rnoeîBb FREE ALL DAY I)ELIVERY-PHOSE 3.21l j THERE'S a special gooliness le KplIogg's Corn Fl'ake. IL'é paraly their deficious flavor - neyer auceeâofully ropied. Partly oveaî.tresh rcriopness, protrcted hy the patented WAXTITE inner wrapper. Aâk for the world's ieadlng Corn Flakes., made hy tKellogg:in ondon, Ont., and give your fenily the beit. You Can No2i' Gel 'IGE GREAM at the MILTON DAIRY It*o bull lt if rt îtest. T;ke a 1jtit houm, Itrlittîtttimil lîrjîrîe tite fiîtifly. J. L. KING, Proppletor GET '<OUFi- FLOWERS for MOTHERS' DAY - AT - rONES' GREENHROUSE KING ST.5t.0ZT. MLTU)N A gtîtl,>-.tîliîîi ofut('lit Ilwr nlBitton-Hole Bov ttt s' B. B. JON~ES & SON Pl a Cheries aG u. ING PO DE 2 N,, 25c 2 c l,ý1 >A '22( Y22('< ý43< .25( ~ 49( 29ý -t 69<1 WAFERS 5< ý, n&l 2' " ILI &s325 lý-li [DOIÀIN 10 SPECIALI Largom.Naval ORANGE 29c doz. Snacks S MapmSyup27 Karboi IManfloersaa7'- 1 4 IFAiryt Ee 1t<I viFti Ut.R 'sutWAXi 23< 42 TI,ý Nw , F G o o d H u i m r 2 3 G i.. 'tD"ritps HONEY àut327

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