-OFFERS YOU 14ANY BA.R4AINSý- COME AND SE£ IWe Have the e Sbht outt.Yo for Vour i'rlsî.anad Boy*. Vti.Qit8 Bin'e' Lang Pants, tweed alladlia %y 1 l ue 1.49 BO, fK lAîv'c 1 W é e Kiîckors---------69 B oys' (ONlcirds, aleel arch slp.tr, -----2.29 Men'asîlik SoN 29 Girls, Silk & Litile BGc.s lorermal <eg wear e f innd onalizv Boysr Bloe.l- - - --- - --- 3 Ladie' Rayon '. e s t, Bloomer, Pantie and Braaseer Sets, Lo elliai --- - - - - - 75 NOTICE TO CUSTOHERS W.' aw ielil a i u'aî"rm au-Ky cilIrovsry dollar perehien, 'luh l r'l.iî,l ,. î,'eheîds t aolim ne. *Immetto! tmmolri 1" Ide1 ~m ,la.birgàeps.lr taefSM le amuter. S awe ao Mme", Tb- Uml, e e. st A l ».s.a.' Jaurie flu.MuniUVlyUMMse13à t a%,.sMd fi., sept.8 à 9 o r.. aimlar ixepe c. a BUCTK JONUS le 8e.asdep Law" aRbýüu«ot deur drame. Mo".1brDay. ut 8 .1b #o. 5ATURDAT PRICIES at 8ALLOWAT'YOS LclNes ITI Boe Stv k ---25c Chnck Ioast 15C Mlauadë i Lbar fay. SI rlu n " - - k - 25C Rîb j.ouit -------i ave yo boeu tu lbe î I...? Rounld Steak .-.k Porterhouse Roast --2C . 5aOya . of th. oU AU. Etili BLEU. ttund Steak ROIst 1e M..IB.C.. u i~h.,i Hatnhurg Steak, 2 Ibm. for ------25C Imit. t.o. ..mi w.11 ou Hoilneinade Sauisage, 2 lbs..for--- 2&c 1o1y bi, esbla p m 9jeYll«bl Ua tiu o.lu uta. a I ____________________ Boudh. =irif UI themilsgbla IShonider Park 1Cz to 14e POILrnebi Bacon, pieceý3 » uw Mio u â.SIlo Ar sa E oe frk - SiokedRame- e1J . Harrisnu ofW&lI.npoet.iM Lcnnî Pork 18e Sîn<îked Bank, piece-iteurleîuouhba *r L& mia Fel1IB 8eta 2,e (ooked Hami 4& .4>e . .ýu'" Bulagila 20e Side Bar.on, pioce_- 2 "!ATeU»R <ANNOJ. éM& Raid Phone -402. Prompt Dhvery. i-halîriWhite in m. Marl.%Wfiip * Gallowav's Meat Shon lJ tn .B.r .stogii1n i Vour Patronage Solliteit.t. Wrîlimoti L.. M UUUUBtUîEBeçe~USUUUUmUU uk Paurautbas nompitai 'b" oft t !parutinS enid deorall*g ________________________________________________Zmuerma Publie SaoSl. _____________________________________ The Kansas Frmsr hsWbeen .ogegsd j for the MilonoSreet 4'%r and Dune.. ~~~ ~Mri.dl irs. Mieobslâo.- y ' icer o. mukoka. ara visiter1. Mud fa * liMm. Simo,. ranifit. * ____________ 1e.. Rene Bar% . nving spet two * ~W-9k h-lidy. t bu bomne ba. bue S retoraIo bigto W hi. stesýi' h Matches, IXWhite, 3 pss- ------- ur batrazn. bre i ~.e Sua-ar, nutd or yellkrw, 1011s -------- 49e MIr. andId". F. C. Wbllr. daub«a E,lyo und Mrs'Vuofieet, rotratd On Slu J tn. in, Gold Medal, 40 az. jar ---27r, Frid.y'tant fhon. tir ait soeureot- Quaier C'oru Flakes, *3 pkgs.---------23C t«. at 'N mago Beajir. P. .(G. Solip. 3 Kirs --------1---- C L&ii PIWpALL-H.I¶'y Oulmm. ___________________________________ Tbomas St.. am a poftliaill fler Bramp. Lily 'Iv Ch kelî H:iddie, 42 tî ---------- - 2- 1Ib n d o te ued à5sL iiesbed i ('larli's Pork àA Beaits, large tin ,____,,_ 13C irru.ferrnoe Olives, .tiffled orrpli:n, pet hottle ...... 9e Nin Taylor in v . uee a ucw n Fray olitf; 4'onid Bef, 2tinslDrettar suod inoffarhr« aa ebamponl }'rayBîi;ns iar-----c'f---tin OCe and fiegter ea.r for 76c. duriug the W'aX Pta1îer i --- --- - - --- --- ---25c iier t kin september - hoOe M o"an f 'X lit-al. per ukg - -------- 23Ce iOKuvIcN TraNtD Suai.cA nom- Ten, Crnwn BlIt-îd, 1 lb. bag . 9e ateo tirecburoh serMiltn h ei' "îj Bîti, n d. ie,', 2 tins ------23C harrrsto.. Sund&y .anuog mat.Bn'i FIN -pr:i', ?,oz. titin----- -----29 sait-eri' Pr _gt Imn. oighborrnàg 1' 1lcs Soap Flakes. 2 pkgs.----------- 29C ae.. H. Freetor nendber auna, Pure Whulî' M xed Fît kling Spice, lb.- 25C Ha-,.. lick .odl Bnit.. of Kelso.anr seuiers, Ciol tie, I ttail doz. 95C med. dz.1.15 surrymgratbyu fr ejeaat l ..i"r ms Lu;x Flakesa.2 pkgr. ------- - 19e c.üý g.îaraveunent; &to for C'onking On ns. No. .1 grade, 4 l3 .-------- 10 lvsfoM r aM.s. ent .Acin Ltanuîît'.1 erîielli's large cîze, 3for ------- or, a ..*u Mi. .e. PaleaienAt n.ei dsoughter, Lillimso !isalriee. t t,.Bo Ait"n, Toronto, son "f Mmr. A" "ian ~~ - - Lb. aeJohn Allu», Acton. Ihe Mar.- PHONE B. C NuLIN A l riagr ei au te pluoe qu raty aui 30DLIE Septserbr. "Q ajI aways bigla., tIàaa 1h prlce" i u e t.,&,Oeea<lsandi Densae ". _____________________________________________________-rory elore. 4 - Fan. CNnm.. L&»oe ilLLEa-T±îe _________tur'tiie outhte land reiler on ebleir ~~ tiagretonle moeb ad rund oe AIA C K E N À IE -'t oé bum br.u ft o lb anrie Host.eeiî.banou br t Bllornto Exhtuibition. Riton SCIA eLa en.ai- I S C U O O Ln Aufeoeralion. oea.unO. f tq S C H O O triiote hbuo u tr "olalin &n S qomrrl a aam r'eplent1rol th" a- u Belltapbi.e a eniaiMdaam Castin.yh O P EN IN G uli tib smer ni oet 0"'r uit an o n.b tu bogrtr ýià.ort Circuits. chericave.,ïrnea Public and High Sc;hool i.ct-iam orcesre aundtire 41 Cui B.r Baud cul fumi tktaadmoe t 'r~i... thre Sreet Fir -and Dance hmcon lire Text ]Bo ks agSeI. .DOOLR Witt. f u .aptoa. Wou lthe utomuobilerintire drue modiu&-ed byl IBrampton post ofthe . . . 5.L..on _.z .Tuneue. MorinVon moelctrie inuiyRo t.,Taso i,b I5cl~ol Suplies . Ail iqis on.Peeratnn. 4laiipeuple wr pensetto ; i et~ e an t. ns Serilalersi s oAr nonof1J AUmr. uitUrnlay At Atlerue. Aidenehot..surferai a painfol es Ink ro =y bheu a dynamii" uap ltb Pexaai enBok,11i..>ospitai cra,hý tW . ne'irny Lü &uun.e .. lcoxers sud ILoose Leai Bos,1flugeroa iýi.rigbt baud. Thea boY la 'T'e aorbly. meiSstat th- Rulers, ubberhumew.nolMia. Pîrie Satooers .ou DaigBooks. sd »è .at, alc err.0aoexpetai romp&uy. Meouse. O 0.MiKLu Hm a sr .-Msrrsre J. M. ACKENZ f,%hm B' d whitbeaoIitooM01o&' podlest ouea 1, l.il odp trip* P hone 40. The Rexail Store, Milou VMd ityn , e-uey.tàle&W _____________ wek's m am 4j lu-m' time 14e ramrut*ear~ul dm ua.te ?À*p& I X" afl tauyurle*Urae wu". mlia *»eMu ruiy I~iI *4I . cl a l. Md s Oe %whaa . s.f.=nl.Mloials tlets mUucMhlu"(har?ad W* slb. me ou e.4w ths tnuiàmffl t Oesrgs, lul en laW les u esaea ae" &uLrd Ira..' 'ý I à&-.s =rMeg t- .5g t1 BUImei am i ie a gd t-r.k 51*. cUl b. auarouas eatiuqti gom mi imanclun *lira vement. Rampbrse, ram& a iea wu c bil lei bfIe al a fl«t train tlaeStn y ulabt go 4 @km"uia, mu iu*zmnb àAm. le uuA a msi tu tir e QO bela. F-.lal. r.lb. Ruplma ar ii a puWty uftitre.cr m 'bla it .l ul las.gr %euanalae fl i la Lu abouti 22yeuseaud m a n. u Pie mae oemw ysà. 111. nanti. limbil lbmfiîtl<iat tire tird lins, Mr =sa- OuW»aluni. rb.ulag i lp rq»on the elle., tolmaniMr.' CJ a .1toln. a bs iuno lu.lb. ha o Sn mds îrrR =t b ni audJ palefulurlartoh B. s .11ac oed tblu.& cli clab hlmissP peedy rno 1y.A F*Msfirme. Ic lb. "groW aW. C. T. U. caee1 ent petraoel.reerrta joutm. =aaei.ar aot er am o . aietul' Sm effitale. Ilm, Tam raMu. làww me "braith. Man. »,fa. ruiavoitu MAn colloue liardant. .Bni.Seru . Antn, for-ei.IV lnjrhdlteamoi émisesechoole, OIr'ms ea au... As Ion, ha orantientuitionr. I.. tgrais V. P.&"i B. aonle ; Dýotrrntiyorelk. Peseman. for 1b i.Blâole litatbsb laver. Buriogon.tfo rurde Vil. P. atni S. sehoole; Mararet Olauve. âuiur1i. ýfor honorable r eu. grele VI. P. ai 8. wsabl. $grCà," Pu Saut. - 1dM Draunt1 RLU.ister citb dsliery ire-J. N O'NEmL & SON. GaOripllowO, p'anait . A baeeIai tournamieot asil gardesn Party'P.11 Ire beanun tire atbiatlc «rounds, Killinide. un Laibor Day. Moniay. Sept. itir. fladairal gas.s lu th.e attflaron. rrar'ting u.t I.'L. OamphQirllullr vu. Carîrele -,.roeevs- Kilý ride. sopper seceri froin B %os ut 25e. <lurdiiiipurty ru tira s.enta«. A firaclspr.'yramme cii b.dv by tIr a filowlarise: Jeun iam qeuoirrediso ; Jean simpau. non: tralta enlolat ; misa BetyUTolrsilio ltqa oîlvertantDuo (&&dleis " . piao.unordin. roliu. sazepbus uni mandulin. ilreaiman on tira grouuis. Admùmto-AduniLe«&-. slrilutrenu U Tl.nlalUnfrmall&m Ioatys ut. s.fr,- i.. wm - 1,""!FI caumprprupriat on tir = untaa'y Namillon biabay, euefin,0160 byl Waatut uler Barou Monduy ES talina 851Irm an Amerlen tooriat un pidzr uy-isBai Usarlm. nepîta. cia liaiairent the nr«bt. t bisecamp,. Magnrruy l in ie 1Lyaar. Baiil, iL c a aii.pankeas d5 Itleurot luok plus. lu Hoaby chiabh Ie founi entier a pubs. rau a £wbt b cubmo athisacamp. TIre nen o r .e5iy.iu iotho oi tomai for tIre moueY. bot Ble7u:PrslueA Bhiu! ir. ti,2. finit tna.el ta admit aur. lcoeil,IIM aorY FraeetQu. bOlovOsi lrueha ni char hba bnlroil biedgon..Later of Oli.. MUn" rz-lsone(laIt- - lie *dmitte,. idilog it ariarspromply "Th irs i.onR Ioue." Pre.*"Meitn amteaw on a tbef t charge. Bellay Mueley uy t'luui I hue apaut .s eek ru jui!le ut .u &-%il uaerai mesrlm aik u<rc la adirtionumort uoe puy tire $100 Bs., OhuroI. ut 8 pm.o a nay A. Milton LOL.No. 2385. lii ment lOtIr. lutermentu Li uKat on Mondai.. Sept, t2th ilut .¶pm.. arse 0analr.. asandrtime. NyklaCa Ob"crgGeueual apital At tie Joe aumrnuiuoe.~ ~ Ang. lOir. IM LLyle Natlar. ldeat At he uneexainaion of'Im- arcd!M. ent M»ie. m Uyler. te Conserwatory o! Munie elalse of Milton. lir is lti Yer. papis of mm. . (iRomel aers. au .."ana ea.parantseeiesce, liii. didains Iin piano r.nd anaul.Ail -ra re. Ave,, cr. Tàunreay. Sapt. .1. ai veiemaf otn citirb.».ouon ,tohmBrtals IIlp M.e. ttemu.nt ln I'.eeerssr boue". Firet pae ies u îmnla ë<lmslr piano vcent oidauRobiaffou. u To;- Eeeaiu lntmaerre es Pian.. Prlmr Vmes i . h3rpastn Mono,r a, lmofpbi el the p; ianoureutripaopulo se, UieSbe = tand uinrg lu u y"ma i.l. ThI ?bhefihol Mniai USmith, of Burli.atiai Flier- m Tbaory armdpd on rsqunt. *mm aunm. ofBrouta. Il8lmaatlna ie émoau e. sadpte l ilesor Duir fi lre . un-a i..'ven tien, .01 bha receva .y lire. Eissai l ~ seau on W-inasiy. Sept. 7eir. Piano e.e. 'ceeectih bah ldounIbatday. asiut gb m'h Ooa.mrorr«Tuamia. Sept. Olb- &aite&bout tUn Pas.tinleelta o Tbhu iantWhuporrtain« i as.Ch« 11aloway. buebr; 1. W. Mlggine Po' unioc, «»and iaiea; C. B. Kalgirt, tuia C iu Lailîne; N. T. Piehet'. DruggWa ; H.L ibarr'U. ecirnaisupplias, ica Creuse. r TEKCIIER OF PIANO ni'm..a oiowe AUTO Cués-Ari Pljaulu uni u.onp Instrcioin. auto uncdeot ceuresi uLira au.. ie isimrneI, lisu, aaur Roroiry. hast ThureiayM ulgIrI, weiesa car driasoliyefils lasmj Esru turgien 8" Pet., B.E. 1. O@kýelandsooea, Iry MPet. Gain aThckett, of Mont Damaia. n'agiretuarl1be,ao am.t 2olS beiou citira a rtdriran lasé. nsaMb.i Gaaerge Taylor. Toronto. und ooad élesade Open @S'ilnniy, Sepit-0'M- by W. A. fSupdu.Torol. nto se »I Sl sl. IWI- if ites Éai Id"ir. Gaurge P.11. a!et» oe.Pno eOaUtUr leu tacsl.ca areailjri M& ]. POU brrug itaen tae balBoli.._______________ natal. Tira ur etaf «Snie'.'cr -6.e ouly sl41rty rulurm.T..ta .. aur in r comnileserakni te Raniera'Dur la hudiy ima'e.UM. EliabthTbog u tMDrot rin. A. FAT U A T me oSuentënithe uire stdrivai y ILyFa meai arresei b, Prn.iwcla Oomaasi (S A. FAT. Manuee) Ookman, ai llitan. und loigat lu jsti leresspOnrbrure oingM". lumbing, tts Mliott. l e "eiiguiltyit =g ,C~aan Iltuxîculsi uni llu3d $10 uni cnet. ..Lsaaing and dovig flahvf Pil.Tinsmithing LAW$ 3OWLNG R » K ritS.Wu, »UiLON, ONT. Ail tira theer pr!,î e hao ainhae .~ inber.courty distr'ict lague lou g. tourvos., oeuid on Burliotagon«rassnNOtie. Of LSUn 51 Itvision an Friiay lent. car. «ou by W. Dr.s.a Moallet. A. C. Coleman sani t. J.1 Bid- of ester List. man. *krp. .1 itoriirugt.G nuIra. Tuntz nmihar nn'=:elojitietor ImmL ami.onmiu«inqiS1ee-aml. il. Notice je '.rreby gie Ihuat tU. Urogatowno.laund Aider- Court cli las ehold, porianlt tuthtr hobct. J.- lao.JaleillO-e. l'eee.teJj iers'1 ýebt, by. v ira ler lire prisse. teJd iteÛýnYCUt Miton Lawn ;loling Club-cu i lit rdetrttCet ento Uniïr &nouai tuo.'Rim ...'ruLalior tIre (loritof t alie, et thesCourn' Dey. Gaenes lu etant u1 s .90 . cil Oabsmler on tire 141h day of Rinl.s ave expceisi fraie Torooto. Septer.2ar, 1932, ut 9. 30 o'cle. k le Rlamille. flran.ptau. RehSmi Miii.. the -nranoon. for Tariîng aIl soin- ourllugton. tiaor«otaco, Osleihie d gaotth ia Oumtien u.t nUn ditrict. ~plai1ni ad gisthfwen - juepirts euttths Vote"a' Liat uf Tiros. russ» woeail ofa orugis-ths Municipality of Milton W ;1932 tlm&a onJeu péion. lu pi'ntat aIufamt 1D" 1UlaIday oetB.plnibrr, 19il2 adecil a mai., oruaselntene dlu..i -e.'t ors«itla leroiler. aai tIra'f G . A. STVRT. e *Ubtm a.lneth"Irta Viso!-T1wn PIANO, VIOUIN A14D TMHEORY ANNOUNCES Pa4ta Loeutiq. *LOO. 75.a. and b60. M, laux" t. of k'reo Vias Leasoma. foup îuta a mas, 425o euoh. tnurviaryo! Mot Etn.5,e;' 4 1"it . à bavOoaMINe mif l' BlES VaIlle WUAIr ALI,.LLlFURi àAM) DEL1VERR). Imm, & . a vIM a i ... IeLIII1,1 A. . ILAoe - - -oeganut fiAkVJjY 2fl[lJ 811NI0AY. BINY. dur.PHONE 6~ nioowMIa a i L1JTRO aaIrrss ImrlIl ___ ,.- ANb- 1 lmz stmeAlteraUoas U.ei .erslsa. dît b.eouioet.d ltu oam fseiryaais R" Moisiau Um dye . ss"a t !Il a.mé. IN ON ma 7 >. ». 1N. %tp" u isb.DON fise "wei t wmbaes.l b. Ppuisait modo. t«ubqas 5de nue -t"mi smu. a iii.eadiss .ra . . ..Wommns Oxfordsi, Stmaps and1 T.A Suleplpaiba.un T«aed3y Pumpa, broken fines, iand in 1 avenai eM, ilo.'. nrdaeaedi Lmiee'aeis ean tfaali ero différent widthe iand .izes. sesm Omtiés e lmpdrltp for oimnt e B. f 31 Vila. 'cUl soie nest (lelie otarioj tOolear --- -- t". 4o biaba mrec. mi"aAud ofu.e Pr*a u gblirutel.eilng ays, or, Ladiges, hart i. your chance tl ercur.' 'nieMemeeutmmm m'. e ~ good Footwesr ut very ittle cont. lowa: ON£ PRICE $1.98. la ~ ~ ~ p Mmiea'u 1e-im niF~o BeudluSni-R = EL so.Boys' Tennis Bus. , ei 11, 12, xiion a letiM. au.Fegs; 13, te cleur ut Itht. &id ladia'wo'at.Wtn.i- 6.8. 0.1. -Scel's Fut! Cauut. -d fils' r01 ia-im r!e 1-. wim »d fi. i l sais, dll e do Thae Ruaisof UooJ bbor FaMU i. Mla'1Mis .iua CtOU ri)QALrry NFLw PACEt BT<WERY AWPEI'Y. IBLACK CLOrZfli N l'itC'iN c JAN 270 'h t_ _ ia j ug a pl- nt h-at - l i a.ia ria-U5PXMAL SALE Ttl. kTiRI dis. 111inca ihal aOep sod say A fie tbu ttrci"~ f FhILr <0W J'M-~~< FANCY PINK SAfLMON T 3 25e ivovy lapi 31 RICa FRLITY MRunTCà"E WMAPPKM IN LB, lm il WaSE-nu muernoeCà" IWO Pastrv Fia îur 24 1b inig 43C Muif tir. l'kg.-....... foc Ai% liier Tî'muato -loup. . Sc COokiet iîiîtples,- lb -. 25f n'hý.. berpe botîc.. .. foc Cîicîklig Oliiulisn, liItb .1I5ei Lamons, 3 for ,... .rOtC Oranges, per daz ...29e PHONE i31. aiti tr t a'.',- te., A REAL. St-POL OPE' 1 i, IL 6-page Sslbbler and tz Pencift Tir.aarLibl.e,". sumtd 'va»ý kI o rP.yi Th..s. ll iJ j *1 ii, NI 0 -AmAi KWGVALVEZ! I r- PER POUND U2 REDUCTION 014 ALL OUR OWN BLENDS 0F TEA Ei3. RED PACKAGE0lb Ra EGPCs SALE PhI'..' iXiMil'O lb. 45c 350)lb. RICHMELLO ib. 63c 530 lb. GOLDEN T= ib. 75c 65e lb. -immomm rr-itor ivinq ut. i Khgwuya àa.lmeucaoi.' r'l,,il t> 1.0 y--aiLoo tAie. ;&te, Il in aimnet pomible t. Ko thnuughi N.'thai. MargarrI i h-io.ui eu life to-day menely aavinscgchlithinultiir ocior i hr re. -r imi si uc. ma "Ob. yeah.,"dni .Sz yorr." r-nriîtk.' Ootrt-. , ". ; 1 1