Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 1981, Community, C2

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Last party held at Boyne Centre -Tackling a tetraihedrïsI- The frame may look more ltke a mtntature tee pee rather than te skeleton of a spectally styled kte, but the triangles attached together by glue, strintg and elaatic bonds are just that. J.M. Denyen School teacher Iao Cowliog helped students involved in an electîve program maire the frames, to be covereci with heavy plan- tic. Erie Weedmark apphies the glue while Richard Harrison right) atches. l'he lait enebse party ___________ _________ for thia nMagon wa aie et Boyne Centre on Ari 28 witb 9 tobles n lay. ( li~ Wînners were xs F M M Peacock , Ms. Wilkie, Mse Eieen Bailey, Mc. Dy Mr*. Cecil Palersn Afred Ford, Afred Ford, _____ ____________ Ed Parsouns, Clrence Gatbraith. Thin group Gerxny, atoe Rory e Rotary excheoge wilt mot agan for the echange tudent was a tudent and ceebreted winter eenon n October. guestate teCtaobtr'n br birttodey May 3. Huc Get mettioltes to pMr. hume btlen o renie g pacetoMr. and Mc. Witt McFadden wbo in i bOMiton. Botb theze rian Chmbors and convaeecing et bin home Yon nmen attend Mfiton brotiner Drew voted toiowlog a tay im Miton Hifb ilebort. wtb ber by phon and hospitat. Jena wltt retorn home foumd obe wmn bevlng e A family irthday ta (termany ie Augut wonderfut time t e prty wen hetd for Mns. and (tert nbortty efter birthday party in ber Mionie Stoutt on Chitmas. 'ltey enJuy honour. Satorday afternon etCndian tiving and are The 4-H Homemaktog Haton Manor tD honoor havtng a fine tme. pring projeet for Heton thie der ady on ber Mine Toni Chembers of an ftiohed on Wd. nnety-flttbibrtbday. tIis rea ltein weden an April 29 hen on Yong Attendiog were ber nc n in e t daugbters, grardchil dren and ctone triends. wanÉed for garage sale Gond iches, gifle and carde were given eod ail First Milton Scouts, any and att dontions, einJoyed the goodles for Coba and ileevers are andmut etoo tabe goods tetih. oriof ard these dey, on e conigmet bau. Gert Botha an Rotary rounding op goode to e nett Te gop wlttatm echangeuatudeot rom et a garage sate Satr- otd a reffle for a Soath Arica is residiog day, May 9 et theo Scout propae barbecue. The witb the rian Chambers Hat, O a. m. to t p.m. proceede witt ho tuaid te iamity in R.R. 4 Mdlto. Leader Barry Stanley boy teote eand camping Jens Fraoteee'sn o i 8t0M.7040 ou acceptlng eqipment for Oie bys. Riegular euchre enjoyed Oy Mr. Cecil Ptterson The uet lSatrday nigt eere at Hocnby centre mon betd My 2 witb tbe toltowing in- nr:Pelorinners Ms. Clara Price Mes. Olive Tasker Mies Elton Jacbson, Ernest Martin, F. Peacock, Ms. Vi -Presto, -Ftasb Toli'- prine Ed Parsns, Ms. H. Featherston. Gel wett ibes te Mcs. Stewart McMIUon mbo te a patient in Pont Memorial Hoptl, ramwp-ten foc sucgecy. Priendo hope bic. Waly Smpson wltt non te feeling mach better. ladies compl~oiaem recmlmmd tbolc emerde. EteveS clebs Oroegbnut Oie eeoty tobk part on Oiee sbect, Wbleb cerne tirethOe chickes or Oie qg. AtOougItno on clusiotn wn reacbeil Oie gila enjoyediprleg and servlsg e nerlety of delicioon fonde osntg chichen and egg. Mach club preented e eit, demnsslrtilon or eolbt and Obole werm ail necy well dos. Thm loae club Hos'eby Sobthick Chiebs a ban emabit dleptaytng creitu iron eggs and egg cartons and Oie ceomntater waa lIna Morton. Att membere aiofuti club completed wib t00 par cent ttendence._ Ciais Opaen mrecoived hr pinansd ortificsbe for sinon Rayo, hidi and PatroTseAbe, Jenice Reot, Lise Morton. lbe4-M cluba wilt bave a »mnm« o ldeatint the f021 wll siedy oewleg e shir or e veut. MMn. Ney Schmidt wn Oie bame ecesemlat te charge and remtno worm givnt by Mns. MorimofathOe Haltoe Womena testltete. flt welt wtesas te Mini Besee Smithi. f e femrabae worbbgbecrd tecemplte the werb. Sorne of the GARSUS SM«Bthat were aod recentty by thme MIL&TON BOY SCOUTS were ont of he qualty me expected. If you are NOT satisfted, peaae retum the unused bega for a FULL RERJND. Calil- 1 S8-544 M«ilgn Mitan Mati 878-4173 Toronto Lino 821-2181 Rocco Zenge, Manager "Y' offer The Mlon YMCA basnt announceolt prgrom ofh summer campnwbcbisa homog oferéd as an I alterntive ta pendiog the eekend i own. 0 "Escepting Knder-. Camp tOry ore on the day I camp basi, sn that te ie campers are piched pelt the vrîon deignated t ban ntops in tbe morniof. and returned to thenae d pl aller a camping day "The 105v campa pratng in inay are tbe Terra Cotte Day Camp. and the Happy Traits Western Riding Camp!" obe said. Terra Colla Day Camp olters a wîde range ni actictîrs. sncb as ibîng, outdnor cooing. sports, arts and cratîn. and nwinmming. The nwim pogram incindes lrsons and n recreational swimming. There a'll bhon ovrcîght rach perit. nih coOoits and sontgs around theS camptîre. inie smail gronen accord ing onage. and eatb rouE has i150ev ounnellor. Ti facîlîlales a happy amp- ing relalînnshîp teiseen Ore chldeetand ibeir snperviscrs, as i llw them t le lie gond bod- ies' as oel as fnac- Ai the Happy lTrous Wesern lading Camp. Weseneedîng lessoos. trail rdes, csnoy crolîn Britbehes- ctvitiîesare Tlîrr onliIcie rode-,n andt isdit rîîm a rifessiotcl rodvî ,iiinbc Eath camper cii pend a mnimmof c tree hOncs a day et I "O VER 30 YEARS EXPFRIEN(0 BONDS GEORGE E.C. JACKSON DAVeeOei PAMRE UMITEO 827-7090 827-7M9 Ru. 8782580 s mfany tively incolved itb the borne The camper. ail ho diide inIa groapa ot ioorles. and eacb gcoup mtl beupecvied by two o three inotructorsn The cildren will hogîn inagroup approprate to the lenel ot their rdoog skitt, and oilI ork ati their own pace. Kînder camp ns a ati day camping esperiencei summer camps for , to5 yer-ols. n i b ave learned Thsprogra iltk vtercrp sb lItrougb place t Holy Rosacy yers of the camp ns- icbool, and compers con periesce. Coonnello s regiter 1r ise. Iron or onl Ocie speaking in- two morniofs a weonb dis ioally mn the parents It iii ho an otdoor, ni tbe cildren in their naluce-orienîrd enper- gr-.mop ience. înclodmng gams, I yos bite any sonnos. cratto and a mil- questions, or ould Iie ion fun ctiitien. 10 bave a copy nf the 1001 AIl the counsellors are camp brochure, cati the careiutly trained, and Mlli'i 'Y' at 87-71tI ANGLICAN CHURCH MILTON GOSPEL TRINITY OFCANADA HALL BAPTIST CHURCH GPACE CHURCH 3060,1ev .St.N 422 Applcbo(Unc 37 MaoriSi ,Mlon 872022 ttc W E Payvc Snvdey, May 10/81 Chîî,navnhlhîd Easter 111 In ThtServe /01Tht Suvday, Moy 10/81 Lor Jsusnist 94- îbtSOcIc 83 001a 0 lyCcvvvc, Suvday, May 10/81 igs ru.ýL')0a Br.akqBead 1100 .. Movîg Woi 1030ev Mailons 1,4ev S,,îvecSvvti 70pv "Ttc Weih of 9 30ev m Sin-î Chcvh 700p- Gîiîtt, andvc 1 D11 v eranictevnF,tv 10 30ev ni Jcvî,o hcvt 80301p r i, t., and tBlc , Al leltcv Sv,cvl Rteilvq TAIliseSîcvn Tcesday Tý: hr3dey tesc lecc d c 7c 10pv- T,,cc OcocEt ^.IV ev Holc C hrvv t,î i Ov .i Otil d G,s Cub 'HF Wednvsday ST. JOHN'S 8b00 P viPreY.eMardiv Nennenaccya (GuelphLivc PRESBTTERIAN ftt0Bilechtcdy N 1c4011 CHURCH IN CANADA 930 ci icCvvc KNOX MILTON BOSTON atd OMAGH 170Mev Si E""t'Y'6 PRESBYTERIAN Chunl, Sih..l ec c,,JLei. CHOJOCHES ST. GEORGES 878'3888e' lcI SvelteLmvo evd Scvday, M3yl0 Bl Svcy Myi10i D,,y R MOTHERS DAT 000 1100ev Mvî,.qviPBOSTON Nursevd Chi1L1iS'iiii 9 40 lva .îî iiiFi 31c - HIHe ,1is RIecFClîoitîMa'", v Siýhull 9 30 a - h,î,îShl Rt,, 71 4384 il0-o,, ,v, an'" ed D-, V,v ishit t l ,,cc icdS,, -vi' HIGHWAY GOSPECL CUAi Wvv CHURCH CHRCH OF CHRIST OMAGH ('.vnî ii Wekvî,Rd.01West ovnd OieîicSI, Scdai'. Mai'10/81 Pesîci R-c Osîtscv 10 0 a ,I OIlicSliii EMMANUEL 070 204 ('ansfil' MIgt, BAPTIST CHURCH 11300 ',, M,iîcîq d,, 25 Cmve,oiiS Sunday, May 10!81 vhîoeand iiii, ie , -J Psîvî o JOt AîvnivvO 1900ea vi cv:etShvW., i1.eGiiîviAscvieî pýteî 110e, nîivvtî Thcîsmay Do0KenCampbell AIs. Chdiet s Chcîv 73011111 0,1.- Si.,ili878 6611 6 Do v FilchîenVer 1lh CiîiîChiiîvi-Iul- Sondas, May 10/81 700cv EvvivqWcrshp . iii iliîieiic 1 0 i00 a - ScviietS ... EPIPHANY and Amok ib le Clasens O ensas LUTHERAN 1100 -v MothesDac 90v -WLdesay CHURCH SsStc. OnotMekvq illayI diÀ .i ii lcit Oi5ît Sermoni ic ST. PAULS OF THE UNITED CHURCH 0F CANADA Mai nI wJavn St ThecR., ETJackO,ocv Chrstian Foonlit Ocooce Snnday, May t0/81 1100 a..m -snorun "RabuliioAn Antei,,futhe0 11,008.m. -Chrchnhoui COha m ebm ace enll A Wslcose (1st1I'."The Ltinrat Wed'resday lvi,.~~~ 7o vd',r, 0p FOnimly 10 030ev C1-tC,115to miro Avî cioAi 12 30 P...CIN. 1540 lNinoît prnidnel su.1Son Covrovodînco 5511 On" d000 Ocîen &MILTON BAPTIST CHURCH Pator: Kelvn F. Mtter 878-0035 Sanday: May t0/81 10.Sa. m. - uudsviNombip oStmo' Aditorium ut Inn Hint 0ete-ti Wadlomday inonolI 730P.. r e'ilnnnm COU 878-OMlOfor mroeo inomwuiin RE DUCES PERSONAL LOAN RATES FOR 26 DAYS. MPIL 27dm 10 MAY Znd, 1981. For 26 days only (April 27th to May 22nd) lèronto Dominion Bank wîl reduoe rates on ail new TD Personal Loans over $3.000. AskyourTD Loans Manager for full details. q 9 c fi il ti si tt d ti a B 0j a p c

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