D2 lItaCanain Champton, Wad.. Dec., 181 Minister leaves Omagh post for Southampton ________________________ lie roi] ratil oan beld te anse a pineMomaety Wed, Dec. 2, 19811in theohuacl bail. vodes nabarfor Il oth80e Ibiaydecv o ae u bu npae uia0esu u eqolpatent you ubauld hae lu caoenergetncy. lTe membar. and frienda nere aelosdl =ateei eeatm"y.ffelnuecadM lreabula =e hoaolarojaottd [ÇJ[fj~ojjI] By ELLA PATEION Thon auwere irt aBd lt in car and bora, o bag o saitpreeldeut, Mns. C. Patleesou <and Mr. Ws:Mi 'on thealrivor. tSaoli jlentts ieas. ba het Christmaagifla buigisesknwwta u tern uprepealy. .pocluIscesand gts-eu ito my ho ldta h a e-Mn. Jorusansd Mns. Du =s-se Ia auaaie. - Mn, duont llun chlldren lu playin brts. or ua Mat. Euerett bas stjuy04 ouarly o score oM buS- ding any msnuy the got tram .boawing bar pichures tre.ofMdu.ymtgerhladies MfIte ougaqgatloun w ndp-aeryday tripe in UlportasMouneawrldadfor tOuOmagh tesa ymmng soudian sas sud oite in Egp. Tlahelsd A lasnse Oulol rrangement oM geM d Oald an unce pick ai bar front doua te pan-groupndmanbuedstilde and gavea montiateresoang ymmg mon lunarlnlng w400tOupose mmi Ou te regotar euchre at uyne Cetre o ues. Dec. bruonesmumt on the altar oM Omogh Preaitbruan trclaguinîounwelose int-uers. tlat un Egypt, wnbn obateulited tn pring. She country tetcbiog Oum n ho ccaa tacr teir 1,89081 lad 8 tables in pan the4 Ouallootlng prise Chuaclu ou No . M, 191 wau a beautibaîictibte in Esecgency lbre, doteroand ambuaace telephome empltoniaed t00n 4l oa coutry ho Oueaorld baller chldrea. GirlseaaItOu soly ugeof 13 yen beose ainesee, Mns. Wlter maien s, .Harvey Duan, lauing sesnory of 0e la Mat. Ama Turner. They umbats stmuld ho availule for ready ume. Alo, "bn Canada, aubrae l ace cloaair, pure nater sullars. Mn, Ouhrles Jalttos, Mn, MMen Dolby, J. C. Mtar- were placed ity br itmboud, Morris, aad cousutn.teach youag chdldren ta dial er, ly poaing a red and sritieonfoebr sitatiuB and an datcy Ma. Miiga bd ses-erol coda and soas utn sbW, Mra. ChristineaBaOay, Meototlby,Mtlfrd ord. Stanley Tut-net'. dti htpae ad u akt hperohor and gelainadba= P=of.e___________________ Maymsmesand triendu nuralapped ond bdld nanet 8000 Mmbueet a w Ouu tleso crisi frwl ote 0e inloter, ReB a otty Welcitand Theoreo meetiag at Elora aitI babheld Dr. , 1901 tetmbEn a don uodeafol iles ars- htn. tosily, subu ore soaiag t St. Adrew' n udeveratftesmesbart duired toattentd. TNle alaitser, tOu <ird ltnenoinuhe j r> u rd pano- Presbyterianubroh in Soutampnton.. -- - t.. i-. fn . , s a f Taolatfantsuan paeeuted 1u baue luplsIthe.. nere Crttpber Mdb and Trevor Aleangder Jobhnbtclutyre. for Trevor aure hIsonoule ond sut, ti Rtobert Hlonn Mos. W. Miliga antgfGd lud RThia 1> eapreason oM uppreciattao lu Mr. ta luhdenaund coaceru tua the congreg tuisteriag atOmagb. Thenrson and tlteanuu"o pastun' lau peple" AI the close utfsoraldp preaunlahuot as mode lu Mr. aud Mos tomily. Mns. W. Milbigau wauuclmrludy aud saduasa t luing te youug amily froc lite and eatetaded ol] good nothes fora h the aen ctarge. te gifla prenuted by Mr. J. C. Ma Mis Aun Lobe oere ou eugraed oua arraugeateat tu Mat Welch and o paruec Mr. Welch and teuDaaid aud Gordon. Mr. ad Mns. Welrh eapreaoed the thouha tua the gittanod for aoh 00e friti htndteaaushusaa 1000cmnithile al Omaglu Luachu na nraed <>100e rituroluhall a boIt hour a otan juyed. The Welcb tut minsed aery mucit and 0eir mouy fr 0em heal00 and boppinesos 00teir nucaut Police Contable lIojib Onominath "tonst egiosi Softy Coucil nos goe t the metiag of 00e NotIon Foat SaetaI Nov. 23, 1981 ia 00e hardromm ut theN Agriculture and Foud. Constable Saamiatbau hua heen nilh force tor 10 yearsasou el sone pear w tarte Pruaiacial Police (OPP), and isen muily relations. tOut eacellent addrcaa aud sidan aueu "Desg Use and Abuse". Ne huned ity sauy ftrets of illegal druga-pilis, lai ten, ihlsng or merely ruhhiug un the taI une ounce of ucid cold eqoal lbe doses. He upuhe ou the ragir resuiof ot umully leodiug te crime ta pay for Ihem the penaltiea for haaing or trottichtug iu ti Thte utirer gae a delailed accouaI relient traiutug for chtalhu palcula- uge ufue lu 13 yeaanud are fa Grades O:a Rtepurtnee gtaeu un 00e poster cru seor t h Ie Wrm Sfety Cuuuil ai M Gergetownu fates. Seaeaal patters tert and otere aery guud, There nere ufue aI 18 ai Georgetowan.fil nos decided lu sp compulitiou netuelyeor. The 0emne nl t Iaters On the Fre,"- Sos Schursou, aires represenlat: Cledun, aud Ted Wilnrlb or Oragea:I ed and gaveubuort laîko outhe aofely ospec isgan oud tuautovd monyitazarda. A St. John Amiulaceconurse sas iteld l aud mouy aabed Ibul uau0er bu f ragements ntll bu mode for tu tain00e nut a porenla br lm ba D rhg Te meeting ne, cbired loy 00e preukidstCecil .u W P&Sla Pattersn, ao04 00cmwere 24 directe.. dem 00eh r. and Ms. vauroas.grousuin ttesdsuce. t No an Cutteeound cuutie, werenrvedsatthe close. 0<TheNnaitan Agricllural Fair BoarduofMitonasheld 'elcb tor bs 0eir aououldinaer and auchre <a1 St. Obplens eghon ahie Chorclu in Nruby ou Fidoy Nov. 2, 1080 it o 's proyer for loem hetludig. but msu, pauides Do ptarice, a Neath eapresaed t00 usbol il o ahld custaibuted t. Welcb and ise, nurtu, and effort lu moke the Milton Fair o d u earae ac -despiba 00e fuclement weather oM 00o1 mo00e citurcit Mes. JoaMrshaoll, presideal ufth0e ladies' happy Ili>«group. tbonhed aIito cotrîluuted 8000theusho- 4asalad ing ufth0e ladies worlu. [arsndafload The Fir Queeu Lori Parsosand 4-N Pritcens B adflmn oalBunufe Noward, gave short speeches. The car- uateyl tlfcte ut speciai onord tluaou uuladiug memiter nos preueuted to Archie MoKinua. air otacere Vtuce Mouutu>d oM Brompton nos a guest ut iedahip and itoor and, as a resoît, enbrlaiued oit00 is mulait snd. uc a adgoodhusuur, Euchrenwau ejuyed wi00 iigit priaes lu Fred Dia-i ily siS bu ou, Archie McKtnoo, Neleu Frdand Lori Pasnse. rienda niait The lucky drans outh0e head table floral arrange-1 ome seul wsosonuaiy Mn. Arciie McKinoun. tua oflt 4Ot -H Aclueemeul iglul for Hloa 4-N hume- > et speakter suhtug clubts nou beldi on Wednmsdoy Nov. 23, 1901 . Couucîl on aI E. C. Drory Iigit Scho itoulailoarge alteudunce. Mtnstry of Eigity-seaen girla cospleled 00e prject, seoiug aa krt or aesh These nere sudeiled it 0eir th 00e Poltce saluera tua fasition shoot uit 00e On- Mes. oaaLtndsay, presideal ut Haltua Wume's no ain0orn5' lulaeirougitl greettags and preseabad 00e he ased ou apecial asardo torcospletiug 10 dabste biea.à O Wtughield and Shelley Wlson. ylides the The E00el Ciapsau Suitolarsitip nus non hy Bar-0 lets, iuiec hbara Treatraauo. asksnand Sort reporsunere giaeubyO4-Htseslueesnho t uuaauuao ut td heeu ciusea lu attend 00e proaincial cuatereuce an Guelph aad te CNE. ing drags, Mes. Nancy Shmsidt nos chaîrlody for 00e eaeu- sodlo ig progras and Horaluy South0 ere Oue lustesa i lesgs. club.P f 0e ex- Thte progros clmsed ity repeatiug thte 4-N pledge. 00hee ae Net doitbaoijeal niiIbucireud ninuees. n alesI upua Oit0doy greetingsanad goud nisites lu DinhS itonuand Vaoderdeeauan his spectol doy Nu. 2,1981. N edisployed Ma. aud Mn ilBarry Cle and tasily ut Guelph al Miltunanad net-e Suaday uiiors for nurship ai OsagitD ,pouuur te Preshylerîau Citarcit ouNua. 29, 1981. ae "Peuple Miss AnnaPeacc of Trount auoa itorni0 r bahr parents for 00e neekead. l bue ros Joaîr seratce nuabsen nere qaite husy itis c li fted pot neelu ding ao dean up jobt ua 00e itterior outSi out trs- Osagit Presiterîaa Churcit and bll thea sot ond S soe caased hy a faully tornace pipe mode saay ec lastaspriof proiles. se iteld. Ar- Mes. Jean Eaerefl sas guesl speaker fthe00 ta yaar. Chrissaasmeeting ut Osagit Preaiterian WMS ou o Local resident attends Adam Beck By ELLAPATTE5SON Rn e=sion tnyM : 800 AaTslees Mun OCeosas onsteehe tc- nusepesas et Sir Adams ScSasd at toraly Ctre. ld ova, 1981 at 0etatlal= - u n. n eslllsl lym gospuloisee iscluding Mns MeitsLam, Mn ts. Llaa edhesd, DM Pceats 04 - Pasanlu =peclat - n ly Mns. Mary ." ltc an sd Mns. Wllmer hmatus. IThureit orehip at Bethel Unteda un TralaraRd.n ut sdsy Nov. 29, >981 as ulserued .100 commun totuluan e itin lgfth M0e tiret The Stt y=tec OHre=- ty Centre lad 12 tales in play sud thetBlltig praetelaaerlt Mn, Vi areston, Mn. IsuaI belTmpeut, Alce Gara, Mn&. Vivien Shaw, WOl- aer Main, Dnurtluy Mceadreea, iJpecalploe Keit Weblu, Mn&. E. A IsWg cutaasinaueldpçed Dec.O6awithRev. J. Geitin i ue - dt lTheecond caodiefAdet as tll ly Michelle Boouas. Choasl numbes ere vn us y iùJutior Choir salunluy the Stnor Chiecr. Nazl Shhstlu, Dec, SI .111 la Wbhte 1ft Sondsy0tedonatiuons 8088ofor Xms luew. Foing the moatdsig teruice 00eS.S. peipila ahIlettaat 100h thsia concert progrsm t e aobal lowd luy s pot lsck lutcheas, Ail reunion ai uthy aeettea udi - ploiesudcgo-nIpaek dsse se fo hieU n aitC tfheel tIandsai aies n utOcIinlbofor pom lnil aile taen .90010anemsre aleadbt.g Mhn Afo alI, eaneldesa t eomgel plu leandhalieb ns. n n Apeak odslat. tesrea rm Cltudetmsa ett te loewen t. forl catildaaet, linytht oy sah- pofiiaonn telutfr en w hitl terb ettaarlgtelOsicto s sdior. eeluas-19Cpr. Wmieut Kledss wlu ed DJayt1,M glulonclaerM ad pot kd bar tmlsoi Te aet Wplervitesu bppnahonainsd A 00mb yuo eero. ise ra Aulley awrosesncee yplan buite ho mathobFr ed VIel o en ofisnau nd Isa.. onitinsny pe l n diua tenfa utlie 00W n0 pr laer00elasbea asud pbefteuvde torte,ii hetet Ahe oetont ns eiras bUte tAclamrouCbdlca . le itelter purittan homctebe uted îlots.va onM ih s la sud uqoilut. CaiUs hoeingeaved, a Frescl pane bleitotdcetealllblml pThpelChrstams ilpCol erviceps affi la eld ai Sethel Oec. 24, ail7 p.m. Thursday ta Saourday SAVE I 2O O December lO to 12 si ni woAm OCOMPUTER SYSTEM Reg. 288.88 Let "Aton tom pn our home into an arcade! Connecta to ~ Scotour or black & ahite TV...fa batteries needed! *Brightt or sp pdurea * ealitm asound effects * Dtftcoty option swtciteu * Complete with "Combat" gome aa 2rgajytc adecnrles Caatr $.SPeMlnvadffa" "Vio Plnbl" .Warord" " Brakoal Crcue Atri" "Asterolda" 112-em. Pmoe 4-geme Progrem 23-gem. Program 12-gm.Progrem -gem. Progrm &am -e Program Our Low Prices are Juthe Beglnnlng... Eveythlng Staffs wlth "Z"! ZELEIS muf ljM& *mONITARO WEEUTsouTH ýlwnuu: E3â4ormC Policies, and more, Ca/i Us - Insurance 2M Main St, Mita. 37S-2994 ffiEmluI wh EMMANUEL MILTON GOSPEL EPIPHAINV BAPTtST CHURCH HALL LUTHERAN 245 C.orca MOntario St. N. CHURCH Pastl :878&2 Ruban Saldvvtu Or, .JR. Amssong CoîtiaosoGaberait Publia Schot M21M U lnt The lditu'tOf Tht 80lsond Or0. Lrd JoisiChris o. Thom«atPtraohet Sunday, Dat. 1/1 udy ec. 1 3/ 0 7e-2562 10:00 a.n. -Ototday Suhool Suday, Dec. 13/81 ad AdublehI. loe"i« a.Btntuiao Bread 1100 at. - Asmn tty&114s..,SnadSthsl 9:30 a.m. -udaytuttuol Wotehip.OSatmott: "The 70Op.tn -GOosel Sa OSeri1:0a.n -Faiy itothip Fottuanettuf Tht Meoah" Wadnaudoy LIstetou"Tht Luthottu 7:00p., -Eueng Pteioe 7:30p.m. -Pttyoaatd Bi- Huu" onSuttdoyt Seron:bThett iordOfbleReading 8:30 a.a. -CKOCt11W Steso. Tht et Ai AsoWeluottt 230p..-CHINt1540 Jost'5>th"Tu Thom Servicet "Counta andd ouaWtth Taaoday 1om flot eetteesd of the Ut! " 9:45o..- Cotte. tHOua osel of >Chiet r Pot bl 's N Bible Stady thteatet SGos tata sol 5APTIST Wadnaadey uartoaa tcav.etaristhat ho' CHURCH 700 pm. -Fatty NiohtIlevuh. Ruot. t1:1A6toyLu Wi0h A Ptogat Fo, Att47 ppeyLn Au. flou. 5W. E. Payne Nursery At Atl 0f Tht THE 634-4oio Abuta Meetatgs PRESSYTERIAN ANGLICAN CHURCHIN Sunday, Dau. 13/81 CHURCH CANADA DP CANADA KNOX, MILTON 9.45 a.n Bible Suhool GRACCHUCH t70OMain St.E., to lages GR7 aCECHURCHlto 87-M 1:00a. -Munrg Wu,- 3t7soSt, ilua Rau. TtuutJ. Lunlo thtp Mt. SuuttOptai Mtuutt, ptahougthunuomng Suudeat, Dat. 13/81 Ogtaie -Chut, Ottautut 7.00 n m -Setvica ut Bau- Adoant 111 Mt. atau StulI aht nnunnimerio 8:00a.n. Hly C u Sna, e.1/1 Taaoday MuaCuniSneynat 3/1 705p.n Tuatty Boy> & 1:0am l Cunnu 945a .- Chuuh Suhuul GrsCu tOM:00a.. - ileStudy auuo tO:30o. -Chutubtohoul tt:00 an Mutnng Wot 000 pn Ruone Narsery FeoiltitonAathblt ohtp 80 ..-Rgo 700 o. - Chaistnas Nutsury Ptuudud Payat Mtetings, Locatuas Peagaietadtutuoo. Ail Mloona AstAaaouuood. T0:0 da.. oy Cmm-ST. PAULS DP THE nion.a.Huy onu HIGHWAY UNITED ST. JOHN'S GOSPEL CHU8CH 0F Nt.oagaioya (Guelph tact. CHURCH CANADA N. uloft01 PetootaaîAaounhhtt s MataiJatisntSi. 930 aon -Chaistmtast utCanaeda ThetRoo E.T. Jouk Ootoh Pagtaeî Cotut o Waketald Rd. ST. GEORGES andnaoSt S Sunday, Deu. 13/81 Luatutlule Guelph Liuoan<d Suttdoy. Duo. 13/8t Arvaut 111 Otto Rd>) Muic Suday 1100 aon -Moitnsnuad flou G.,do Alierit aptisn 110a.- mngor Nusery adChuch Sohool uhtp ottoaSerthSices flouChatlts Mootte .:45a.n -Suttdat' Sohuol hoC0udtaaW thedeio Recotut878-4384 t! 0ae.n Mono0 9WutCar-Go eflWrd CHURCH OF -thp 4d'Mpn WhtGtttSo,- CHRIST uhop 1412 Oditaaata Rd. Watt On Wadnaadays Fllouanato Mua! tn Gtahan Mnt, 0,1<tt Cou 900 an jo-taesPtaYoHall Foloning Tht Sorotot 878509 Meting AI Wttcoun 730p.n OthBilattdy N,,Faottt>us Suudop, Dec. 13/81 ThsSatutday Eoaa.g Do.12/81ait7:30 p.n 1000 aon. -BilethîtSuOu, Sunay Sohool Clan ForAtlAgat ChtistmasEfttaoagjatta >'>< 11:00a.-Mutaong Wu, atth Catol Soottt, ospelldtu , stoo and the Lutd'u Supput Pupptt. uttutyhmnatu 7 30 pat. -Puaohtag ut "Sestyou althora! the Gospel Titursday MILTON ALLIANCE CHURCH 730p.nm. -tBbluStudy . a- Sitarratt Public Sohool "Tht Chnoh utf Chais %k1'FIPa. Joeph <pie, Pastua Saluts Tou." Ruon J~J878-5416 BOSTON Suuday, Dec. 13/81 antd CHU!HCHES 6:30p.n Eoot,go R«n. A. L. Suthetlatnd "Touïe Otoît A Sttoneu (Ouae At Tua Allancea lterîn Mdtatut MILTON 8APTIST CHURCH &Pastur: Kalvint P. Muttar SnaDat. 13/81 878-0035 Daete Nintbtat St.A.J. Sunday. Dec. 13/81 nd 1000 &a.'-Ospca!Chitmsat.. stttatiat "Tht BOSTON aey tir Ugt" 3td Lnt, HaNfitbo il 1030eat. -uday Suhoul 9:30 a.at.- Chuath Suboul Lationa Auditutiun ut Tht Hltona Cattîsnal OMAGH Nusery A eb. Btiteatie Rd. tan Weonledey Etningt 11,.00&.m.-'Cttusch Bcheet 7:30 p.at. -tbte Stady ta Dvinetautthqt 1 Phottt: 878MB