Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Dec 1981, p. 5

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JeIlnek rsject constituion pact Deceesher3, 1961 Dear Eitar: Comunn aig udy D e2,101, 1 waild M1e ta tale Iis peault utlemy meaosfor 10k- tag taispoition. For tOnaiwto spportei tOn reslutin, ilita murS PgnueCmaervaiivePanty. Fo aniab napi d, there remain s nmberoiaflcn oalra Isea-evdsrithOnvarleiy of masons Stalit y 5U=emeuer xo hose ta voteaaginsa, Onhe = ýla; ieUmsS asitOn acksfpielo for On f the Onan<llcapped. n lbttaltec Ontstnbon, Wangiggts, and otheri, &aioftablab 9e'udtas, oeve, Ueri aMUremnsoai au Zts p!cpel ibeuncbaOlnsged.l Tis, ib~Oeset1gffcaituOnt à, ait MiL£ 'aiNer id Ivt laim y Party or My ladr votedtain p=entheOprincipleOtnl rgbts aW iet oa le anad tOt tbey aon mi soedgtai y govennmet, tanougb s rom- paa rtieer af iogts, con eltber grant or taeiay isiy ,sutd soie Segaineit oft-one agiaÜMOneothe--otheOnsak f pohltiat expedien- qb it ofUhe n 1991, il mne won ta examine tai timi' cosuilissilon aid lis chater of rntb saiditudni, s"dlie amang Othet leOnth von tly,tOny aon On Umilsapreaseit tin aonslrstCiaitana, vitIaut a chrter, ejyi mmr %bt anod fredienis ai aiy terrcouimnl One wrd-rigbtanad treeituns bue iontradiioln. Rlinamystrng ballet tOnt, bavlag siaventrenibeit tnai ChutI«1 aly tOne gdeanmitfeedeeOnistta- day's pafllenuaodd agnue , xc bavc glvin toetaaeelutia tmiwi oluay undermlae Umei bair Oedome and traditionnil Ibelint bave nae augvus mmtuUenslreconition. A I2WutJ1i1aeip tI1nP= Otai hslthOndelitrale omis- Thoons a borne or famly fanes or bsisaia nt osity a iresesbo, imdeii, a goa for miel Cana- diani Maktag "panpenly" lnaeteents ta erder ta 'baldecurtytor ourreUrement yiaratla a commusn paccice aesoag Canaditans. Yeitta fundamuilal rgtnlonager enjaysa ayalatutcygparantee. In fari. Onedetîberale omission of the ngt ta aira pro1ery bs plai eitaj oepofteyntfoui- damentalasapecs ofatheCanaienwayof life. usaIta Onheaion why esy conscience woiitd nS altox ma ta vota la facor f tOn rcaolutian. Woulit OttaJclactc. M.P. Hattan Winter carnival logo contest on mnterbstic itcsi anubmlaalallengUttarrcpeat of otbloaloO lc av moticennit fotasltas, aswmguagncran e FiS. 1210 .14, 0198 tT w al Allie psblltaif eraipleudeign, ca«rcithS perlendi, as a4ilalbier, s ing blyckSutonro pa ii nalofor On lie uie-it ncrniva ro TrhanklS for support On bd" atheOnMitse (3nmbr otfamtw sea ybiatthe theals a 15e pcIe ni Wlti tashesuppo t i ss , the vuadeca wbo~ msOIddeb7u i, Ag aonnyada u d oin a1M0. Veeeblsbaedgad 01gg, t, Yours lcssty, callcadesd leafste Ur. M. Beaver George 8wmsu ar "M«yo" itain One Chairman dinudeos of lOn Oanber and ia Miltn earmera Market Commlttee Red Cross says thanks Dur dtr: Scbool, Miltan Warka Dp., Milon Id1k a 'Z rron lt rCadets, Mm. Mayra Hlllsgberry, hJ;de amkeu* oeme lad M.Lndi MacLeanan, Mm. Ciralyn Doser Clii aeacé. Hepbur, Dr. Alkeabend, Mr. George Mmon 1a00ipeape vablend wNrth Ead Datais, Mr. V. Onlïr tme. Ma"yOnnba taOnhMI1taa NeiM.Linant, Mns. Jaia tem .édaasitliAmuxiry, theCatholiHrrta, Mr. clta Bait, hir. Terry W= a' t heguOnmanagemenat nf Sanderson, Mr. Jack RaScanad msny laM ?= AL'taP¶ -'tMiltas others. District 1EDOb Scinel, Struet Starerely, Pulic s,Scb amOss Ieet PubicrMargo Knt Support fluoridation Diar Edilor: mysihi, aid cirlalaly One fluoride la Alle r reig tOn 1,0 lttera wblch Tort'a waer seuppt htiave bait a lut wek egaloat the fluor- someting ta, do lb t. ilpUm niOur witor, t wss sbackdi' ta m rsri tbat mnt pareata xltb dscover boac »Mie po eea bisa clilldren, aid tutone pinta, are ltaeely aaat i . coareraed abott Onirchilda dental t aeivi aTorota for One put cbeck upe. Wisbhould bebiappy w live tl yeand jual recentlybhave moved inaaage tbathas theknoxligen taotlin.1naticedno diffaes ai au abllty ta matailabialtlsy taith. eiwaio n he8tante o uwtar inta neenta onlluet atnaglybillece la MltnanadOnhexuertinToronto. 1twau a iela0 iandti alia very uaptedw tli aedOtwater ad wlsb Kimo cbr yoarwatr t mittmldead.I a f avorable raipomse ta br sarcey. wlkaownandaitpravea fartt Ot Yaars truly,i fiainbde belpa reen dna cill. S.D. Niau t ave amie iviloed iy citiai mtan Cubs are thankful Dar Editr, mia au tricads WhogaeIbirlme SecondMilton Cube wmuld M1e Inthl- tap1 ainNov. 1,7s i , 181. a& .veryoné wobslp.dta mals Our Wczoidnot bavemaaaged aibout C ff Sas le aniii 1d baIi ym. ve il ni- t asWe v o awtaIn nproceesof Wî a cmb aIthOn danatilo orgenlutag a wlaler camp, wblrb we made taOnabs. bnoa sUtOnbaya wll emjoy esend- Wî wwd Mal 110 ta Onol l uS . miaaaepa Wbeel Truc 84 otrein doation ~on aya taecon gin foresser coffee-wblcb wai ervei thrUugugba appIaccated belp. Onedey. Yarsin ncouttag, A @pharlthaik-yms taintOn pin- Lemn, SaeaoiMltaCubP&rk Ford sales jumnp Frd f Canadas car. sals ta Nocamber xere 1,371 rompareit witb Noveabbr rae by 23.7 per aent ove 15,195 in OctWane ad 1,111 ta Otaber. tradltlamflly a peak-selllg Novembar, 100. monta, anit 1.0 par rani anar "Tbe major saata mpctuo came Nocembcr of 105, William Wilson, trim Ontario, wbara ait cr saleso vc-ri.paidentasales, Rai yctcrday. wra op 35 par crandittrucks als Nocambe rar sals tatalli1,550 roe 3perrcent,' Mr. Wlson sait. rampaeaitht 9,3W6 ta Otabar andt "ln tac Mtro Tornto area, car 11,366 la Noembir. 1000. Truck 00100 salai clmbai by 5M pr rani," ba adit in November xon 06,821, up 1.2 pr cd. reni ramn 5,70010n Otaber aid 4.5 par Attbough otaar provincesai d fot rani betox tac 7,143 trucks o aainjrhava salai tan reata programa, aur Noembr, 100. oxo o$toreata xao effectvei Combineit rar aid truck salasin tgnerattag busis," ba iaid. Snta's Not The OnIy One WthAWorkshop! Our frendly elves 11111 assint you ln glving your gift tmat extra pereonnltIouch ln our - OurDO- IT-YOURSELF WORKSHOP. Orelves have been buey preparlng -- ovsierulgiftn for your Chrstroas vig More parents are needed Editra Noie: Tbe followlng mai- ait cita surS pobli- su nstacah- sage wasaraid ta parentsaetis muet- Wa taxai, tairber ndc studeat trikai, One-tearbers nlgt ai Ferry Merry lliericytanour 51gb sabooaunit unlc- Srbaol, apomoreit by tOn Home and einitiandmithOn rlnlng number f igh Srbool Aaoiation. filcontatnsa saitOM t itras. mesage ot lolereattola or raden .Wita One tarreaseit axarinain of IbmeiPrablema, il ima for tbe pao- Dear Parant: per a,!lion ta b Slin ta oslve ttam. Toda's erollentin yur Hme Iotalg tae Home aid Urbool Aaoc- aid School Asuociation reltnesenis2 ai na mota nt frtsepaien ta pa etof the total number otam- drcin ebnl in tecommsniîy, cimse child- cOmmitimmi ta become incolveit renatctant Ferry W. hterny Schoat. cita taeection of yoar chiliren. il Tistacomoitiment aboajie 5 100 perds Onenecesaary forum ti ,mon cent. tarand tntao nsr, tac uarraaaful cc ariii. eide f h i-implementationofotmoitern, an wel as portance of a tring bairc dontion tIl prnitaiwtanaeoity t ai tae eementaryb1 t.litaiaita rmilcatas citanae ututrunitt icir mailofta anpamrnes;cis i0-tauniteratanit ometalng about taa taer soi o atamlarde Ia pert re res anit frustrations taat taey Reiabiltty unit Nmpamiblty aboutitbiser. trtaon othait itber send ta OurDespamibllily ai parants ta pro. terpataianof 5e amitarIbre Navide a formai edurstan for our chiltit The i tandarda muat ietaprociteit ren docami m edit lt eir nrinlment ta the bomeaunit ra-Inforreit ut acboot. IsOursaroota. Infart, Il msaithtalapint Il a tata prtaaribip btween parant tact tala respooulblty reatty tagins. aidt laurer It aai ffundmeatat We au parants, are coceredin l imortanra la secrtna sc s srneiaiglng aur rbildren eveytatag xc outroma of our chirina fturton n'dt bava bt xc aimetimea forget arboot, ai wefl us ta saciety. ta gice taam xbhat xc dit have- Or edonîloont systehai; nemaYour atacerety, aider a grat duent of crtirtam over Davi J. Angaa, tac put fcw yenratIl appeaararamp- RR4Milto Country Craft support Der Editar: itartantg craf ta courses arc plaineit Ttsanis yau stacerity for One mer- for 01M0inNsaaagaweya* cllous support gicen to ut Coutry Once again, tbank you. Cr011 Festival Slit an Salardey Nov. 21, 1981. Despita a thaeaang YOMsnocry tciiy, wenOner colt front il xai s cery ElzabthtbAdamiak succcaafut day. Presidant Ecatvtag out af Iis dey, a saesuof Nanssagaxcys Cuntry Cruft Guitd Santa parade was great Duar Editar a, aidthOndelgbtt ibhebiren Cngratuationsinthtai9laitSaltafasintaevldaace enaagblitul xcmail Claus Parade Committee, aid pur- kep tta syerty tradition ta Mittan. tiipating commsnity groats ,ho 7lis uccesa of te parade typfias elacittagtaeeni. the rammunlty spirit in Miltan of 9Ecy yarthe parade geta taller wblrb xc ran al] taepriait. andit atutriay's asa nexception. Stacerety lise craxto wba Itin d e wntaxn nVeas Octaroari spaci wuekod Rata - Ca§ Far Dotai Bob Ma son CAR &Bpýe OZpbo. ciuhWsOora oCaas o 35014 Van 1 aLN.750 't sa 1-Ap- itss aLAY AWAY PLANs GIFT CERTIFICATES ART CARDS 827-2788 Hopedale Malil Opus 9:30-9:30 Mats -Fril .....................5vi isIvIlas t C - - r The Canadtan Champion, Wait - Dec. 9, 1901 5 New Manior chief A ne, udministrutar bai ban bîreit far Huttan Centeomet htunar. Nagiasot Chuirmnan JacrS tlis ausonoce last wecb ta Richard A. Kaofmun, of Tarin- ta, xoutd 1111 tac top spot ai the ltegiooutty oparaleit home for taeugeit Mrc. Kaufmuo oui)ossume tac positiconoe.r ty Jauury, 1982, Mr. Nuflis suit. A former assistant udmînirator of the llayrrant Centra for iatric Cure, hMr.Kauf- mon Solds a Barbator of Arts itagree ln patiticut science ardua Master of Arts dagrea in hsapitat adtministration traontacheUniversitlyof Toronto. itîs satary for 1982 bus Sean peggrit ut $39,0100sshich is 10010 a year more tan bis preitecansor, Jack Charlton. wus paid. Mr. Nul. lis salit. lis e OiOol Chairmar salit the occuparcy probteai, xhicb bas causait$ 210100itaficit ut the braie, xîlt Se one af tae finitissuies triec at tachaiyth 1e rex aditanistrator. Mwah Ihia ieny-v ng taie 11 .th wooM SSrC 1 Ebetr0cFarrasoîtavdit ae Fai -ENO cel asofc: o .,a .vaso M .roriia Ai clmi-r WFITEOR 0S EI&AL TO- - Boy us Witt..a

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