Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 1981, Community, C1

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C kIampxon *ommunitg THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MILTON, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 61981 THIRD SECTION Campbellville flea market adds new chapter to village A happy day. sjrsena urrie, tlent ndErnia Ruibbe were onvsous- ly pleased Sunday as tlsey opened thse new Campeville fies mar- ket on Ue property of the former Crawford Lumber yard. IL, A watt for the pocket? Jim Buckingham, of Har ttth century watcbes at is booth ini addition toe mernorabilia tram the 40's. ne ruuulunride. Te a aDMsofseyUsans, ables to ho found at Uhe Crawford Lumber Soaaetlsg for everys Yard FIes Market including this railway Oakville, sens at the fl set. There was s wlde selection of toyn with a collection of c dating from Uhe Ms and 40's ing room items wlfich Story and photos by Jit Robinson Durisg the blutery daya of January it appeared a propoaed flea rnarket at the former Crawford Lmr had juat as much chance of getting off the ground aa re-erecting the brick businesa, which waa the firat uae for the ite back in 1868. But with the change in weather there waa a change of fortune for landownor Oriena Currie; and with the firat aunny Sunday in May, Use flea market was officially opened and the crowda came. The concept of what Mra. Currie deacribea as "letting the littie guy corne out and compete in the market place', came about one ea r ago when Mra. Currie heard the former lumber yard wauld begoing Up for sale at an attractive price. I got hold of Gus Goutouki... and the next thing 1 knew he saici 1 had the property. "Wýell, 1 had it, now I didn't know what to do witb it," she aaid. At firat Mra. Currie conternplated a sort of tarmers' market whicb, might be open on the wekends. "I knew Ebrma Rîbe market tad 35 confirmod had teen invotxed in flou dealers, for more thon markts tefore so I caled the 23 maximum wict it ber up ta sou what ste had during thce ood days thougtt about tte ides of tant year. setting one up in Camp- Tauring around on Sun- belville," said tirs. Cor- day one could iid Tonry rie. Vasser ai Streetovitte witt tirs. ittle tas teen memorabiia; Joyce Bar- iovotved in fieasmrts rons of Oatxite witt trit- for a nmter of years. As a-truc; and Jir Bucking- a setter, ste tad set up tam of Hamdlton wit a tootto an Hocbtey Valey, collection o antique wat- Erio, and poiols furtter ctms and wartime smok- east. ine items. Wtt ter advîce aod There ere ceramico, opptaitment tuattepost of - train-scts, stsirt; tampe, «generat manager,tirs. clottiof for tido, glass Rittte fouis ste and tirs. ware of exery kind from Corrne tave tit opon te tydro trunsformer insuta- perfect tusiness in te tors to otd soda pop tut- perfect setting. ttou witthet martte stitt Camptettxitte is cor-inside. rentty undergoing a fora on top of lit that lu the of renaissance fromn a amunements muaeamn on spot teft off mot tigtway the second fteur of thc mas, lu a sefting wtiet main tuilding wtere reflects relaoed Canad- Brad Carrne tas vintage * ana und set ap to entice amusement machones for visitors. sale,autttugts as tis Witt sact utter intermst motter says, "I thit te poults as the Emporiam tupes te docnt have ta und Mtiuntotere, tte sett any ufthtem und gel Crawford Luater Fiou someone wta ailI tasse it Miarket odds yet ntter for aboai eigtt montts. spot for people ta enoy. then gieittack" "This ns a good autiof And for tirs. Curïie, for the fumily," tirs tilt- ato tan teen campetiog tte saîdante tasiness wrtd for "You cao tooutal att tte samne years, the start ut itte goodis tere and tte flou mrket lts ter fîod nametting you'xe aut tot at those peope ram- ways reutty wunted. iog tao el witt somne I thinthtt sayîog that senseaof satisfaction anc persoa's jut ie "I thint it's jutgrout. axtter mans trousure "Ttc peuple tere ure itriu collection of cerlsinty applies ta te tat yoo migtt catI rg ngflou martel " ctmset entrepreocsrs ners and ads'ertising A nd tthere ure "Ttey tove rune ta fixe trosuras, ta te sure. postioas, so once a wout tirs. ibitte notcd that ttey'xc ft a ctance ta tust your aten tte flou gel out und camteluatce market wau teld an an ad markt place ta crm hoc tosis, sonne xery pte, " stenuid. utr auable pîecms of tur- tirs. Crnie also fouIs nturc stnwcd op. ste is more than tacty fa "Ttc atter thiof wus bhoin aperatian wtere ste xaadwrting touts. s-Campbetîxitte. hTey tue tecamne 'WeUl, 1tinthttcfleu .lt ery poputar andt vals- markt is a pls fax ttce," ste sid. evrytody undt wtut we Ttc flou marktl per- arr trylof ta do. teit fax a start periait "Ta me ComptetîxittiL lust your tut altspotty is teautifai t'ls nrigu- ttendance by dealers ifoun undh.a act aofaidc "Lactîty ttc pragrs pubatiîo. t sot ctanf d ttc vill- One af ttc reassa, oI age. course, w s atetten tirs. "Yaa tnow,util ttc Crnie cautd egutty rua 401 came ttrasgt, no anc cla marktlon tth ua toca wtcrc Camp- ber site Acrardbne tato elliie was utles ttey Miltoan Tawn Hall tatfiis tappened totbetant. aluater yardbhad tastay "Bat now ttc word is aumteryard. getting aroudand people attoficia] plan wus are mating ptous ta came exlttcy waatd re- ta CampbeUiîle far ttc cie ovn ttaugt teepiof day la trnwse arasait aod ti he aober yard as suc t enjoy ttemstx i matna rexenaeraould quiet, frîendty atmmsp- ho erveit for ttc tawn tere,'-ste said, t ffrsand il woutd te tirs CarrnesanîthIene dnig Camptettaillr is alan an aura aboat a onemorecatlttintheîmn- flou marktlaod agreed ageo a fricndty taurist witt tirs. Rîttte that one spot. auns ancan tuy bc fiat darintc tthe M teranhiso an ' ms asu htproved tatrcaaîmjor *'ma u îker rli -', stumbliof blockt atithttc thîngs lite artave bre. ptanig deprîment. 'Yoa soc peuple stting Thère aai alan teia up wab avbaencoard- question f imited prt- ag att aintor. ing fciities, tut thin tas '-Ttey go lu a garage teen outed witthtctwo sate and boy somettmng prking loir adjacent ta for $i und ty ttc timo it te Crawford Lastex gels tere ttc prico as Yard on ttc wmst ide of $1.0 Campteixvill R. "But ttat's great. Wtcn il as aU axver, 'Ttat's ltttmg people Ï Ë ~about oe montt unieo ejoy freec ocirprise in ne. Joyce Barrons of tirs. Crnie said she an entertaining way,' ste onSncly would te open for seuid lea market tao,ý buinesstMay 3, tigger 'Wtat Id ital do is ina and kitch.en-tun- tisanover. oentuatiy mate ttis a à found eagcc buyers. And on Suday, the flou year-round peratio. King of ttc comics. Terry Visser, of Streetsville, wuu ut the flou market an Surtduy with marc thuis 4,000 cornic books. He han upwardn af 6,000 ut bis borne und h ho bpes ta selI Gorgeons glassware One sectiaon of the flou market caistins gluss ut every descriptiaon. Frorn ituulataru tbrougb viittage soa pop bottîcu thore is keeoi nterest ils old gluns. One ot the mout naugbt uter items is theolad rnîlk bottle wîtb a cup ut thebotp tor cupturîng the creurn. Toys for boys. Robbie Monckton, 4,0of Gieorgetowen, carne ta thse tumber yard itea market witb hia mumn and decided that once he found the antique toys, ho seau just goirig ta it down and play for the rest of thse afternoon.

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