3 Iboe Cnadian C11esv et.Wd.. Dac.S9, liM 8B&Ei broad daylîght occurred in broad dayllgbFcta Palice ald an udtmald$1180.09 w=rl gouda owere stlen fotrh e bonne nof lcel cole televiain, atnry, slvectare and a qoesUynil~e tkenron te bu». pair il fbisocolar ast naine cota s amson gte item nsionfrote 11e bomenet n.nHannelumoeedr. aieaof FintUne. Police nid enry on salaei by breskln e window. Pallcebove made noancuai tttniloe feasibility wmt dwaelie Hataa Pollice Cnnisn U lua t tut dtermine wbher Scemplsn shoudlnlitroduced teth orOe. At Tborciday's meeting citheb.comemion, Haton Ragi"a Police chief James Hlarding rdtioII1neidfa cenmputer eoasi « u akee* pspwbOi tmes-andthte crimerate. *We an lcenigyplagmnd btbe now of peeodcand s tamnof t la raqured ameflow in =ceans t snch a rate tbt it la dltcult tageai.rbodaon en tintormaton te e oed We seed q"lckamnseeansd 1e ansoter ta Ibt lien la cemputes,' nid chiaifl à g h h I elit Mltsforce ran a prellstlnary sttnly bgnnetJsyad Iis lad cblef Harding In In an effort to male dotsrtown Milton a mor-e appe.Hing tecascloiabgh tecbol5la ust btt place to sbop for Chrsltmas, Jane Reid of dbm Dowtown Busintes iprovemenst Area (DBIA) bas belped organise lit visie jot 00gret nd in= Mfiton Ditrct 11gb Scboo tidents to dresa certain Main lat Sdi.1enses, ad ha lad windows. Here nite oversees thse work cf 14-year-old i Mnpeetat 11e metngnsSldPr -o Janet Drennan, a Grade 10 marketing studesst. 11eOtraPlce cainoo OPC=înb assied *"I believe tbere la a cas for eniputeco in Haltas." One *inf9 Mr. Preece, Oe imase- 0i Progcni Developsent af Oe camimuon. and ystenno shr rsnainotnn h emr homes are basainat1e..101bbitby bflen into 0111 forces tm Un1liaid! nf ce.puter ecor- espion specWIalte Inte Ma.pie M1r. Proec and Mfr. Cahot outbned Oe p"iot lit crime slattst.c study prepared by the Hallon prjet intoduced tu Ottawa inlis.5 ance Police CSnolnnon shows tbt Oie fore la heolig ton., 2 ot.er fot»eshave gwve nui tatud- lsaown yet seben the nstbem nare Irokssidawn loin masta daili tideneeaman m wbcbart bosai ntt l a. i ls fl.g rm re nawtteoagrtiledl!iglfetdpnltt hil1e innjor c/nsnudrasault Li"& xiry nfescasi affec relatlvely ete Hlton refndents, other crimesnnucbas breaband entertethnand wlll fuildamage, cnte mncbtnoe cloe tobhomne. Accordtng 10 the conpatlaS o sattnlcs, dt.e Senior Hafti"wt neglo r Jst fenes ow nne laeacb 2762 .111e ninobe ofenasite estasdie nutaber considecahiy, mabslngonefor every 220 fattait residenta. therk resig n srII2 or ose ievery 95 peopleOse i Another senior Maltona dmnstratar bas evecy 63 citizns teso atected by Oe 3,809 casai of becae a caualty i1the Reglansa ongolag pro- wilful damage wbtcb also occocred. gram ocearganizatian. lbe standing statstlc boteever, isth1e lad Ihalott Itegianal clerb Gafield Brown resie hs f atano 240300 poltion, one inovery 25 bat postio let wek o acet aluwr psiton n hdbo deal it. at lest ann1e he9736 Iiefti avec ph aiztint ceeb 10 ac ck a suta n as wellan undar $». 111eargainaiancbacnta Jac Ralia n- altaI bad fotr aurders durini 1the siady perid nouncedlaollowing thecotici meettng. teile for 1the 101 tfires analablo toc Onarin, te In a prepared statement, MRafila mid M, province ssitered appcotiinatoly 4.0ottrders for Browen bad eslgned ta asuaesuition as Oe sae given ppulation. Halon had lto tiempi- manager ni recorda and information telOilathOie msrdars as oppoaed taOe Ontariot average tf W clerba daparninent. so06. Asalta wre dotn ati weii-iOOl versus Usa prann pace1mmt ls otod. 1297.36. FInally, the osaiber oni txanioffenses la CHRISTrMSTAB cief admiisra1t a/or ett elin altas07) wateconsiderabiy ios thon Oe province te"1tam wouid be nated acting clerb. (120.96. sS M. Irowtas eignatios beoaies effective CIIR[TMAS RE% Dec. 31, 18, Mr. Ralia said, addlng "effective QUILTED PACE t ot, e/B blave a mucb lua onerotis p ~ ~ C A d OHe up 9 CHR !IMPR] "He la aiog istep sot oniy foc persnsal g s~u resseons, bt foc resnam a est.as oel," M. Saves Energ y PlR-4'EnSna, Ratititaid. Reduces Fuel Costs le/titan ite Eegional chiriman dded Iat teps lta1%P a ceccuit a repacemtent toc Mr. Browns onid And C8fl get you Up to - VELVET begin nîmot imineditely asti"I dnt iisb e"/EcoLVE",a Oere in any paaibility tf ai needing a cas- VM s"ls sutani 101fil]Ite position."' MFnet P*CCII -I wotaldtinOi bee il gel a get many 1fA1-/tises applications," be saitie rnslest M. Ralisa atdedt OinthOe Iegion lala ie he EMBROIDERED final tepsofai tsti nging rearganizatien lollote- m",îîîo ingte bdget defcicriisofaIM1e. Wn o Since Oe revelations o budget troubles, Oe 8 0 0-r~ cbîei adminitrative ofcer, teasurer, sua-HUU PI tant Ieasurer, scial sevcedlectr and oaoea m Oe Reginail cec, ava ail basa elber eplat-- A WORSTED WOOL edor deototeti. R B T E i ol"ilei WOOL BLEND V 9, HOW IT WOROS: SNT MIE EITSEU11. So ne 50y. OFEUIEOS PrwAL :pumt n anh-1 -d MANY MORE 6 - 5"x7" Ato. crod Pocoil>' poelois In beauf ifiilolur c.o- t G. 0erilioGm t o f on0 SOOTER STUDIOZ 427 MAIN ST. E. CALL US TODA Y MILTON Milton 87&1206 APM Look for ow 3.0 OOwah d*eoebiftl.pM« 1sc, BME CLMT 1/2 PRICE EVEESIBLE 'EAIS nos i49 UN"S 2.98. :JACQUARDS 16.98.n 20%oFl' [FON 8.98..12.98. I NASHMJ 12.98. NTS 12.98. DLFLANNEL 15.98. TARTANS 8.89. Halton cop ByHOWAIIIIlO2EL reeidentn. FOie .m aebncindapo- elatefrce, accordngtuachiel James Harding. It rprta r red fcOiI ala Plc four tbr ares forcees (M al~Ni ga ee I3ucain nti aotltas-en)oln tt offence categorlen, from June lleOtaMay t98t. In a ltter tilcecWteula arry Barrait asdthOe rut ioie the mmisinschi Harding sid in part Oi te peformance nioiem altas Region Police lorr la inte major crime rateglorles Ilustratai, casae on tveablytit at ai Oie noer mn- ACIUMVMENT "I coouldaer emigures ta indlc aaolnfr ac.e...th...Pocc, eaenlyolira la cejuc it. theietct tatOi nltis ée1t.eat. It egkowa oieFcel c"dabl loer m M eterpolice oe WIle adtb'soing the commission peraonally chiaif=arinsnd "Unter i= cn tances Oie lna'ooveanloucesmate of 43.9per centoa force encelieti, claring 84.1 pr centtaf ait murdars, aftonmted murtierns s and sexual ffenmas qvp1 OumInlpaeaumforOntario. amsn iOM n esas.oce inthlalboUenp- ted mIer tory tebere Oie force cleacet bot. ofencea tuia1Mthe peclotiPeel and Durham raglons alftuiee 100 par cent, clearing noves and two crimes gupeevely. Another tentber in Oie lecltce' agiwna0.2 percent success intaola- lgRita=nsl.t.e bustresuofaflia.foccs. Malta. offIceca solveti three ai four homicides daigt.e sttdy pletail anti 71.260o ail sensal of- MORtE REAK-INS ta the rcbbeey categary, Oie Maltn Force clesceti 4607 inciens teile ciansping dawn on 65.19 per cet of ail fraudcontai. Maltan entimnet a ttalIoaI2545 break aod esters between Jote lU0and May 181 ai ohicb Oe police cleaceti aly 20.9 par cent, a ,tatltir otacb moveti SOFFSUEPFE W"/tlcm 3.49 1Regl0j4OOS0P!G(:I V "(ON )DUD ".A Y 44UAD"/lES wîcmN1( 03S"IBOcm 2"ttc .98. Values up t1 $9.9 PRqNASHLJIGEORGIE6 98 PLAIN REPE DE CHMN .8 45/il5cm Reg. $7.% 498 REPE BACSATIN 0"/lbOcm Fleg.11SU7.98,. S-T-R-E-T-C-H GABARDNE 4.8 QUILEDCAICOS 4.98. Vaue u t 6.% 498 Z*sw,ît«eîd 2.49. 11/9.0390 PA S S O R E DH.1TNS 2 . 9 8 . SCISSRS2O OUR ENTIRESTOCK 2% WOOL8uITIoB WOOLCOATINOS air/ou. PPWNTED AU IJLTASIIEM 3G%or 25%or 30%ou PV r, PT L~.~i.sa 65.00. Visit Linon & Thine.lotittrîtofo the fîllîoinagsores:"Trointo -Ytrklae5576tisne St . 268/3 Lawerenre E - 356 Y(tnge Sit., ai-ai at (labo/lic & Blingttîn UNBEATAI3LE VALUES! Cannton txoritos plail ttîwes Large Bath 8.00 Large Hand 6.00 Largo Fore 3.00 4-p/ecee Boned Bath %et (Reg. 19.95) 14.98 Stilidt trry ttotei -dîîhhy botrder - rt qoality Bath (Reg. 599) 4.99 Hand Qtg. 4.29) 3.79 Face (eg. 219) 1.79 Fabiîrshoter rortoins oith liers 1488 Wicker otore bath orrossorion 25% off Wonderiux piaronat's 1(Rerg. 1. 89) 1.491 O~' 1 The Christmas Idea Store At this seSon of good cheer Fabricland bas a wide variety of - SUPER SAVINGS -on great Chistnm Gift Ideas. Selectio quality and of course, our everyday Ii> discount price& Shop early while quantities and 9election are at th*f rod-"çw7w,"p -M&W- e remaintope s O chier Hlarding ta npeak op about ne meas-enla cembat dmi. "On tbe basintaof1the data tue may need an in- dividual break andenter nud." cent cloede. Bllîon bailta6aasnlirats nof = IlTE 23.25 wece olved. u f we=ld0taf .ot heft aver and tande q», Blwk & I 391 bsl fcI a ta salve, gave the lece Unsbig. rell gest beadacbes. fRalton sffered 3,» 0incidentsofn ( ~ dentistetabellipivate and public proeoey, et whlcb anfly 10.32 pur cent were cleared, di1e loeest 427 fMMN «. E., rateaofail thetforces camplejd 111sa nlittlebel- jlej ter wltb a 10.39 iper cn Itetta] ,3 ae l- 8013 vestigated.0,3caein & tSUPER hýSPECIAL JUST IN TIM4,6,FOI% CHRITM The bookeaae heenboard andi trame waierbsdte manie Of sofil p/ne andina aval/nb/e/In etther a/nu/e orautper-slng/ew/dl (30" or 48"). Cornes In your choie 0f da* waiut0cleer Or brotugham t e/an. Complge wl/h melimass, OSA approvani hmeataspaealorai dock, salaI>' //nerand teckt, filendldra/n kianimatfreaa Govf«. noms and Dada - yeurk/ds, w///ole them. Corne and se@ our other HALCYON WATERBEDS Wnrke up tla the dtU//ene/ V BLUE LAGOON WATERBEDS 'your rne stonpoatorbei botique" M55 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-7957 1 t9v Ma :1 1