Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Dec 1981, Classified & Real Estate, B4

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98 h. Canadien Champoion. Wed., Dec. 9, 1981 A. E. LIEPAGE lt rnsrcmnn 0ON 7A MIO0) LTO0. y0 W ie ce coeerelIogmmmtemwil he lledeita -Ne" er 0 ".t ho ulmei uta"ma hamnilat jhe= ; ..1The C=n ali Main Tb.@Bana dmitmae .= ayeampm oIe.1 DARAI INTRDIUCTION Th- 1 aitàp.m.-mtummn Rlgbla Dm t. Blm'i t. spoorig Mmthwmmàaseies of public aAs, ibht.ome laIvenby Mn. ut?.y ElIStI a ai introdhuctitu theb Bai riliT bih a.t Mlton Public Uibrmry, Ail welceme PIIIBNLIFE ai 130p.m-bOacclatmed film thtigtnPi or WornS will be maeni tUetdou Collage. Flimmakera Janis Cals e adlly Dae wil ho opeciaI gueueit. thlae scrmmfang. Ibo film wtil hoawn at Rooc iai920 the Trafalgar Rd. Campus. CABOIUING Friday, Dec. Il tram 7.30 p.m. ta 9p.m. ad Satur- 2D.c 19nram In a4 p.m.-A g of eThe Clze .er ad Milton Dttritt iShe" Sineraw il ho lgleg Crttmai carat. mn dawn- tow ain .tCameadjainaus. ANNUALTURKEYROLL, ilarday, Dec. la-The ltlgbt. et Clumbui af Mitoi, Holy ltmary ComcAi are holdag Ibeïr an- mal trhy roll adMote Carleaalght. CORITMAB'IEA litrday, Dec.12 and Sumday Dec. 13 framl 1p.m. tas5a30.m.-Ta O bhod m ait..lenRegtm Msem. Adalta $2.50t, chltdrea $1. Tht. baelades refreibmet. hby the iruide wttbcandleliglot, plus admissot a 1mi hawlag maay ew e.- CHIRISTMAS FILM SHO0W ilaturda, Dec. 12, at 2 p.m.-"Merry Cttamaa',a Crttmas film show wti l o iyl at Milton Public Liba'ary. CIRITMASCONCERT Sataadmy, Dec. 12 ai 7.30 Lro.jbe ltbw=~ Gospel Clarch Suumday cl c Ml ad safa ho presenttal their aoumet Christmaas extra- vagaza. Camne and ejay an evealag of coral mt.g- ig and a Chritmma me.sage preetedi by "AUin l Hlm FamiIy" Gospel uppota tram S. Celbarie.. Rerehmat ervetaa811 aterwardm. Ail are welcame. ANNIVERSARY DANCE Satarday, Dec. 12 t 8 p.m.-The Scotch Blecki Square. are celebratlag theur 10h amniversary witb a daceta ho held et Miles Ditrict lfigh Scholm. Mesic by Jerry Hell ram Cincnnati, Ohio. Tickets are $5percouple. Advaace tickets anly. PREBENTING "THIEME58IAIt" ilaaday, Dec. 13 at 8 p.m.-Tbe GeorgeteWa Choral Socety aIS premet "The Meaat.b" hy HIadel ai lthe Hly Roeary Chrch inl Milton. Tickets are available fronm the Cathlir Wamee' League, Recardsaom Weet ad tram Vcky Faiecett ati M-OM3. $4 adalta and $2 for seior ctzesand studmnts. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Wedeeday, Dec. 1îea.17.30 p.m.-The Mltan Dia- trict 80gb School Music departmnent will pieet a cancetInt he hlglichoal auditorium. Ticket are $2 for adultmeadS$1tfor tudents. CHORISTMAS AND NATURE Sumdmy. Dec. 20 tram S5 p.m. tn a p.m.-The Mamntahorg Wllile Contre t. hotag a peclal evat an Ult. date la lloamk aIt the people Whoba cm out for programe et tho Conservation Aea dariag 1981. Ths.apo]elent t. trae, and wil teatare ane hamse opena leigli ride. chstauts rnaated an an tpe. ire, a Christmas peppet pre.enataiaa witb musicad more. FAMILY CARIOLSERVICE ilaaday, Dec. 20 at 7 pm.-Te ho hld ai Si. George's Anglcan Cbarcb la Lawville. tamlly igle and retre.bmmnta wil ho aerved tallawiag lthe service. Everyaae lawell)ame. BINGO Every Maaday evemlg-.pamred by the Miltan Sior Rbllal Clubi, bngoeat the Dptmlst Ceaire (upltirlaSeiolr Citimmi mre admtted free. Daara openai 6.30and gmeStartet 7.15 P.m. LEGION INGO Every Tleday evmlang et 7.30 p.m.-The ladie. Aaxilllry spansors a bngo ai the LegionaHall, CharesSt. A areaiccme. LIONS CLUB BINGO Every ai 7.0 p.m-MilleaLions Club holda a bngoaai Lins Hall, Mamaorial Aiea., Thampson Rd. Senior Citizens are admitted free. REGISTER FOR Y COURSES Millea Y loamled ai White Gaka PIeu., 3r7 araate S., buma peaed les talprogram c,'courses fer adulte, cildrenanad teenagams. For information and registration, viitthe Y orcalla787ffl1. LA LECHE LEAGUE Meetinga are hld each maath tar wammi who wlah le leara mare about real t eediag. If yaa are iterested, plate cal Karen Card at 87-668 or Haaey Wrlggle.worth ai M157348. NURSERY SCIOGOLOPEN Naw open, Tny Tata Chrstian Nursery Schaal ai Hlghway Gospel Clmnali, 1le Wakeield Creec.. Milon, ram Moaday le Frlday 9010 11.30 a.m. and 1 to330Opm. ToregistercalJudy Stolry t 9M2417 Y m cm. uit'.a ralîbur quiee a ea tomme me rabng laie am dge cro a a" offine- edge m d~i oe am 11m aace of reblor. te i.moppr liespwtecty flt whea tho speegme arue. t le ralibeca e. ad bm lmieas nbremedethe mme way. An smey boa,tthe smmd tar smpag tgw- Mm orthe tsuOht.gmW=a ofa match boe., cm. olhom oi ."mlum ngmcecy tor houmlgamoi dwhmimlgthom iotamunmallp ihle. At j0t--ý - LIt2.e

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