Brownies' sa/e rai$e$ fund$ for bus to camp O ecSOSoO t ita7Logan, 7, cou k. ýloffer Fishinls easy here He got one!lýa, There wass sfish every Urne st thse fisis Bobbing for spswnmoedffci tsnrsowne os l od operated by7th Miltoo Brownes tsa Mike Byers tougist, but ie finslly got one f1 os market and lames nlght lunt week. st Use Brownle g amesn right, Tise event ROomos Youngsters were lined up to participate ralsed $90 towsrds bus conts to talce tise Mn iMp and win smaIl prizen. girls 190 camp. ArÀoson, vadalism, theft: t could happen to you A group of Milto0n business peopfle gof several good flessons os pr tcisg Ibomnelves fýrom ec.rsoo, Oieff, vanda- lino, burgfary asd robhery Wedsesday eveing. Usforlosalely, rg- aoizero wre disop- polted 11901 ot more buoiness peopfle mre os basd 0o, hre io Oe hsowledge Mltons Chamber of Commerce orgooized the Busne0sso Protection Sem80ar af the Optimist Cetre, and onf y 20 peopl e otendeof, represetisg 18 busineses. Five gut speakers lecred briefly os vorloon reas of business eority durin8g Oie eveong. Chamber soretary Mrgret Brgesosid ohe woo dlsapponfed ih thecornooot The cosl of119e tickes mos hept 80 o reasoable level a0187, whicb incloded o hot hoffet and sofad bar, bol the Chamber ecded op so8idising the eveisg due 10 1the fou ttes- donce. 51e aid t1e Chomber had tried brd to self tickets, and bad pI ossed the vlgbî for o Wedns- doy il suppertione for te cooveneoce of Oe busnoss commooily. Chirmoo Paof Looergoo said t! tw05 800 bod more people dld'f oo s il mos n ooisfor- mative rvesisg. "Evei'y. body learoedsonmetisg here toigh,' 1e nom- mcd op. 'f hope il bon 9been an worthwhilfe f Lyou (tie audience) an if b an te, me." hilton Fire Chief Jin Colonn fstared os arono and vandalinon wblch, 1e said, wsre os Oie grow in Mille. 1"t'n a big problen 8 inte cties nom, and its cooing bore ton. We basve one or two cafla a month that are pure vanda- linon." Children are mobly responaible for vanda- 180m ires, he sald. "'1'eyj dont eno 0reafize Oat1 oflire they net could hrs your business down." lb. tlirs depetonn's role la no lone Oisf of firefighin8g, be ponted! out. 111e dsparfmsnt's main hsfnirn8008the fed of ire oevent ion. "Weoare wlff8g 80 train your empfoyees aod give yoo Oie secesaary infor- mation 80 maite yoar premises momre sale. fibe police and ire deport. meole mil I co-operate1 wiOi yoo.t 'A properi y secared, well lit property 80anoter1 froon Oie arsonist. Ad If1 O vrti80b yorised us, we are ef yoor ser- vice. He cfoged wi: *'We woufd roOier corne ee you Moday tu Frldoy Inb oormal worhlsg cfOie, Oas ef 2 .m. tome9 Friday or Sofurday slght1 and bave nme boof esev 1 for everybody." Conftafle Br80s Prisgle of ton N Reglosaf Police sieo pfedged co-opertios froon tondepartnsin t prevent os of crime. At buoseso pers osofl aoticipote asd rerogsiog crime, thes laite stepi t( prevenf it or redoce lbt rlob, he said. He showed oasflofe show pointing est thafoise, vislhlflty and lime ari Oie Oiree boy efeensts 80 hsrgfary andf hreah-is Thieven mont 80 redoci al Oiree armsa. The foinrOi incet in oppor- tuslty. Mihe West of Chohh apuhe on key costrof asd showed sliIdes os orgos- 8080g yoar business 80 prevent loses. Colisnlient ot Metro- pofita suase s.npnhs os life and busnesin- surance, portserstop asd corpnratios agreemens. H8e argeo al]busness people in have oamilIaod boep itop 80 date, 80 assist heirs in estate planning. A business cen dis' te- grole il the ufffdoes sot spel outhow itla tfbc basdfed on Oie denOi of Oie ouser, 19e morsed. H8e f o spohe os groop lfie inouaoce. sou availahfe for tirons wiOi as feu au Oiree eoi oyees,snd shouedofilon onscapitl n eedo asolysis. Cholisoan Paof Losergos mrapped op Oie evnng wihoaf0119 os casoolty asd business Isorore , fiohility, tire and horgfary coverage. Rend tbo fin0e priot os yoar insrasce policy, 19e worsef. "Il la ourpr8isg bau onony busineno peopl e dosI osnderofosd Oie hisd of inoorooce tbey bave." It's time to send Mom our FTD icj Hucj;E$ouqLict. Mother'sDayis< Sunday, May 10 d.oedceraic 00,3 (id wodh bîootfil tftih ForM m to 0 t)0) Also for Mother: R.lou.o, ". h.w.sf ..t loun, FI. g 811,v 9'.. Pvlants .. lA, ankod ded arrangemenvts - ROSES THAT LAST FOREVER -1,) YOocm fot nt to bOe itn. oei MmVÀ8784U1 He of on sggentod ooyose hoviog o note oo Oie premisen shoold heep itlforhed ot aillIien, even darisg oormaol orisg boars. on "visible sigoas force" bot o "strano dinoppeorooce"is n covered hy vaolt i srosce, 1e poisled ou A qoestiood a000 AN EXCITING FREE INTRODUCE TODAY'S MOST C M"CRQCQi ORGIN SERI The Canadtan Champion, WndMay 6,1981 C3 Delay staffing report to May 13 Asnr of fenne fens i clfbeg-Jobson ntifaboot May 13. viile neho, ceonpfstedi ens ' si bofd Op Half Report Nomber Three 'fli third report la con- Oie basic structure of Oie oîoc i otopri.înplemasbtltos plan, H shelthe"e008 p a/t n v sas il sels domnspe "tIlore are a mriro Haito shel ips tics of uhat must bo foone ensenod detados dose aod uho mon l ht b101f oufld mieeau 0 0 moved, in order in have comnpleted belte Oie re- S special tw acners Hlooreioafgover-port 80 sohonitled80 coin- ment roo more cf' Initices Hflo rs 05etees felcaremorbers. fcety 'lelowed n short of hlrong 2o scu Tie board motion oi dîcicotly 'Tho lo foefmistm tc.ichers for opeciat hire eight elconotary l3iscocs'os ofthOe dld ocr oa ecoon uhile goong tenrhcro and 12 high report mos t8r have lobenstrite ndithep e8 ohmad uli t goging fsmoesohoot teochers udo tahI- place thif ee um bot9>- dorct ie of pe.r oilier cioosuionof s Moo- cd. If bircd. te bord foie 11901 c ud leppen dîfmeont onnpemtotfc- day.mofld puy thcsalories, 180fton C80ef Adonu mcnstoesopfsoneo Haillon Board of Educo- homever, iers mosld b80 00mb, Deonis Perlscitini pe e Oe tien miilf proreed wiOi Oie no reductiof intheOicpopil. mos n develop on impie- nie Admiistration hirlsg of a reglofored tencher-rato. mcltatioo pfanon hou and Finnce Committen th9e thîrd report oud bli e t dent todoy rni Mr. psychologiot, tour Fuodcing for oilthOe pro-ptit prto. Pri' eus o poychoedocaîiosof posee'ostffoddotiooo ttooeoionsPortoalns reqtensifor a associâtes, o social vmritten lootohOic ourd's Mc.Perfin salit at May 13. morber osdirise chiof 1981 budget. Bowlers ready METROLANO APPOINIMENT Milton Laun Bowfing Edgar Foscer os Clfield hefOcaonuof spr- oecrctary Comonîttces ing meeting aithOe Cfub mcreuseetrîd fvr 1i511i 'dly o ys Homge os Mosdoy, May 4 ouidn't rest cuddllg ie h a toit heure inle TbClub has serco Wel digte atnace.ibe Cfuh ib ry hmtboolig grooms and ered for sale aut a flou hegbe Oie oeosonSoau- laSin00position 8tobc oc ne nes night Miltof 's 7th do , Mayn9ai 8.30 p.m. meonhbers. Ail are mot- t week. The evfent was to 8f Brows Preslided as corne il corne and por- ' tbus to camp. president, amisted by ticipote orîosrve. DR. DAVID JOHNSON 85 pleased toi announce the I commenscement of hie-practice for KEN NUGENT Murray DSkinver. 0,cchoftMarkting tCorfflati Salc es les o noinovthef00 oeioof ofenc General Dentistry Nug007fes Odonl,5,vg Manager CCueuatesaSles toc Mnvrolsvd. sa goolýoccu g hoevouipsîn sof MO)ciov c. ihofand coblnvîvo L)d and (0)000 Poblishivg Co Ltd 351-353 MAIN ST.,MILTON Mr Nogentist vv e s 0poiti onva00.01v o) - --km: b,'u)dgesiv the c00000737 vssscoen, ielid fdoog as of May 1ist, 1 81vost eetlOty 000vAdverisvng 0îccto, o) The Of Msiooo.gaN:.. ige Office houes bno oppointmsnr riohevo Oeilservice Possib vle o ao dvecses rjol o.ehvg Io 70070 lt vOimpovantomarket0700 in- suroni0g Toronto Put. ~~M Nofenctis looaedoettheMoroluid CoroioioSales wer ~878-2872 or 2873Ofie10TmoAeuWlwde O RAVI COMPLi IEM CONTEST RU LES: 1. One fee draw forimili bn g ve o ery poo'î ho hasparticpate mine pp vxialy e onstion ofIthee 't ti owMicooi 2. This isto be 8,116ed imad sigoed b le nratvcluding: fll tomber -the,, deposited in the Baldwin Draw otanr 3. FoIomvg theclose of usnesSatoday, May 30, 1981, alI coplet fomnc'ded directiv the Baldwin, Piano Co. (Cana~da) Ltd., Domvii 4. Oomtforpo Ml be olleed o tetopracontansas o,,thei liSiE Cânca, Central Cnada adEastern Canada. 5. 0. Mondhy, June l5, 1981, a reprisatativof the Peat. Marwi % 1, Chmtmsd Acounotaffs Company Company fil dc.s thrip,(3) wcon,, 0f Baldwino M.C.O. Oroani Mo, il) , oWeernCanadneil foCetral Canaaad one t1) f Retail valuoe nsh orger, j$3. 00 6. The bov metiboed da ll ake PlOce t the BaldwinPiaoCo.1 National Head Office, ilb Norfloot, Drive, Doworoew. Ontaro M3 7. Doog the meek of u 1, 191,.th arsad addewsofthe th be dvertdi he maor newspîpt nal ii nCanaoda prsn Baldwin, d.alesipi. 632-5131 ýNEW 1N V -O -ETE ORGANS IPUTER t ir li)) Sdonet, t ogh the localdealer. tir repcieaes-loYecîoand her famo,),tîof The Baldwin PaooC.. Cand) Ltd, ad thc deale Miceladtn Th BaldinvPaoCompany (Cavodal Ltd. vs w10Orespctto tI, is uliOO ootest, padthetees rcquitd iv,,tueof teLa,,tRestin g Lottee, cng vPublctV frmEsenCndo. i. n o0mpa eIaiîîv te co0duct ofthevoprcsnt contet tor the oooî,dinvof the pr ce 80 besulbmitted t10the 'Régie des loeries et cooses du )Qoébec" IN Wý9 1TrosvntatsvovsoOnoes are dîovwl b u,îe oMo,,eot aSkffT.shng 13ga1dliTn 752 Guelph LUne, Burlington ILNCE DIRMCT@RY I F.W.B. FITZGERALD INSIJRANCE] CLEMENTS & NOBLE --TH 216 Man Si.,Mi lio, Ont.INSURANCE AGENCY ITO. ON R inE Sf, MiltonNT Ont.4u '11fMlo SINCE 1934 878-7217 ,~'.METROPOLE INSURANCE AKNHT IRNE «d "67 AGENCIES (MILTON)>M.Doh Knight, A.I T.AENYLMTD C.dso 747 17 Wilson Drive -Suite 7 Mt.Fa aie PETmR SHERRY St S Am ~ L 1708378-b8UnsUS0 459 1 107MrtInSct - Mihlto - Ontario ~~1 ..-'--~~o04d i~i0i~~l ici b. tSdOi*oc tsurgiary ne aescribed perioa enaea me evenir -------------------- .1 -91 1 Id ce to le