Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Aug 1935, p. 4

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e ____________________ SATRDAYS OLY sedtoreithslgle saine nigui SUY 12-TRIP TICKETS ONLY 2e. PER MILE. Onsudecialer, àlay Sfh ic lglîvy Kiig Moteichtes vwiiioperate onttayli git Suing Time. M OrmiX' Cosachs fratl 51s Cîtil- fiirtalil 11151ci cvelihjt... iltemtin.lg lo, is, ceh00von(I ris- vel 1liroilt he mfaic noat iîor' ssugifafreeof tlusseros andti ti ie ansd ou'r eceniie hghways. iligbw&y Kinsg Cocachui iuîeo, tiT , o ycilu1uj<k, frec1ueîsf andt 8ijicdîueohedilos, Yosîr local îagenu t to icituto c'oai"lî lirkela to aIl pointsa iniCanada snd th tsltnited i oaeR. plie t75 foîr iitforinntlioso, îjPIANOS VIOLINS music OURMLIL'gX-lANNlstu, iANCteosciol.AY, DnURit'nMRN PIcANOSs anot oebr veii.osv iiaketa 1 ha,. n usdasàatincicer oi roitilîlpiéie olcty c e u h sior termes arrtcigesi une tlurent ix tunisîba rettt aiswesion purchise. InsOtcume@elcn i eli isnge. VIOLINS. SIANJO-4, GUITARbi. MANDOILINS. 12K CEL.ti, STRINOH. BOWS. snd ail Mccslrai. Supplie.. PIANO TUNeNG AND GENERAL REPAIRS (0,cr 251 yoaro practi'ai expel ecuet). Violinet atai t Srtige'ii Ingliîuientu Bc'guîiohc-ihandReuisiet. V'oî' lotîcu mv ihring. Repsire ees. Pions) 24, MILTONS H W H E E LE R ~ 8 ia 8 Secretaries! Tics etitor cf '11e t'tsAOpioNolcvuittgreatlyly shîeecuate tiec o.opora. Lion of t. tis aecrri-a of tsaenio î'cauu -ti..h-- osll ac b.." i. brief setouttor Ihoîr meetinug îwul ' ,Iicca l uiri o.les. At>t'lIESS I'IM MbilN lC'ATIISNS : THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO CLUBBING RATES Ri a chap Torent-il Daily Globe $5.00 $6.35 Mail & Empire ----- $5.00 $6.35 Toronto Daily Star---------$6.00 $7.35 Hamilton Spertator ------ -$5.00 $6.35 Montreal FamiIy Herd and Weekly Star----- $100 $2.85 Inteetluic quietsanof but', In Billityvotas eelultbock agetiela amp Pott, ber sliua iedbhicnt ber, .eccolcîg ooer lier. brarnl it li netîil tgelnat ltce IPont 'Woaild Otites. btsf îet gailn Mae visite oand pqet7 lo zbe lgbl. hitty wn il flî icol f0 notce Esîsîtes tngry oplsi'ooci. Sico dicke eksisnosclic 81t5 lraceil ea. l'lto. Eddie." nei clt douhllully, 11d W0010.- 00015arl'ulud mtore lowty. '.0EL%" .*' sfeid. Eddiele orsI p t film.,lits Illlis'iui laicieit S' benecc h ie collIeboue. 'Scrsm I' 'rueý' ouleraisout bhamlly andt Bld1 cent bacr .onhl. hee .a Irilis frointhls uroitding. "-Wiss'a a maflef?" ho moked,1 ttYou know t.- wei visita tic, mat- ter" Edtllo tols, Nov tret "?s'0c'Edie. . .' meuii etfy. Std it se oblrogited au a mon doce ohem focei t ellcomplet('sînreicou. Hoisoiseita ousille at Iletyansd turneit îbrsîîîlly eKu'y. "fiee. Eddie,' sI BBolly. "We vers inîity IIl',s' wscrocîg vIls issu 5 i wicm vvalflu fur iYsu, EsIsle. ansit,,Id lIcol icppeiîed tf0 mme îlong." 'Voiane on," @nid Eddie oiigicy. 'l donI know seats tIcsmaller1 oith y00." skie field. "t't'ioIt enigl tei lake cote ofut oygplf. WI.el lcr:s can $Id Wise do llktng 10 1me on s public, etreel 7" "i dcu'l vautft h51se e neo 0." sspjisd Eddite. "l'%s@ outld Itieforo aod lItsy Il now.t "I i'etl Shîd of ieS of tîle. Eidie"» sue s.-Idi attîst.It,'l. no n for nie 10 work aIliticay sud Iiseîî 151ttI lleu 'comet youre throîîgic chouti. I dont mid vatIMig-' sitew wt on ho tiledy-"bat you ougit 10 let me« toIt 10 soîoeicosy.t' 'Sou cofl tolepole' behouit ili exaperatlon. 'Boltviy duose Il buve teli ild Wi's?" Bbc siruggesi. Tosu acles lie saine vsy about Tosty lerro nd Bucki ('Irak." IHo topped, 100k lber aria. LtsZeo. tlc.lIy. Totu kuow wvis1 aI ; viiot, t o te gel un hesin ot oftIs nelchnio- icosi, tocn gricsustlug Cils yce sut cou gsr a dheentO job. W01l gel mur- rled asdit iniV li nurls. unill tht' T0 ou oît u t aoycar or iBd sud Bock and thie resl et thise biouda. Tia'salt1soi.' She ibrei bock aI bli:"1W'isuldo Tou vont me 10 dolT'lut l u iins of granules? Tice girls ail go vits Ibose felloîvo, Tlîesretins. he Corïe for If. Tiscre-" Eddie retesei ber orre as lîusîgis borîsed. "If tisa'a viatiogou tlîîb yo'it ierler stick down bore. 1Ils vicoreyouQIi.eong. lIs goln o 10liul sometlsîiaof inyscît, nutlie a ctuî'up boos aIlfîny ifs.Toouurendo vlîal ylu d-n pleaee.', Sh icsagled and eoulloued on lier voy. Bshea nt Etdle bilsbeecoglsIlug a lot iatety. 0f course il wvsnî'I esc, for BItdle, handllng frelgict aIl day said goito 0 cjool ai nîgit. But il wsoi'l any l'un for her cîficer lîcit gîte soything for on,*nîcist of nilile andt kaugiterl *Bellc e, slut t.,"* , *d Bld lWis. isheetaopluei and b.liessee froui the car ai tecurb, Bock (.'lsk oas et tise vîeel. "'Wicsr'a EdsidIelasket BIl ' ocube home.t'* "WellI.01,L 'ss ldnt ble and oie ara gina 01h remsot vauttîo coin. loagi" "No. I li ircit " sait Belty. 'Comen, 0. f you're goin0,a calcit Buct, Bld vsa ligbliog another cgarete. "Velil" b.iesa Isd Relty siseugites. "Alil rîgif. ltm leasing sariy lbuîîsch.' Siseot icofveo Buck soit ld luntie front cool sud SId wavs creotssiy croalc es sr lier slcouIster. 'We'l havse nomesfon, eh bobyi" lie soit, Btly dîduit asecer. Silo vas tIbo- lag a' Eddie bo»cbed ai lts dek; uce tout.. almost piclare is bient, crsesI fos.e, ufi ]liait t iier lb"h. Se elsî fitlfuLl witeie slienaitlcrled formiules isod à scrlndt ~le&boue teilud bis losedt lis, Beft yauddenty tf e ery rmail snd a 111110 me 0. "Come on. naicyt asilliBd. "L.ok slvs. Were 001 for nous fun.' "BHoy about stolîpîng for à drikr assked Buîck -Ouiodides. Tisstti vebe iielhy sîp," "No, watt s mntset" seIt Betty. "'lvegol saieter Ides licere o o oev i'-'1 vworbîsxetaItlie elore. Stucs culte. Lto geh bier for flt&.'t "Siucida gondte1 me." said Bock. "I ren alens t se a nese fity." "SuVîsres 011"lsde" olsedSiId. Betty gasee le ires SisI u largil. mtle t ld tetocîf. IusiIlîI lsibe lop. Wbeu fise cor îiliî'dtho hi c mn llî-lIy guI0ont. "BeiclIl ouo, un s sec- ond," see bld tîsein " '5e -o'.u'Ilie lu ug." t oitssou bise fiird s.Ig.,Ottcë. se lue said : " 'ri les t ' t liii' lith to'îe doitts. i-ouis 11e l.uîî uiS Bucks tband iettoo. lie , s uS lie eered eIvi sîutdeîsIloîsult ent thse bouse."N'-..-" Ite Otil siwlY. 'Ahil t tisstueI laco elîcre b îidie Sit oloredIt trul. 11honig aay is cgarete. ""bluet tîs oîîtuue." ie barbeit. 'Aod if -Isos uecrack eCLItoa Be UYuta*** ' I o1u70l'Il buts001 700e Oe" *AULY IlTE. MARIE 'l1w vacatoin cf a bifatis-a cotinuons Pcrgose f ddvené, 6"d deugJm-resc assit oLsaaoa Ife yc poef.r. Las.. Bmss LOCAL.You Cao Cet Ail Kinda of Mcaiiay, uno--y% UA.VEI. Jien tese Oweck lai Auguss.AGN sk5" ..da -ca .ad id, da Blop.nvor privileges ad apecisi one. way raIes. ~ ' HaMU the coupon, dacebeaiu free Bool:. t-"KINi~T INC t THE CLEVELAND à BUFFALO TRANSFITCO.DoeathsOic OOOul.scSestm ores c fct aciet s..uoN Y 5b oauIl ic1ot'ocîcc, sis.cî. aOfficesi __________Cive Us A C'ali Entrance MIII IZOLA FOV1Es"a D AO C I.Mbi4 tlw a look aet it Boed cCioeee Iliaig on lice fccleton, aiettse corcar et Neil and Mott. Tics police ver. londing lhe bodis loito e lie trol Wagon. Oluarhiestand At lic urta Iooklng ae h ie dryiug nuls colorod spot. un lice grny entcbie. alones. TisaI lest2iCinamee-nmoto Ainerciecibad a I ,lisets-no pligisi', cyco elsat'd. lipsicaiftonl. The.ricla înlereiaut, Li Sung Moi, ('lýIorîle ticcil the, second peirci wageeoin c cIp ta a tIie-story framcs houes ut thse corner a0f Doyeis afferat ln t",.s liat lrosinîhioy fooed!IA Sung MOYa White vîfe. In lice Ililcleridligisi ber tace iooked pale and unreet. lier ir asm iceRvy, golden. colied mofliy about bier imaid, bandaid by a tricorne Ieweled henid.res. IFestoosof pliâk ad yei- low ihowere fel to licer shcouidere; Peibils twiiied vîlîs juifsi rnanitcnts icucg ln a frtiige suer lier wideslibamk, biaseyetea. Sicesffied nai lie police smaey qousetioneil liser. Ttiey eppcd gray bilaOki'ls about itie frsgile lsidy. snd -îsrrie liber siovo Icidilgct frocm Ilse risssaiher. cd.ehtuilved for six- fumai ycsr. tIberîle edged bis vof tatee rb ta gel o lotok a1 lier. lier c'yee blisked tilts ac owvis l Itsu nilighît. Bis. bld itenm vItli er long .sinbc'liicureci leeve. Ile heuîrd! ber îoîîsîîlsîo o e cy lifleit lier t0 tii lonîg &stlof lice wagon. Tice gong aouný,-d, lb. crowd andl pigeons scestered lugehiier. Cherile rolléad e cigarette vltc onelband, star. lis &fier lise vwu o'llb e eaeowl. Thlis' e lit I i h s cupped match, iîulled hie loes-crowuod derby lower oser lits eyes snd seleit for Bellevue nie stoppasi! In a s21000for a drink sand looiked at blinel in lice mIrru,' oser the bar. BShe'd neyer soeurhlm -net afier aita nyeers. Nul muci loft of thse old deisonaîr Cisarlie-Dia. niond Citsriie--circls rôonmean, Only lise iorsecoe eesrflin of airî]clicilp dîsîcionde 10lite roi toin four ln band lie eiitlinks ficeldtd Isumirepretty gsod stones, sud tic. snbe rivag;osnhie I1111e fiuiger boa]d a lblg whteîllelmand,. lice beotlh.iesfialleft of lice old dleplay. tl'uînne lic o h ieifouet)Blanchse raiis 5555 itiung for lber eixleen yelcrsis hppening 10 follow a patrol waosn 10te wcl lishent ri5popenthe oit hop jîsînts. ond flacre &aise wse& Il-. is Gnay 101 usi 10 ln owo n mluaiiclg aie. pliats op n oh istl Ilsaro mince raid- ntîic, trekking s'lth Uiem 1AUlise wcsy dsîwn Ticîrd senue, Tender of aie- pltîslhb oesu w. lHe grinnesi won- uplerîuiteit iuBsancewoold flirait:0f lie boit te voitaethlie icosIitcl aeu afler ihe but] signeit a card ssuulng istonelf bier bhst frIonsi Tic.e seli of lise river sepl oser lice olsi gray qtcad- rougIe. lMade icim tllnk0of iBridigeport ani theilo lick -oct sBlanche, cighleera, joot tram Austrelis baokei] ta do a bcig spectReiilar nct on tice rings. Lit- lie wlep of s girl. Ticey bât i arriei andi hept vli tics show for lSe 75cr., untlafin mimed on. nili10in Buffalo. Dope 10 stop lice hpti.,iopiug 10 beep ou wlic tis e at, Boneticlng wron- ve'llclber bSn. L.etl beliilodln New York t10lbe geoleditalhe Ocie ent oi ls liste Cost. No osoer liiîîîtly 10 hii lelfers. Ciels cione'> srdero reforîîed osîsl et bolt, -srsd tcîscî111ellle tîll @ice wee mission froni lue rîîssilcg bouse on Tvcoýty-ultic EFst wlîers lie boit!left lier. Hie gtenced et hie vthaInod elrtet for tics adilt woArd,. liauche la y barn on ber pllow whe e aslie jode osîlulet on tise reu Afikn ord aboutîllier flirat. Chlîeeate. vile lice dsîc for exomîned lber; thse porpie eicscd' ovesi long nallelicer itreacotsg eyes benossth closed lsia. liViceslie l,.hUicmurse set s four- folit acreco arooni tice bed. Ic.y limie ntAU att. nhlotba Cicrle, Os tic wsy in lise iosaltat in tise pitrial wagon Aisehistsluken an overdose of 5môme- llîlng idien ln iber long salle @losse. Tise elepiania up la Madison BSquare gardera mi&.ie somes cf ticeir minai mliiairations white ()barilesetaihhurt humside tise vllte huid.He held 0ne of lier hande a tonbi. fBer cher ont rhung te tise jade sinulel on the .11k nord, Hie tlked teleier, orviog 10taseetrate Iales lbrdeep alsep, Bs. iead always vowntetfhlm Aronl isen ,ce dIlier net. lie tiugcî. Ne usei tle weltfor liervhlle sceu took lber fonat boys 10 ssriiiiber bloceeat creeabout 1,cr. lue nelvaetscllic swanodown edging. Blu0e eyes, bîlond ciriy fisole. Pole bloc aIjklhtifl, filsatino110btouisslltllobi îîf o liîneOSie wio. He icunioitise olsi elîlance nle to luisocf huit roîoi'siiot lie Sîcoter's lVltz.' Heiitligclil lie fiît lier filgers close tigicler oss'r lits bonds, "*Lîssti, EKid 1dle." lies ald codent ose lier îelelide tîflt.'. i-U loik gîcol, tour met vs. fine, losey. too're oit l rgisikld-.ce, Il, 's ortieio teilîing yîin-f'lilc. loni rlt'lit lîîre, sctd-'t slc ip ie.ed up ut bain osalita maits bier senîr,îsîîe. lothie Big Show. 01,i lh[4 55'y ouI unsier lice ed brick tey-'da. ,liwsy, t'lirlle roîleit a i'litîri'lte isniiotnglY. %Mrs. lansche cse î'îîîtee, iulooed elfe of Chiartes M ML- Cauîrter. lis lihe *Clltlsi)r Raîid Blltisarit," Susste of th11(1 ii I iOCO wisildosen If. ls' il lobs a dît a is esso nia 10 Bi-!uteelorl fteicury ber,tîcîr hstl îirîîîtsîsr l')getiiî'r. And iolests. Ples ty> 'sil theîîî. le (lîrsîcîl fls i Co e îîiorA lits agilst ithle fresliciiio0 iF -'"s'isiid end t lo rsd litîlîtovser ta a oeu 'thuit o .essîe 1 inllwai sgondt pa,1litiiholsfor îti4inoisiî Excellent Reneon WIsy Cýar Ccsuld Nob Go By A l ii ii, iisio id .. tîii ho 0 ton .îli -adil. l i iolri l iissU ii iil i'i isi isi t Metiéifigle f belerS Oasis Au oasis la usuafly deiiood s a fer. Mie place *urrouifflsod icy a desert. Sven tisough a deàinr' a surfae.fla arid thers are, of course. unsdergroundl streamu whlch occslnally find thicr $ wa7 1 taithesurface lunthe fortinof $ 1 A M aprlage or arteain welts. Arouod the»e "water haies" thse u agalonba- eoms rich and fertile and supports inany kinds or tropical vege'sclion somn assR are amasimdlor.utlle more than atoplo places White otherai are ,haicbted pormenenhy.-i'atsfld- or' Magazine. Use of Sait hy Indiens The Handbook of Amerkç..o Indiana mye tisa t Dotail of thse tribes uf In- diass er. accustomed te aelng mlt. wiether from diMeiulty 0f prorurlng Il, tise absence of thea habit, e rcpug- natice for the. minerai, or for relligions ---ça., eIf lua..If lwsv ,,..;hlibl. say. Sait Rata iu enormouo quandt' tien la tih. Unied Staes, and Il wae pot diMeult for muet Indlenste e h- Min ILA M blcisie fer the Bli Dr. Aexaender Ru osetri a,: "if swl iIsssld ilacerthe aboie pleein lu rdi eiory tîoi ett ad lu braille sii y oide au bueo wooid uttrit ghiice reeîgnloe ticew nesignlfyiccg lie daeirtinl,! tise oiiteaeonee ia no dififerent. Thse I Alovoit lol ssiowe aO i .".,,ieltkiOhre4ion or ait as'ecotig <iîA5.-ii Iiif IW iaI b. or ds'oendin u nietIsittirttagit ligier lii .1doI boor filILe icoe sr lowe wi-ltteîîuttîo s'c d1cr- aiI liiiAlgotiuniHotol, StJ ete lms oown by ises or pasrej t ca .5's,,y iiiSi, u t nitt creatëd lu munie for ic' bin %,îi' i . Iziglît, ILads Miyla P, lure we ore dilaicg ss ic liée ei îe..îy lliy,diu;lîi' ilf 1tîcii lu dlfcreiit forai of preseettioîî. buscle Id ilir le.,.thie110rfoe ra lîetrct orlceectig 0 u nscsot .14ly Bltoruh it thec' pictredforthe mseng n th rie ad tciei.uIîaf a driiefrmii o tec foit of th ise acidy, *fillettc oiltefor fic'w o1-it îion1 8-toile et, lice bltîcd juet reuédia ilolettiesoH. In îîîsln îîîl golf c'rircflthe toi Braille 1nîlsic, ellhoîcghic lce sIgna t'(entre oshows îiîc4 par1 t fIbiî turc? sait bey os oeil lsc îelroiiiiî Coi'sdodîÇtait10 W i.wii filniemsudtemosare uictd leit aI lic bcglîîîclui of lice idece, es and!uo ui decrescendoc sige, lien, ecrents sîcsi sîrersec 00t wrtlen oser th ncese, Wheas Houeewivee Made but lntrodoceit toto ttiejoucîici l exr' Own Stocke of Cansdie& The ronscecsorefnd î,f fle 1Unîlesifie i tnîlll' iLiit I îîI te1 States treseory vos upeocî cI iil *h I'. e. llsr.- iii'.' , [orlîî Ion.rlb)utlîn of $5 u in 8l i. liîuîs 1110 i iiS, t' - 1 ,IlIi.Z,tI, ti'.lit' l reecîveil for chic fond il etclarrîciiiiîtiliihi wod. i le lis,,f lsilx, on the iscuoke of tice'ireasory dclsort-l eiglis. isuint'dtt5iiilisir iii ment as sach, but la listed-si.o wse cssîiili'., s thés-itouir. stx ucs ianoussreccips. Thé: oruoounts seccit-ci'*'5s.l lio si t lIii Iu ronge froso 2 cenie frous saisers o Ili Oili I tly thuis Wiliu lio lise vico foled te put aeaent,) uo ae ier ciî.i-o ii î,oîilal liai tseiîd when mailed ltecoerol tiîîsaîd îlot i- 141 ivr iiîsi'Iîîkîg liyse i taira froco Ipersanus viso eîegglIed gîsodo li-tifol tîs'l>sii i' f ieýr iltlss slî 't t he UccitcdStates vîIsot ioiyllog vit1 it 055 rom. îis'.or.'i, î u I tImPort doly. Ueualty flcedouéi lls il oIlîlis salîlit i îto .ii.hîsi' arc sîsîtl. No speLiluse le rosde o lit Ilit' AAt i roilishiit Ill,- iif the mocîey. -Il tîiy gocs o tufs, U i rt,. lhiigcarsirelut, îleic îl genersI rendsofoitthe departucent. 5 ll..otri glt oaid li ghtluis l iiiiilf In TIi.. Th.e Basi W.Y Out fl IZ,,lCili elis10lt' iii A stti..l oan -ved îto a 100-,i~ l ll]I:lI.iiOl. io iS11 i Crtovdcd direct cor ose li tc 11 siiiiiîl111 ;lit 11iiO5.iii5ii si-l t uin gcîîlng lit. lier llcIî,istînt I iItibr, îîl Iiii, I O .1 .0 xi'Ssi l, Louait jooklel po,bet l. otratl icir s' i 'o tiii.'bitsti9il lliiliO litiîsl li-i'. lI'e fare. 51ii'iii o i-4-o ,'i a'. trs utof ualglier frliedssorgghe'u, "lot nIsus' i- ii '- iî il e'.li'111lils iîay y sur fu ie.' rili 1l111 5- i i 1 ,11 u 11I' .icl, eîteoleul rsllîfor lîlt.uoî h. j.ý Iriîo lilu.ilî'iîî,' îOs u ou.~~ beess. 101.1y"iss slihlt Iiiuesl usy sauiidees lure-huluses lyiig 10 gel f11.0YoO. iOîsst."bsTriste losiusal. Aeeuueuhtcu10ihc furi w.use o0f lice huIki luIS .srb.If t i d deuIl.'. if luus.îu11.lutuIhuehsiusîoifcit ,."'..t utlu o tuc es t,, sou î ho .a.rý,1g orr aca i"us ltlu241-luis, oit ut 1, sici Oh ,gqotu aictsy u or, hi. hiojseuIltlitiseh,-isuruiif lit' 'auîme lis 0051'm . 55u sut deerisî tf i, er Üuoi ssiliicthe disi tovel.- Lico Aûxs ces'lli N.. Paeîy a. Bah1i Iiiiý1 oi'111't .uîîu'î.uhliergard ftuSwcisepolîflnc.h patie.:o o,, ~ lit, ~, Il,-id f, lbt "Nelhbciceiguolte non name suitutuu Modîdole of sautes'politilltoo l ry pl i, I ii iiiiiî ut ssi isti 1 boI lie iir'cd u lise slt'ii isalltso 55ii3 liti.15'.iejie i sUit i pstis ' nooltîe ufthlie 0evparty sIsulit bus .51 lil, i ti îu-11 1t. iolt1510filic it ci the lse ceehbey tf oate, si i u." siid te driver 0 ieleasl six mnilîiao tefore lise electitii. ofth acertificute beariug the names of t ti asmiil ai "insu caîgîi ton yuur rear parly ant e copy of th; vignette. eut." ŽNew Yoek Silo. -Wh..a la R-cus."Et ThglIe Riuo dus' 0lii filue o tb thue BIhle.Il leho ttellilteidto10St. Amllrots, bistîip tof iMtlim, II. l' t!riurtis ceîsury. Iluea cIter of sdele to Si. Augrustin ihero veho."'IViolu mi] htere (.u Milan) t1idusoui frasioo a Setîirday otien 1Iaou t I 1s'e fai on à 8mi'.'otiaty." As quied ho lu ' t tlo t, ir , bi d it F ais so -%%"5.!,et, Y.on b ec1. lhîo', Ile in tise is s' o't '; s lieus 5sîl ue ear terts le 3 ey lie>115hiec Sf. Asigastîi,' tilso referlu tsithis 1 is 11ovswn it- uugs. ticos Palahi.g Rscai. Art Iblî îîlogîie lu eof thle fcss r»,,, tciai ltuiouliuî t? tlefiire 1w1 îoo in oer> cîo .'t"îdos liilist5,'[.u saur, hliai a t unlie rel igtioî lc hefoset î10chîau otî laioîî 'sî'sic liorîsei. 'lh,.monOfHfesîusc esîtr of ilin paltiolu -8 esefistist. A rolcusie ii olîîîî 30. us Iii îuîsîes' fouIs lis t ue t loI lesucitlôs, todurtii',i..coris osf n.1 ciel . ' isu iiluîgo îîu. ftervoy aIlti oer ttîioolc, loto.lise put acs gof rezs nit peloCs, ad vei as lbheihoms0ftComnmiouieue gw.d vllb youngshors and grovnua he- altte l i e 'slubrbllng waters or loto about ho rater licous. Dm01il - AIu- lautrales onoher oporl oaitlng uns- -wuc Mies Margot Itedmoîid, '1ils daugiter of1sfrl. Il. M> andthfis oc- HIuhiintl Mec. B. Ni. ilesiaouid 1asud if Misutrebi, sali'g vitti ber isîin- fathlr and Captalu Weu, off SI. ec uI Audrevo. t.fl 18 MissFlugenle harn Auerih, ,suiottdaugher ut Me. sîlel saut MýNrs. J. A. A uerbacs ouf Nov cto 's ouk, ail isel vItsade sud Tise Algonquin MoIsi represente jui abothetî arme 0forcusuer itato enjoumeul oand us a para- dise for, kidites êcct grîlv-upa, usso. Ses balhininn 0tise varin watersofutKbits lC'ove ontsaun bahfiîg ultîe foblning soudo are Ivo out hcs usuf lohifut soit cnuertalntug occupations ofthoe wvioIif thîs poplar snd sînart reusertt un vicb Their Excelien- clos tics (overnor-General andi Lady Bessborougt bave given Iluir P&tfonaie 01 iate Dsasons. TR Class ified Ad" Column OUR - Vou'iI jget resu!Ps ei'eurytlme -77 i- ,

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