C4 Tha Canadin Champton, Wad.. May 6.1981 Dairy caif -clubs open '81 season ilIe . U- n Sa muDay t the ial ind Atir 'Wbat am d uemuin wua iliabn of Pinta twnnDW «We l uOa Idoine 44 Praidsent ofb. laine log wu dien dv od es oksdtod Jin aad "'P ide inteego upe . and Junim W.d iterbld e daIte tae . a n e Im me. -UVpside-down P/enty of littie helpers_ Wben Pinevtew School Gr. 2 closse vtated lilton Mueum et Kelso Shawing off her beodstand during o viejt to Thureday to plant a European Snowball plant in front of Uic log Halton Museumn, Kelso, te Pineview Gr. 2 robin, Uic donor Elly Tuitman of Tuitman'e Garden Centre, Ac- sudent Sarah Howitl. She stoyed up a long ton, had lota ofheer.S av the studenta a little lesson in lunet . -0 tre planting, then tle chidren -did the job--, Child's death somnetimes greatec mental stress form, parents are by Stve Anold old amb is of altns Tre nif the Fsrîng the desti ot Family Servire Bureau snnoriation'n group lead- 'hiîd con cause tinO aOempintitOn deal rs operate in ativilte. depression and nrsin niOh theloea of a rhild iln Dr. Fleming ai o fresier ihan ihai o mme mre dittiridi hn any rcn td f6 ae mental ilînesses, acrord- atier torm f airrni led y ofthe as ng teaîleading expertiin ereavemnenî. ha/e hyieso- the fied. Sosedin Toronto, the imusc ahowcd 66 mohers Sereavril Parents hut only 14 ialhern ie- Dir. Sephen Feming, Asociaion provides lsd- volved in pragramn. psyrhologicaîiconsutatn ividual asi grr"ýP "ThaO sayn a lo ahout tv the Oreavcd Parents consetling fur parents the nay ne grieve," tic Assoriationof ni tiona nd sihingn. vtsd, hut sdded hai Motorcycle training at Sheri-dan Sheridan Cllege n aand ceriied heimelt'Persona ssrrcaafutty otiering Ots paplar provided hy the coltege caanpleting the cmurse Moorryrte Training pro- and sinpend t8 housnof wnu nurpasthe icening gram for the fîrni lime in Sic 20-tour cosrse on a requiremenOn amd may Haomilonostsrling May tbe. henefilt(rom redumes 23ý Appiirnts muiste16 innorunce premius The corne invoivea yeasnot age or more and Fee for the course is $W. two neekensi sessios shoutd nese hesvy long For turOher in- andi regirants rasigo leevesi jsckela,. hue formation conact the up fnr anc of ia enions jeans or heavy siacks, Csmmsniiy Services ovalahie during the letier work gloves and Campus iv Buringion, ommer. Sarlîog daIes hesvy duiy letier 2319 Fairview Si. ai 039 iclude May 23, Jmne 6 foolocar. ai00. and 20, JuIy 4 and 18, and Al esins ffrd nBiIIy Goat greets co-oess;ion woirethe willbc ive ~niit kids on farm tour Buîidng 33. Prkinag Loi iiy obby Witani, tn al his pear ne have Noý 7 rona.m. loi Andy wanrdnand hasn viid dairy,hef.nsheep pm. roct day. Russell. and cash crrp tarmn. We Thte course, asghtl y On Wedocsday, Aprf il tiskon hon important experievrevi rertifiesi 15, the tGr. 4s ni Mrin the tsrmers are Onous nairoclors. sresnes the Si. Srtiul wenl laothe non. higli degree of silI rancti stieafarm va fthers face oher pressures in handling heir grief ahout a bass. "Il seeos tisO if a mas eupresses is griet heyond sis asrhitrat'y peiliketc30 dayn, that tacO seemn la flad ils way ntOnthe csmpany per- sone] files und il han heen tnna Onaffect laer opportumitles tor promotions," he said. 'Thatkind of tilg tia arc tree commsnly rap- nrted respensestOn the Ions ot a rtiild, inrtsdlag feelings ai excessive giot, ailempls tOnsati- site for the dead rhidd ad exreme proer- livensin ot ssy rcmsinîng rtildres. Gili, tic aid, ras Onkre many forma, "btslsome parents have heen koown la refuse tOs taaotisO te childt hcy imosterasa tey ieel 30 guity abutu il I "They have also tiean tnna 10hernme exres- sîoely proierlive nifte remasning rhitdren. They are lnay0 anous herause lhcy fteltOh00 noohing is sale sny longer. " Dr. Femiag said ha1 n order on survive grief, Thank-you gint Milton Rotary lub aeked the mentalty handiape students at E.C. Drsary l-Schoolto-stuff enveopeulolr lear'a-Easter Seat campoign. and tic close finished 10,000 of tbemn in a record four daye. In apprecietion, Rotarian Bob Scott viited the close lest week and presented an AM-FM radio, tape deck. Confie Con- nelly and Mr. Sott try out the radio. St CARPET told Living Room., D 'yoa have tniearn tnbe selfish for a while." Ai mome tiote yaa have On say ya're gaing etUOaa in stop and loetaire - f wy3,1 while." 901300K Prohiema, hooever. NOW AND yornncen ohamper efforts la cape SAVEI F nit grief, he naid. Dr. Fleming drew necM exampie of a waman wha "appeared lti ecocpiag wel" hhe recSenlan of aeblld.: l* ihraugh her n a r;a8, rantine, "tn b nigbl ik . nhe sat dawns Ondo anme 5' ncoing and maulda't Ond [W WWW her himbie. She crrîd for Ina haarn aver ha." "When poare ryng la deal niih namethmng thaï,i n apping ail yaar nlrcsgth, tice11011e ltiingn can realiy desray yen." he aid. A rereai aurvcy akn. of people an the nreci, he naled, faund haO mml i peope el il noutd anty laIne Olem Otwa eetin la recaver tram the dcatat a laved one "and tal kiad ai expeclalian cao realty recale social presnure for peepie ry- ing ton deal wiOh a dcaOh. "Thiedeat fachildinla nametig ihaO yaa caver gel aver," hticocnctaded, 'lin ns omeOliiog 0h00 yaa leare tOnlive nit." coredlvo prate a Sites Ave. nntnrcycle in a cehîrle- Bily Geai met on. Mr, dnmnaird envrsameni uand Mrs. Branchi m 2tcctaQus Participats nîli leara 10tt h arîîs nhere oeP the hasic' and advaced sun many itieepad shlîn nf rnotrlyte Isets. Same mre very aiety ond operation. yousg aad ove nus just novh" as blanciag,bOrn ttat dsy lroiof, raid tarting, Someof usiedlthe stinpînt ear hanginge tanisnwiOth ayhottlcs. signais andi shoulder Mosi of te stieep Ici us checks, sion rîdisg and pet hees tit sme wr patteror ding. Aso in- ton scared. cloded in tne instructions At the end oi aur viSîl nit On troficîrbehovior, ne ocre raiesi taire ~ coltisiono oidunre, crean aad contins. We derision nutiiof, andi rertsinly lcarned o loi dealîng nilt obstactes. ad apprcriaicd te Eah stdtnwitl anetiidesof the BranctihSsad the use of s notnrryrle 'stiepherds"mmC ~A HEALTHY LAWN jCrIl.U BEGINS lst PRIZE $10000d flZ[5 vascatite qaiy 3rd PRIZE $25oe topsoit and hlart toues for the lama Ballotsa avallable from ai Mal Machantis you ne atnay detamnesiof. ion as ORAWSATURDA MAYSAT4.0 PM LME ShppngCetr 1 x3x8' 2x2x8' 2x3x8' 2x4x92%/ 2x4x96 2 x 4<10'- 16') 2 x 6(8'-16') WE RE co-oP .00efi .09<fI .1lt. 1.42 emia 1.42 amhi .21 It .29e t. A VILUAMZ TECHIICAL TRADE Thes Canadien Foccea ollIpay and tranin you la anyanaa, f ialiy onainadtaden. Tha Canadien Foesaltoanaler au tha apotte-Ozavat-and tam oabuata yo'Il eyan iin ileof.na vantuitaand nanarity, and t elda ihat goa« oitihinwing and using a valuatiOn nae drill. lor more Information, riait the Canada Empiopesent Centre, 310 Main Street, Miton, tant Tuesday of each month (9 a.m f0 4 p.m.) or return the coupon. You may asmo cai coitect- 416-523-2750. Hmonntai Lp n .it.m iemltn OaeaLPtfmm*abotàTIa iT-d..c-,.m sth- C-"-m oF-. Pl-..-mi - i 000, Spruce Lumber Sale 1 x615'- 16' 2 x4110'- 16' S2 x 618'- 16' '4x 4 x8' 101-16' MINI TIES .2Pte .6411e 'lITmES KENT rT & UPHOLSERY ýM CLEANING Dining Roorn and Adjoining Hall 1145«00O - 878-1870 FREE ESTIMA TES m/ter of the Ml/on Chamber of Commerce SPRUCE DIMENSIONAL LUMBER WOLMIZED PRMSURE TREATED ESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMUT QUAI DIfflm W'fl a& .Fnl B"t.oay, M"y 7,8,9 VIUTOIJN AIN CNE PO AUYOun ANDENM N M AT THE CORNER 0F BRONTE AND MAIN STREET hý ý-. A-là