DB T, Wd., Dec. 9, 1981 MENS WEAR 202 Main St. L, Mbmo 878-4472 Givo Him An '-Ar ,ow- ShI*t this CIwtum S Attsm yu oiagfs t, yl .ttoti sad quaty Mark Clat. an exclusiae Ptfflt that Oflethea= incom5 t la endtttsaa ppsat ont.las U'.th ut, asilr ttsignal ta fta thshapnaof aoutttak. Aaslable in sat at toure.ss and si"»a lonthe. - cotesinla mesur wkaM UA P nty f R! slstoaaof aloussandPettert. This Week's ,Christmas Gift Idea 112 Price Ail Patterned and Colored Fantyhose Ion't Forget to mi11 out a Ballot for Our Chrstmas Drawl 198 MAIN ST., MILTON 878-1303 milt Your Chrstmas Lst at: HARRIS STATIONERYLd 182 Main St., Milton wlth thoughtful gfte chat keep on glvng Pleasure long after Chrstmas le pet Men's &Ladles'Buxton Walets 2 % F Attache Cases 20% orF Smth Corana Typewrtere 15% oFr aPlaquest la tghtta tht Homet *TadtlanaulyScheafer& Parker Pnn *Atits Sapple Calllgraphy Pn * eaaotlfully deInegattaatey 878-6962 A Sded4Footwear has beautiful PrCed from *29.98 to 250 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-7665 MEN 0F MILTON! Giva the Womaa ta our Lie Something Eaatîng and Beatiio Wake Up to nChistîmas Dayl gitît vapped F h i e d, -' j"alvtdc OLLEfl if9nv 162 Main St E., Milon ft's Time to Decorate for Christmas! We've got' Mkyscimical charactere ta decorate your tree " holly, catir, pin, berry, apple, cone picsto Do-It-Vaurslfofr thdt Speclu Chrstmas feeling " Door Swags. outdoor wreaths & many Chrstmas arrangements s. Ou - many different gift idoas - beautiful things in brase and capper. Order Vaur CORSAGE in time for those Christmas parties. deamet ak&a»rbiArthasa gra Large selection of Poinsettias, Poted Plants and Cut Flowers PIASE Ordas peutChdoisataspat antd arsssssstsSs EARLY ta spead dslty nssasular bfre Christmas. FLfFLWe&l àGT S50P eee~~ARfRYANODCAROLsURnea 228 Main St., Milton 878-9501 I V d4z frjIOcIs~~,~f eydifpvfa. 2w7wQVio#, 'Wtir merdants f*Mflowrne (en7r, w#ffi4t t ntuufouriitiu'iidqtoyau, ta spwaua we, wiI gfue ouwt/Iaf/izŽJsuiaiL as.sýyi («a u iOUffûm7ut arl' é7 'Wýynoaxj isré tr«Pastfi? «- fit uçet4e?é W.0Ma â/frq- at *Qv//i , i #r. *aoi' ro ti~ GUARDIAN DRUGS 212 MAIN ST. 878-4482 MILTON PLANTERS DRY ROASTEO PHOTO PEANUTS * ~ALBUM 32gm* 40) pages $36 51 ASSORTED CHRISTMAS rAP'ni3 VASEL INE INTENSIVE CARE $199 1LOTION $7 MOIRS 450 gm ROYAL ASCOT' POT of GOLD OE CHINA CIIOCOLATES $419 BONAUE011 CUi iAUE l$9 BRUT 3 SPLASH-ON LoiON $199 SPLASH COLOGNE GIFTSEM $31 ~oq LÀ44 Ct~9n'& 0 Gut'IM - vmwythalsuésta4.dlYSaadi rda.I a Banjos " Drums " Curier PIaos; Hammond Organs " ShtMu -L5ofl~ ~FO el YAI.fTSOdWtIIINUS" LTD 223 Main St., Miton 878-1620 33%/%OwF oasSm PlaStn. e5l5, ruatOaan Stock. ema tht Ptaanasm EauR Jaasy 21 Trow.u Sqm .r. GENTLEMEN - Solvo Your Chdsimmsi Oft P.oblu.s Join Us Mon., Dec. 14th end Tues., Dec. 1Uth for MEN'S NIGHT, 8 p.m. tol10 p.m. Ou, fu selection af lingerie, loungewear & sieepwear mill be on display - and may b. modelled Ail gift wrapping la FREE and a FREE pair of nylons %Mlîl be given with esch purcliase over 83010 We wlitlok forwrd to ses nu youl Mitn 4 Martin St V& LADIES: The WESTFERN Look isIN for Winor. W. have the Look RIGHT NOWIJ 1OA R5..CCin St-M ,, U878-77 C, 4 ()t Ci" oDut Our gSPECUAL PRICES un AULLamp A TifflanyLaataMMak $DnaaaP Chttaatli I De Tho A VERYSPECL4LSALUEVMT .9 AIM.Oooéaýw s 1 'Il