m aerb 7*01Nsi sami5 im ........ p s a .... n..... ....... ... mLu »»..... moply NOM hui.ist o siaiMco o saaoa.. All" m ....... . 52 PiiIIaiIosnvnffa su 5ns5 uni" .... ou Td8tlini . TSisusita o3 pslsataesiet. o Bantam Steamers item leu? dué final in"te, idvm~tasolateos Rabbi. Turner goal a hoiidnse ostaaihed a bullat fraisgaad taaiwsoinb ou th alen tIsa iac m aoabgplays oicb lad cauhttdu ait fer duthe ugols m Club fÈ goal. Dm"ayaloo skatdad m foruta Ail praaeedi iiiiiiiUlSY posiacte Were more titan a nice place to eat. ALL ROADS LEAD TO JACKO TAtINEOS WHnRE WE OP rEr A CULMINtATION OPR AVlillING tXCELLNCE. - Jactai Houri a Luncs onodiy-Frttdy 11:30.2 p. Dmasni istdoy & adaY 11-2 pi.. Dissari MndySTSOtdy-5 ri adny & Satdoy 5- 10 Lagai Modiy-Thatidoy 12- Il rriday &Siatilaoy 12-12 unodîf 12-O Licenned by the L.L.S.O. rOR ItESERVATIOtIS CALL (519) 85%3-3440 SE AiELOCATES ATTHEOLDEOtDE OSE.1 4i EASTEN AVE. CTO iiNEiETIiEC5 TiACltiCROii s topped in 2 games asumtos noritwoo0sin tadu tlfrd pwiod ta stopas attsat coe àbyU à.dRo a 1 Moraital Amus. SAttew uaissi S&Wt mb&tad. Nwo tisas scheuwgud thgesl bdmt duoucSd = vu is intas ld. Ob sSta ser mateou asa usitod effort. GorgtmnOs frudo moel blb. thbednarawls Mt is ta 8-2 ottb h a 901 M »0<itre Just o~pi shdt needdl Otma imnupaaoiaes queaakedout a 1-0 vctory Budyatramspton. teote trefutBram ten llgoalettteve Wwoay wu acalled uono ;:e it 10 avas. Intheduteam ,ailer gienes 0ofdutheak, George- tom " eout a 4-3 win-Tussdy a Georgetown and Optmistetroled ove Stretvlle-1. Agahfa Georgetown, Opto lad 2-0 esrly inthd kkepelocidGeretown5 cored onaetaasinthd fraise ad tmbreddee iiire inthedu ird pelod ssctuing tdu wtaner sitt lut 30 seconsata Pl", taeMMrnduvtctory. Deug Postos ledi Miton wtb twa goals whille Dansy Browns added a single. Siaoin laueleldt and Jaaon a Sliman earned two aasista ape.. ible Johin oooiearned one asstt. Agant Strostavtlle, il was tdu Paul Alen-Adais Med-Warren Btouse show as dth ise had a 1usd ta four goala Allen led du oay wth dari goals wlille Mud addd agoal anddomaassste. Bous ctaptid in wth tooast". Poultas opened tdu cortag for Optitta hre minutes lt thd gaine rosi Bainisan. Streetavtlle tted it up 20 secondsla ter tbefore Attn' irstof0 tree coisacutive goals set the club os lta wtootng way. dluesantautn tte du lia td be- fore Georgtown Moffthe U1 t oitl No palla ti.th a dman. Mouday nt Sultagteo.tman fd0odubisa0miss&utood B=de. m vit os»r fuC54a.yeowig As roesio 7Seisaim VIDEO CLUB Lrgo Selection ofC Daly r Wek Up-:to-date Filmas otl ae of YVOur Chuoicel Milton Colour là Sound HALTON VIDEO LTD. 18Ti4OMON R. UNIT 1, MLTON 8MS1176 NO WOPEN ~ DIETÇCENTER- The holtday saison wttt scion ha upon un, pîthapi wth snwaaied pouads. To avold Naw Yarn ranotions about ditlag. teka action assai Start now-e hinnor by Chritmas. Dont let the Nom ear find moreorn you Coneiinom 1Togotiier. ste ua,î ak ilhippep., ie n ) -eý ý :I1JfI mas ever-a thina. heaahihiit happiar YOU! (NOiE ISTRATION FEE UNTIL JANUARY 1) 876-2221 Aflerdu tlans r ad s1 ag aget ta d etoUa ut e i Milto'ajuljittl lubwaalb.locle or tesmamat atudaywlt moe tan 0 nit 0<duaaieesa tep tlwe. 4-2enrnt adutird sto,àd- wnoittea - - esuuBaptn &a"ynapts 18A mAi MILTON The Catiadian Champion, Wed.. Dec. 9. 1981 CO Gouyette top fighter Now Open atjui-jtsu tournament httltaainleGottiwuoie usole aiIllas Llad Leoti oonatdu Wlo fmjtatcoma oithsiitat a Wite liait dvis i 811Altos c( C0tdia openl tjitastourant Wlaghaswo e uYeoaà &Orange therdu ttan club. Sit dtvtaion; anuit JtisYongdo cap- tuleyettaortvarall int di ued tla tck Bdut division. ai Of Grisa, BStean md Scoonbitta l%0.tosu ta-re isutthan 10 folo NtthSi ftgtrfghtes rois sais parts09 Southaro B a ndl .P a O ta rio i eeatisttad tan t. oiseto-itutehouts. Flgtso oaa- ctv Doi cuisitted dutsutoawosa. If a oi.anad tviytate resulaitt=rd at u it #C7 BSct aopoint otatac inodtaatise dacldad du thhrd ta White Boit. itnner. Quick goals power atoms to win oYer Brampton - TAyL j q L-