CIO The Cnodeno ChaspoWed.,Du h91981 INSTANT WIN SWEEPSTAKES "LAsT WEEK TO PLAYP" $50,000 in Sears and grocerY gift certificates are available to be won plus draws for weeldy turkeys at participating Red & White, Super Save and 0K Eony stores in Ontario l0.ii cont. LaJas eas amIaIeai ariipafig toSa UEI~ Cheese Sm-t.ME&d 7m 750 mL munumus wu "@mou di ret. btie. + deposit) Dole saico pineapple whîte tuna cwl*s, cmsw aked or slicad ln »n juice 19 fi. 6 oz. 59 oz. fin fin m79 lu ork spareribs ideal for dressing lb .138 moe m - seci Ce"ad ga" 'A' evb.mufu a- "IA frozen turkeys.. .U.uu0 MWo LW 175 g pkg. cooked ham ....... groun MqMeLad bologna, chicken or mac & cheese 375 g pkg. lunch moats ....... Malle Let ppperoni fisha lsrh soe sciok cr salame ii kc pori Picic fresste - rklver ib. .48 tu cs e cd MaplaLut cy ;-l .1.18 we*T LM baS ar WmOu d '.3.98 = 2em. et1M WM 399 1.u78 crysaac se stases Bw st5BatdB ut ik l*rmi.m mm dm Nb MR i -lm 1A 21l box Kisonex ot1200 Ir M bathroom tissue. T .V. di nnors Saatn rozen PI.eLo co 4 rol pkg. PF P Noscate instant coftee 5ja 59 Kal Kan Luxury cat food tI:z3m87 Clhase & Sandbomn ground coffee 1 lbM. 4 bag 2 n Higlinsr frozen haddock fish & hs 16 oz. pkg.l 1Vmor chcgt tabrry er Doc e ciBers or Venie. instant skim miIk t1s509 powder OUsa .7 Wma mm «,-1.29 Beser Ceasiosern dri 00rnLcmm,1.39 cett se siitner le . ~1.69 TmwSCsweetendPk or whte grapefruir or luFci oz. n1.89 Smc. flked 1 ý' W4 :;ix ~.89 18 Chrieîs k«se baise sagaiesor sm ..1.99 w3doe neî 1.39 Neilson assorled .pM 20,1.15 assel tavours, ies flaveurs or bner mie Lui r 4 fuali .99 Smils & ChucMies lasfl 1 2.69 Kes L Ration chu," 2.09 Quli pasicsandwich ites o kitcais pic Plush & 0OtOM Mi.2.49 Fissai Sor arand mu 2L2'«.99 CIL cm.. . 5.99 Thooi.v.Dosunhr 15, lm0. bt139 40s0 ipatla PRODUCE SPECIALS Pain. Ead lobk I10 I potatoos Iug m899 cabbage IL.4.9- oranes1.691 broccol 79- cucumbors 2 .539 -Poi- 399- Woston thin or rogular sandwich sliced white bread.... 79 Dietrich Weston raspbeiry or scone lenion . 10 WinnersfSr t set forsmg Conteat Crai BMeGis, Misas, Lm CrMaC csi. eMisas, LM MmnapC. sduniiuusi Mia m Hr en BanevMiSas &W Chba flbueyMiRna am C. aRovn Msas LO 8. S.hye, MBIs MMi. A. acMiSas P. Foulas. Mfas, abTitus, Mitas Brusd. iHum5eMoa P. Miam M. Powy., Milaon élau. K ÇumspboI Mas w. iv o.,. a.. j -. I I .er~ e f h 0MM 2MI 9MM -1 1 --v 1 --t-. 1 a