MILTON LADIES' SHOPPE SPECIAL VALUES . .ii. t WINNIE W INKRElu0 (Ol ONS tijî o $2Ài)5 as PINîIîîu: & P'LA\IN CIÀEPES Lup to re-U A fem WOM\UNS 5 VILS .15 ii:t and.. Sîijurill ,Il ' Y SI' ci it ) t ' $ 10.95,"igli MILTON LADIES' SHOPPE Cantelon's Meat ilarket QUALITY h/1EAT Beel \'(iIîI Lai'il> >ork /1RROW BUS daiy t 1.2 1.11. s ubi i fla rtt i I fin e). TIl trp ili 1.3 ) 1.11 i l iiul ro tW ai . 5 oprts n 1rdît i ttutt and (3iillet;pi 1.15it 'oroiis o lii <)cha'ua, R]-iiitos, Mionît- t"îl tii'uî < i llîi, liî'il. Milton-Toronto Fat'e $1,35 retit'n, 75c. single Comnmutation laie lIi It ictsts, gloi fur 30 dulaîs, $6.30 Schobars l'arc look o f 12 icti, geuielVr 30 tla3s, $300o TI1CKETS -d îlINFORMAuTION m s MILTON INN. Phone. 15 C tip , lClt.oq.I'. lîx uut -2 for 25e Lod A \\111' :; ,c. .Iîîts . 2 foi- 25e I \\ h.A \\ -. _23c 'i i titi21C .' lipîl 35e ]"ili 'su No. .1'II'a.s, pt'î' iu - IOc iigert' SaIwiult 1. Ii itis, 2 four25c: 1 i l t ----21c ht'Illogg's P i l. 1îr Isu , ' ril, 2 --------- 23c R~edI & WIite( liorrie.,, ir tti I - 4c J I5t%îil UV oi' -'a--u---,--------. -23c Ce'tt u ire jui, peu -- ----- - --- ----29c ParulINlx, J1 i). î:2t'so î , 0c-----23-. RIed Ail' \itu' Ittiil ,.1 ir fliihelzý1',I -p~23c Zilii-îbiîî Uîîg. jti'ulu. __ 19C 'rownIlFruit J.î's matil --- i.$1.05 2 il,1 Wrîit0 i.(l n er, vui' bolîu-t-t-14c i febiiiuy .5umtj, 2 blui - ----- 5C <Stjt' tte ulwads tif --- --2-- ---- 19C t ldi i>iît'( Ji'ti.u' r i' , i - -29c Sttn'i.s I î':iugu'î, 11.1 1.-24c R. CU NNINGHAM W "Qualltju aIways hlgher thon the prlc e" D. T. GALLOWAY -BUTCHER- FresIt anti Ctresi 5lca'î i sland lVtygciabs P R I NC E s ~OBITUARY. DOWES- caIIURCU ZOINU U BU. ~ Local_____________TE__RE U RB. ISAIRBLLB TOWN. sevce.cmSund&?, Aug. lIth. t 7.30 ___________________ . ]licitéleTown, Hamilton, died Ppi», .T. Rate. Mr. jous je ta prea&Cb - ~~~inithi e mmai rèlHospital om Sattoedoy, atid&Il for ne. WhY fDot nomne and 1 7 ? r )r~ > Auiguet. the barveie t . Friday and Saturday A'cg-. Ord. Born la Milton, tIty sr<t lbiathi. darkie. sing tbonse alonid at9o»t o r o MeDourelfand eirtuais. Titans ulli bu oid clins Sai it wth a (lasifled Ad." AgB t adlL Ita¶'oraant Doweli, Pins. B,. 1mp ear i other muele A î'..l w Read Miton Ladies, Shope ad The picture youve beeu wating 'Iohuibt lived in Hamilton foi, the put coma swata yireut a wen Chtircb 1fij for .. tbiety-tonr yeara. A mendier of St. Woold it net be grilt prestimption y A-0m mEw 1 'Llanksgiving Day. Monday, Ct. 14 MA EST inPellerin Anglican Obtircb, abic letpregunmption to do wbatli pr@.,mi , viveti by twilldaugbt4. 1111117..H. tinolu arvna :o ay chat bc kanget Wars. at hest, are organlsed murder. I au0 dIlMr%. A. B. Watson. of be in aved!. But JilGa(loticlare, yIuait Di y your ccunt.r check boouksst GOIN' TO TOWN Ifieito 'ntalc, com, Albert Etiward, may bie sure, and telle yen how yoit Now is the ime ot ill your bil wti freI I e 'rr~ HAMIO Omx.Comdy-'hr.Ll.tl8wgs" Hanlton, sud Henry Thomnas. PoItmallebc sure ceould Voit (-Il it prée 0 ton ociborce; two sietere, Mr@,A. Bradt. sumptontbeiv so lUi(lI \' Thotlts rotop bas d eau p - Penti- ~Hamilton, andi MrsH. Roue, teIngaI ; Dot. 'Jhen isten tofilm: 'Te1 fatsudofapludi qai- .two brothera, Rohert MeDoweil. Vir. tbïnga 1 have writ.tenuito .yoathaut Blsc Knibts eleratln b eorg. ~tort. Harbor. and TbcrnaaMr.DowelI, belleve on the naim@ of the Son aii fin Bl a Mondlia e.bratlu og e- auGsafy&Wî eicay SetiDeer. Ait.: aime ber motber, Mn, chat 7e may know tilat yé havei, etrial >n <sm rPke Yhs .ivicnl sgs. 12.Ag ttthad 4 ThounesMcDowefi, Milton. lie." (I John l: 13). !iteadot i t lî.iog F O u mrPîe oac hiodtld 8( OBEB.Lleimiuntolilec5tii iî Anîd tt ls neccsary taliiat a wiUle Comning sud geDîr. ay ROBERT WALES. Ihe.greastncîu.hatm tyi eiaî cltrmE l Mentitfor amo her public oldey. Robert, WàJ ;al aei 73 years. rio mit o1fri t a l tisiC E M *' T iL U N V Mi.l îîgM idd Mtn Wîo rrt, C 1ANiefe 07obetARt 9Aio ETy ittuiem oftihe Hdm-ltstafforthe Lord je@os 'i u, i.yi'î 1 do " Delivrüd yt-i lai itcgMr ndMmueti ruer CsieteOclbelynd heute Mito, 'P i'Hailon0kec. fometrimy liocte Xt'aOolwrklubrghcin u teSri(JDE ILY ylat.tis.%Vl sdaughta lis tIse eciptuire state t bat -'llei hat 0e- exragod or l rihtnig ir te TH I LIY em.The fuaneral andtinlterment teoil(o hn3 ).ISoi hareieRvcrlci ntibohs aebendîgplace In Hamiltons ou Monday. I lîfctie Yeu oat bolhv onvo. NlOî Ei61 r.adMr». Stewart MeKay, of FÎ'iday and Saturday -Hlm. I-1 believe os Christ, bol, 1rai. oit~~ n'ioio iieiflnsl cx vrfotas.y 1 sui ouveti. Tiser yoitare, Tie w,.eie fend ntwnoe Auguet lIII and 17th FRANCIS W, GREENLEES'. makisg (iîd a bar, for lHe agateîndîi Daste of the Federa l ecciion nsay bc tyour nid friend WîIl Rogers in The fuserai f helate 1Francis W. lagaî n Chrsta teerynFie w(John i ' R. 4 A D A M S s3 eu ruirtiwcirkii! wr;LIFE BEGINS AT a4.0 j yesteeineticitizense, whe eo od tbe ie48Nig not l'rcti Jîîhssî,u as purchased tIiddon Thursday, Atigua tt.taok (oibt ai l l, esîeh FredJohmon ac urchsei the1isce frainhie late rosidetýce, Min believetis tint the rerro hatfiid gave service tatîîîn on Main tre edst 1Ibreet, bhire, on Saturday lant at 2.:R)fHsSo' tjIn3 l l elv t Mn. LottUs Armstronsg, Winînipeg, ro.ndiactet hy JIv A. B. !rwin assist . Ja viotios Mr. and Mcc, John Allit»1 LAYINs, A'roîitTI()N!-l have a hutm-.Pd by Rev. J.N. McFaeîi andjRev. Rosse~M .I , atrngMarin tret.ber oif Spiceila esîsple garments wbichB at@. Deceased wae born in Nelsoîn KNOX CHIJRCIIt c ig d' Mito ...L 38 wl metbth iwlsli to dispose of, including one. township and for niany years vraieb Sn (OCKOi A liage riinsr neit iiîiday evenîîîg, siers and tise two.way stretrîs gar- witb bi@ brother, Thomas, wbo prede. Of St. Pauled Churcl i vli be coaducteil '.i . DA Alig l2h. i 8 'clE_ý mens.-r,%M. C. Preston, Spirella ceaaed hlmn jîtt one year ago. He la in Knox Cbiîrch et Il sým. RevJN. fUEANni al pra5JIUV The wîîrt part of a vacation le thé Ciiîsetiere, Charles St., Milton, phone eorvivei by one ulster, Jeninie, of Mil- MeFai will condîirt thie Prvice Th, - tiotirî îîesssry to get back ta o rk 303- ton), and one brothewr. George. of Kil- n evc ilh ihrw aller thei holiday tinte la over. 14r. and Mns. A. L. Baker, vil have thd.Tie iilberriweet vclg erie> indasin utdcSon hiS tm rpsLte,<ul.' Mr1. sud Mi@. Bd. Morse, af Hanili. been spending their vsatioo at the (ireenlee, le. Greenlees, S. Ohisholi». day Scboot at 12 o'rlock.i tont, lere the guîets of Dr. W. JI. and honte of their certain, P. L. MrLean E9. Tarzwell, J. Shields and L. Smuall, Tht annual pirnir of the. Women's Pleasaînt. dor. Dites Flot stain, blAIî,t) i blii nt1ue Mi..Robiertson, uver the week-end. le Chicagot, ceLurncd boitte y.etertiay.aIl relativesof tse decue hnr Missiouary Society of Knoox Preshy. ial BV -eaebed:bonnnrara lu t'hetieativantagesofa vacatioin A.hev Ber aspedbterto. .bae :W eaiChchvtIbbeionie.Aasociate ed itor of the aster, J. W. Bigbt, F. Davis, R. E .ay intecountry is that Lîaktes a per. icaily News. Palatks, Florioa. anti Harrison and A. 8. Wsl*imott. Iotnater oIl.Aog. thD..tSp.m. .......o har ILsrs siyîd' lijll Hl . sun aîîîîment ettue omlorteini onee.rMn.B ker. at the homte f Mrs. W. R. lAllnAil ment Oiok place areofIDII..M.Bae, aie f nx brh odily n1Dues Dot t;tînt the înilk. The store@s vicb store noe,,gîve PERMSANENT WÀVtîsî. - So a nytr.ionvttioatnd -their m"eagce mn tiesads. It wnmen are a8king for a cifrto Ripu0it5OF liRNu5T P'SuBY. PHONE Z& MILTON teei up vilthtie natal in Tait CHAM-catit th ir efeatiire4. Mate liour ap.Tuil NC sO-Te eeoatn music HONORSPlOE2 C. T. DAY IL SON M .T PIIIii. poîntinentNOW for your Personality ofdHîicisby PreabyterinCucba The GlIen Williamstidet bas heen Wave &t H-.lB. Ci Barber antiInCucda _________________________________ îui"iudh .t 'bofBaiîMauity Shop, Miton. phonp . l . jue( becscompleteti anti epecial re. The follhoseîg ere thi, rpoîittofolthe ,ýdhy . i. rt Bittl, eîpehîîng services eilI h beiti fieent Joune examinatjîîns of the groît piaîîo tt. Iro ntth. Ibiatat.e iitis the ace Th.waves donsc reiily by tarl M. Sahbaih, Aîîgust 111h. Rev. Rose K. classes lînder Mm. Rossell nstnîîc. H ill. Keiîtner. Torioto. AVili bic in Miton Camenon. M.A., of Rogers Presbyter. tien. Milîion bîîteand aone of tise seven Tu.dyneat, Ag t 1tis. Jan Cîîrch, Torrttîî, will cnduct 'huenry : tirade 1, Fuel ('la..s Blin. P r n a e e i biands wbîîch tout part in tise Lettonoat .oiiAtiti WV.1.-Thse Aîîgîîstmeeting' bothsservices eaIlh a.11.anti 7,30 pin., ars-. lh,iaStuod, Heien SciL, Acfil îchva.jn inSatirayc fu.o t»i i.i . riok thc fariusof a standard tiume. Soeciai inutuile bas MaryJoan Ring. Honors - Mciý GROWING and LAYING MASHES ing la.t. ~~ ~ ionlu' and ws hlciint th, honte of been arranged. WVc cordiatiy invite M"A.I.o audyee-Parcelus, Margaret Storrison, Mar iia.MIi',. Ueo. BnOwtîriîlge on 'I'ueslay. y,îî to atteýnd. garet, A lexantii. Mtr. ..i M-s. E. W iltitn, e.vila Aftcrt lIîesibli"a.iico imelbrs anti GAiDNPRY uie ,easie rd F iýtt;aý ooe.-Fl LRSRY1Nnpio'u netcd bis,. -cc-soit an î'ijnyahîe mollir trip irientis enîîîycd a weIi l anoculpris-nof B PART. isUn iee h h(riiise aî Whptces B rad f iohtIsseyRiiîorFia10 ii fi,1 tilIî' aiii, N .., cuxpert lta srivi' grammîîe of gailetaîîd contesta ar- thouniet C iiiu<nsmnqliHonore hîîîvîî tl illa cabblagi' moues au 'Ipliia i nsc. Ilîti ul- ... I. îu i bin.ictiiday. raîgî'd &,v the ipart cnnti. evîlI teh-hi at lardon Ribîî ,o.f5thClarke. v D-ouglas aîî tei'5i'. ue lt 7 'raslar o 'Wdesy, ArnId M 1 daîff .1tyoiî 'l îfre uiti.oiVis iliîful ' Mi. anti Mmi. Bartsî'y" I",'ter. of luiiuiy. Mcrs. McDIîlTi'sandK. , ie.. log 7.Trafalgarîîe pcganes 1Gtircdî a n1 .,]lley. E tir1Tîika.1ýtzJ bitiliiiiiAre apnding their isîîi. I)îîîgail. At tbî cloîse of tîse iiicetinticu vl givEn Absy tis pcrsoraime PatctPai. ,Hnore liss itlieliîii, ui lipsciseMv adaîuty lunch mas serveti. Qial e of Palmnth@.cotch r anti -Heracîitt. eln Mrciî1, Mary11,Y7 SPRAYi IE 10.illS iI iti i s.ld Mes. F. F'ter, Main Street. in1 cmetus s, dctIlIartettes, Joan King. Lseiiii Stiinty, Margaret 'IlPAIt ((ISI I l Mn. andl Nor. William (ivifflth.son~, PALERMIO REUNION violin soinos, readîngsIlhi tiirn0 le8 Morîson , Margaret Alexatiioi' bi i'larii itii is Pgg Wlsnsketch"n, isapersonaîLeos cowboy Grade il - Mailîî li.I IDo Ee, ,Ia l-lurIoindiuuMci..adagy Wistons. ofsonga. qitar anti iiauo music. Coi»a White, Arnoldi :iirtiffce, )ougiasI CYANOGAS - - - -NUIlS Ants histantiy Mhý i's - . anîl Cpe he. crnîo stît i csg.mieovl ela. andissio- adeîs2 .atgaitcii lre ' ' brated ita (ltisbirîtiay on Saturday freebient lcbonotimgrais. Ad- Hadley, Erie l i PrsGrersnt o ec RA,; M:,r anIr.îd Cad'pr. Tise Paler o so eeiig hirechoole. ntsi enjîya gooL00 riansmeoi,; e. flnlae- aal..'îsby (iro aisG'e rent fLa Ai-u.ii yîîîr caeft wlvvni'i tiiosveand hi faillies sudt feli e s indrer 12 yeareFOL. audti a. j agrtRobînton alisent flui' ex- -I lliify i'i'vcraslile rîîgsl.Appiy Ms.gathereclon tiýns ehuot grounds to e. C.- ammnaine ihroughis iîne8s, obtainpol 1CQA L ICOK E Ioj ini .eîg, Rohert Nt, Milon. 6L îew nId aîîîIIoîtaIules.A featiiu ls-ls înr uter enuaAi Ai, . sues h- t egiar meeting of tise Hernhy tlî ftm1oî'aeartimeî rs~at, ooelspai i iss liecs pocpiîscl fro Aîî . stiîîn bail gaine beteveen Palerme __________________ i4l . .i.2ut -artiruiams s eal& Aotlilttmîiuig by a A. S. ILLMOT tiret. lad'ies tîndly note change of sirSoTATIAONtieguîcapo.TN ES .S WL M T r Ig a s e cuuluct.ed by SERVICE S TI N eaultnir'ïl'rcivdjr lIN: tlirge Late, publishler of tise Tins. îrsut ece. Tabiles werc et î o.Ml n ual î. tise t rigneti uotii Il pis. ,Il tis n'an.ihois a former ment. tise lapiu for -W) auss a picole sopper aveniiîgnT îsay, Aîîg. Ilti 19 .fi, IIIP o THi P C'H tNI IOeN statffanti McIr. eîjîycd. E. %Vettlaîufer, chairtuan ut -MI LTON- tIb il o'um ay isri'takcr (If litltoni eu'cty returuetifrr'.n atrip to the presentaientoolhard.,venu chair., 0 1'RE Pbli le holApicnspaeoat lirila. mai at thse gardes a ti heeven. S-a iL e eits theis nn fIii..Nbs-Many cases have bee n ig. riscprogrsîîînîiisriiitided sleecisr ered 1 d e tse i h C af p î'lu'siîi'd up lui' Dii Nuivo es hy iuonbcrrcf oId tovs ant i tIu' Toba'eoo, Cigarettes, sryeettiE.' Ai iAd ,haouli.i iîiiuu.i. luilti IE, ic'tto g-a a binu, asetertion hy tb iho. i ' . reancas ttig'i". otast i olsl)rsig choir, instrumniîitabbut î ieRs,. Confectionary. ii 'aOîu ig' Dru'obuuu'uneio; trio. ily je.aie OPEN yFtsM . si.tuuc . O(Iii îuînV . I.-Tise Septn.'uîIhe meet- Smjtil, t(bree iof tii yoniogci 'i prometi anti Courisous Service ai i ag.. i lic a pic social, ii h famiîlles lii girls.' rerltalioiî, by Dori.stiliu;. ail Firmes. iiî'îihis i uviti's, wilI be lisldineustIse aii, %Ir. A. (lai iuway, H'amiltoun;j RD IC JON N cccii eui lii'ola',Sept. :ird, at tise Wuitcr hIîgebî-andaebMiss Laura' DRIKJHNO 1 honte et mii..r..1. F. Fijida. I iglliart. Aniong tise f.voruulceFesch-s.Q A liii s. TnE.T'.-JiulIn Hardy, inuit "luionwee v.O.Lmncus fuuiiir, rateti îlsisemýry prtera . t irnv i,fi iSIc rIiilu Mini NI. j i, l'icsulay aiternoien. lise0 .CIvý Mi-e L.. tret. 'rite lîcty uei..i siîi lst a esjuysbetluie nintsredramus by Saiut ioird, otn ld- bîq,,,1avîn gb ail tiseicjoyral e ii îî ppS .'1lîA.u'îuo, er uet rîuî alt. !c ea 7 l',icue 1eacort andb Miss Durotby could vat. ~Wardtam. T'I'bi eurises naIllse vil. Pubn,0 l W. Ri.lisagyard, of Pitt8feldt, Mass.. Isge cnoo1îraced with tise union coi»mlu bn oviso lias Fi- iqeui sug is b5 tiser and nifte ansi belti stecial servicesonOi .cun n ,îateî', Steiiheii Hagyau'î anti Mca. Suîiay in hotsor ntithée iccasioii. Rer. Hetingan î!odgý, Siait, of F",iiiie.iiog towashbp, Wikinson, of tractor 'SIL.Mun mas ilii>TOI,. ' C45liP,., i aîtisalaothe gîlet np.kcr at tise uîoruîîug 5r Tinmi bi luest. vic îof tîe Ut ed 'iic niRer. is fhn fus .John Agnem cd r sa.l Me. Weaver, f iniE'i. offirîsteîIn St. <'lii.îubIu l tMIIviayMrlght-l'o Luises Aniglicanî Cisiîrrin istise evnu.PHONE '205 ituii 'ii.M eî. i attend tise fou"e . al i ' ,ut lîcrluutumin.ialv, iRer. I?, la NI -MAIN ST., MILTON, ONT viteb iilîsîî u utcetisSiiud.y frîîuau RNNGTO MERCHAA'TS _______________ .,, Fo heur t attaut. If tSupai NL 'i ePTise tickets for Chibrens oei lui ico,' î'î i , vuionii las.uu B iay ut i liec t'nadian National Es hi. ilssu. ci i iii flic gc. f uc eut l'. ssii" in 10Mlîî nîla. sibiî si'uiccinalzi verilîu litOiri)aovu u m m erE TR t'lu îuîeul. A yu7 otîîîpîb iItlilt. o hitr sudait uiisi te . is. borurc :rv';il~ -ho liyohanIn'fre fcharge prsentoeu i nguîrruîa1K -Ptnis u'uîuî îef VALUES" at tise Champs1ion Office. ~ <~x< ,1,. and Mis. Stan. I"ay, of Matoîuî, Tîlii' uy.,u'm s fuilo uyiniaIy ii F oo ut rAil Ecausss 1. a1luiuuuelly M. aitd .I. W' o lisifor ..iluti vlsiluru osuve fi thew ea bi,-i'Y, u iui.iheijîyeil a reet c ou ioctll ,Ilo ..',ll u 'Ot , o <i l, 11 Iiu ofa T'iil.i b u' InoorleI totieyLal flt all.:____ -1-0Evap. M iii: 6 's c ,<f2< 3 TS2 5c jh eiigit uIany arge sizeti tia.. tiî$.lift. or frontiii$S ý5 '-,$e Cool and Conifortable Shoes m m2 i A Ii. .uurfn fireenlee. ani] lus ioler 'iTo<lu.'<ou <uIcsiiuuluyI rn lI ow RSCCi MFiss il',eif'unm. ta tbaîît tbic liuui u.r u. ii i ltoIlie-ve huit. ,hi n fit-a MraIl miii 69 uit wyi iilt sb or hetinf iý. hoteir îall' wu.a.onrince 7oiu. rKOWN OR BEEHIVE 5 SC -!, 1il23( 1 eue a'u'esinc,>deaî h (ltheir ALL WHTliiE anti SPORT' SHiOpRs C r y u o luîutîcî, Fî'aîii'is. . recibee., PIRE LOSeES OOWN at rvuiud ics rns. 'Fie cagceît s atsouceul of--___ USCK1 V . :-a Ereleiia, .daîgîîtcr 'if Iti. lace IiiVu'us ial '1ii 1hlog l-B U S I K7 77 %Ir. siedl M vq i. R E. May. f Pu teîi , tri ' 'ls î'îîîilî;îr ily tli iI, i ":.. 11.c. R E P A I R 1 N G Alil 'arsi io ii.u..." . . . ,'-S a d n . s6 5 ' I "v ' c iit j. N e r, elil sl so ii 51 , - i f 'u 1 ii'le,, I 'îîu î.î " i 5 ad's lite 2 ý1 ie.t I'i. îN'ar,(e'g îw s .iu, Iuuilu iuu l 0111 $29i2,.11 jar-uliIl MM M- si ln. rankit tivaz *Palcrnî, lauetutu.An-uufli.t Ii Mu hiiiuvsc Luul uî'tg ii' ' u 'iuiuuu u. pr'ioudof11 .u'iiPhone4 - ît I l',O ý W1l îtiîuîîMsuuiing. ttiilial;i'_ _ _ _ _R iigiia' gL. emou'."u l u u 'e'y uli .ljrRtIe r gt CHOICE MEATS t hemrup u -T HoERp b .lis.Ha'-, wlis inR Io.-tIîng i@ csvy takuîug a sec idropi.AX, Psueu,. ue'a' lunîyAt L".O (<u t mp.t il a ru.liii land l l Il su î uirntauu iIdo cOwfitbîuu ocer toise a dvi. t iSoeRparC D- iv I3, i ut ai i - uît oiiiilug if Pucuu t lleai Uv es trc liii s indSE'VI E utlll iiiei. nuaîag iii thuir igiu..v Ladies' Heels QUALII'Y aîd SE VICE t aj!tihle a' ilMe,. Fi'aiis suN<iv of Pîct', . ov'îîîhue0 iiiIf a I a vul.ar25 . Ciniîiiiii'ts ic, . aoiiuu euic ig- g. cuuue nia aisiuli' N'fîuî-asl lui ftiuiriuuy lîuiuie Ss i bi i . ~ 'il Shii iîî'ti. Getts' Heels 4 c 'bisearts.ami 1C.ait. if lîîuia, tai»ius Nis .M ý%'iliil u b is'I. S5uilt flitiuig st tuug. Tise c jluit l alud F AR WHL Yc wATo I n t e r n a t i o n a l T r u c k s , T r a c t o r s a n d F a r m -su dt y h i I l - »ouiAaN eMr.n ,tu d <sire. is î v A v us u c u I ý _____r______ici__ lis laniuly mulu- absent. A uu]. ii. cflahi Mt- Mii A h initaisutiebes were stolen, on 1Fi(îa. ,joiîy i1l.ti 5Chambhers' Bakery'Or. i N~J ~daî,(~'d j~uerN~NV..Ti5NAbaMc.Wrapped Bread Selail Far 1- i A t p.trdi&il nAuug Phone 89-r-2, dLODýi- fh.alyCl .tOfl s(~1.I t L h ui'cuucuduî esof ihbran- fCiv Cain o I lrii coet ion. ttisr ufces are ' . tIulbFbine of l'A î"' i uiisfs i c i.iii '- .1 heol v ci .1iIiuii -i iiin 'oci 13vo îtîreulai. 0hillipë ti nn'iuu G SO I E F E I I I, . ..uciu e res.. . Luii' 'D S'I'LITlS CAKES and PASTIY EARLYS GAR GE Portlslhouin eritu'y, W.. Arnsi' MOTOR OILS 1. UREASES Wedding Cakes A Speccalty B 's I.gc; Ciarm 'of . BELL I3ROS. CAMPB-"LLVILLE juciheneiicumitte, J, F. Litile,",uasietletassI Pon CHAMBERS & SON Mlo ______________________________Mltonsone 68Milto -- - - Y