Wan toqut sokigLung group offers hope By Ke ll e rn atn, Mte u s hridain. ti ltaIt for -aYsminlaacroly Igapbenslvgaprctlait Hoar' ex emplfieuti l iaoo qi iat e doas p react iteo acaa Imokero n upacte lotol aicli toilait !d"oyabe ntrme, ,net,:y aure a-'olarwa. spor ucsau all iroli pllgit-lrytg adul ucld. urtanor afrald taforfait, aven for itaclta s yto ldvladtirgtdacaoa cigareltea. Ha cao taike thte group titrong . mira Armour coucheai athei cliolca but toae .uw laentlc sake.ldiypoiu cll atopa h ie =oerece aidsub tern aware of her major raie daosnt beglo uitil later. juile'ithsef beakigwhat la a- panlou, equclly emifterait by titeir fi a 1ati* batli, tintas for aia. But cocb lte 0cm, graop aith=ll fwii i potaliem thylig lkely face Hex elaiSte keopo l teeiore ctat wetit and taie inelliba bbil, laDudD mi ,ylat m*evi ascêl free tieii apl b attend aur ciocs bave ai drawal. ltitlog iulgfii v i lct euul o he ek i al, a Huiailiter labitl-f là t lnai salve ifln=l rituel tiriue t m- adalat itc hy've alraady made a malt- "Future dcliis could tMature titos who perleocen ora i t iraI cruel layso0f whenever tey'ra mithIn arn 'a length ut Bul ai t uig e Aa la bel th ok reallulln, thal Uiay can't do il claie," attended Uic Sheridan sesin. We aît wlthdrawul.' a cigarette' atar titat. te augec s ciaogn liiti sc ratata itUcaruet sald. Uiam la came bacb tosla ia. f alumaâ t:e Experts are alaa brougit ia la diacusi f ed hmt nwte a ac frcThed aera t eorce gaz bcdttlng u.agalia arno iate lIa For aime. tiha reallizaaun cuita cter clienlst a l at laamene Wita bau alreadY Uic pitymica cbanges asuaciuted ith mth- I ed ha uinvUe cac ilcatlai ,milva itantc,tl = t1-cclarece t p miab lrtomeUeyca olonger bae througi thUi rapen. People wail la driaia. Tbe Shteridan choic tealured a meUruiUcHaliLgAncla. icesuveclarJyiAoos c i rmaimiri i-mbr ouit the oumber ofainaes Uiay tclad la, baam abat la, eipect aid bow la prapara outriliaii lat hatp peuple cape ît their They bavesolld support for five igta bal, plaui attact al Joyce m r b tsoa at Uic ume f o-moe q but faallai,. lira. Armait iiyi oUiara themaielves for il, une eiplaaed. fIear ut weighl gai ht n itanUey quit Uiey monder mia'nt . Do Uic cravngs planrU cf sitakera mg attend Uchciesc mithout bavtag lrlad la lira. Anour rentis a gueal speaker at smoing", aid a pityniotitecapl ita gho ayItaucooarerebt lry. Site orgaies smoking wihrwl facito amobvos a tetrmented snkrSeia h rvdtb ra oae ok ihcinei rahn ehius hyne uha hnte'esatn 1iic liaaebl aenlhtUcOt ila ba condos la pcy Uic pries tin quibfoir. Tiey wattugieillastab, but outaibpavdaaaramaae titoc ta il tai mita Uiee sarg vliileu ofe SI..li Cam it ad nt tta thdec maetgi Uc a are cfraid. lisay den't baam minI la ex- bousier. A Buîlanglai mc ianh mai "Sitiera acally breutite baller bo- tuyt ywl ilaocaliaigar vlec pso hei ai ; h ay are tà-l SPo h u part . Dla an tint prembae Uial Uic choini forced teta Uic on-smoking babil" Uiree canna taey une mare of the lung vitai îthy wbao cris" tempt ttem lu atarI ugate. Uilag sin needa for Uic maak-long clirl er gctrifetgaiea tnl dc iccgrte l rinxi aidin mon ofa wthe labit.om itwow ta itarie dlfferent wMlflg particlias Bol, tour te sympmthy aid aider- monta. ao le ufrn eea er rwo iaet.I' eaigadms hywn "We schnJu1e four clinlas a par in staningtin Mcs. Armait"s minl. Site keami A weeit of nlgittly sessionsin la pt tait- cIfi.liit i the flrsl Uhiag ltey mli iaie ltey sllituain itiotua grapig for a ligil." ~btii~nonTE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY g,1981 Per eoc ilfFOURTli SECTION luI Emotional and mental motivation vouee.given inmates by Maplehurst helpers. Mapleltural Carcclanal Centre ban long itoated are wcioala aid lencitera bal valunleeri pravida cluitor cten launament la mccme audrli uoaoe rares groa la dapeîd on tat persai heig thare, au Uiay about las leacteol facdlie morituitoP aid neinal, ioaiethng stafficait I anmatgge oast unitae ioln fra rmadîtsi thï ieadar te eadd acaite ea r.Sinrfel hr r erassui h A former voluitear co-rdiiolor miith Guelpit Cor- pp-nra frint ~ aai the iemtes tUiia teacbar, -t tetl rvdaliecr nlCa ra, sm Siuaeri tînvolvamat in cor- providon ltae emotioac aid mental motivatin forten Mapleiturat oa rein a numbar of orgaiaid jait Sn teto tf ano lasg .rcies gcadmed aboom e aru Biledeuget. - matai lo go about btermgUiiernseliies voluiteer groupa aiglitg iram Alcaitolici Anonoiytus Thi isa rojcttha thivs o te cmmitientofaid youth groupa ta employietnt ita-hlp projecla "Etther Uiay doi't reaiztheUy can go noa uprion The prieur qualifirati fou volontar s muat h itacitelo ront the alr ileia Coleg Cit Tiit rîr ia iaiolautolie and Biible aludy classies aid ilart op a imging graup or camera club, or tey ority aid a seouroftolaity. aibceo ftelgate eoiganwCrs individuels mita pravido taeirn m nlie la tular tn- htave a lotlof muscoiceptinaitout imuai. in matie vsi wththemaor îtartup a hbby or raft Sumc peuplecomntenonce amweuiorthareuare telfproiUtl aeuctcibuai ieuseerdfpi ulhteJtHaad club. mho pay a nusit seneraI limai a mach, aid lirs. Skmn Unie alter mattuans Mapleiturt houais in " amea httenh r e a e u o Wey se trer. ua sitioncY site JoppHowd. ner, ~~~~~~~~~~~maties mita are yog aid sill have tae aitday la srehr. oit nKthne.a ertrseapid Approxlootaly 100 individulrnataro ram o maitasmateathi ese uiaid. 'Somelanai peopla fanl tey have taine qualufuid aid tramt as fac aay ant Taranto, aslat il th flic main goal la la, recruil people tram tae cn- medlaosacurity institutioas a voluilair. muiity te morit ai a aie-to-oie biais at tsomates. "Tity ire people mito got lureed nround ihe Buta o juil te lad tey have lived thiter luves aid nlot Ai aftercure ageocy for former amatie tae Sac- But iccarding ta oemly-appited valuitier co-ord- liiwc aytamliceoitdvlult iiag ridrrli"iety sp itdhe intec ate iiuceai ai mibta Guegph tnter Pamn Sinneîr, tae nmer lenoteo n wult ai tomate miauce faily hve ho tac amuy or ulnarisco a. mrtn ltlmteltrlnotajbu uii tere un a very ral oaci for mare citisens ta mark vul' an ntig od it o."Aitarramltti crtaSinne itiapcadlok spnte Cit en ocn ttheie part eode n Mutaiee isU hecial bai-tlCnte lt ltae tomate,. She ta ciinteeateul te tlndiog tone mita may lUte vlner ihacrankn fapeito. seepaie.Ms kne o eie nMlo ihhrbs "Witi Mnpleiturst'i iduil training centre tere te affor ilacir si i te tabby area, boita camera "Titey ventl tamr ath lad gluvai." Isumates enoay te campantosi of sumeune and baundafter muvingl te tuan une ya ugo. Thisvo/un teer saîys she etreats inma tes same way as her sons Whci Jenny Stodart mud buta of Sout Miser- oIes a day, fine days n Hec grateil satus- Mapleiturst'" Teaciting lthe yauog movci ta Miltai tree ina-ai iraist rheca men uh aacitwoing at te- faction, itomever, crmines atnm o men toreadis vital,iite yaagwt ber hua- mitece titi native palice maties ai a uia-lo-aia tram hitanîd watch- Tecrctnmfo sîrenuai. band aid lau leciaga dido't enteratoc fear ut basoîn iag ai a doterminai allit the cra aista "DE I thunit Ilmail in vory sn rmQuetec, &tc oiong teir lves. «îyt~~o~ den1 matie pragreit tni cemedlal eg Baei-dliuIl ocinoI moun tra husm readii ltreial miling, praa uiiultt nitio site- nesitn e u ta d tail do In Hong Kang, atc iad aid ltaI aomaiia mouid hi edn. m n rtn rga side witituut reiding or bahterwo bu t sh mure baite"aidwn ta help tem muit- -- an someane camnes BLADE stands for Artnd siltl, Ute sare hdnolthitg ipecifir la City", an ie aremal- ouI bitcig poid ta do sa, i and can't caad a mord. B"And 1ierc forl Adt arre u. mted. houai for itorhoriog fug- site raralied. marbn bird and maite a D ieva fr aid ut Wortiie Ste redeivai i tai.- iies, agala in a ciite . Altugit some hadway, i gel a great ituailopels ant nud u Tite lesnu frequeilly = woieca W oatoc mah i lt tita atear, adi fdn u iinn tapes, enerciies and end- caver alter lapicî suct lidg it mia uid i it ai. aid t ae laiiter site site snid. tests. ap n ci u al lae tai So whe a poition aid mail ara qulted outlli- urîmgt if oeha Maoule t umtia iilii fiai lu cala upun ber lu "We had oie student fie course couers surit the uames af locations anstoate s lied . Mapleiturst ma ottered, help if site is availible. came un mth avec 20 iigh thingi ai udecolaudina 'ucally, îtey baie a itrtail.~ thora mure "no reoer- If anyîuuîg, han ocitaul craitsin luract- directions, uning a dic chance ta learo n lot Site jumped aIth U ic n nlai anl", site natd. prine ban it ou 0 cal courses, it ie tiunury, tillin ut formn, aot1f'st cd upprtul1 ai batr il nu preoacaivad lten eitea. in -my couidolt raad a ltind. iutecprelung laboli aid cumplatig a ouccensiol ideas about tae tomateu. "ey tendittardug ud udr Mced ahond teevcaiie UajbI juil mel la miUi an cmu as mucit, aid if' "Once enralladiun te slaning a neaspaper. KeIt, aith lau sous of moritg t tae ln- open mlad.' titey do, tay apologize. maiding, he lait lappadit Audcem, 17 aid Robert, maties maiy ot aitom Mont of lte men site They oflenuopen tae daura ap aid yuu caald tell be Appraratut uf Mcs us, Jenny Sladart han more onabIe ta cend bot- fon me. - ain't gaiog to bo hach isn dat efiarte came in atiter inlerielas ti aes elpo are ltae saime aga aisietmuamae u ieu eiru t leais.han eldet mon, 17-year- tue, dognofai wn pad- Sei ebro h Ste itad neyer taugitt old Andrca. site nola.qeuei; ad- tce befre.cnafai iy tte studouui, Chrisin u group,7 itefare. "Titey hava ltae saine Y~éI R f atuer site baid maried ut Bamiaîsll m miteri As im portait raIe . W orking as n volunteer at M plahtarit playn a crucial roue i n t hse miA tram e B r eito d M i r st a s rai etc. - Ie Iceal me M a s fSoe y euen Churc i s e M aun temb devrlopmetlt ofi mnny inmitou, un thesr veoman arr ure well aire. Jeniei Stodart, lait, Stadart did have tae tem un lte saima may I n Soasme ofame Iras itead m rChur ctcha ir snid oif Milton, has bren teaching inmates ta rend for the past titrer yenrn. Pum Skinner, advaitageof many yeas Ireal my mais. ', lld friyra ihtecuc hi n Undf thoete bruvsinad ehd s site ree sit omm a aefu liotI right aino ofMilton is thse newly apitdvountrer co-ordinitor ut the medium- ai voluter aiporieuca. Lce lit dueai Oflb y ma eandme cr sibrt~rp security norrectionni centre and in nctively cunvaiing for more citizens ta, volunteer As a irse site itad ut a staft teinter, Mms rto, h ee-sosi omte fta t h e ir - e o r k e d in a c l ls uc l Utae S t d a r t s p e d s 7 5 m uin-- b e r s h r . Gambr An ymous heips out It's 'heads you win' but heads you lose Gambuers Anouymtasinl Tarante bai i ihople taak. lMales are railricted itamevar, in tat finalti memborsbip ai opprutamataiy 6S men Ha lisa liingtexeample and uscabisaum titey do nul have hc lreedam te attend te 'Gamitieru escape iotoua dream aorid, a tram aiu walin ofllea iram tae very mail- experiecc te haip tera mort trougit fourmweakly meeings hcld in Toronto, or ta fanlaiy ahane they dom t bine todeal mth afftt lulte very pour, frum a comimum titeir dlilculliai. pick up tce pitone la speak ith lU meone tae problemi ut everydoy living luborer la a itigtiy succienful cumpaiy Farly-ana peia aid, ta joisci te mitai ty teel tiha ited. 'Aid yuu don't rieline 700 are ltera eeutive. orgaihollaon cimialiaevel yearsacga, iflar 'fiey are cestcicled and aImne anUthaI aitil you came out. Tbey ail bave une ting in commun; te 1 oycars ofbacd gamitg spelled tinaicial cani bhrd," ha said. Gambiacn Anauymaai inn lau distinct uucanlralluhle tendeicy ta ididge te nomn- cuite, dcnlcayed bis nali.cateemn aid tinally "We alayn racommend tcy gel la as goals pfflsive ugambliuf arve bus famiiy umay. many meetings as posile." ficy sel ouI ta deal at lte compulsion th WIhen t arnv walkrd out, that suas it, Heupif unrmoues duesi't pravude bues tafgamtueand arres tea oiutonand they l",c ,c atte"pt MttaCh her nimhe hua t g"e" Tar.onuan Mute titis baut mme 1 imenuuthrugh 4yel oflteil but uuul t a he .iwhioua ai wa u . .. - ýs omulled lu protect bis idoitity) hard a i admitted t bah a praiticm, there an'in divuduel aid i lhrm out tce tarI te us place. Mapiaiturat immate bahl re<iieted itclp, te aiylitg tal cuid te dame" ucreae. W aeîneoTcictsada u dilont lttit imice af eiterlag tae cor- Ha aoi't ay in e lacurd-deapite tae ldonilyiig Uic probletn lac a aisiy rapid gamitling. fie second halt booba afler rctianai croIre, tact tat te hasnoat cul ane at or "evai pragren, ie utad. learin te tuisoftlife and hoa lu acquire I bah nu appreitenali ut cumlng tare. I Slipped for a cuolen" shoce ha jolned thc "By sincing aur steny aid tae thlngis me tem.' fuît I hitd a raipoouilitty ta brlng thc ps-o- group. inve die, lte pecaan miii tem teel te com Of te 1l tomates Mite tii paraoially gram ta sumneuae mita ma aakng for 'I1 bave cbsated for six-aid-a-hait relate ite ilaay. itelped, lau bave beam surcesia int ait- inip.". yaa, but yuu doi't ever tedl you are 'Itle te saa mach a malter of tellig, ai otainisg. "fildumînt matten mitera tepermonin. la citai" tucit un saig." flic ato 10 reluried ta flair additi. tore la a mach, you inlp.' inaces are litle dlfferesit hrom aiy- "Witc you stop gamitling aid yuu baie ý'Tiayaere mut torongly conncedai liait mas tuve yeims &go. Binas thon te body aime wlth thae s-. problm, te said. made Uic persoici cummlthonent te stop, lin morita ut living il np," eiplaed MIte. Z . bas camne ta lte aid ut 12 me and ium flaey ane pcs-inpé alitle more dae- Ualte in hnacli the scara are rlpped open .'Some haîve ta go incit out tara aid lry itoldo aeekly meins il Mapleititit for sie more appminive abut admllaing aid thc amuotienal hala couses oil." Il agate - teeeted tomatea. te lini alainssa H mine bu otpol h ave ait Ha tigures lau tramn 12 in "pstty din Atemomet tereta se theewohae "Butaamaio'tfos-ce ati i e lUsait, g=mla doi't uidsrand a t ni- go- otr tces d cwntevnfi o of camte farmard toa uni for hie inlp. la Uicy doit frely admit tnahaea od. le HeaillimitaaaonePpr cent ufthei ancrage Inîthe cip of Toronto Uhal mauld put il i attlutr ami eueI Teruad ta, cacovarY tram abat ps-oblat, the ps-ognn ment doihm cîy 'Wiat causes c penion tu aml anin pplai are comipulsine gcmrblcrn, ha ll aaiisointeiy2200cmusvgan "Iold' fr twneas i cr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h anc emtnitihas a i ad i s al living laday la su very di- withrace bone, gamnes, tLu Vegu ar itIena. wo ud pot me rigitt io ncit Uic Irea