SThe CeaadianChanisoniW.d., De. O, lUi M(OJ )II] No surprise A AnoUier month bas gone by wihout a fln- by' anclal narsiacfor Hailon Region. IYeaaar Gerry Lawson tlid coumillors romnlyUa financiailst fr Iecdor epeber 1981 show Uere aicre no new deficitsa lise only - problema carrently being faccd hy Uhc region ncwage system caused by unusuaaly wet weaher Uss summer. and a $218,00 deficit ai Italion Centennial Manor, raaoed by lower than csperted occupancy ratsi thc dor- mitory section of the Regoally operaled homc, for the aged. Lease on life A new i tcmPorary. bouc on hife hau heen 'y" p given 10 thc opecial Regional study of idh children's serviccs currently being carrsed out. anyti Regionai couocjl recnty approved asking Uic the provincial Min try of Cosaoiaity and Social Mr' Serviccs for $2000010 ,stan Uice second year oai oodol the projct-which la rcviewing the fu range withUs of services for chdldrcn. ilegionat staff were me do as aautorxaed 10 tart negotiationo wiUi Uic toest Ministry for Uie 340,00 ocedcd 10 complote Uic Milt second ycar of the project Uic pr Go/e appointed 'Mr. siaton's medical officcr f heaitU han been f appointed as a Fellow of thc Royal Colege of Pl Phynîcians aod Surgeons. Dr. Peter Cole naid the appointmen sco 0equivaitn abcbng achnow- legdana speciatist in Uic field f communîty r mediin£and Ollwda foar year course of À study The appointesent folowed Uic com- pietion of irilien esamo on September 1981 and an oral esam in November 1981. CO Salary increases fo Salary increases for several ni Halions senior staff have been approved by Ilegional lise couocîl. manitl Coanillors approved raines ni 3 par cent for peaaen 21lemp. oyees hiredliefore Jan. 1191. Io dli Regional Chairman Jack Raflis added Uat a cern compensation ssdy correnlly bcbng carrîcd rural out by a consoiiog f1cm in cpeced 10 re- day Dt cnmmeod raines around 11 per cent for mot of Halionos non-union staff.Vh1 Meetings ru can celed mi Tis Uic season tu ho joly and 10 cancel en=r meetingsliegional coanedllors have decîded. lak O Seeking relief frues Uic msodanc prollemo of ede manicipal administration, Rlon coanedllors iticiain have dccided lo cancel Uie committee meeiigs regularly scheduied for Christmsas wcek aod ls the regular couneit meeting Uat wold have Hallon taken place Jan. 6, 100. Meetings wilI com- Ch-zc mnewiUi Uic commiteaMeetinga lated foc aboutt U Jan. 12 and 13, 1982, wiUs a full meeting of eSuealp Regional coaincil nul plannedauntil Jan. 2o,982 Hem Public works s tudy aerirtdt A nine-member commttce han beco eus"aa1 estahlished 10 look into Uic recommendations Georget ni a consultanî's revicai of Uic Regînnal publie Newiton woriço deparimeni. 'he management aadit, prohie carricd oui by Hfickling-Johnoo management logue In consultants, as meant 10 ho Uic final step in a 'le compîcte revicw of Ofatons management Isae fa structure. home counddtlors have cnpresscd a rlaceMat concero fiat the confîdentiat document dom nia Mar ot contaîn straight formard recommedation 0am on Uic future structure of Uic departeseni. Ap-m pointed 10 Uic slsdy commtee by the admii is stration and finance commtte ere Oakvitte ity Pulde Cosoittors Pter Arch and Keitis Bird and active fi Burtington Coancîttoru Jiai Grieve and Joan ince1 Ltle. Appomnted by the plannmng and public asaitant morks committe ere Miton Courn.B,, divelopu Johnson, Oakiîte Cour. Terry Manscît, Barlînglon Coan. Pat McLaughlin and Hallon MiVe Huis Coun, Runs Milter Foc --Steve Arnold matice, 12111, Est ionfIictguidelines shlved Dy MITEVIE ARNOLD cd hy insarance conspanicesor Uctisaheaaata e preldbif.te uderUstrheipMcia b.eq propos, %m ChaSW mplea Neaiws Edtor conventioce coald ho interpreted asgifl cd e d. n oacfrebe e f conflici of inleresi fr Coancîllors iarned a fears confliot staturts tuamla domn ceon - inlerpretatice coul liaiong bylaw s~i ud hurt cors rostoration pur hchn"ya w ec cofitof interes itni Chansges taoOntarlo'n confliet 0f latercel lam coald interet ln a ator eing canased, if lOsey are uaios.pose probdens for downtown revitalisaion projecla related la m m iha iet inestitheomat- Pnt forward by chiracf teprvnc.ter or if Usey woald stand la epin financiaily frein adminiîtrative officor na occn n any dccisiccncil igsl malte secm rio n ts eaddofte raisesi ai Milton ciain- M. fay oiod Uat If a couriciflor la ace eployee ongoing pWlc rvi cil's Monday sighl 0f a firm located la Use downlawn are., hoidsa a hoing carricd 001 by Use meeting by Ciai. Ricis mocigage ce propirty in due ari, repreaelas a pro- 'DILLJOUNStON llegice . Day. pertyowner in the ares, haaasold ismorance toa pr- imo t soclions, occociiing teuMr. oierlio, w . e, Mr ay sad aeceS Meror ruila prnperly d»anlan ehocold scwondered if Uic fall ef fcea c fi0flaereat charge i la d ian WU an te clarify Uic bylamustalemeol that "exprms- led of Uic prepOW esi ons a baout hproveincentala, tse dlwntown irohibits Rcgional empînyces frues direclly nr '.change$la'UseCo=flir s. iectly" acrcpig 'any rehole, guIf, money or 0f Intercet At had hoc 'Om cencerneti tdut tOia cosdd really becotne a bing of value wliataoevcr" 1rm the nappliers considered. poim, etl m i ebradn hti dmal i. If Uic conflict in - pobe ," ho laii coecd emera, addlg Cotnl I.Perlin's addiiional sections stated -Uscre la tercel raies arcentend- oUl r ct e icutoflunesiaove e ealstoid ifl .cn ûn wrong wbUs hoving persona] frimndshipocd for enough, he Mr. dIof avrtao hene elslaiti ga"d rereeta im f __ cmpn iesmfihona argacd, il would bhos-a have asinasa e u nia eipticueiold ohseo.=o.eUsncno h emte sibledtaevery memuier a ain"laeeepigcoclnr xtd toUthegiving or rcciviog of gifto a e1ci ced1o frona thc conflici 0f internat regudatine if lhey are Ion Coce. BEilJohonon Uiche Brut 10 objec 10 1u eliminate hinascîf = mplo e onlonarea raea. ebr0 propoala, sayisg Usey wouId ho ton diffîcaît te RtCK DAY frum esailhte. a«Iasain emoroe itc olar. s fn t me. Under thecucrrmlt law, membors of municipal Ihore'llho nolhiing lefi," commeicd Coun. Juin ý.Johnonnet at evenUtheday bookIs pruvid- councilu mustdeclare a îonflict if dupyhave a direct Walaon. rum- )r PisJackson's Ba le fltn CnkLESS FRILLS...,LOWER F *?m hemjo cn 140 REBECCA ST. OAKVILLE 3235 FAIRIVIEW ST. BURLIeNN Hallan ce Sitar- orc 12, . ai t are due con- %Là ONOI a recent puiae psarvy, llton M BA C E ; P L UC nta pavetop ra a i t ed oralion 0f tdu Jumbo48O.Tn1ltec sent aidduthe 600Gr. Bîg )fdialogue hetiecen 1 9 epr opr ms and pol- Compare At $2.5A$12li$.3 fornum ailOgise nreaidmia a "".0 PEEK FREAN SMITN to Ire. moreT %à 15111 SORTED GARHN M nI cne Ian 0f 1 KSC C T I âtonal land. 400 Gram Bag ralice 0f tUic O. otie200 Grar by Grant L«e 0f CoprCmaeCmae town and Bonnle i $1,99 At $1.01 At $1.3 m wll addreuahedu soi lacis 0f dia- g : ln due rural ares.a forum wiUtohe SNLDERS DION NPA at Oalton Centen- ceor, hoinn tRA G aid ~37 eninraam- i~ Froion Compa Cmmu-SFH EE Bock12~4Oz il 7 qE Csef $283 Chpore31.0 an rural Hfilton 199 it thes d nceof thieruralI - 0i pnna outriacli i from due ty of Galphs. MLTAMCRIK HITE farurerfor- GOURMET CLUB RISUITS tolephoe2- $1%89 L u.Ç(ýR RICIS m 1 t. au. b.Tin.RACERS I ~4 A Svvoo Hi± civ cisen Aduits Iewellery YSenCiors jstained RIass Cide wood vuork leather work etc., etc. 00CR 200 ARTISANS' & EXHIBITS De«b otboean 8.13 1*1oop 'n $5Oo 1 1 2 1