Lob Lwswith every 150. order senior citizens $25. re Lot" V%-7details in store Wdinner 4.09 value at Ponderosa or fe 3.90 value Frank Vetere's spaghetti& meatballs. Canada gradeAbqeeye reo"5 i outsicle rounid steak or roasts L mJ"b lb. Caaa gNadeA'hmtpi" Seiss Chasttoý-rV- &1j. sîze jumbo roasters lb. The Canaiein Champion. Wed., Mey 6, 1981 C5 Cie fran Carit grade A eal r mmbots lb Ca rare Caeadegrae. A b..l SWe*bwrllrror steaks or rsita lb Cet IrMrrCandagrade A eat famHlysteak b. fresldy grossi isn ground beef IL preraeeat rozas chickenlog quartors b. prealesly rozetr sicai pork lver lb zlggys sfted 37g summersausaf g3 zlggys slcai eUro»n bogna 3759g ouropen biom pkg zlggy slicai cooked ham cunilet meat pies 17b g pkg. 30 oz. p5g. - 3n3 248 2.48 2.48 2.48 ram 1.53 .98 - .40 .38 wm 2.78 2.48 1.78 1.38 ra 2.4 1.98 ore gren&rcl ~ e19 or brewmr& MW t box 14 Uncle Bons rie 1429g14 Nabsco cereal wa 1.37 bran crunchies bo 1.2 Frac Roses unlleactreito w» 3.8 35kg alpurpose four beg 3365nJ rriaronsra calm. osairuitorecceamels w 249 12 oz NOIlOn cafdy ce iv kilg . 2 a 33 Mllea sanitmlch. en aino rm wilelberry cdhhovey 16 oz, f CoUntry Hsrietbread bela 6 Viv, al colours, (2 ply paper towels drinkcrystais Grecs Giant, rozeni lasagna Soies. suprama, (d's) McCain pia 2 rol 100 g tin box 17 oz. box 2.59 1.53 'n 275 2.39 del,750m 10 fi ~z fifreumaba b e China Lly piecs & ste s <300 daepo f a product of US.A ChlaLjý'ie s&strs total lmit 6 biles par Stai ypurchase II sh I calto îagrw mushrooms pepsi-cola s t ra wb"0 o err ie s was »69waa wasa .N1Aws P Loblara bonaeleascochait was 2M78bb smokod .acfl dinnerhams b- %- oi=rm Cnaarad A bea was 2.68lb. stew beet b.98 Wai froer Canada grad A Sean ras 388 bL fast fry ln"iderond éb.2 flO cube steaks l previously frzen mes .85 bL store psciged% , turkey wings b.oW Sli ait 500 g ptgmes 21 ZImys 4 siue bacon 1I8 rznBgM alr trn cooerd mas1.75 haddock 8 oz fish trie s .£2 cheese 9gozbx % Loblaws OUi cetourrd,8 oz pkqg mss1.53 1 cheddar .4#M chees stix 1.39i -ecaÉy wee eil varraSas 4W0g bag was 1M6 biscits 1.49 1 L ptasftc bIlews2 9 St. Lawrenoe 1mas .2 corn o0l . Lobiws, 1)0 bagwes 1.53 biscuits 1I1 bread 'n ner or sweerret me as 13 Heunz 5Mm ai 9 pickles SOrlr. #D.owntefresh, 100 mL tuba mas 1.9 toothfpaste 1. 29 Tasers Choce. reeze driait was 6.59 instant #à coffee ,o. ar 6.29 8 07 93lx tea hags r.anondvA Fa~n renriîkle :as 1.13 srsghtlor countrycut 2 lb.polySbag É ^ trench tres -.99 CoriB.C. oC r USA aitralaiey gade wes 78 bo rdor golden l doudcous appleslb proit cfUSA. W'" leffce 59 GeUSA pound 13 produc oUSA. was 1.29 papaya each É,99 prdJlof USA. as .59 ea. Canada #1 grade, 9 /In C cucumbers &% =rO'oUS.A. was 1.19 broccoli u %0 9 Bearce fr ifbottom - YOgurt 500 g lWb~ Couintry Harvms, 16o.ý. ioat was .85 1000/ stoiemille11 6 bred.6 no acumulion of cAsh top«s - Nh qm ms us. cr I Gainsborongl, frozen, (3's) vues 1.75 piesheils E g.1.65 brigemixture 12 oz01.55 Bar-Tesiar's, ailtvvenelles c.a1.49 cocktail mixes . 1.39 Kraft vues 233 miraclewhip la,2.21 Mr. Clees was.22 liquid elu L Pbu..2.12 =ouritrdetergflt box 4.15 Bouace w».4.75 fsbricsoftonr he6oots 4.49 Waaucare aat. aaide ea A n B wes.29 1 ipair Il panty riose pkg.10 soltsoao, ail colours, as.2.49 Iqud t sppiesbt .2.29 MiNi Plus 6,exta rrchror nrmal W" 2.55 S225 mL shampo 2o bile.21 Blei Diamnsi ngle tlus 50g plis We L proeSu cheefood s1ces1 .44 wftma arie ub .89 Naison ail Slavoura cas 1.53 sherbet ub 1.23 Country Harvest wan. 95 granola bread l6f .75 proitact of US.A.California 4 lb- navel oranes bag 18 produc oflSeSh Alia Canada #1 grade bosc pears pound .99 Mclntosh apples'ie lOag i b prodact of US.A eggplant pounit .59 product of U.S.A.Canada #1 grade tomatoes cellapkg .88 'Was' prices inIhis adt rater te Loblaws reguler Selng Prrce. Prices effective te Taes. May 12, 1981 axcapt bakery efflective le Sel. May 9, 1981. Stoso eseve h. igh talimt uantitie«. *'r'*'~' *.~r..r..,...re. ~--~-..~--.... xV a steak %'ocer f foTus.Wed. onlv wi'0ore more meat ». :values 1