Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Dec 1981, p. 3

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Asseuts guards, gets more time cheserving a lime at the det er la a Ir ltucd :Z glees ng ferihrnsd le%'. oidlienwasrPin ad eseimtu *WdseeDoewening t5sfes leeosdlgbtrae face et Mr. efsCiflied Leu e caanthm telI, lead retua d t segegliecel elIi eut t higow Mr.l- ieils fac e Slre w eife is I l.e la a eraler, le lu ege t"anid lene lMr, Fies lasnoelieiery nt vietencea an upseteon tlstday Icarne le as beng kep i sgao se ai ldaiseeue daY erier bae Su .eenGrese, sfl fsupeevienc atMaPle- hart, leaW telyesll had Prcllems and wae Item lire. Ana Fine, thernellernif theyuth, tank the standeon lr sens lehli, and tld the court plana ere already leleg made ta get barSmesa hencbwn ieieedtjal terza. Tu sle ifn hidree sald se evieite br sesai louet twice a week aed lIat Joep "iean idvdul Wo eeds lelp." fit migt tale a hIle teelcralghten hlm et, lut we cii striglien blmienot," ele tld prev- incil courtJudgeWillilamnSherpa. Crame atorney Pasl Stet casn et se epi- lrntc aoutthe youth's future. "Tlis eontan lgelated intideet, " Ieseid, ad- di -tIeyh t ld"iplydeiing but as- slaebMeZle" mitCsIe teenDlad a ey bad record fnrlis age. "Hie Ias leceme a danger tellhe public," le said and reqsested the maxiimm penalty ef sx mnhsfer eac of the twcts of &sit. Trial date to be set A date fer tls trial of a 2lyer-ld Miltes mnscargedmltlrnlschief mil a st Monday. PhOlpWhe= o f 410 Oak S., w maschrgd thl twee nte< iecliefofllemsa pucte iselgaletteset= aihiInldeS <f I dealeihipslatmonth. Siteen eew car ciedalelda ere damaged et Trafalgar lMieors Ce. Ltd ami Mary WlmaePontleac Ltd Tial b yjudge and jury A 32year-eld Tronto mas charged tencee- serties u I tecycle deail of a Gergetwn mansAngulit , î, baseeleited telela rled Iy a mouty court jsdge and jury- Jorge Vicite of Lalevec Ave., clarged citI crimineln egligesce causieg deatl, han baens edered te returs te IMilies preneca court Jan. 4, ion,tese adate forthe trjaia Ferty-seean-year-eld Mi Sreaon etByron St. wose filed lmtasay whee lemwseelruck by a car wlile cyclieg te lin jcI st Standard Pro- ducta Ltd. on GuelphISi. in Gergetewn. Thefahereof threendanghiere oase ite et ofilhe delveway enrance tellte plant wles lIe accdnt occurred. Christine MeNivnsof (Georgetown, al ans emplayee f standard Preducte Ltd.. tetided eta epeellmnay earlsg laIt Wedesday, lIaI elle lad caved tenlMr. Smeaten s se epaee hlm in br car oly marnante hetre lIe acci- dent. As nIe etered tee drlveway, elle euw a 1975 Mesza transi tesugl a dth and iet a Icce, nIe tld the ourt. David Jentes f Ena ld te curt lecma travelling eastlond on Gelp St. a distance balllsd M. Ometes mIes le sew Mr. Vincite, travelling weslleund, veer anan lIte roudway T.accvead strke the cycliel. Th Gsgetows lire Deprtenet was re- qired te roce lir. Vincite frorn tee vehicie. Mr. Vicite le echedeled teappear le Maltes previncial ceurt April 26, 19M2 toe a trial date oe ton related cIerges ot irnpaired drving and Ievisg moetan thee egal amuntsof alcehllil lhi leod. A an os peblication et evidesce derlng thee peliminary Inaring wasnoeterdered. -LinesKrIy Aa-&down Milln: Mlan Mal 878-4173 TorontloLin@821-2181 Mgr. Rocono Zeni Poere mett Iput Mmse tderal Finance hin Istr Allas acEaches andthe làeral geveneent te preduce a sprlng mini-budget te repaie tee damrn ageaued ly thédiaau"Ntrv. en12 196 tederal budget carnHaltes IlPOtieJelisein M Ix a recant interviec, lic Jelinol ad t cas st merely -c sîtel tisning" te hope lIaI the federal geverement weld bacblacl ram many tee retrma haed- OTOJELNtc od dtownilothebudget. Oppenesofilthedge aresdy lave osefotn l the deer cite lr. MacEcles s change otutneenver% Tessie Smith... lCssllased rie.pagesme) preseele lIe building of dicipline and thee devloree<fchniue lirme =eele leatee feue gentlemen. N, tee arilt deset lave tour maie sn- sutrrebut a set f four bIncacatI el refen te as liec "bible. The tour gentlemen are lamIna, plm Ilamee, orclid amd dry- steemun-deslgn repeted tereuglent rentaleert. Each f tee feue gentlemen hou lie wns slgnificance, 11e bambou.ciechlale reated cite Brn eta& e. Thilatetee mSesat f thee ael teemn and elmld le painted clan tee artiat tla an ciied stte-feellng emotiou 11ke anger. lis ignificance ilelis fininled tertrn ie tee astitheesof theelihantef lisecomtien, lamener. Eseesples et bamSe art cas le loten emm noreantal lames as IL leinge tding<of peac o te boluseheld. Black tLo neorcator mien scas leued te createthe feur gentlemen, and Tomsie ues bail medunie. lier tolsieare an ateestie ne baer ceesand appear lite art frma le teemeelves. Ie tek crnes le stick fteecaned is tar trees tee da1 pinces et clarcSel se latties et minu mdile theeseten coeld.lite blackn srface 15 i- tereupted ly ained images et dragon, ligh- îghtad ite gld and ed. A nmall reettegslar ba, decreled cite a raisbac et colors, is lil strage place. A steealal cite a ornalitconcave ares oe ils surface, te leld cater, ls oued te transnorm thee I51 stick Loin a corkbleneubsanece. Only a par- tioneoftheepeefened sticiin med esel ime. "Tecnieque lisenerytlieg," Timle admite. Tere ni a certain ceay te hld thc pint Iresl and ecî f tee feue gentlemen mstlle ce- teenledininga precisesembarefnlcones. mie mere vld asd cleetul pinces are o Chinese eclgin and treated cite caler colnr painte. "I have alcaya preferrod caler tolees und, treugh lIe yesn, Ive lepiterning lutl teem," says eoie. Racasilin le seedinteadeof canvase--either le isa dcgiealde-mhite shade r clred cite a materenisecuels. Oseilin. she cretes tee more gantin desige, 11e tee orchid chicl signifies virture and puriy. '1e rchid in essy te loes l ut diticut to master," seeauggeste. 1ue clrysanilermun bban tee same slgiicante and baih.l tieen sloeld enly le painted canithe artint ls in a teanqul moud. 111 change feon sf1 to bambou quite ofen.' theartlstjekres. - A iitchan utelr tp irlor vocales f o sudie and sle uuany pinte teere le theeves- lue, aileougl sle Iba ir doyimso loues 10 lnrseeltand yonges sn Erik, 4. Wlan aIe fwt bl egan Secelo art ste Look a piece ut cern teatal art gallery for tramief. lier cern gel suI a receptien teere nIe ceeuez- ed il cous lalle ami soc sslmite pamîtins 10 theesaine lcain-clore teey arensellief oeil. "The trickn te riental caler toton ts len tee application and odin theeIru," Temsie ex- plains. taetesd et Ilandief toIses ly upplyicg dit. ferent shades ener ose aseteer, partions o a fine brash are dipped imbte e colore roqirod, tean appllnd te gine a tened etteci. To add tue- ibm slading, tlon are casled ite e damnp brunI, resslting le theecroation ot lielite petls cite grat depte. Ins eeping ite tee clsre ronwchIthee tour gnlernen origleate, Tesie signs hiec saeons oriental artiste could. Hec cchop" is "asclclotTesie as teey could gel." The chop is a pieca ot marbie itI o îlont end, aIent hl ai n c squrecite as oriental claracler isscriled os IL. This stamp is coloreel cite a ed casy panle, fine appilee as tle art- ist1a signature. Tomsie cen aise prodace tle claraclen chicl make up ler camn em bd. Tessie Smite, aieng ite lier art, cii le feteced at Impressions Gallery on Mats St. tels Friday atternoue and evening. incladieg soiti housel constructiooncois among capital ost-whicî are citton off in 5 pr cent lices ovr yeens. Mr. liacEachmn'n dois meass for tee timo le- ieg teat eet construction cotseucî aselegal ftom, prerneion reste and morgagoespemsen cllii l e dedected an a lumnp srn clos the ony is spenI. Tise finance mielotrs etrent cen promptod Iy evidesco teat reonlg smcldedactions wooad lait tee centruction f 20,000 lemsing mnite plansed setier tee Multiple Unit Residontial Buildng Pro- grams IMURBI duetexpireet the end oetbislear. 'I m ee es adrittldae leat one mistee as made"lie. Jelinel aid. Oly a trong protet rom theopublic and tle <mal lesiness nclor will ring ebout more changes in theetsrrn ot an marly sprisg mini-hsdget, lo added. Jellneelcalldith edoral budget a disastor. "Ilfm i l ata I ani Olind anylling poeitive about theobudget. 1 sally do" Mr. Jelinel aid. "I mdldtfeol bttr otf if flore casseo budge." Mir. Jline aid ho cen loping or a eimulative budget illed cite tocotives hecase et theexcera $20 billion a yean re veues tle tederni govero- ment lad gurasteed itseiteI recest provincial energy agreement. Instead il came don cite a reesiesery budget, le aid. "Net esiy didalt they appty asy iscentives, bel teey witedcew any invesîmont iscentives" he said. Mr. Jelisel naid thee orst change cas tee restric- tien agaînnihbuinessmen crilief off tee inlereol on loensstoc isvmstmeete. Ibis cii retrict epansininstheebusiness e coer, le said. 'Most of tee grote and cevelopmenlin thîs coumtry le terongh isancial lous' TIc budget dd etesd thceOrnaIt Business Dovelspmest Bond prngarm for ose year, loi esly te teoso leinesnes in dire straite, Mr. Jelinek said. hetlonse cUl ol ho mced te croate more jobs as teey cero originalty islendod, he said. There le noting in theehudget for empîsymeni opportmnities, ho said. - , m c uin. Cut & Style Now until Doc.30th - - ~ Caîl 878-4563 ~ 782 Laurier Ave. E., ,Milton i1 1 Jack Fraser up to 2840% off iGift Specials! 1 LaIt llissiaion Blazers: save $25, now $85 Dress Shirts: save ta 5.12, now 14.88 AI-wool Pants: save 5.12 now 29.88 Rigli illsiraOlin Sweaters: save to 17.12, now 32.88 Sportshirts: save 5.12, now 12.88 Mmre Speciols Velours: save 7.62, now 19.88 Fancy Shetlands: save ta 17.12, now 3288 r': ,-iie 1; 1?j'no?18 8 The Canadien Champion. Wed. Dec 9, 1991 Women working, flot turning to crime Sperita Tie Champion Despile the increasiot involvemeot of wos meinall aceaoeflee.cvnl slsdy hy the Provincial Secelarial foc Justiie han fouod that tle vcclec vhoshave lalev op a flie of cîime las remained Ilesameio receot years. The lasl figures available (1979) îndctlrlhal appresîmalcly 12 per cenlto i]t lIme harged cul suarisse otteces are wcensThc hey icordlhere is charged, sivrelthefiguces may vol acceralely ceflect tle aoiofetcrime aclaally commilted. tn gecerol.wosmeco crimes tend 10 le ot a Irssermssnature thon ilose commitîrd ly men. Thc slody oas broinodowinstotof- e fonce grosps s fottows: violent crime-fier per cevt; oller crîmînot otteoces lv per ceci. Ioderai viatiiies-8os per ceci. municipalby-loos-.9 per cent: provin- cial siaieles-276 per ceci and property offescesOO0percent. ... .. . JACK FRASER ilt 53 ito -pe -eMale MP oe-ils for mini-budget

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