Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Mar 1932, p. 3

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The opennizif tbe Mulnm s&M s uonmïy co- dauid by Mies (!&=Ill wiil take pluie on Saturday, M..rc bth. wiLh a nw areock of up-to-the-minaite style of Millinery. Ladies of Milton and vicînity thia la your obanoe tcse"Cure your bats made tb order or îed.-erat prices the letest, cousicieri lg qualîty and 1wrrnanRhip. Corne asnd ffle oir stock b«f~re btiying, You will lie made welcozne, whether you purobsea or not. Large atock to solect frein The Mi'. n MLadies' Shoppe MIRS. WU. DURNAN, Maagea. Mothers!1 Prtct Tour Childrmn': Ilalth -_ USE ONLY- Pesteurized 4111k WIîy ruri risk-s whe', it costs îno more to he safé ? 6oce 312w MILTON DAIRY Lard, Dufl's pure (lLality, Ilb -------- -- 9e Quaker tiats, Qîîîck or ordinary, large pkg ---20e Fiotir. lied & Whiîte, -d lb. bag -- __ 17e Baccri.. l)Duiart's I)aisv, by piece, 2 Ibe - --- z I Ilsliced, per l 5 Prunes, Santa larn, .3 lb.------ Alyiner Pork &A' eans,hlarg-e tîin -------- Ilhi F .,, lt Ige pkg - - - -- - -- - - -- - Girimîsby Pickies, larg~e family a39 Ovatine, srnaîl tin 50C. Medjui tins ---75e Cori-, Syrup, Cî'own Brand, LI tins ------ 6 Li<ie. B ln ose ùiîalir.y, Ils- --- ------25C Shiriff's Govd 'lorning Maritialîize, M6 oz. jar_24e Chirstives Cim'wolitte Biscuits, 1I ll. pkg ---21c Bread, r:ii rv ý-lonf - - - - - -- - - - - - - 6c j'alriuoii. f~a'x pîîrkll, 3tins ---- 25c Mî\Ilk Cliocolate Peanuut Bars, 7 bai - --- 15C Tmnato C ai siip, nseABlackweli's, largg? hot1gc Butter', -erv-tis qualtv, Ilb----- ----------- 24e Juhîe, înkusst, large siz.e, doz -- ----45c PHONE nR. UIOmeuam WE 30 I.U gmIum DLIVER hw "Quallty always h:gher eban the price", 84MA CIEINZIE'S i We reconinîend these rernedies as the estand osteffective f&r cougbs Rlexail Asthma Powder 5c 8 Rexali Cold TLblets - - 25c. 8 8 Rexal I Laxative CoId Tablets 25c.8 8Rexali Uhest Rub 50eSO 8 Rexal Ironchial Salve - -50c. Rexil Catarrh .TcIly - 50c. 3RexailiAnalgesie Balrn - 25C. 1,JbM. MACKENZIE Phm.B. IPhone 40. The Rexali Store, Milton Slt em »r4 w « to 4%. a.Iu la1h. Ija. e ilCIO~. ~u*~TRn bille 155ý U iU ' t s el . m ~ b ua-~ . wtti ~ *so oe. oe'#u ss ~ ~ ~ 4 W h~, l. ~ ui L zoc 11bWI ~ ~ n - ~ .~ .~ 8,~ ~ae, Usa. Ruetun P~a~ SIMI.g l '.us ~ai s Iou 'fl~A8l40 U~<Y 'woes' iSS5Oforiii.laah'eej' a U 1.4 I~ ~ un> ~ ~ ~ '~~ ~ oe Il ~ k. f ~In ~am iei, Oavia~ 1fa I S Imm .ehy la Ii Uutud~, Ieb kh. I md.antninIreaulunn o.l-W <P ts 8niileont, tlo:i.oi jwu sty0*ir F.i » 4 & L ing t r fs a #t on l iet o si, OfI*r 8SLSSIm .mit IElirnsn . Boh lst a :..a Vieil suddamer prell il u a ei Jbsm lhl s'1onol air-O b~o wn. ... e b a w q nu*paom m. hn neff.oins o lt .rs idmdo . RiehhiH om~atij- A D oalet na~ îl 0h .I" . ie, ars nis,,osa f i tega . - .ulem ie. Thnias au t In, cf j a itb DSIe îî çW ineHam l fouei-.mgty xmgs la l ultord. r ilk e&Is.ns. Tii. nr i. phisi1t was ______ 2 shold Musical Oarteoai-.'$mile, u~~~~laluni n î eu t i v.î. hr es iaaingleeW lii. habornfe J.NUT .mmiRr f ui .P9 ansyCail he a Teno odes nlûiiway r'sashed held Tncday eflrele ou"17 1111i enco" 10 r er R* 1-...I.:..1 Sie -DO" DT ONV OUt. many rea.omded roialto.isîamto t n n. cotei, fhm utaW ,,pus naiefiguueesti-r . .2Aongla ..... on l'is o A Tr coeTuk'd. aia i. lde c e i e o no,.'TaUc ps ao e hi b. $roh- 'w a lnue. l'of . Mobri s .I 0 m ue ryaly 'eu A nd u virOee. " h sr o a m -res tgiwe d liai sý ar-ve r a . ' itts ud ank co2t aNoirthia _ _ .. 2oi ail repo te iagus ait. hoMr.W.8.Chs Oibl W. A. a ct, M.... 0 Ure e. ... "H i a b p icith e onppttn. 2mkSajfl 54Ballonipreat. .v.nlnlu1 0 tits ssn .......Wsd TUBI" M "_._a-,,_at______________fur ________ YOI ne3 Dayerni..... en Mn . s ia, <le. a i o ri reat i % t a "t pi fron t houttSa . '- -. Bu ____e " '-' on. cf ur n1is i la. s... a..d. à dr m fa leis . rpios.liguesdy o cb. 22nI. Ty re oe llate BUM . dru ato, fII ies. imi loired-- mmbtr mu"" en aTii.r Mbrsii mete Ont 2t luitii. Wio. w o om y --matoMie Omte la ni iTrarain s br gbiy esiesitetinii5br arbil %*Matemurgoo Pgsr. vi .htt fMe iu _____________________ eni oum Im PtON=Ulme otheir any 4dme Ftb 8h on, Mlre y Liis$y Tn asday.mac 1a l olnt Salord.y730 nwhitp.O. B reim'gin e Haîtkertbel 011i wv c ar.tewu, Muaient_____________________ "hma i . in ieipeBassar ,ens ZWe t h bec o e.J . Tiiémemiicenil. ett e a Aid are Damyou Eklw E»y hi len n odey sroniont ptiotn e Chicul àiîlO t, wn i t vuPn ellitied ari ofort the tai St. PA. on Trval al-*Bm"bth Bot- f e rz sntr. . ae tirn e a1 o -Wol ho iteu e OWaissee lnday e hiti M i , eooi roon. emoa."b ý n , àà,. horeubila hein , ;TVed bChiott e uî î'rtn Ion ie d u7îb. e n a epr t i agt alsJi" .W . Krin iegitdyeer . A . f t c11MY*pot ebne or Tii. anqut irld lii tlmBlO hee-h T.P.A t ehln * IlMuray oT he Y.asr m l d a v"i n tefY Ma W, W. W. P~es. Riotenrs Agraenuig a sblrSm o ... Hel a bo " itba o Pt. 4t e lt t th. dj rin. I. 192, Jsepr Smtir t,,-lui - aciinoilLux .eot ndntan ;= gîda i r vetn et et fMineiietae aie f T AL JIB Ut an liearo t ariheDy ah guy tedt nt om aio.Mgina. f A.rM. w doumi as" auj. Ga' draedof untii, b t. Bnd7 rt.ayvnoyet. 2an. saln tii.he dansee o t Wok, Maikreiis csp m adm - ». liA't C rASH -W ., ob une,. s- ori os i. 'I ami uit no~ T int , scs ite ite t er aleione Caked A utiotn nPi wl -àI tth m fM Q ius oeeet20 MndeylaMis. A B. (congrtulation&.in d a, Pt,2t.1U M ylnw .e u3a.M rhRh t8neo TUyaaDr.u il. Breflagon.jjcft Joniernin. inPro'Bt he Resterprramme. %ulb. a.isc il 7 -0an . ca l & ,.inn yl aedkt ateToi.a Rng rBo..pU ts Heion nmny onnli malmt o isrn ahie ii. lnltiiO u ied utdi1fr. tii. u- 'ev.nnem ersfte ji lda ChèeàSidySh 1o t it iclin T:ttriaiaymr.ojnguMer. lOi 27tio'2 Di Lo. Sev, g. o ,n "l're it ntn sia blel i iié ft e ti e lh toe nhe flnotrcit. Blo IsoN e w s.iitoel t ti bnquet- Alxanh"s.teoron I P ii _______________________-- - trl lhîinh...on it iii b. cet. Mnndoy .vsnln1g oeIl. - anMarch 7,h.32 Jophsit ýIlîrr nintie 0 Il ý_ _ Holetu. en nues aith e z ra O1aierana. ntbeIve hi- 8 crien. tlay n d ay .tey inn tnitis peck d of Bou m G erut ud -_____or__]mat tee, ehipt. hee i n WAil o Kxund ertea'usptites în of nroda5, M-,lueslemnM. Associ 'j -lntm C. W. ariî n Oh.d Imo le odi tsn t of'A ielhSt -r nnal.e cf ntri Ut Hlte. ,remtec t , Mdm r. MOto. . *ium Isa. ut tiuabti lle onStestrak.D batnn5iWall e ribicmn en, on n d i Sîoiay. Mamcit SUt. aîSp.A. a.ns.LA Iaon. Mrises reaeo ate.Bndy. o nstgmetdnnnsrd.yJoieinl îthnne cilS. 31 en e B luatn aithrsdanlet csoo Bsoare.isa eti10eay fin g mcci h a ie b tow ntiteto ir, adetl. n.Md su ad ad. day ooth ooowtt itcd tar jatior e disot .E u . L ' OUreesiiesic li, es etee au lor tit ans eu p e teod 230 creun rf M s.rA H.n loy inn ait tani Einiitr ).Pcca r anprie cnîirTx. Be o it ha.. rai ary nt dns mt n iy tiiw'tne Parni.'c Sl esnst a Ri e tI IIBT B SHfJ..Sll.Tr ch I auLx. . o th e per m dielnse aeroCnîtnnt DHu tr.itin. leia, eparnned$10îcper.aiih S)cà thoiral, and n i er te lrojAil mee. ago01. brai. fÏlre tr ac, ei Tr (lenteRraa r Brnaoy.for tht a Boe your ** ek.End Bt. in " . e ulie IlerOd îcm boirtn idan eips edn'.ao Ie r e rzsini, t i lte lie prenaft Pt C&iti et t y a tnk i me Don . Inn nitemachine, blr foinsonjnieaîiîlie, nt li, tel. srvti fe*. n bc Tuemba nezr Marc 8thpOiln totgay i ing , Ma. Ot I b tahe (t.jet ninft ppr ntiancru tsa Pia ou at nn e rrotrtnit 5 etdL tl . eeneretof atâte o f H II ('iusud . D uio.. in. Partr'rntirîilet r. nean lieh 4nir' nrtnjranira an nn-itlttnn tuiakSocial -n. Maiâe'aFWilliam i Dntnae pîu , ondo . p f n . mi'.u dit «livngrromloftte Porth sufriie rge ci niii. itl in storen, fl .iin edît nhmne tietri iïhoi . l g1o -n fr painD-- t p, oro e@ fBctnPkm ceitnia el, Mcune it. ileM.t on litîheg Cru Alxnroina. oronoaSit 1_ti ciie rvd.= ý 'jannîiecitetnti br pcîok insudînlihnn fon-»t .r Nai lteracllecion C.Wsatn le w a ia e lor Id seS reand ti ti is e. ja. ls. AlU seti.Ne pn Bl. Co ain 'lire Hoe 'ic rosien, ounnt oant i Drse. s .0estiet tpt. it AIhraid a noctal rvcnofg tilt, r"'eirrandaheinth ld- » 4thd mine't st l.. ud Aler i t wsrmj:. o Nlsni Mr. vacti, IIIIkW heV Ct~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l liore isolu.niTroto e. loni..i. fttremîitJ.r. uniram h"'rr4lý B.D. &tien. ietiUs tens tdebis oBnrtiian Fade. ewat di.mBa-it b. Aqd Plîiei5 Tneitip.. onTesdl wmg a set A r t.vinteerbai en ay irn te ont outmele'nl« R SIHS TNC lad eaO i s d o soct for elinopsmnsnfc on e e t eslit te "r a c isdenietloode ofi these illinery tore on Sslurtiey Hre ir, [ah.oiirr flestsll.n io.4 i i mbr."rqeti eatn.cek n ratrro h il ao nI Marcit dli . a d et crMi t ttari.rj . ' r er .ritt . sLLLm.DS, I lg)9 asmoe car prtyan àm pt o b th atnfrday i, Igi i ratAlre nnticr . B SJ. eteLJ .Bl üers eem F îndei n~elrîge ecig - ffine tro uSt fnin Stoij gr .nrT' I fr atr frtef n Boyl ayur Wniery tie tetote rmpo .irn, poir anti BsJtan li.t r'the i.,n lerr 1. i d ,s,rr Haut ande hae gBoeoth it Kn 0ox "ittdtnri li efailniig tir tri'296.2h.lbnj St arc uproi ocr nPaok .eyerd f i,is aeionti, 1.alsaloliC4'r ',. j tn n r.ey C.ansrci09(ri Wdst r rentiy. . leMopl. tory fn ..laretuio.H trdapanol Uie n. ..r iiai ormitoek il W oIr. Na'r, .il r . lG ,jr I ý ,,,on ni I cini ,nndPnortnlr i foeo thpite imi ii ty piet . pres nrdi n tm i r niai,.. r ttia lt01g,W, -AND--isn ' 't 8i vIli t a ord'ni inp tMW 4mDPrrn r iySotWe,('onnc'nmcnct hanhen resiyimrovd y it c liand eite-dr oilanctnon l ong at II fcnr n Carsrln r lkmilveNea@ringly., Co'cor. a sirTe itn 1.r MO aite u c-1 i 0W minteU't'nst- eù mlb. Fona in'mA-asn aii-d nviJ.-A. H Oae N D OhNtIC I' i Af d e ii. o tt Mesor eorna.o nle mta onedthermrio i iteon alivIîr. pn cri aseti on tsu nAd. bentence-Me Megnoîale ,.of cii uleaed to5v, To nhp nTýsa.Azibr-fh kyfkýf.,N i rS H thr e '[o t BareStoPreelun Stu of lt ,, tekaie, on 3Monde , r.aitL. ~ U Mreanlitn Alitins Cioim, anti W 'Îuaredso; terlng. resin oin udn giIn 1ligt A irtîfainiur i Piu l r e yt e e ,oeilnn a i e bc 4lnIinn - -n i rdog t' c Bth.'ii o.dý ee ,ti =csletag dnner icedin ii ur a dpakiraph iomee ini L p ii y.. teMonTe ib 7r aIerttsrdt ap s bis iliilrd,., 0 P fred hieP leiibe'if týýrea-ra-iet"essiro, AtroinI-,Afriete,'.. lite. Lenia' Ad !latut'. Tip xe m.h r.ever aalo nf t,, da~tue 5ai5th,-.1 antiSciesins irsvaal diiaht. S it,-ani,-,,1 -f --d ci nrf «yaiai. Ir o Tele il cet i.Brnl onvidomesîn rie Atteaeti raorî 3eIiy Lot has brien uietimpmons thfer le fttre" rZ nnkirnaanli s' anei tiiir o wnns of telrg il'e o a iti l', hot eard -r . 'oinn1.',.'tn i rn 2' 1 . Ca O iac a s Sloe im e ueà -i »k« .tapie r etienn H ,ler ote s e, tvice. h- n5 ir ydo n- tng fo oe fr lit ss ut i,13. Incitetietfg . eSas nVornntl m sneati 'ritUToni, n4linoti Nbe We W&thoa bom esanbg @. T ovedete, ese îof i f dc rnenfrrsmP, s Thasie Banrets. P Mier.11h t 2 te C»tnneltn nn. rad E.n , M aog noo.'ise.'edtc.Cioien à iIen Monr' d aIit.HW. tnir I0 IR HmonrAndline Wlub n' S b r ader t a h tie rî r .ff atti. Hotiule &auLI dne llt nUie tic Yonr Onînen Anrînnion rfHaionjCaron Fiit Potctveý'.@Ucsdm t eeam ti ng err Pî T hen5t ' riptoh I~ i.Lal. lreatndteni g a r end ite !n, T h.mna",rfrpis yeroh enlo eti Mx ell nI enu PS 'COt1 ie. ota e ittyi . birstiront acep tet oei .hr t -e np a i qriei nrn nin Ai yteernonyTa,'thsr ciîe, ier mas i ni.lrdSiA L M ONlîi r Crn ar ith.r.i. a n .ie 0 I,,e iro ani ai Ino3 ew i, Rae o a sasMleColnat etisý tf or qo tie. ise o. A l'mic i y Lit Obrîiknfier novbr'n iirn. I uîi arn d f n.boi t f., thae orbh--e11-1118qVouns. l l'r e mas s îri" ra er lcn i . n sal ied t c .- ies Ait tarins et tet opigh y ltIt, Quer for"Ifar'i Uitlt11 tionitOn 2 5ait It r easr. ox Orive ciet Mei 170,. canime te u . nng. ey enl, îiniîi UTheinHomeg bofr'frood îl tbie min O STON C let it . o . i 'ittî h. vetlne anrontolire vn eavi s-hueS ni il4 eMILTONk P e e p3 'i o c in s n t st oi n r t aiS, l w l se. k . N e l. ih o n i 5 M sini 1 ite il1 j e..t.miti ite .thefhanexorMes. 12aiLUI.aIL j ilIe, c e mnnay. Mrb 7b, tI2.301 omaTII uN Vlbet i.-th'enl te ni <JOp » M, Im orient .i anlr. moiil P eil uplod P ltoJn suda leo , tir' ini HnrA OD W TC- ernui. Tyel isr t , fciKnx Chie eîrercet Me F t i. 'lemto la.h ei anclng Bs'. 1in li <riscs N.pep, jaseeti a .n c tow lb ll baee este.adi .a tsde riton s. Be 5555 a tosg h e79doit.teotî ilnnUd l C u iA.bT innr uj àI yno rlv Uanee andFoot esî- ttesri 6Sfre iii.n enl, Tht low.ui.. î.l m s dIcsg. i e n', Ex cet ininI cmlentetý * Op i to lb, Bine b IlS" Dn.riîi tIrof.I yeneaao y rhà r r i < pni a Ibm Cboe nl e tc aniiis otti b &n ne i se.eitan Th y .-s ~ O 05 0Cwie,5 htI Boc'gx'iet-V (Jatvlbiee terrsud edlste I apearedesr rr.rtiael 1 on es ut lits e dOU . trochAi fentii.ti d set png thrn pe n r was i l nnto 0 Rti i hnoxut p enb 7,. ne 10 rultensra nti . nrnnlvjtý-tï iIg li,,ra dthý BhOSriTON feset r în - TL by 41liii leplntnniinanti a rn ý..t p'nmntiîrn On'llrnlipsttn e ntn .Uts e' Eli eena f Ti to t y b hugiîe le c. 1ceosY .nderrd e tcp ornniiy unr. itîr re pi t .ein î task Militontire ronday.Mb 7 h.alogt Wd hel f,iioesogb tfrnofer--hiAe Lemns Spec aI .nceeirytiierew il beÔt iý ,dP . Hs'itainn eets J .M R H hen y ami le.t . . cp il b in .l egi- ' ic Gaperu4., lilnebe. 'ha irn Ne' m".ý easnduiri '.L tiî.. b. 1 the atmsnty.'ises masaran le N I ".%lisieuY. plt. n a rg. ad iii. etI. I £ resu i iiieiidV, ii mu, iCu fa na ssai5 lie. unie beésg part. i te B arle in ]), itisago ptth er r .0 . Steak -- -UcIRubU)d P0 tuM------ 120c ief 10----- 1s~qk rc , 7c memuidea Sanage, 2iba. for ------- 25c m brg Steak, 2 1 bR. for S PorklOelo 4c Feameuai )1 nî,ive 20 k--------i~eISrdok-eIà 1}lîîs hc ork 15Potg obs ý5(r ains13e to J& e Cnoked ll4M 30 1, Special for Sat ---rday CFreali Plate Beef ------------ -12c l PIROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 302 r 'atoh Our Windows for' Speeials I ffloway's Meat Shop. Youï' Patronage Solle.ited. 40ME BAKERY! Kemshead's Better Bread' v iij id ri A FULL TuNE 0TOP ýs, Buns, Pitisr Past~ry, Coiîe(.,, ALL B~~QUAITY. ki* Ordera Prornptly Attendeti to. ,loi. J. Kemshead. w. r. 'T i&{kidin.9Prices WiII Pli day,.p th . - ire rn', rr noe alter. l'i gnj. riHijnr-. terrai perce,,wiijr.1il.- r r figureyornr'tn-ei,.-dtbril RGETOWN LUMBER CO. ýORUET<WN ijf-- PHON ES --\i"Ior, ', MRm u tm uiU- jie ri iUd,

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