tre, 1. to r., judge Brian etTy Lowea, owner Lomne Futurity distbction ut thseRoy in Toronto. Shown during the ai Murrayc Mellow, udge Eric1 Virginia HonderechPatte Sos Kathy Strachan, owner Lorni Ella, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kerr sr es, Patte iMarvin mtrlWinterFuir reoyare 1. to r., 'ay, Darlene Fodie, uro 0Dairy .rices liarvin E , Wilma Nordie Farms recently won an award for hasing the gran champion Limousin Bull at the Royal Ao ululW inter Fair in Toronto. Shown during the awards ceremony are, 1. to r judge Bud MeBride, Boy Sneyder and leadaman Tim Nordic Fana wsas recentlÏy awardedthe titie Premier Breeder and Exhibitor ut thse RoyalA Winter Fuir in Toronto, Shown during à ceremony are froni 1. to r., judge Bud McBride, L. Msey andDoug MacDougl l. ADezeiy e ars unsanreceiîUy uwardea uhe distinction Shorthorn Premier Breeder and Exhibitor ut the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. Shown during the useards ceremony are 1. to r., Shur Gain representative Gord Wlker, Quebec Lassie Leurs Maxwell, owner Refond Gardhouse, Sandra Shelley and owner Doug Gar. dhouse. CHRSTASSALE &5)fOFF .VerdtcaI BlndsVenetan Bnds t~~Wmndow SadesJ GUARANTEED FREE .zn-fa esoey a'ar-luLtd. recently entereastie iNorth American Livestock Exposition in Lousville, Ky. The local farm waa awarded thse distinction Premier Brepder and Exhibitor-the first time a Canadian Jersey breeder bas ever won thia award ut the national show. Rock-Ella's Designers Judy placed second in the national Jersey Jug Futurity. Shown durinq the uwurds ceremony arc, associae judge Dr. Dennus Longmure, judge Duryl Lewis, owner Lomne Elsa, Wilma Ellu and Ken ela. Th Aberfeldy, Nordic and Rock-ElIa farms win big at Royal Three area farms mere big inners ai the receni Rayai Agriculiarai Winier Fair in Toronto. Rock-Elia Jerseys Ltd., oi R..i Hornhy, was named Premier Breeder and Exhihiior in it ls and was awardcd for bavnna a reserve grand champ rom, reserve junior champ beifer, reserve grand champ bail, first prise breeders herd. firsi prier mature cow, second and third prize five-year-aids, 5,xb rlà oo-er-aids, firsi prize ihree-year- aIdo, ec'o adfiiyh prise imo-year-aids, firsi prize iniermediate heifer, firsi prize juniar heifer and a second prize bail cal!. Aberfeldy Farmo, R.R. 5. Milion, mas amarded for having tic reserve junior champion ballin t1e shar- tbore 't,iagory, the reserve jonior champian female in ihai czlegory, the senior reserve champion female i hai caiegory, reserve grand champion female in chai caiegary, and mas named premier hreeder and exhihiiar inithaicaiegory. Nordic Farms, RH i Campbeilvilie, aas award- cd for havîng Uic junior champion Limausin hall, the grand champion Limausin bail. lie senior champion iemale heef cou and mas oamed tbe premier breeder af Limousin heef caille. he Canadien Champion, Wed. Dec. 9,1981 D3 CORRECTION ZELLERS SALE FIVER DEC. 10TO DEC. 12 The velvet cushions advertised (A & B) on page 24 for 2 foc $7.97 and 2 foc $11.97 is incorrect. The correct price is *7.97 and *11.97 sch. Zellers regret any incanvenence c/os may have couard. LT DOORBUBTER SPEIUALS 10 @LY 9830 A.M. te il1$30 A.N. ALI CHRISTMAS CARDS 1130OFF tLNIME QUANTITIESE NO RAINCKECKSE Our Low Priées are Just the Beginning... Everything Starts with "Z"! 13eCag ihZELLERS M ILTON MALL 55 ONTARIO STREETSOT VorZebers Credit Arrosez 878"178 L- rnm q nd 1 e