Enigines sold 1'wo o Milton'a oltire Uignblhave beau aold Town oniloarocently ap.roved the Hame, a member e ie lcalvohoneerfil antiques wore oftted for sale hrog local advertismenta and ada placed ie a national firn flghting magasine, but only ttre bide were re- ceived. Mfr. Rames a the only bld for Oie 19% engine. '"Me word I gowauthht lncal peplevwere in tavur of Sheruo havlng the 1966 modal and tld off blddegbouearseofetlat." Mr. Clson Insurance break Some Milon taxpayen cann "o for a break one heir ire insrasceplclea tfolowing tie coieplntion oethles ilton ire deparinents Derry Rd Subotatiosi. Fire chiot Jila Conlono told cmuncillore re- cenlly that tie new station moans mos0 t oi e townsa reidenla are uitliln fve miles cita ire tation now and that may mena a redaction i ReadeduhZ iùWna cot for the Iew sta- ion, wliioh hi currently iservice bat will be oticially opened i January or Febraary, will lie aount $3,0over bulgot becana.etday No restrictions Milton hboni talIn tUne with nOihr meaicîpalltiea hIHalbi. bp repoaio a long standing bylaw restricolog lthe boum eof opera- Usen ut barbenhops. Comicilrs vted!i Roveniber ta repeol Oie bylaw atOer local bar- berscotsledgabtthrestrictinsait ptoce onrunsTonsatueeiismstod tefindomt wbatrestrictonsa nOir monicipalities tri Oe Bi]j noneof he oim nufipaitlos in ùSeregilos haveisucb bylawn. Specilcommittee A connutani's report onthetfutare oftMdton's dountoun core wIl be revieued hy a npecial t"l committe.esrly hi Oie nou year. Toun émondioro decide recently t to m a special roiiieittee nf comacillois, tomustsaff, businesn impravement aiea membere asd chamber o Commerce spokonnion te, examine Oie $1,000 ,eport. A nlarting date for Oie revleu wasnoti sel Increases get 0K .Hefty increaaea i om aieatn hiCanaa ca go ahead ulinno an officiaI pitait from Nil- eauaya * 1 PoolCe nratin hikihUOieaverege feor mailing a ltter fions 17 cens tei30 l'Rau douwe know a rata increaae ino mautit- ied aibed Coun. Jim Watson. "I dent Oink 17 renta eemo lice an sietul lot ta send a lotter, annaming et coursnteitt gein hi where youre nendiog il Court house Iibrary display Ostaro lcari b onnes, a cfrralatîng entobil tram Oihe On teellae Famndation, weut teon vieai Oie Milton Public Library, 415UrceSt,, Rit- tonfroiiDec. 19,l181lhiJan. 2,19R2. Thie exhibit le being mamntednder Oie sponsor- nhip eofthOe Toien of Milton ta draw public attemtion hi Oie proponeil restoration outhOe ftumer lOolton t)starionseary court bonnen iu Oie tirat in a serins of travelling enhibita planneil by Oie Ontario Rerit- age fnisedalton, an agenry oethOe Rinitry ot Col- ture and Recreaiîn. fie Famdeation na dediratedlh tonotering wider --itereal mn local hitory and alimulating greater . .. P priteipalmom inte prenervotian ofthOe provinrens 4' historieal and nataral renourren. As une otlis mooy mnitiatives, Oie toundation ofters fiUnoial assist- ance fnrarchitecturalamd itohrira enrotioni. HALT O N rni-COUoR OUng RecenlY, it granted $210,0to the Town of Milton to.l offset roata in retarbishing the former court Facelift for courthouse The 2 panel display of utrainrpo ductions of nId pliotograpbo, architectural draw- A $210.100 Ontario Heritage Found- doctod ander Oie guidance et ar- top documnenta, walercolours) nud lent dents with aiion grantuilh.eput toeein anmin-chitoct Carlos Ventin, eh. eill h. OntariosearlY court housesand the role they ave itia phase in Oie rentorutian ofthOe meeting ssiOi Mayor Gord Krnnt oz pinyedinOiheprovice'nbitory, tormer Rlton COunlY Court bouge day 10 discam Oth.iming oftheOinitilal Thie narrative ot Ontariai merly court bouses be- aed jail camplex on Brown Si. rentoruios phase. Workînaexpected tegins lihOie closentf Oie Amneriras lOevolution i The. denerted ntose building will proreol beltre Oie aprisg according 1783 ubon many retugeen came hi prenent-day On- recelve an enlerlor rIen up, whicbhi oPark and Recreaton Deparinseni tarin. 1 iesm descrthes Oie establishment und pro- wll include repointing certain pur- dirertor Larry Arbic. llteratinnof admiistraive jodirial divisisons und Oie tions. Hilton cauncil bope hi, approve The recent purchase oethoe tormer erectinet district and rounty court bouses n n ns turther resovationa ebirb .00liotun HillnAuto Body shop ami Oie nId tein0ttheneedntfthe groning provine. Oie building ihiomniripal offices and boapital by Oie tous bringn Oiam OittesOie first promisent buildings in a commun- con cl mbera once Oieir rret unnther stop doser ta arrungig Oie ily, early court boues nerved muoy purponen Ans premines and nurrsunding block otfu»Ie ofth11e municipally-owned soted hi Oie eshibit, Oiey freqsentiy providml Oie prrgiecty in sold fur redevelopenent. downtow block ot ehirh Oie proper- attingtforroncert, Oiealricul performance, meel- Thserestoration project la Seing con- lies eere pur.igsand even worship and mrketing. Society 'to meet Dec. 17 The AMna"Christaa Meeting of Oie Milton lHsorien!lSocietyuil h. bold on Doember 17, 1961 ai Oie Milton Public Library Hall, at 7.30 pin. spocha g-9 speake for Oi meeting outil h. Mr. Mlan Harnea, MnaMn Adviaor for Oie inistry of Culture sud Rocresîin.Mr. Saines i 0 ."Collectible e G ", diepaying sev- oral samplea of todayns oesUseble glaus, on usilM ai a olide presesiaion dealisg uiOi Oie masy apects ut enilodting glus objecta A Mpelltature fer Oua f oatv ccasinsutil h. soasonal moohia aeaianment Provde ,~j itn senior cil- aira.thea ulfLh.I b lto ipailabo, ofth Oiead-tins, tare lsovided on aur Chriai- mai Dessert Table. Rot beverages .00 aise h. Ticketa for thisaevant ara available n19310 - eacbl, tram Jeate Ram- ion, teleplione 078-IOnSü, bé The Canadien Champion, Wed. Dec. 9,1981 9 -GREAT PRICES? -GREAT GAS MILEAGE? -NO CHARGE SERVICE PROTECTION FOR 3 YEARS? ITlco-S~ The more you look.. the more Yomu ike' UMflAchllbs THE PLA CE FOR UAIDEA MAOLE PRICESAÀND SER VICE 367 QUEIN ST. EAST a ACTON 0 85W-0200 Ae- WIN ND QUOR CABINETRAPR Rý kf- npi o rag be- 3 , 5 ,43 ,gh$18 où C C-MODRNWALUNS ha n 8 n-tn p- -h40816 7 0 $ On-the-pot-pick-up, dliIvery extra within 48 hours. North ServiCe Rond Buringlon 0. E.W. & Guelph Line inierchange ' OPENDAIiv9 A M TO 6P M TI4UAS bF Ri TO9pm Stuff a thriller, a bit of1 history or some romance v lnt someones atocking this Christmas. There are hunoireda of exciting Canadian paperbaCks in stock now. Anld they make 1 toonderful Christmas gifla for everyone you know. SAVE $l1.00n on eilch Hlai Bock paperback you purchase by cashing in old Wintario tickets here. Hlai Bock ends December 31st. SoIt: makes good senae to cash ln your oid Wintario tickets now, 91 MAiN 91 MAIN BOOK SIIOPPE K91 Main St. East fl~ 4 Milton 878-3020 iamnimasot2nonn OineIntaeio «Chr papeebarb purchaseil) Aiie j a 1