_eu_ luftiîabiftu _ _____ Ç",Â-XuIÂN CHlmrPIONI Trive1lerS* Gutd Mi..r.t "UET OCMAU PTUSIr llo tam Futi flRot watexr fea4ing ,- s enoot Com fort Shop lk vin T., W us«Il bm l Zp tm.Mx 'lWam mAir Reatkûrg -il3II?70000 abI] ,'- et w *ut ,..~ .a~.,.- -uusY- Tinsmuthing * âm arssotS .A 4i.la by li.feu- t- smeleEavetroughing et 76 i.rtut-4i gal»II IÂ~.ALRI Water Pressure a,-;~ " ' 5 nfls.nflfl %Ujm % ~ CAAISA MIIAL I131T Septîc Tanks tb0 J0.4- 10m 4?t la oeIe g UUIW*UBL nu mwffl nUm~~a *. Dyet 1am -.orvm eplli tue .t S1"60 *l orai The Double bra" Rent e,011122.h.mur4bail b"M *esO«at01. £ it___ 1&0 J.F. Q eyUU. *w b4. Aomm Wh Go ithmSaaboRutn-ver hoz: mw fer tw JIIÂGlm fiJ SMU. Lfl al eltad bbwe sta, BLItilouta&G. .ieore e u p.1 epo h o Wk ab w % e BU k itWi«".. uu»ml wm m «crsum. Ie,.TmELmoU L »u . M" à.mindaai, -- Fit "" &« sffl mm, Our Shoe Repiring Departinent hba ail the latellt eqnipient and can h.onde q** :ed go"Mut Idilbill 9 aer evtty-oi inPotwear Remng. R. LAaUrond Somtbea A nm i We use nothing but '"Hyman's No. I1(>ak SohE Teatber -. - W.. bmai hef'M ieu ana-il u-and 'Goodvear Rubber Heels" L .C P. Ile-à.E. ail . ý a»H. WHEELER m tieIL II-4tebs1- a ru u« L *o a ___ ______ "sl21o17. mau. Blum, ,e Specialize in Rubbcr Repairing, Sboe Dving suid qP C. K TE EU~ , M I..L. .C C l i q la ug1__ se »M " berlbUU P£ BC 1 .< m5atmafl Br a m uowaliam au L aies 'lin p S h o e R ep a.irïn g . «I îq ua g Im w* mmaee= *te -mo.ut -or al Il e autsV.« P W*& rmt, WeMachine Stitch od z .t rshCio-amaiC.vite la ~WHILE YOU WAIT 1 SERVICE 1 1 >'~'>- RAT PE < 1P. Ox m.t1irecu«ar oRlJlle, aini in1the vt0esfty leoionny..-ate.G Daa. a lo te Wovt imd" , 12 tu .Û»l.b5 t aela us P'alie 1 oîtrVtU- --,U-!moe t"z. v. t lie$ au_______ rsken-'s epair Oepartment BI(ÂMp2'OAND ,eatelE,&àOYI!G RACEU» fac maoio - ML>N Lioe.e AetoerA bBiSt .4orm ioeo-:up os-.i.-I sm I,.s.AFAIX&M 1.1 muily 1?asld 101 Th> fa» t tie Ar> eca.IndiJ1I2al OU , f tgeupoelr. tO boandsl it. Wà, E E L R I Phosa 1G041M._____!utoa e -md]LVltue eeam ,E ariUM&THE MACHINE ACE D . DDENTON wha~ l. mvvitee ,vtUniet t. l meelaWoS boiilmi MW. n »ui ed %W..b t DENTAL AN NOUNCEN ENT1 1 hese, ý " tie50»-, iIOSit. 5as one >IR ogeruu7fr -4li alm aidruu . floui Gternor mirat2w hl-vIr phraserili. pncVo as Iatloadng cmrwý-w Or.î~>etu iîî>vThestIF.e Âlot 4011Bal3' w n. 1e, trs *the naturel prugrlevi, nt i t, a.2wii- O,>). sitw0> 1> 111the ??011>5 t, <f ý-e Pup 'ý-opN>paired fu Troto4 lut- .fMc.aIimItreamesoO for unael e lvsrd ý£L2,îtos,' 0)511. lie MXII-1ow lsm(r"a @imtsi (flOv i v2 4 7 1) 1 'In,1 J ,sts3 . Ns, -VOIw., rs kb I a- 1.TO uf aIllTe>-9me5 1-5m l O lueIerhnoez. il _________ (>mma1atons0 0 1)1224?»- N-t, 5ajour12.11 52114abo ut . uil urthey hutd vlt. Ib l,>1a-e t tri, ret.iUl? bowing a D . I.. W A ii B JR pe!ntlllrnt Fil, Lot m di.tiue -aIl ov.sI.' mateR U.alit-blare os '-*>' 1)leva i ad r oite us et wh U l.e f "1O30v uratimeofdîsi#D NTA SU G EO M~. Acm. SREINER, Kinte St., Milton. Ont, li- ork'aye: Il m> il tO>0l le ps imr nene "ilfo>ttu méMompu. lvs, l>U e DENTAL S RunsN pIh.l..ý a - MKE IIIIIt a ve - v i o et > et')) (>P< 1-e)' g>5v*m rik U1a tiL ail p o- 11,à..Irimm e iet e itrepe oassen a S.as05PHONE 24.KELopRamm.n .1-p,Iiced tîcil>Cw. oda veu0C . mlodso lero n o t.e tI .the 0PALKRO 1 .-- LULSOTNT <>I.B1>MK centre-1 and l ymrtier,,A> îîaT c â- mé>< ed lt mt .1 a X. u <i<un heOenn c Dn oM- -a ,.1150Rin, RR.dBl" l2 5 ____- 0< i .Lum,î,n. No Coata.> wo.uld ruai tard toutî sad bard ta'e bren ol vi'dcCtted b â1> esth3' romant"ted 11eeinteOMefrmryoSpe p n U~~~~~~linvbeî,vlu ,211-Ieo'îJd >- 1 7R c ose"'Ifieir >,Il bail ilreis YIs ?t arrtc- by Dr. raund, neige cornier Main alud LEGALMIL I N *E i~ui e oiide i .O t ,' R .w1 P>,. lim.,-e anke4-d fur 10v)?. and l 1). frir en 1102l2*7>Lg mbtw el c-2ttheO Charles Street&, Milton. - ALF 8 u si i1tine Il >reni Vr e cprit. 211?> pe.- *IRit1! -uneliu nis bI-rent, r11 tunfiti? ,1IRftiomm, lie l i. t tu 1vgo M O N S'hel. î>er tr2., ereil,Lva> lw>)pv>ilet . ucId te hulewt r ar0by Wtt. surplussa. ýnd see'iIngthe amies (if~ ork WILULU I1. »01d" ~> IO IiIEm '8.eer,-n.vl11 ' iple31d. Toe day oliRvOi tb3lthePmate o. I Asitrjîv ta- d-elîopd i10ard ___ uraslae Samel entie- r le "e.ý ~ ucRte 5)55557,lgêr ciVl e Pm fI ronttu -eIle >.1ii-ar>d th des- wb-en Blmn s-lî l'ede.nrcî i.y b>OFFirE IflRI - .022 Iiti Bs.Sr Slistir d CiVO501aTha" ,. scj'Trs r>in the 101eri'?>. ud l e ablirg)era Fetofilte<d 1-O r s lu0 a 10 i ile tli1ut b1.1ovin. oa>u S1tK." Tue Eeemuqg ILoS. knoti, t L Ai -liaiI,>T,....hâ e î'dlit>-)> el> DOe DlidrI diaLV4cs'd ni ltvs.rs î d Ipstiet samreV O )?th. abe , k à£femldIlte( ai. v lus W... of J d, . >v TII> O. 1 lt.,v55-j-C7atitit, TIV e f>- ound ueful t. the> show-evitil of ut gbe as au ezi s.ugesed, î_the t nade rettit . v tt- Eimel -."marStettL pluil M zd lizBa .,:"-I, .i41 . 'ivar" ttle îvduvî-s-, ii>->-t'bey are padlun rpreatI * f orum ofut ime rn0tit, urlveam avK&bjaol abi pmetfr mijrcuwsI~ iELUOTT eîed.v-àfl - -.*»WouPO Q %1)> tlmg> àv e,-k s-lt),food and aed u 1 1ao M.8 >eiT'OI 10817i tenueO, dcd I _ _ _ - il_ _ _ _ U~elise;. ~ j ii Ial d uum w(joul e l> a v> s-timport-ant e-ie, Tut iitj, m05humai pech. vOi -30> tid e OR i" lva 10 se, 01dqs'Machns un- Tatissa. 5 EetvR(esee uoe'.tiauu Ptlem . ide o n. ll 212 I T thro et c lOI - r rl a i. yl ib si -aeY co10 ve~ l in e le " m prî, sof 4t-.0 p a nd - %e.d El n ".STRVà îrh..r tO.e Ahgrt *t. * Id >i m eile-Md1a la-tta&uMtr* vtuepim m tieyu ne of> theps'.smat t he ba111S'-: l s ers ol 1.0 S-e ret Offse 1> POS oi l A PO L e IN) O NIl o>îFa>-»î ' î-Uin te«LUO. a41 :athe -iten>. le psrinx-4theySound of104?0 lIun4rol a ces lusOn tp 012 'm ¶3 Fr edo DESTIoe121th uîaa ola 1T>cina»ivOi 1iliiehlty 111b etj>d.aa.5hed.1Iwll rigs eIl- USED CARS F R SALE ______________ _______ - ~i-sI R . LON N 2 >.îelc'n2-v t>îr 1>2l ev>n p F,'>->. l 2>-Cndea tcsrlestvlcl t llllti> erTit.Tc IUSdif 0 il" rIot 2>- % DegeaIe et n f *.lit r Zt u->v wlt>52 IL- 1t>'r2. choel. unermn.-îualyTeI n er *P Is. 10010 s-îU t- aaimit, c.-»mc>- DENTAL BU E4IO 1551 s t a -Eopetsn i... ui.. Pioo 1)41)ON TUie t - ,tvl a>d2> 24 12lb > s-a "t ,furec îltum tP i eael ,ed a s-e . t a muvhj ael-v .nlel-Oc r is & ] - 11i214 t S din. 1 14 2'14Ford ( oad> OR- . pli. Themfl. N13. n, . slye o the Joffl IWO vmed e tte ori W vi 0vled te coquillier the cùfv. R-adivteï. 131Frd__aQ RLILht sPp.kvs.5io M a,. lie asuauasm <jui<u-> - b> etrW. e rRair t of-Ftu m> tos Wneci sotberr I lie of isr EXIAO G.R. TUR N .R1 - - UI(boERBaiD ECORA Iltisia batsszoers eV* Çre Il-.ribuil ofîlphilco ard Victor i.adîo .&._R__TURME ________ 8ail »IrBm.er tn, at- V SY'uze.. -moa t o? 11 s-rter)? nual, K t oaat We carry a foullte of Firestone Fires and TubeF DR. G. A. K I NG lFeu"ou 1ae ExcluiOiveuim an ad Importait A lucky toinwsvamattlhflo>in -00 u.-is..AÊSM Chwt"Demo lu by 010111 UiiOS t nez ha11ily Ob adsezo uoliealcSasorler. Md1 bamb>, rovOfs weu as 111 -eg)Vr>d vmk îlOBISEB'5ipdy st.os Lý *lm PlIîe 10in mm DENTAL EUIVLi VAL PPE1s-in Tig-el>la abs-v,,*vîct" oe b>-utI... .of11th" he livil Ill ~vOtir 2 > v. Have your car put in smen for mïriter drivîng. - I ttetd.&d as2,1 1I Vf At2iue a cipe m Offioe in Royal Building, Milon. 'Aget oL~,-r . I pra.11i Dffla . , Doro e ci tuI ame On ur »ml ilt ,trou&, Pian-Eîc>tor oflI xry ndmusselai>s sidseIby grizly eyhoas 1in. UtâOc as i)srmed te huit tbat i s-thic), the>mouv., (ht a n guide'01>of Bwij L-U.tu recuaite ia »Sachfetuuîpuî" a74 y ie crgltstBtis>IWh M. »ciame. Lu eaWledD.10. msdi 'bis 5la am lnterreteg point et *& ases aie> , t o->î s-ax modler >týPUMt>I ean.i Oolsa lm a >.,. vies, vth, De OBulit. , moicimbatnnre NESN-#u ANC FRANK PEAREN1 miealaI lelt Agevntutec trong was-vca #. et art seul bil1liez tri-' k>d a- Oslimoose. to tleaigumntil if . .,emh ite ,II N S , flou~~~~e er o ooî )> al n t Tculit versl III. up e r dl ut>tOm i ra ll pois ah(e cl- The Chi'opPa.Otoi N U R c E fROCS >12 2 2 Mu T a.ivtr H.-e>,'>ns-sdi ,r,"tlre1 TheaiJrne er lire ilv-eN-SI t leiint seatiu m a -du reabllu v 2 1)4>), yea of e'I.c ~j.fg; u. a~Is U-u" 81,1v in tii>-mc-cta>me ilear Jsremis«ns Z.,11ot i ndui srrt il 1s o> tZ- 2 eù-7.ý)t i-4)p.fl L ofetrultn; H,) le 2.d>, Io s lue T J5 O>Pu- 'YIinc liit aI >'d. Te muet aau, l j tmi as liii, on D W. Ya julai-tpala.,lrOipal 55 oup- pOluml1600 s-ideotiesdlyasdbles Dstic1O. . o ml beiwVacIlus21> 1212»->- 1HF ca,- v>vrtvd l eli De.iàla VIS, i-o 'cmv- aie ppyn" ia sw ls Ik vi. - - - ~~~51 IFE îNSUti?4 tC£ M. e» immis fr ,W~i Àg tF.5222010.~ îtILLs-îtthirtilst ,rde of uhe urls>-pie-r mode les iut i l a m to 1.1 - ~~e l g't o .1 S0, b410e0. Z>s->->tuetre It Ti- nlis )? 1.5010 lge a.id. silO tîtes-, 3)0 hie ià gi-eat 1v0b>1 l anc Piloné me for F. D_ DEWAR Tue tiolm ous ?OitOf rU4 a,-îg>f.ît !tc 10Opi> c-Os ollecIte e oS0ferr lu t e 0 ea.v)>n et c 2"Ia> ' c>7-sl~~s>~ ia.>ihdtvT t3t -i 1-. e t asi amUtsw -ic se . and .ru seel frontte 1»t a nd eu l ct»r--and .l Ultli2lî 1oui222> l -Y,(j In i - I030.a .e- ISm.u o misol lus-. l a.ir sud da-aI4el -. TRUCKING .it.(ý.M&- Mý atu fth roiceLadlmId1se , at ý« »drpped i.pzl wzhdaenli 'sediiuoffAUtKmite to plant tiei d t îti2 lhdirectel sOul. iias s-itatam searbel 00121 cet« ______ ,isee tr i>l ht 1>tgflTh bu-terî ouud tt, o u100e &nt- *to l a O -IoMed tvurtrn wL ite Aise fuir baie -'rTh 1io i.Ua"u? iatic bus)'. cesît kmIOI-Iitr t u.S et 11 i. civ ttii> pri milesntiver turs i 1>may bt,, .v i 5 O51 rdv >l 4>mt-..ei>ert>ri bIstid-iTd O>h, ccî ýdo u moIi t?suppart Su?). aI th pestroc O> ta ii? tebsprfnr chiw. Pur Q- " m.ph >x l; the ndcr Émeatut ftte treO-kWI- cntention. Evea ceouliati Ie grat Scod hescI lisi,,.cu Htes.I T. G. RAM GH AW hoinut Anigle-iag .ou tetie originial, P la le of us,111, .> GI lus Lw112 eda it -Bus jhluiel Io..Angle IOn, ugi>ro 41il lert21t- v-tj nte-îl 24221 ,1'>,it11 112sordtruilyuneanmal. unrien0uthe W -lt eetroffrcaa. 1t >'ohiu ien - ',nZ eti Plat., Pip,.lh.fLiII4l. P. ilyvi'5tUul m a aOSêal *ti l ad thoroutcivl>- acviliat uteK d ilýaçý1dttn The grizzly idt leeo r thes->, l net stop thce os- mira. ia-rtut y uThot ,u hen cal;wiJ Rangsoers, sluc fa l l.. la b thirougho0t ttcelprairie sc.> , t l2? -rn, eu>-vrd.ii 1 >-e i, dc bu- a- Oi-esiiggedin15retient YSIa. T1u.progroie..ShoilI 10e!> n y ,sietmur t>full ofifltk l i jio llêt1* onje 1115. u n s i e a t iOo 1 2 , B£l 0 s a m t l t e v a n I ; o s -, > > 3 ' 1 5 1 1 ie o f > t h lc t > l a r » u t e rll t 2 2 1 b t r . .k v- i l 1 8 5 0 1 . 1 1 9I i c h e . 1 2 2 > P r l Ei t l m , t i e o t u . > a > at e p a n s i o n t f- M. NICMNICK i. lyit and s lm1 S 0u tmi >e >t.Ism nece d te 1102Impr1(lrtnt euta ëfet 4i ucte... solidue prealst imt lvtlo .. ey dora-y, ler>e s- ar, tIse i1yo* t ii 1>1.22 lk- in oir caki e s îtî aîîd Phcr1. s- s Nw ICK salaudo>.1iain Mst dspendabje meumfl o>f > the 10- lurcni ui e 220oU7Ille Cli £1012>tis e'%t a icc£- O.cks-a.- -ul.2itt e m"51i pouding rat.*ries-vben you get tilei> ieret. Phne17 oT8w di. N.0 -O.tO1'ii1) a ti.aCtI?, Y inîbreaut raining il t> 112>- iid'F é1>1>-land i .tI oîn.et E(ahI. tvor-&-Itu Wite Onadered. go leur Tbei-e .are ou; fresh goods In oui sbop- ;_________________________ *- untnec> giu r temaýi8fc o li.ÀIJ abàjfo l d.: ii. >0??? la ndsSI 210-i le ojai.i rode,>-tu th,esoubo i o c-ns l l urte ý ý g i lEim ly t o ýc1ai« dn1g te pus> tyntY >a> ,w ing101. oe 0122 , of L1,t 121Ut1in2>12 tfOr1etermildest a Oe or and u.ytep ft dart t , TeloI 15of00v.-lTn tuvî .-evi(- le amer teat).» s-I3 ln Letoprg2el Je .-t urnTetait s tf t c-,,iuuteco> '.t tnPliaitiu COUT'-JTy OF -AL-ToN swruani> Os os and IV td>afeo l iUrIl2 I >22r1?lt>le»-e.- T e ai- tut> casec f utl emM susztry m, as :sae-4 l li2tlàt Irpie tiidei for a pl.aty, cl moue mot-lclII Rit, lOt, ul 5110'j'ie 1>20 t;b- Vle ilr».2,1 unfit idts e n n Pkllf-u21 fu el u r- MI i-liL v l e.I Gi >.. oua-<es.and oLi> ovaooaIiýlt, >2 ud 011 -' lt2>- î Ile- -ttt rhylf e u 1.2> L'ed tm. le mur' 022,O ?o-rbe.borl>1dt4OCbî1 .1 ic a LOCAL. COURTS CALENDAIR éiong thc ru"I siiovanerS. Wl,»., ,il1)202 ii Islrh 2v itîl-i >1.> 2 l>221' 1eymieinuil E epl teri u eors voul serv be S e 0>5?ILI' ott an u,îriîioce D > > ciIe ~ 182a.,, the 11J>rattoL flitý Wiug i iOll P t> coiD a p orts. the vidid NIiiî Ilie pt il.iri>h 5go1 il t1t i occa i2 ~o, R.ty s-2 f all> t - er - -,@,Ou a i 3 2..ornaementait fu.itiT.2 1e )ld I,- 0> 22 -1.21111I i opst -'tO. 12 c>e11 1t»e- -12-1l2ne2 l2>atv 12 ______ ____________ Tour Aller >ear theb elrietontheii> d aî,I l>e l 20,2 2>1210,Li1W thuult vlI>>' ulnTl8ir tue> O c t1D >, .111l21 o A 80OatA ie the ___ .1.a- .. - pi-a I w e .>been urgel andsi l ua-e vv,s eflortI >1or l't ere >-,va flsuce tw >DtoteI I i' N 15£LîLJ1. P- a o 5.aou.es - 2> >2 I a 1 M 10te plaut eÉltrt lcth aroul is>2c- dre 7>5.0 l. 'TintdirecZi, - ~-tc ceIo 1 -sme oo-iu --l- Y-al---- 0>..i ->2 121l>gîvt>1>- 55255CO> 8býc, vC'il salI eOs.e- Phone 87. T. C. BOWEN, Prop i I > bti- scO lanbren tOc o! ttc, 7> tien i î,,î>.,,r. aîtthe1, i..>,> IM s. l5sa l . 0 c 7 Il e oiled1 ne l 1 e-0ueCIe I 2 j prl22 7 2 4 lpoY.ma i eau he utteuift)hea,aie 1 and nuvOit eo,,a c?1ea,> l'e IL-vfure >irmeAlas .eo ig a-rpatsl sr .. . .... .. c y itr . litc h m ao t sen l r t l r- 2 21,v mve>- If >12>12 i,,,fou,21(il'20li r t t t w l m