hnmwUlc Women cali for loan aid Goa 1fooipartlet asueanagreeuago oange jolce Bntsrtalaog guestso n of theolacetso f his sea- . Stir lageaier flor. haking poieder, sait and son wich oaes itnpeciat. Tm hoehlllnoto treat ran cereal; et aside. their go= t royaly witt ho noe a have penty of 2.10n large hoiet crearn tgeaier butter anou ar. taotheldy lavourites; on hand for thaso ones- Add aggl, oncaa tirne, hoating well after eactu add- p.edwgoeoto. ition. Mxin marmelade, oilt, dates, coconot and Weorne Cake la anc tret which con ho olred caalat. Stir in flone omiture util wetl cornied. ranydeys and servedby the couk who in prepared Spread into agreased and floured 4 L (10inch) tuho for evrything. Dot ho caught cithot soehaing po. la0 ffer alog wth imreshrenla and plan ahead. 3 ahoin preheated oven ai1WdegroensC(325 Thsmitck iidwt fut lvu ilb n degrenF) abont21tshounr or util pick inerlod in yeare prodltaaserve. centre cernes ont duoa. Col 10 minutes. Rernove WecooonCake froon pan. Col ao addltional i hour. M SrL (Ns jcapot all-parpnae flour Store cake hy crapping 10 orange jice-noaked 5rnL (l tp) aklg pocder claai. Store for 24 huai or longer for imrponed 2nL t"à top> sa11 flavor. Decoroto ciai Brandy Hard lauce and cao- MYSrLt1 &scupottbrncereal died frat, if desired. Serve tailnlces clithBrandy M7SML (l ln capot sait utter or margarine Hard Sance. 500niL 2clips) granlatedonugar Brand Hrd Soce 4egoLOioL 12ltep)hbrandy 37rML (Is caps> orangensaronalode 7 mi. t~cup ot buttter orrnargarine 12rnL (/à cap) oiai 25 m, l Icap) ifted icingoaugar 37rnL (1 liz caps> chopped dates . Ina orait oixiog hoil, hat randy and butter 250nL(l capt faked coconalutil ight and Oouffy. Buat in icing ugor util 250 mL (Icup) choppedwaits smuronai Ch]] A-weird winter house pet 13Y Domn e If yo have folowed rny foostepa htwuen aie The hoaty ln citsai th0e Orne f writing, bat willown, Youl ry recit Ont I gave ap cerinaneting ehontd yon 1100k 'on going la haonrd a winlar ahout the ceaaier ai ails Orne f ynar. Mother weather prediction, Yul havent huen reading Mny Natoreclohhered reevery Orne I challenged hor. colarno for the pool five yearn. For Êdaoono, 1amn heetant to pai downo n Ad ifthe damntfly diesof naturel causes, lIl paper aie wordn yon are about to read. (Carne On, have la have il elaffed andmronntod for the dra- Don, tamw alcautionlaaitheclnd). 110. Wl, If yon masit. (Gad!1 My cain laver la coring oon arlier 0001 We have acqired à weird hoae-pet. 11es a fly-an usuel.) ordnary, rmn-of-the-rilt fly-not ai ail uadke the o hundred eenwatted airogghot thenarnrner. Wel nOi, how have yon heeu holding u oitaI hat This particidar inascle 1Me han hoeo spared for a great pre-Chrialrnon advSrlling on aie old hooh very god reanon, chlch Imabouttaineoplain. taho? Oh, Ine. Thathbad, eh. Oneday, ltet in Noveonher, I hadthe lttle gaylin- Anildt ai the clattIr on of the corot, mind- nd ap onaie coffue table, rny flyewtter poined for a naming crnmercal-in rny opinion, depicto a dot, foearrnasmask. yonng woran who receives a wriatwalah for "Don'tit i! " ectirnei Rhea. Chrstimas. Showing clooirurdenena, sho tele Oie I checledrny swingi nadair. doornhc outd rnnch raer have a Longenes. "Why ot? " I oked as my Larget loah flight. Hoing een in the ad gorne for years, I cnt for "Beeaue 0at fly ia a ige f a ritd, open cintor, the lite f rme, udemltand chy onyonc crndd croate thate cwhy. We've nover had flino 00toto 1 O ine anch rindtrnn garhoge. Mâtbcthe are flha; wha 00000.'.ronghl on "ring arrnond the colar." And, cen we "lHon nlrnply a nrvivor-the on that I alcayn ever 0000k Oern for 000. rlnadhbaahlng," I replied. I hope Santa Clau o teïer Christrnas stock- "Oh we, if han hbeen hat lacky, ho proboly ingscihcoat. desrvclatlive.",BIette il, strap Oern 10 chairs in front f a TV - 1 stillny 'e a gond eg," Rhea repeated. And set and oake aiern watcb ropeala f 0eir ow0 the fy, as if awre flito dipomatie inrnutiy, crrycroecaa rmdeaocrleaorsi Mny bud. ' Gd 'gtb~thlc "Nothilag la achieveil hefore it la lhoroughlY at- temptod," naid Jouet Hiepteli. preuldent of aie Federated Women's lnolitule of Ontario (MWO) ai the intittes recent annuat meeting in Torono. With ibis prpose in mnd, thie delegate,t repceening orne 2,000 meonhers acroBs Onaro, paaoed o renolution reqoeting the provincial and federat governenla la help hoeieowners, frmers and nnallhusinessrnen refinance their debto hy ralang loano avilole at a ner rala of interent. Lamne Hendersn, provincial Mintor of Agri- culture and Food, congrallatod the women for aiet laadership 1 in eir conononitien and opoke of Ohe need Inc a hetor undemltaoding of the lrmer ond i podnction. Il con fittlag 0001 the Federated Wornen'n In- stibtofa Canada (FWIC) shoutd ank 00hernemhers acrono Canada la promote consumner relations pr- gramo aittoo tme. Mo0y Merthee, director of the home econorica ranch f the Mnitry f Agriculture aod Food challenged women ila hoe ffica] voice of rmml coonen. lliey mot ho active andl meaningfuotif the organluationilen troog. Nineteeo meonhers attending the cortd mini- confrence l inoi"peg haard speakers nressing the oued for people la change teir lifetyles la orderlincope wit tlay's econornic situation. The Junior Women's ntut (JWI, ciai lin 19 ranches, muet the needsof ymmng comen 10 their commuoltien an well on help other. They il hoe donating trophies foraihe 1902 Olympics for the Dis- abled. Feh. 14 ta,21, 192 au Wl Week with special eveots taking place. The hintory and accornptishments of the Wl oit) be dinplayed in the lohby of Ottawa City Hall. On- tario cill cetebrate in August 1182 with represent- atives fromn the province meeting in Toronla la hear Mrs. Westerhring-Milter of Holland (Wl Wortd prenident) addresn thern. The Erland Museum Home in Stoney Creek continuesn la ttract visitors 10 view tis beautifut home and lasrnany artifaclsasan etl as nee dernon- ntratiorn of crafla. Speciat evenla are ptanned for the cornng year. The annoat officer'n cooference at Waterloo University, wilt the leoders trainng session, witt he May 4,5 andO. 1002. The delegotos cill retomo la their commoolties more aware of the need for tueir leadernhip on order la meet the challenges prooented tolthem. The Caqaian Champion. Wed.. Dec. 9, 1991 D7 By Edith Shorpe When day is donc, ho dooc wîit il. I do oot hlteveOuor purpose oinfe loto npend ice ltmhing for happinas. I tioo, or rather, hoieve, that la o cuerfl, and pioductive, should home 000. No maîle hat. enjoy yoor oco hife, dont lt aoyooe spoit it f or you. The teacher askcd the clans if they said a prayer hforc meas No, said ooe sonoi hoy, "Mymomsagoodcmk" The reasono one ever givesthe -groo-a ohocer os that everyooe figures him o lbh wanh- enup anyway. "Perfectmon" lsaonillusion. -1