Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Dec 1981, p. 4

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4 The Canadien Champion, Wed., Dec. 9, 1981 î[he ganabiau apn HERS CROWTHER Publslwr LES PEERO JOHN CHALLINOR MIRE HALL C aUsMU OFME:pa t M O t, SotCý iOttd OQtA BfO, Lt.MI".tut . Oumit. th Pulasotttd tony Wtdnemdty 5vMtttdsttd Pritiobg & Pubchng L1H. M 191 Main SOM Eut. Miton,. OtarohtLT 4N9. Tltpttttt87O'2341. Ptttt: Stoe copes30W ttoh, Htme dtkotEt 25; Sohtotiins $. 12 patrtteeinCnada, $00int Hiloé "The Milto Chamepn lamof tthe Mttttlttd Printing Et Pblshtotg1H. gop tfnsubtbat tnuptpiMtu ottoituldot Tht otFettPite,.Aat/Whitby/Picltodng Nws, Adeti.i,. Atott Oont/Ntme.tkt Et, Aroret Btnt/Ntmttht Et Wttkeed Editiot, Tht BOtlttiEtttrpithot Ottttpttv Tht Ooltgttt Ptt.Tht Oatlttgttt Wthotd Pm,.The EttbttthtAittotim/t Guadtt, Tht ttthttokt Ctntttr, Tht Gogttton Idsosodent. Mrkham/ThtthillEonoteit antd Sun. The Msstsugt News, Tht MstssauirNtt,. WthatH Edito, Th. Nthttottt Cttsuittt. Th Nrth Yoin t.,Otkoht Ootttve,. OtktOt FidtllaiOtatt.Oshwt Ths Wish, Oshawta Thts Weketd. Pel Consuttert.Tht Rchontd HiiThttshe it îhtttiTht Staotouph Consumett, Tht Stathttogh Mrttt Tht Sttouvlt Tribunt, Th WodidH0&Vaghan New.- _____Phone 878-2341M- ttfom LnoM 7 f11 Drinking and driving Every year it's the name tory-the otanon of light and family togethernessn b ohattered for someone by audrunk driver. Drinking and driving dont mix. Thats tht bmw. Il's also plain com- mon senot. According to a tudy recently completed by tht Hlton Regional Police, there were 39 people killed in 32 fatal trafir occidents in this region alone 1051 yOOi. Alcohol, according 10 the police study, was involved in 13 of thone accidents. 0f thone occidents, i occurred ot night. It imply dosn't make oense 10 drink and drive. Aside from the siff penalties being exacted by tht courts-heavy fines and a tliree month licence suspension for tht first conviction and two weeko in juil nnd a longer suspen- sion for tht econd- there are the heavier costs of tht social damage that is done. Arguing against drinking simp- ly isn't a sensible approach to tht probltcn. Alcohol io an intrinsic part of our culture, the "oil Mf human interaction," as it hao bots calltd. What me do argue against homever, te drinking tb tht point where control te ot and physical abilîties start to deteriorate. A falling down drunk may ho tht life of tht party, but ho is something tIse entfrtly when ho gets behind tht whotl and ties 10 drive himneli home. According 10 a pocket size chart published some years ngo by tht Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), there is a direct correlation betwttn body weight and tht rate a1 which alcohol te absorbed mbt tht system. Tht 90-lb. weakling who knocks back three stiff onts in two houri is asking for trouble. Hin 200-lb. friend, who drinks at tht same rate, mny not suifer as much. Enjoy tht coming holidays. Have a drink or two, because it mll nurtly add 10 your tnjoyment, but poce yoursei. Be amare of your condition. There may ho a slight oas of pride in having Wo admit you cant drive home; but that is iniinitoly loso paînful than standing at the roadaide vmMe ~s moat motorist in zipptrtd in a body bag and you art carted off to jail. Happy holidays. No nukes for kids Whilt il io tnlightening that a 9- year.old boy is able 10 grasp tht significance of a nuclear hol- ocaust, il is also somtmhat tragic. Il is unfortunate in tht oense that tht state of morld affairs on this earth have rtached a level mhere children find themotîves burdtne'd and troubltd by these seemingly insurmountabît pro- blems. Young Joshua Kntchttl is a case in peint. Enlighttntd, as he should ho, about world mar, through his participation in a Remembrance Day parade and a church sermon, Joshua quickly grasped tht magnitude of tht problem and went about his own way of attempting 10 nolvt il. Consequently, Milton Mayor Gord Krantz, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeaui and US. Pres- ident Ronald Reagan have receiv- ed letters from tht young boy ask- ing them 10 buy food for tht poor and stop making or purchasing nuclear meapons. Mayor Krantz, sot directly in- volvtd tn a war of words mth Appeal not According 10 otnt eregional cou- ncillora, tht Tremaine-Britannia Citizens Group is delaying a final decision 10 tht Site F question by their long dramn out legal battit. Thoro may ho some validity 10 this argument when il is con- sidtred that tht environmental very weill ndcate Site F is not tht idoal location for tht garbage gen- erated byr Hates homeownors. For thoeblt seven years, mem- homofn the citizana group have bem r*gting against propouals to establla a reglosa garbage "" h ave takanthefr figt tW tither tht United States or Rusnia about nuclear disarmament (as Milton has yet 10 ho recognized as a super power), acknowledgod Joohuas letter, saying his council supports tht lad'n position on nuclesr armn. Joshua may mail for some lime hofore he receives even a form letter reply from Mr. Trudeau or Mr. Reagan. Homever, at leant with tht Prime Minitor, hie has a recognized aliy. Whiit onightonment of our children is a noble goal, il muat ho dont so un termis of a much braod- er perspective. Let tht Jouhua Knechtebs of this morld play thoir games of base- bail, lt them fantasize about their herots and provido them mith knowledgt of morid affairs as they art resdy for il. Lufeis ctrtainly too short, youth aIl that much shortor for anyhody 10 carry tht burden of thoir planets probioma on their sh- oulders for too long a period. But, keop on mriting Joshua-mayho they wilI listes 10 you. the answer Judicial decisions are not aiways just and fair; they are legat. In tht case arguod aI tht Supreme Court of Ontario, tht iaaues aI stako wero sot whtthor the land choses for the dump is tht bent site but whetlser or sot tht hylaws implemenling tht requ- looking aI Sile F and att of tht alternatives is the forum 10 reach the conclusions ths thte citisen Support. Evestually, of course, tin. dec- taion made about the site of the future dump wIll b. palltlcaland il in tisaI fact 0hâ1 thesees.u niput b. cscneui dwM m Mthey The c 009 --an aiw~but Ilt 'li« m WOM ltaI differ:nt trip o fl la an attempt tOc fiad tome poesalut otubend, 1Iventucedis teu far nother. rewcbtofotCanada, show teutuadrs ine otheri nttbng bot fiat land snd yuar- coud m mits. I& a pucsol tares Mfo grt onmco VM ottU l utEuionb Ï dms apparenit fream s otleopimaores gaum a Oc bu. &- 19b;mýmworyeM encfscia y-llkr buildig. Alongaldeotas a decmltory oitl unsoy o tWv-oot callingo ad a bor thioaght "Uas. Ater ringi tedoorltill, Iotas met by analdacly gentlemanowtloaolong,flootIng ohtie beard. Hia enperltnci vire un is otestlieed tata. HOc ost dowm sta tble, gotsg ~tsatas Mf reqsests. lHis p.nlad face of lin bvoke oitS the occeotonl ille. Hae tsrtei ad t birabout pwela oit Motlln, and I1llstsood raptly. V'ouboot ow, essys, teu requets bocome stronger yiar-aftmryearO ome- tImu yenoud dilsk lbey vire sctiilly good Uotay loey talât. 'Tabi for instance, Gord Krants. Yen bmow otat bea ookd for? Worde! Wbat amt 1supptoed togve hlm-adlctlooory? Sesto ba bas trubie matin lengtliy sp-. "Ibear Jlm Coottin ou ofa job and be makea pretty fair speeches. Onese pcb ho maealut mesk vas notfgood, h. got a pecuosal çdnin fcolt tm Pierre Tnadqps. Il Gord vnts sacç1l fromn TctOeu, l Il- ii tan deocilte ilt Coulis torsa couple oM engagaments. "Got astsonge reqtM tom Vers Gooding. leoimbivanlsa shockey tOam. 1 bsow îve bmnsy iefal, but 1 slways thought bo bad osf, "Anybowteubat 1 cendeoclafer hlm bope for an NIOL expanoion Ocam in Kapashasng. In teu muanbme, l'Il tai vbat I tan deoc teu oty of glslng hlm some player. n ba tan finloS ont teu "Igot teuunmereqtisttrnm oguy wo runs s rtslty compssy Oinots lut year. Il lanit me aotblle, bot othen teu firel one hittite avilishle, I1 thlm ome iOcteu taIt. Cant plisse everybody, yen knoot. "GMo noar requent tromt Kim Obopherd.Sevsatled inSget sgond mark Ibis year. I got Eui reqet bock in eptember,non1larranged for bot tedosa report for bur clato on fluoride in biltosn. 'Fansy tbing, the gotoa gond mark sud mode a lot of ptuple sngry. I lliougbt everybody otould bi happy shedidtnumail on ber raport tard. hi cos teu bclnk M oSap dacideol lbiy csooebpa c i tlme. l'U take tEunice otatar udEuy tan movar sp bue. "Achaly, 'm vorblng os s tcbe othareby, if Il daunt anow, Tldy teu Turkiy Vulture sttscb a i s sbioio dent at oiât goitOc lso ois eateu Mountains. "Cot a requet frsmsaisotscounilite find tbem a hoyer for a big bockalfilnd rlgbt dotion. SoemabEuy're basIns trouble selllng il sw diay tanmose tome- vbare lto. "l'm arrsnglsg c bave teu Cadillst Palrview people bulld sascaled-down version Mfteu Eston Contre for Mites. I tblnk tbey'll cal il teu Eot Centre sud lbiy'll bave plastic butesd oM glat Il basd-me-dovns, bot 1 mean, Mki dit's thei but I tan de. "Anyboot, tant lit 70010n on any stEur requosts. You'l haveo walt util Inter Oc teu montb-like averybody@aise. EDUCATOR EDGAR W. POSTER EOOARFOMTR Il bu bhies ilyeerohtIntabo - ard thed Eudcallos Mipublicfr ebo aidldn hiHlts bot b. 11O bumt oa adbaty and, psrltudlry, in- = a boUtbm Poster, *. mpectftdly bicotsea "Mr. Bdacadgs by eduaters ad *WOqMalile dublag Eu 36e pure b.e demanàci - respect asnd vho bad hi.. os a principal or tter hnov. tes vote remoino ou authoratitive and povertol as il vas vhen Se vus a principol ut Brue Street Publie Ocbool asd latîrJ.M. Dtnyes PublicScbo. Local porents andl their cilidren byve ntme onder hSm guidance ai soiti point doring Ibeir youth and contleoo sisrien byve heen itol shoot bir. Poter by holo young asd nid tisai are tetimnny LOcit Ho remains as much a tender nov, ut agi 72, as hi van doring is long and distinguisSeol nantir. He serves on severol committeen othe Hilton District Hesîlh o Ctcil-a ont. ordinaîing" body helvien local moitit and soial services tannuont oud tdv binittry nofEralüit. Hi ban nerviol an a member out he North RatIon Mental Healtî Adotstry Cmmtttr and is a founding member Mn. Fo,tnnoas htaiiy ivoined with lt Cancer Society for ix years iOcindus- triai fond naiing andl tili drives potientsr insTorontosand Hamilon for trentitent.1 Ho absa bus drîven for biais on Whbets. Mir. Fouler io a patîcbirmanalfbillon Llbcary Bourd, a former mombar oM billIon District Hopitsl Board, a former membir oM teuHilton Chiltena Aid Socety, a ifciser costittta tmber oM o furmer soperitandant oM te u udayj Se" odepartinnt ai St. Paouli iesd a Pî rkm ofNorh Haleu biai 1Festival Assoctation. lsteresîingly enough, bis rouis are nti unlike the area hi bs made bis home stncî he bicame prtncipal ut Milton Public Sellant in 19M. Hi vasobore in a tarmtng tommuily near Sbtîborite and recintnlail but bis teacbirn tranng tdire. Htattendiol Toronto TeachrCobigein 1926. His 44-yenr constitmest 10 edunalion beganitnOc1927 ai s rural stbolin Wtaterloo Couty. Hi later moved 10 Coalingvtud in 1929 ta bicomi vice- principol of Vicoria Publie5cbol Katnryn, bis vite nI 48 yenrs, mas a lencher ut nenrby Colingwoud Public School. Thi Posters have Ibret children, Donald, Ian and Dougas. Ian la suv prin- cipol aI Oskvoud Public ScSoot in Oabvie vhere bis ltitier inisheol bis longuand iltutEnos caret'auîpincinpaltin titizeno mork, drinint patients Eu hospitl aod bis family and in a finiesample ut te type of persan in tut paut mb lielpeol itotld billton is totecommunity iît n lu- day. PrpbiriOrputt .111 he ateine.sthly m ut onthe edittnist pagof ni htConsolîs, Champiot, t be competontdhy have yto say-s tto,otit we.. Oui roe.. boatheO spOorttaity ttlaoutauat iiofeciso thit aosaiyttf cot iat.opei ca past ,houtd 0be toilai to the attenionoaf thti edttar.Potibino atn omseniare ap. One year ago TZ esW=thfltu.rI*li WM0U mhfi.lor t M u Do ut4irtobl r Tdahe caamrtla~yc ceuncll, Eut deu O0O lri5aOclO Fisaetin oould bavebl abOton Honsing teerlag Comle lust Iody lb ta 5 ertlt-ncome Cnt"sio =thlêst Bà IVcO $O"IuId be comlng availble OcnbMay. A t7-yerod biltion Do=1c H holpitAl follooing a trail bib. occident Tb Jvn c ta cmMFIe trait bii bavawu sldOcg lammed poOca = -faea rvemaad mo Bail canada Oc sitenOcSm'00oc t bocrm eucapactty Oc ebiulOca 5" swiisbOcg centte by 12,000 main titie- phiosu,Usda Hblu,occa Bamanager "IddayN_ -auiaett c'0 lgl 22. At tEuie a nomew escode, 'ara" mii b. put talc opeontaOcmut teu growt roquWUDIdII4O teu a. Toi final numberoM deer laio.inOce Novuobir dur bunt iOc HatOchbau Mfflctally Pogge et "about 126". At the endoMte uiut Ntv. 3 Oc 5 Ontario MlaOcry of Naturel "Rucarcu .obadb stn u but etpected tiis total mlgbt go llgtly 20 years ago P1ro. Othrud1,Dat. 7.0001 botue Wllam Lw=ioa opcr fiureOin Milton snd a cidant o h tootn ooce tase, Wadnudy celebrated bts sord blrthdsy qsltty atbits boite at 210 Sarah St. A family dlanir Oc plaied for lois oteektnd otbeo bis cblldren vil btp billIon'. senior resldint cetebrole bts Cmmrcltltd OSSdoy prwa approved, Sunday movswadetr Oiottenis wirt deftoted, four pregent and toto ntw cotoitlors voie namod. a .cboul trusteesvas retorned ood a neot Hydro Commissîot otwas eected Oc Mondoy's municipal etectioin Millton. Stigbtly ovar 40 per cent Mfteu eligibie 2,M lecOcrs u tstballets dsrlng dhe etectios witb teu sortIt mord acortng loi blgbut indvlwtpoictttage ai 47.3 per tint. Hatton Countys poputation buaa itsa record blgb. County Asusnor Ford Ro u.o nocedtd is w t Et ewalwe 'ptla"tiola Oc 011,1111111,an in- true nf404 ve ' 000 11,0. Iliii taol uddrsiwnship&. 'RutOcn' population Oc nov tlsted ota 04. A mle-ong prcession of ltuts, clowns fancy borseu, majorettes, Indiens, fairy quneno, and otber sosrted cbsacters formoed a gittarlng warm-op for loi annuel pce-Chrstmnas orrival of Sinta Clata indovoistonbilton atrdsy afternoon. 50 years ago Pront loi December le,11371 Ose Thei Young people have beois ska~tino Mrtio's pond evey day slfle Te y. Beas boostur. loot itOo by buylng in billIon, othere yen make your mouey, Millton for lltoiilaii. Bootl Wm. Freestne left Chinasome menthe sgt for Georgetovno t euEmpre o f Rusais. Wbin tbcei dayn ouItfront Hong Kong ba drtpped a bottie containing o nise ad bio addrua overboard. Tbe bottie ias plcked spoti Vancouver O.C, in Novembar by Mr. C. Hayotord, 1102 Bornaby Si. and loe note forworded Oc, bit. Freestoti ai Georgettwn. Utili Ruth Park entertaioed o large audience SE. Andrew'o ngbt bit singitaa Scotch snng and ctnderlng Ivo tnkers oiteu plans, namiely Anale toorlo and Comis' tbro' teu Rye. Ruth Oc o risiog Youtg musiciean d s brillant studant of Prof. P.J. Andrews. tous Ib tto bours alter Iree young min were caught stealiog touts trois on suo in Nelson tootnsbip tbay vire con- vlcisd sud uenenctOo to months oucb by biagutrote W.J. SarrinOc ilrlioglon police court tn Mondsy. The triltmore orreoteol by ChIifOmith and Jrefilc Offirer A.R. Smith. ftbey gave tEulr otites os Edvsrd Gray, Regionsi Gray and Walter Tituraoti 75 years ago 75 Years Ago Prmetit i m. 100 isue Oit Saturday a goto, ntlld icou rolling mou potto the Main Si. bridge. Il mlght b. bitter if il viresa 1110e bigiter, but it ihould privent pedentrian froo faoing oser inttt the crieS. Art Wmou Jr., got home on Friday from his trip to Edmonton, Prince Albert and oter points io the far ment. J. B. Scoitt and Bert Buck have tînt tomne home. Lewis Wilnon, ibtemnaher, of Charles- tohas hvvv ,,amnatttthby the Peel ltsi. poýthio l> atey on . accot oft the. eocape oftwio prisotiers. Otrday aternoun ltie telegrsph polen onthe lioe of the CPR, ohere it runs tbrough eou. R. Andersont frt, Jont mmlt tE Millton, more crecheo neor teu grmmnd sud hung oser loi truck, the viren holding tbem ap. Tbey vire hsrely clearoteisopaeof otoaches. bien mrt sunt is attend tOc dem and hsd artl difflcslty Oc bandliig tbam on aseont of loe iotnd. Thei nirike oM teuHaitlon streit cor men la over.'Te maties inOcdispute bave bien lit Oco rbîtration,lbheutike breabers bave lait te clty and the soldlersare about lu louve.

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