site F appeÀoal s"mply delayinginvitable ry t'HVE ABiOLD thahe a is acnaa ie reies are BrtamaiCiaeaaGraap Cana BiB Johnsoansai th isetises.were simply proposai irom tise publie "and ilere are mach more CisaaptmNasBitoe aawrmÇ 1f Maas i l atast ceaiss Cdullnapruiarcmesiaisuata lare esarCtsa iergs l aetisansamply local imues iuvolvei Iere. irpeam i :mei ts egln iOier t0olaena tremtitaact "'lhese people are a mpty execising a Burt agIos Cotise Walter Mulkeic rsechoedtMr. Mtla ae tm deapala l eta= ntats am ata se eate un a turdse=flealeupjpea proseesisudemucrati rgit tisev have eeery rit ta eser Mannel s couceras. hytisfla Bca lsctasgtpapeiaga "aseuatcuieadaiagtrietulaaait As long as tis tingis ted in segaism and Ba.miy outare- uTMtUR zin ofOtaric awcnlnss isrestgylac c nultiseiatuunti tise latisattie la tuaglt. Ose empisasisas ranssering liseproilem lu ssme- 'eIuoeisala ira tie a t~e tH7aent atasea "pea ilallew tie dmp develapasent laruea MrMauneti sali t.aelong, lega]hattie seaus mpl place euseere notgong to sive anyti g,'he tielen th hdre tsevstetah. eau=crumnlly asiiancisiiy tishema inue- tpmfase taMr. Manuel s icummeata talais iepsssg ait ai tiseinformatius about tise dump stle s50d Aé Metroland Community Newspaper-Serving the Community for 120 Years 15P ES3CET woulloelasusNulwauzso MILTON. ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9. t98t Noise complaint 'could trigger operating bylaw By STEVE ARNOLD Champion NewsKilta., Qate hogout thec town coulal ha facing meattions on thcir oparations under ttm'uasblw propoald b Cota. Rick Day Mombdy night. fir. DaY made the proposaintareaponse 105 a c«n raisclby onc rcidcnt ovar "We eos lhamre sr tfblaar2uaig i outf operation t quarrons bMRaUuthsY really are an obnoxaou use," Mr. Day total cotaiclors. 11» emp ta cama &RD9nSdiscussion ai a letter s'ncivecd fmJanet Watkina, tf yb o çmùned about Wackend WRk aIt te Shermnan Sandl anal Gravai "We boud bave aome sort of hylaw regulatingthc boira tof operation aIuanilebmgsuse they reslty arc an obooxiouua com m menta c ÏWi dlaaoealof a letter reccivcd plained about IMURD WM TWOFvi1 tüarryir ur =iwe WMworkiM nlg ati0he qurry etqry Saturday for thél~ emmntausualy fro B .m. "Due 10 the POor condition of Derry Rd. anal the closenesa of my boume to thc road,' 1 find this a considerable noise ntisancc-which dttrbe nxy peace and quiet at wacknds'" she Cultlvating hr oriental painting technique for the past two y earsa, Tassie Smith spenals any tima a creative urge itsaia hrkitchcn countar "-studi. Lmetf the tol.edlin thta art form areasa beautiful as what they help produce. (Champion photohy Tom Burley) Oriental water color a painstaking hobby CisumplaonIReporer e voer clors. 'ise dilacplisea aitatubtas Tieretsa aemanitur ttype ut tacsalan ln aTaeSmith%. art" l mpaa mont rmct wttlc aeneor mis thabai wlckr hnlUsre tumm s'elMkaajoblthma hobby extcan*lpeisar, Maso iaor Atalif Oe neai lfotr u sgit a&ta.ToUteh a t 6 t«ansicae ao n ti«Z keX prctcexmptieater cet alli an.mier by essii iseea ti-hme mse sellalrw« attfele lias ain lathlie atWatht " aa stoaprouhce IL t wearib aa is.Te Tu tieonnwlng epe, liar W"rla milli etaitrseyanngcisuiem bu a aaa= ti fbeesst. Sa, ta d"c eberna lv n ta It tbaie bamie et a watata meiisuautanOsaPi» he pis, trcila lie aut dibo auee .- isetuied ir retivenetea i tbmeiuMpage tsee lisaagis Oe letter cas iaspty propseilfor tac staff, Mr. Day argsei Oa iriesea- lionasaui e tabea. lits camse waa tubes isp Coss.iltl Johsonu, wisa arcuai"Oths ia very serinas pruhiese." tir. Johisoan sai some regutatioa thOe local evel muai h a pes- ai la prateci isuieacssersanasitOe en- rironesssit ram qsarry uaes, iecamse Oat po- tactions las oi liely ta came ram provinnial autosrties. 'lise litlitry la cry clearly alignai witis Oe iniualry,' he sai, '"ou ce sisuli stan pttiisg tome teeOs istuO hsme raglallse." Couac. Jise Watson, saiing use ceeieti curis aiOe BSerman quarry. sai Oe tuas shauli ha happy Oai tome peuple are munit- iag "We suli ha glai tiai soe peuple are woriig. Resiienia ahouli hau Oaif thOsy ionsi lie noseethes Oey shulni iuy houose clse tu a husy ra," he sai. tir.Johnsonu rejecini tai argument, cosier- ing "are we goingiupro- aiite ourselves impiy io ges jota? We have lu have a qualily ut lite hem assent." ,,The ime to moite ihnsn regulations is w tir. Day sad a staff invetigaion ai con- canas aboaut qsarry "s IOse clie Baluc ciii evatsally have a Be aso ntai Bat tha iylaw cashha e et ifilt applidta ait quarsian ad iii aperallaca ta tise tacs but atiliallacei for Oe spaciai seesai Spwceing up for "Iisason Thie old-faahioned Spruce Lana Farm Diane Simpson andl Janet Dryden adal at Bronta Crack Provincial Park ta the famasng touches to the dsplay gcarngatip for an old-faahioned whch will great visitora during the Chrîtma with pine conea andl bowa Chritmas saatn. dacorattng the farm hotiae entrance. (Champion photo by Tom ButrIBy) Joàuk votas "no Halton M P bal ks at constitutional resolution Speclal ta lTse Ciampion MP Bn iai ithe righin t uc pruperty as a basic aaist P Oto Jelijeit vtei ogainai the con- treeiose ual inclu in uthe charter. sttutoaa reaututias ia the Hause ut Communs tir. Jefnek s aid Cnadiano have enjuyei rights Weinesioy, sayiag he couol st suppor a pacitage an reedoma siace coalaieratiun Oruugh nu nOer clacis diinishei lise rgissaou freedomu ut Can- virtue tias tradition. Writag tisse righis doses adilas. dues sot necesarly garane tiemn. Many couo- tir. Jelineit, chu cas use ni 24 MPa chu voei ries, suci s ostOe Soviet Umion, have righls oud againut Oe resalutiun, sailise charter out îgis is iv reeioma enrenchei n charters, ibut Oai ions soi nul acceptable. "t elieveaitrongiy sisal wriing cer- imaure usai citizensahave Oe,' tir. telîneis sai tain reedama an rigisii tue charter mahes tOse is negalive voie sas sot agaisal ringing use rigis and reeioruawichsare soi arilles iuwn constiuionhme streseitMr. Jeines. "On Oct. 22, suspect is Oe future. 1im ose si og uai ce are 1980, Oere was o reolaitios in Oe Bouse itairing Ose loiug Oe i gts tataiare soi entrencissi ut 1m constitutions artaluCnada sejihout omeniing i ssaiut they ares no oner guaroteei.- auiithe adi1vutedin tavor oftOso"he saii. (7 Rl rm< (, Jrbn r'inyPc' r rýe r 1r n i-,.) Big Bras. tour Aeros draw weiI Regio . . Couacli...... . . iSi Bverai prvate pilota tuase 6 lise nae acuer ot Mitans Ittrsee- Business Brieta. .10 memisers outhlie Big Broshera rganîsa- îte B taiselisai agisifor misar sECOND SECTION tionuona turaoftiheares isy air. ura lu hocey adiltcameattwell. PageCl. Claaaiei Ads .. .....Bi-B3 peB.FItISTSECTION Dtline ..............B6 s stinUtPoliceislatter ..... _. 2 THIROSECTION InttheCourtsu. *... .. 3 sports.......... CI-CC,cg Th 'iis areas as supportai a aumisen ut Peaple inuar pot ......... 4 F05RT51 SECTION quamisaven tise years. Fr a tuaist Ourfteaiers Write ........5 Witertfasiin iay ....... .DI semeofthieeaffectu, tarna tpage 7. Polce service .........6 Betoee tise Wtlacs .....D7 Citizen honor to include clubs and businesses Bp JANE NMULLER C inpasReprler Iluisditticall lulsisgle oui jasi ose outsauiîsg cilizesni hs communily lu honor nocis yeur oui, cilhts in miai, OeMtons Chaser ot Commerce has nxaniai upon ils anusai Cilloens olise 'iear Avari 10 incluin tronne' caingorins The MitonsChaser of ComeerceComseuily Avonds cii 00 ou ouiy recognion uidivias, hut alun oustlaniiotcosemuiy orgosisalions.bhua seess people oui orcal hosinss as os ll, according lo comsiliencitairpersuu Lisia tiullu. A Mtonsreuieul chu ias maie n au ostusiu contrihution 10 te eomsessly. os a volualeer hosia. ciii ha iamni Cises of the Yeur os iu previous years.tiosîcias Joiy Buler recivei the Bosur os 198 Citizen ofthIe year" fon raîsîsg the stniaris ut music oppreciation in Milts, oui gîvisg fily of herseit. lier ime oui her masy talents lu share har lovean un toleige of musiec ils cîlizeus ut ail ages'said lstyear's commilnee hairman, Hers Croviher. A hsisesopersos, chu puaseuses leadership quoi. lies. hau maie os outtusdiig conriution lu te huassu esmmuaity and has maie Mitas a hattîe place ta il" ieniiiaise rereive us acari. omnueeas must he mesers oaitliseitos Chaser ut Com- merce ioqsolîly. A tihri avari viii houer a loral sos-profil organizaiion ohicis promotes an eveol lavourohin la the loess lu 1979,Mtons Hosptal Aoxlîary rer- niiveeCiizes of the Vear aasorias a groop hut tis ynar usai orgauîzaaiînou eli ailtia hîs nes caiegory. A busins wehch bas "put Mlton osntne saf' eill also be selece for an anual ard bginOiug tis yeae Acorinin a trs Mailmu, lise business must aiso have estabisbni obvious groclis ani bû a -godicorporalecitizn,"as ell as ha commun-s iy supporter. As esîlh lie bosiuesspersovavari, thenbusiness ciosn ms b a Milton Cbhabr of Cosemerce meseher. tins.Mllis esplaîniithe fbar-secoîtr seleclios cosemîlîne bas rompilci a lsi of prospective wn sers, batinpsf1ranstbe public' esoli haappree- alealSuggetnsc may be oabmile ai Tise Champ- on ofice, l9i Maian rMilou Chaocier of Con mrce inforiaio centrenonMartiniSt.or maile lo thn came ibrougb Post Office Ba 52. Wiouers esli hca ououiccil andl sameiis ibis newspoper ose vneb prior le the Milon Chameanof CammerenCammuiy Aeards oîgbi. Saiuriay. Ja.3,s91e dne n acbginig se p.. il hda t h in lbHlMilo MmoilAea ThmsponRd Santa needs your address Sant lu hndTheCaadanChmpo se ltes e abs elpi r. glu n m h ns cnn s ie t e e h s where to elive theigh prese'ion eeves- ng otfie .20,19ici haîer ituovî as Christmas Eve. "Dos i lonfel c esnîlr dovu usai celornsai- iress ounlise euveiopc an ih nîgsthuie leiler," Mes. Claus vas ieard cayiug is Ose bacitground, chite pre-alulfisg some alorkngs. And, Saula soys Ibere is s5h11lime lu sesi yosr lellers la olaas heipens ai liseMtou CisasenoaiCommerce. Mtonbs. iThe mail service bhalvonu Milton andlise Nonsh foin a sey Zooilhecsays -aimsocas good asitees- pecto Christmas Eve viii ha. 1 38 PAGES--30 CEN"