Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jun 1932, p. 1

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OAII9Y I~ooewisismduB~I t ti~îoeY' t No. 5 UIL?~OM, TU~1US~'V., i~JNU au. mu. 7 OUa78 10,ÂNADIAN CHAMPION! TRAVELLERS, GUIDE. UCVSKY TIIURSOAT MOR!4XNG J.ANADIAN PACIFIO KILWAY ', tli. il- f POb8t15 ..jot7eu veR. 90-» Mme «AIN4 MT., . Xfl0TIW IC 'u 12.49 %.m. 5:51 .M. 7.M t&.m0. 10,UI*.m,,1130p.81.747 p.m. go »Mas2 ,=1*t ÏK P.M,ý (o1s. &La&mUD,.) .nsu.*1su.uU.*u*. olng Weet.-5.liO PM. 60 nt=t*. u" la *0"8.81* ilg haatý7.21 &.m., 111 pm.,X44 p. ADVRUT*l*5 .ÂTl. OANAIIAN NATIONI L UAILWAY mm % le nm o lm, 1 81.1tpr sîn tO t. 041052E et Y -OM ENTS Ma.&» 0*t 1.8r11.. 1.50-il05 Stu2 5COT'5 sés., ..martl 8 .. _è *fr 0 1 .0 = .,e 50r 0 .*j 5*12 m'" r"%»'Granitean rbeoe ,um**, ud8*0580*0 001 .85100* GALT. ON T. BLIOllT & WHITIC. PUUISUI<8_-Ail Kaae ofmiunut anmd In- MEDICALscriptions ai IoderatPru.. Write aor PhIone 01W RepI'000ttêtlV L. L . P, laA. R. LINN Phy.1415 *t at... 28 Hopâtou Mlt,. (0at. Phone 2» J. on-0, uoP0580 voi . ,.UO-0001 C. K. STEVENSON, M.0., M. 110 L4ES and F. V. SNELL, M. 0., L, M Cc. L D~ Phystous and Boxrons x RAT Fraufu, Cooked and CUud PRU9N41lrht 21., i40 M ATS om,,* etthe je t. M-in ,1od * eu 5 oenîo trf.u Ptah md PouItOV ln beaOi 08*0 Uo.,.-*t ..; 1-8 P..., 74 P.... _______ Du 13 1M0*0, Or0rn - 71,0.00OUR14Mo-ro: P V StXt.. - "-QUALITY AND SERVICE' ORS. N*COLL .& SYER uN 2 .M(O *..MO M_ 0*W. t ESt. obs o-dc DR. Ci. D. DENTL.4N Th on, i onne omd your flot of ptysiian ad sureon tetanding occouate to O)rrc-,Jt l Pic* hate KELLY & A1K E N Office iours--4 ;7-0 p in., o bY ai, -ho ColletoPu poii*is*t. PION.8178 et Oranseville, the quiche? pot ~. A G.BREMER, wilh haro. fonde on band tuaient phyugo*n *nd...0 Establtub,*d 180and .01ifiued the PALLE8*O 81." os- aa.d ,Omd--o.1. Londoi. a,,. -- LEAI. ____~ rs.F. 8. Russell Supervson , iPublie Obol i te WILLIAM . DICK and el ana C01.. f17008?f100,0 **0'*7tToucher of Volce, Plaus Sert '., 101081W .d 1o0,.0.0nand Tboery. BUTC.INSÙN à ELLIOTT oWt.dnn 1.ol. v Bm8.., 5181001 o...05rhum *.,. 00T-. ddw.-I 'Au. tel lol10. 0hoo8 ____________ POLLOCK &INGHIAI DESTIST'R surce.oOte, te tr & Worth MONUMENTS DR. F. E. BADCOCK Deigne on kequt. DENTAL SURGEON GA LT. Ph.. ma14 ONT Glue.r paabTh.stro. Z Y SEIIVICE GAO IXTI2AOrà 'DN. a.-. ". - "' 1C.R. TURNEI DR. 0. A. KING Fsrai Drce DENTAL ETJEGE21 ad -ale office i 2t'yal Building Milton. ' Agent for DaiOs . un.el Devina 00004 Oi.T.10pCOOo PO197OS MILTON. NIELSEN.1 s~NSJAC The Ch]rOpPfatt FIOPciR 208h yr o practice" LileFe, Atomoble, ujgie WDNEOICDAT AND )SATURDAY $Piat. Gien0, Accident, adits8. tîver Domnoturo Store. UoREIWN.I phone 180 w for other d&yo and bou"s. Dhitrict 1tapressttliVe II9TEIOR DECORATING S I. NSJAC G Painting & OiaIf!ýng F. D_. DEWAR WIE 2BLL ~Ph...72,UEOM. Or. Mà. à alarma 6 flaclu&ive Caadien a nd îmported _____ WALL PAPIERS tive Uon a Ulu te Ore n .opler t T. m SR H AIA popular prie«. ESTIMATEt VE.Vtimsler and Auctlêmer _VIcauIO .i oinpty .ttended SION WRITING' SPECiALTY. m=iw c sud asfatong FRANK PEAREN Pfforis 108 . MILTE FIR01312 MItroN. COUNTrY OF: bHALt-ON LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR 1 mh1 ............ 178e. O 41 4 2 20 1226 10 5.110 l MaguANS D5~I 50 L008l. J. P m,. J gJEfJt ~ r* 7 * W . a r d u W .I 1 . i * uRo Sssv405.1.0.1 . ... .o <8..y 0.8 Silu o but et WIIbe pu "I bsaile Vlut AWise i se*" ~aé U.eo OIFPbo<uop"em Sue, âp was Moe t swp e. Domewute 0 *wde 1 lhon cw 0»"sJet km Whsa a 8s, -ctis. he 1 1. thIfe vh of OU <etMa e2urâ,1 1 hliblte Omlatfi" tedmunRB l#o hmeutm « s nw »ymm u t Vhcevita-1 4.&% agb# 0*3 Reli bU 1t Um o' sor*orsMW'"rbe.o lbmdtaIlle-t aIl Il 62 44f1111,hem AbeUt«il. C 3" Sm tla UiIb.tat ii ruthserticbléglis nagiI hethe m ys.4Sm Wle"si0- ede .e 858*0 150»M 1855 esowf. 21naaonIe v aste biultinuer. tg d .a er tO laelieS 887 4aal ssi .T2lb m cale ltait! LM &aid hm ààgé % eAour e mm aub1e oaeMtu£ ne lsta pwm or ?Vafldm K ivalt8e. L&0 luaq beullon 1k 'à81tale . 85étees.uft et tlb. 1 telemtéglla it m bu Elt 99 de .du e the MO 1a 100<505854> Onuà a w mW4 1dmi.t2ui. lpit.imm. Olteettetnbu gr<ci5 ssumer hW of e ,mWho Mil kib*ngu ceaesuaS e mSarout alt @ebme atst Ummiibu MMe à trotS et baubl e koaibn, mm« uslut siblissais et mdm 1 wwt sa te bis.avoiliret ul a.. *a - , 1bW@mehu l q. asi 111 aae, muselujeuM dhUus ose£ " ofeboeth12seet a VI ve A im itais a mst t a b»cligie. ne rmtMd tep aSer se %NU"Mo",eq.a veim l <I luMI sm e.j, bow#..tut25f~ os*-5billa ta he mut cisailais. 5Ttvouse 2 MM&, MUuSut bi" " eledla iesa a ? uetoi et *7 gaia ulatabe. &ulagulsid 12beau" MielW tasMI. l.T-ttptleu tluseUip e.10um & I-etsall a Ur U-'tÜ "Ur OWU Vlev ta h-t eose* b 91é M vs dvelPlt Mg ase éO Ls43-1 b. hdu .mes m W Mehvme mfOe.d lia rlq MS ete <ciaI». r~ Au »Il d8oulil Y900W tofegEut hem anud tasaslme wituuma MM MIokas MtM llbtmin #W 0ailvervWei lumtest. .-wu 01711012, bt Th5e*UM ani a 4*9eeflSMgo gorg A taas 2MDs itt Venu mes trou ue. mauls e - Mrup yla l hqther e nr uumI thecoRes Umm vm.tin, dmsu7bnneW*e ma Mui aUsMila tu act *UL 955180flie et boge AiIsuha"e«bu impe" o t ttaon aussi ber vere sltn m hé Mrofr O1uer fl b M but po*aola IiMWO t I L-Tis meutie s.salle alm1UËe. atsth e boa us u . apltIlag Lr_-th Out bus eu t bmh WldIteOima 10 4*wli e""si Yiiin I1*M14 puel*eu i0à aprfcll boi l. 0084 ad Tory 41717 wale ais >sii!phoîcsInbore. thebotta. 5loye fth*c otam, cuver the @bu 9pumet *fMr 55usd atout rveryth.lng W-01114m«itI thuy di a -o s àte ---- h 8e psedinirs.W21 l hslIu aihule"a pou vite "»meout laeuii fe puemh $b u »oslit but if jou ait deva ta 2.2. Tese éamy ovamul auad atuder It wu m mginem, bt "hin emmu. .it md lu"i ei 2tems yon Io't glisse. W bat eisansd mi- ersteagau. W* er Iu ta bot gi, cthebt Illèer.l apories ut 0* ies ie ti hers la teithebalance? As ili y suInte 2e m0a. testasaft la ai efftiou mfer mi the murtaree mnlMo mai e t t mlasou ould louve outIthe oclentmfe Jualos me kc l aiseeor tbeebt 1weSid ltee ucrmed. Ifte voit ea.. visiteapeoibi ha andsalt la et parisun. RU wu valsr, thUce 2of laiawuOetol v ouit hobu a 6"LDmmi tris en ab.attlu et tissus, "0 bave "'Ite agiimutbl lsig t n le bta mlrk12 e boue, ani. smfmkla eMai speeily frum Mad lateuee la 10@&. The arob bo endinla s est te ibm las imu tuomuer.. th1e irectonof uthe . ansi, b. lRms- eui pt u sidta.ailIbouma ucllOt y ,atuejet lmUàk Nalueipdgloin, eu. 2in *o1we u e .but Ds-.' d MMteSU hbie WW&& d o U«esWh aselett vho vsrsblpmthe amis awal, SAtuaet1Uia mre mlie u- utu." Ohelme'a foresies.alath1e mourcé &Z Our blemiq.wUS Ibo "0lg8. Tas, Jet hawbealm________The_ bissais Rcofrner b«amm jmin ortutuun. Ail th" oveuieubai vIlla ennuihee. a ; aiesi hietbomgbt bseethlauiuss th e e "ilwb- gave te lS photo. Amants ltai&@imam ligbou .t m e lsa" Tte Matimi, due te thoe Z«wkes d1<1bai ubmpens i-ObloqJsl&get Om « pe8M"hs gupuU era wéWt»b et Matreuw ilSU? elhUitme omveSIetlinla*8 mil* et ue «enliassi aa. ae no tu 11»at- "u .mebub.thefood or love. ply ti&s1.110 ho laveat" Us a psu ai 1-%____ B ue s làtlhUc uMaMes 09 & ab& e.-bat É-9ut sab ure 1tant1MObil aid erct-I 12*1 X7 Ucum b bu --New or Teime. s tge et buabuhatsbeum,.eft~ or- tn theabaissastowér us u«e ee nenéilB h" steg Firv rou-ssmit .Astihrrme u"" eclit ha o rimn te Mns, i.Censtkt"i afledge e... r..lIses ea ~0iulaiOuItLt l bi eisr- wmSm 12. buMeofeta P. W. Md0 a. m, W" ovkàgt à houtemi Au wua O.tut al, bs 0OZç un-"aid usoivemm lm& 'i bu asi=uaset e oma rouent..M"h.ue QUIt. Wlthont M.US m lua.. Cmm t.gmeeq luroma ... uer moeamutles mthem asiluorttuaiiyproatîy ap~mie s Am tUc out isae. ~myemm u i21117et mntmnai t tten. h 12r eacu ct gsb sotu o rsI uwsi Sf it d whsmml'bth oesesm mmi pelte. d e»e»ute ho nmsonme12lgn' aiU5tf h bamea-f rlu 119.1 tew- oSntru M oui riu tuied. mou et Ibmen IQ0iituestlit aas- 5Juta: beecoruset*i150 I o bd cstainbdi UoUsem-emm ettes trise sortis Aetslli thoru &Mcm Whý_ ie wifH. Quis ,o.l r.- te. à ..Tb. ring vawu , mu.' Vary45 le io'- cleacem M ItdOs * "ss 888W.l.a»pTeo r...s u U <p .Sni.oel br cNV4ed estocemtla.0ms ThéeMaimmue pole l t eb U sthea- T.,y .l"404 lu 8the5011. Cs*d i iuala thegra su eonmt *otMl die pote. n fl dss 4.1*0*.trou h1 118m. m ia hbgaio omb Norti' pela la Gra.t ErEalIthUc oin. ccodia te11. , In,îo lans li. loig-t.u.l g8.2*lrober£s tOsi.' ceeuny. A eood tescription oftligua Pm m ei sow, a drueuos a", tle *dfference of tht. ktn ut t. usuorated hy thetutmgChat th e uhi' te give,, te George Bigt,orm177."20- srahly 8ta the 0 eoful. uort. Dv- atlsltend14t10the divorce court--ft otOornwall. ut .2112 the pries et 1mol&." lie mor5espiritlal syuolism ýN suy ,oar t02a. ere li hobornsnt a li15 1tserions r ivetl dies.But nc. tu walr. le delta, bcd made for tenaift proihly russe ut eltIts ure, là athes lm utmi11 hlatinquilme«MuIL Tsmth UcDowthèrs are fno rues o u 0071Pt-WlThe dfîga of the Sagl. wbelalcl iesdeys aot hlvcrrY. rhea R lestattitude 58u<t ll emlamo.Worvad u s amariait iisoivsd o te ,:ovur the ioeby offies la Londonle.15 lowgrd romînn ogu'n te devomiol.I. O »@#;:avUcilrbatu geroeagrt a 11 Ili aeu nge& sit suigne, ball. arrag.d In trluugular theestou. ge..te tUclviai 0f a ose the leurs pàes. Oslnuhes. Droit% q.0L ui NluiIteron au s a812 itoid. Thts la tht vsdding ring casnselongue ho trace& ad ther mal raî eso f Uhe mil'! u aid esst ut arme utfIthe411127, whch ce»but rsddteg mfaet. rq us! i Shabe- eompes muet have bhel 4«097 Pm*'list icousE thaï: mre,& da". la 'ho..î lima m &Î-1 aetlImm.hi lite tc lu mtu M aW» Ilillesi Devr ain1te dey@.oftheUc rly Pla- Weil4 Wa. ites wrmbathb btOtW p&L> OfteUc rori the imotatoD. '5Se -q9 t wltet rant thetth1e names tagmuti e P&wbhm 0-«A 0f @w"sim arusarenom. Thé couin 41 la cete ,lu ealornes. OurueulortLakes CbargogIggginaulla- anbl-te eacmtmrptlisauapaustn he ring on .* toudt amur mOsis. tUc comoueasede*" 4e« lot jgecahoa.iUniha prossissrousmarc0hN1aan»inS t Eal5i.Ofthe .left 2maidcame troc *-Ism tere rena quie m a Mypint du- vi la b. -ontinenotmmstaon n71wofut tius 0u415a. whse. uau1ateint her. W"ma .101 fr0 tfl2 tut the24 boum I. »Iffa yen 1 *M. t e Vs leo'Leottwor t amn~ appeeOBou* uaueutpt la the Ertth Iii"eutoite Ucbes a al nou, la e oi.dirsetisu ,lass pspoet m£ te.g aie. la' Me"",i.forma!82.aL a ciation te 1 ______ unidI-en ilathe2Oton, u.5dey.If s oi A"e40»SWord t a met arts-naue-12e rova fewléiiabit loi 10it Kt R UM 0411*M iecrOftny àil -' fre . tie w nobls! iPl*edm-. wu er wh Kt" maJohn 254 <lhUcv.2.' Hai Lem a ion vI issou 1211filbusa a t ius a ulu.'ugb oe mllhpano"iagosinst lime. = iru &goemple rleeilteà IsInm udi- wmrd Wl. Ibal, the baW» 'tas ballon -mogmb Pot a tndeBita the b m wa- r itaui tues wblvpilwu the bruità. cubînThis ala 1m t1t 9"ri- uo <mà" hae 5lthty irlagUc m~ sd mlbI. effl Iu pr &u"Wfer@ eu PTfm iv eoPsuand adormIsi the wmbcl i U. i teil mth »e. ilefmi. Na- * i -t-as inerpngton as fo1rwi. 'ILa e MtheoWtls m ns tAuI" te Wr. 2. g[le th", naabit @Wf tI Ma - oeis m e ma. lotsBahou your a4*ide; ie hatebthHctueOaaoui.o 0ha ti- the gMaie.. c asei bonbns deuLLi c. breetet.t« zd " eboiisb lithetiidie 41.' Ap-cnseil une.. I: 0f 12cm v er.';O- ag,. ildpcdn f51112 aaehs humur dPm* rggl pamJ thensconIisorlte 1 Ilfat I . eamistsu 95058 teb.dla- L _Ne _Yor ________ 001v.b. arh e saoum. b»1kà eriiimo fer58. et'O tl. 8.' .iolmm 0f certain important 5.- a.-Ne ortli«mMam on. ulves are 2e dlhwe k aied iarOi- luitla T*"y aetu12 7lo. Inats 18by arbtrat"tsa ut leu ge»- bot er tao pen & a l à"r mt uq diaeratIo. s . 1 r .u a e h ~ l sose. The pceaent nattoca of Lord Nais.'. Chomr ahnrs r.0 rqutU ot te crrysuc atomo.Ths3de ot sumcnmmiU m loisrStlenPtlhsLady IRuima) RaO m ullo ta ecatrr rhty mIllets ast orpenhàmtuer hum- ra nemry obaenome m. sudet IS? hol Mue. mtoouhoziie b the 1.impremilon gathmmed hi Pouiu;îlestutes crop. If Char bad. fur bae Uc ibe. rie idpe ut M*s1 bavuel20barisdu« tla Lte <1OU- .tloeo. wumot ttally Ihbrsrutbl ie m i gton. Mn ptret. .a . y . g r. It251 e hihad IrWlia 9nia. 'buMietl aWbi-,wouM i e m rue& cmumusvec.ty. auont or ber liaimon r112 Lard Net-:iu ta" stndapçreeitqd alAbitg et l'haussiocuealem -alU la the <arl2eaa .c*by vbou thebad a dssolue« tu es ten "eu u' S W-P- 1 meda pcW cur mi ob, thebtO hlandi. of 319D. On tIbm is O f ber bm&sbIMifi.mrllu of lti11.5 atm laraidi .liem i dby <i- theWet Insmas tsd fre.s.Flori d "y&the Washingtont Star. the reeslvei Te Ka e! ma e mtgmzpbli e adttoaL laBta he ot reet<O en h a .8ý 1 teeth£ Psuie furlutg'Le ui -ae. I 2e ui e no- chu par NoMà & a suanirle go la scý A-  eo rgc ue '@'&Bd% ort(%'i.Hati1Bifse oe ivea PlvN4661dIî, etas.peurs on the ltuset lbe1rl Ph s ura essassin mtla ug sied attei suadPorto lcese Ae-. Au-L b~s hm e laNeMoud rlteh hlmonfe beri atronus e le.vshotcerstaIn plaste Igenadeumnit b.clause&t. autR l t Mies, aid tacrutie amon Chose lete 1 l oel e~.îh2 W atIe.trn e e1n s tien art Mt t Ikmy te blai itroisii. . aej ungi Uelaof thUc brbbe.u aiis dm1 ri te astaosluty Of £M5, k28.0orf î owla tUc eredUO f PBaticem tamil adinhepr A gond sot tabsnla ut the Unitet0 las mI o. c ouant olf Ucthe ejîi àphidd or pat ieu. whille the othmc cartons 8182i51u. thon la1Utile pI lst ates~ 1. l uooui0, nt Thom"lS. toftte hoir daugbter forat..113,- bled oandetstrosthe Iuves Chmcs- fe hosw 05.00110<5baptise mNotte lia d &baie St.Thos gemnnaund LelrlE sl.hoeut elves. Tht. ltter 21'îd l lem 'uif » th*11ell its'h te s0487la 1aie*Maattas. but amug ta*leftIber Ioër. Maidu vrî db. w- lsedi u@ti«a Mire lmeP--eor Md mai Uc» gobsUir lios aansi-limbes uther thma artisset bou"ies tl luprises fnr doe. réca"Inst eue in bot adbhai vastee. IlMar Re - sur ocempmet 0fSIt. The tors of Chose- Isr. Sha tees veut 10e<Oui"'ta 8 8- .1» hb. cassetby the pmulreOf - - 110tiwau ai .LolUU oratheini -- didîs beoî~t! iz32ni: îo cnv,.e tuaci.« m Tr...asIsme.a hsabats. fersla Uchersait the1. 85 ua .ai52 rlamoma" 1 lb.plhe Tho l ~~ l 0.1 ~muper et a.tqulty, bmeueath 1. Id 0Irsbut8eommi yU near la itttist »l Al .i* tort. t Inlte enloy tht uperts o. .lt e= Chw" bs. ioet. ere.laIamurliet rlca blfhdm851t. U ~ 0MUan md barilthi ou the par Unes! lb. Iuit hatai121"PO--§-ea J Noman m e .7 sme pontuof1the law" 14 lmnsy Ra Cl. th;ia iUpla~ ine i.gouambotter.j _______ y', n susu os e1s'N cî VolieUmt b Ih eil *u mb naigtad Ae a ile.. 07NeLsI Aru!Ilte eai0 i .dm 1-s t 1 N, fTheuuubbbad" Cuts actuel prtnLvclie of 11w. Il miJs i- Lfttîs Flush wuasikno bis t t"11 - ulutaIeu.mmS.mmeehsgtov Putssi tsam ar inoucu emiîs.ply Chat lu î diupute 01er rosi tote.lavuî froro hi& tarineh . .wIl1Iht htou 28 lakstessmm b. alants,ormosmett rdmueetleated alinau n't réam lo i a aya la aumî.iD 12ee rctoull vmi *1uabe& ~llogUi , ,IWP lil Isras, *aetry are boowa, whose pas: sgnal 0 & lrt in.jorlty 01t 1.a s aeiUn eIrtlI. 1î a507 an mai 10rthlA4, vi12t imu 1.22iilyimues ad 8geskiparfftstehave bha. reegai peints lnvolved; and hy SlCiatepamiel, rblh ut h lmmi B N *ImiktuttIUlo! thte srnom e5u-4àI lameed la 12. proper ral In tht breett I UlgutivelY -lgnlflem Ue s.Ormsu dinuer tâIansd aIe ta'àaa__ _-en bhse things dailMa 11 fer Vhi kte- ecorde. Tht word cborougbhred L 1 mtantabe 1880..In powrOr Poet@$ 1rumb thol .e ]suppis! t4n roP. At ruast.eilàt.doiSMO. hOsaier. If astheam. of a distinct bred of 111881%ton have over thase roulmaes 12, te athoule bsHt. s r nrchb or .07 etothe eut» 1*1 vet md gila- 081. vbhI bave ber brsfor neuf The nunoner mine e m tt. 0cUlr1Y tlune Ruh i.ltheratety drap mn veustlou IO %tt Ucy umtdbb do apcntreHuroi pe ýdnm,a ignfcantIn atht. couLneetc lu cake on. 0e flanc. Volirut i m t 91gbiU&la &P ta bgvimg coma o-Lglnly trus the2.unton tc,. eolhi. hi 5 ~ "uh er h r o oe t-pIe. au~cd u~ ba sea U et~ Aahiil.sudlurimIbones OO la eleven PointsuAt the lr Iais'.e aaited reprovlagl. Page -urpiu meAW rill bli»m ts oftea@c Uuleik aTy lion tre.ereBine and eleven ore favortesnuxubera logu rî it quouetoule of«. lui cils .Sbhtage. o5ihth caumfliberntoro abore. heas i mngaolklre ..nd poplar phraer ansd 1there a utIle 4.41' h. a wstle' _________m-________________ho nul suris s 10au 2ing *bnemhb"r"i te. 1c. S1U..mate amd "Mae Pl-, u.i pasula c at ..isi aai0lRoue Uu~ ah gsuaaîi fceie sb e .0Whtaier tu bacuins acqualal- 'e. et hetm d" 5d t ~ ~ ~ m~afmi v182 race. Pot eriavite, in- v ie meennleSos.r. *1 t. Uec O uitsic. salanParts -FOR- ciaislinla meicSn autlonalty anrg-.e hm mot t, u "osport@ sud lmre "congrus .ab"8 muq8Isuaobn etc Ah IMS i lamSme.C.segs t hlt n..Inlud not[8ke hoie of1the Salgra. Thrh lisà$ 85tJ..tetmilatos DisricprehwmtblIe01 utul o te rposean uivard I.-i toahinuhilà.ar Lie C tabnada Tuerl. mau "d'aidlano Who a are chmryotetp.11ou. 12 Ithits or amaiotpootetmvOin Ofth1e @0- ltemt paril et uailas orils: thee vntes tela ms!hishavle sueeed awaY; clOd "MiIIet Eihbt%"w' .11ver b. PHOanO:218 miLTt , * ~e~ami!t Ibere lIl heasr lu everfioZugted by assntiet e Itain Chat LTON wiu pRopi of th maelono thusE grantitome expres- emla bstrmlai&, Seuth Afrîca anddsels- i3 aionwln rt mcîbl h . .7 v5ry r th1e (75atudU Wamsb. - n hum semad b? rhium; 12e inte. hcs.we e it nter- teaedset .eu" - I T. O. D O k S ~e. Pe~e~ sigrae., ýbeus u, esances uf chivaîaî. are goffei at au jeelte msmul CemIf II fr .D Lr N à ,-a iieopeagrtosGreBr à.ricl* V O e cOGWCK.UOmI1eif tua Mon etta@ rentofnorhe,n Te 7~Bble 1in 5p51L0 itssuss ai a 5MReOiMtumbrOfetisuc BA.IMPTDN. ONT. a cm-e tathr .10.tltnooeagrtOm-30g uto at1tgweaures pprovs mm* Ua-aa ILie4.nsd Austioneer 1 For 1thecoutu eof Baitua a*d Peel. 8021. . ..ts.7 M.ll j *'es aTbercnpýuLt *pubr"et Peupây" 0 The B aieaetiser la 180 cati'ferais Inî»Jeppteedo net 315 ie odva, lu Bin, taeuoe 0f the FARXM-BALBO Premplly AU-ded t0-. tu e@Ilatmetravisions, te coiildeted get ekrnce eetn &I1etsee Phone 17-r-31 Br'sptooi. tlo et! the hgbuO 1Mer -7'ype ! of he ndte body la nr.a oionaes%! poo.,mcelte timRD nt ail..!cItI e u 11*8 ~~& pein iSn. Il s conma*usd cr ten,18 peritttng the t.eot t-.punirto1 Guadslquvr. wbee th e Anaaiueia I V IO L IN mm P IA N O»(is T hei c esf me it lb. wci r o-oe prt as emotly as mnotier, plaia os 10w ctin te gold o! orange ajolgra eteraoisof he ort« bssu Zvr aoute idndtermolois-ta. roua adth 12e Sh 1orts de ondos. il IOIN sTRUCIINO th* "yWutUc hmbu he lt t islam yawWi. Thie tosette -ratably ml. Ilote l ttnmrbine Of 82Srta Mo- 24 làL lsae - pssa mi.sai r. i .t Tha e yanola ptobaltly.ue orftthhe nie t aIuudsI L a 1210f glore of aise theligelle "Id &Mfta ide ofatuces simpie thempeutim . omiova la l. caUdual. rleh Nor- Phont VI1. L iR 1111. vTolem, a sI ee 0 ai al lterari >10- and w: bave yawaed *Il the rAY u117 tir cal PermPs Uchinuat ezxtimOr avS.aoit ~ Jo egâffe Mfpai&te. s6i7yu .s tý dl amytrée iar,acetof 50 pliu thecplr. l'ouihe utHali mu lIuSas eud uerUse*ne astr oît gi G. a mpias maionsuperd .W1A at ý Tt la a ron eaSarom *h5tItoa fo ;u n et hmtt Of52e rphit J,. A. ELLIO- q. m u eo uA Nuibden homebin uel Uca11050 - Pboae lM.a4L ~ 5 ~ 1U .~:.we lots lm2 b n A DENTAL ANNC'UNCEMENT I DR. B. L. WASIIBUIRN DENTAL SURGEON Announoos the Opening of his Dental Offi n the Office formerly occupied by Dr. Braund. near cci'ner M ain' and CZharles Stooseta, Milton. Speclal Atter.tlon Ulven to Extraction and Plate Work. absdsoe-cCoqrtSte. Eveoingu, 7 t. 8. P'hone 357.j RI TCUIfS e For Courteous Service. Gao Ou - Tires - Grease ýffl

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