4 Thea Canadien Champion, WedMaY 6, 1961 Etablîshid liai ~iht autbiou ibamton ROY ClOWNS HERB CROWTHER MIKEIHALL Ell, Publhr AdeilOAi Mnage IDITORIAI. EPAsITMEaT. Nana Edtir,.J,vRoinon Sortlait 1, .Mihael Boe; .Non, Linlé ADVETIISO EPARTMENT1 unti. LiosMimn, GIY"iWil IMalin. Pite 80 NATIONAL ADVERTISING iAL.i5 aie ODm PyntU(41t) 363 101 CIRCULATION MANAOErRihdFrster.mt sUSINEtieOFFICE Off"a ,, ..Mrin Hi;Casifiiid sh, idi,,. Mme McNeil, Ruh aiskitt Typlittivi, Iheivi Csvvievn Pbiihid ee Widnniiy y lh Iv-vPbliili OkiIe iiover, Oshiwa This siOsawas Co, Lvvtidlet 191 Man Stest at. Mion, ThisWekivdand T touiltiiie ribune. Onta-,v-LT41,Nîîîepheveili2341. S,,bcriphti:Sigl copesia25c sach. 1200 Mvler f teCdienComnîit i<iééP0 par yea-vCnada, 6000 ii llcvvtiethe Aaociation, Ti Otaio eekitv NuniPapi thanCana.vOAssocition. lvburban Nimsapps o f Th Canadien Chmio spe oef thelvliand Avsvi.Mtn Cîîamb ofCotre, ,sMio Pubishvv Co. Lv,,îd gvvp of ivbulav OuA. vvvvppr i hS vludi The Actov Fee ~ v,,..,,vv Pess Te Aax/Whb /Pckinvg Nna Ad or r~.""' e" 'e.0v.,ni vnsr Thi i,ivplvv Gvidiv. Ti. "' ,v ,i0'i '. 1 Eovivv'e CzetteThe Gorgenv In- ,,.e..vsni5lem5Iiin depevdentMkhamv, Ev visanad Sh h if 55%Phone 878-2341 Uniform store hours It wan't make the piges af Business Weik, but the decisian hy Bi-Way Stores ta tocate in Mit- Ions downtawn cri is af mare significailci than jut an announcemint about a new husiness in tawn. Dtring repiated meetings by variaus groupe, discussion has hein cînterîd on the hest mithad ai ringing people back downtown. Samie merchants or. Main S. have puhticty damned others about strange opirating hours and a tack of cammittmint la tIse concept of revitalizing the business cri of Mittan. If neadirs are famiiar with Bi- way-and tbey shautd, as theri are 82 sioris în opratin-it is a high votume, discount apiratiati wbîch hrings the people in by the bundrids during any given haur This increasi of traffir ta Main Freedom of Now that Hatton rigienat councîttars f eet they have started ta quelltIhe fiscat enemy within, Ibey are startîng ta attack the enemy without-thi media. The firîl signa came reeentty wtb discussion of crealing a press ftack job aI Haton sa the regian can only -officiaty' hi rîached tbrough tIse media pirsan. Last t'uesday there was a verbat at- tack aI tbe Heatth and Sociat Ser- vices Committie regarding a story in the Hamitton Spictatar wbîcb shed an utfavorabte ight on super-sensitive senior person- nel at Haton Centenntat Manor. WIat a rîath of trias air il was Ibmn. when Halton Cidren's Aid Society Board Chairman John Grabs M said Ibat as far as hi was concernrd CAS Directar Ron tvuplsnd sbould hi attowed ta say whal hi Ihinks and is mri than quaitied la offîciatty reprisent the pilis v and feelings fIbe CAS. i rgaize.cr" report gaad reactian so lai to ast week's Bell Canada pc'litvon published an tIsefrant pageot TIse Champin "'hi' Ioval cizens' graap bos Trîito gel Hetî's long distance toil charges drapped an rals to 'JlOrît,> phones TIse tming is dt',îl Hetl bas asked for a 30 per (,int rate iccresse t. s year and hi' loca cîtmmtteei s strongly Pétition tle view ot the tact the Mlont area dies not haeaydrc rercclieg service toanai r econsider uts prescit I positin aid previde extîsded taria service vida Tor-nt0- t(Mail thîs peilion ta Mr. GO 1 tJelinek, MP, HMisa Of Coin- f Mons, Ottava. KIA OAS. No 1 ipotage is equifred.t t NAME---. t plese printf tADDRESS SIGNATURE _ _ _ _ I PHONE NO. t St. mians shoppers are goins ta look in other stri windawe and enter other shape ta brawai around. Pirhape flot the Main St. pan- sce, but Bi-Wy has thie ptintial ta inriani shopping and it is an opportunity thar mirchanta should nt miss. Far instance, if the same graup of merchants cantinuis ta main- tain sptty haure f aperatian, those cansumers intent on spen- ding money an Min St. are gins ta hi severety put off.- Aviding the sprit of uniform sore haurs for evîryoneisi tanta- istunt ta wanting Min St. ta fait, ana thst cannot hi sllowid ta hsp- pin. il i. ime for the merchsnts of Main M. ta join in totsily wth the concept af the semi-mslt andtae revitaiîitian pragram. speech Regionat cauncil appointie ta the CAS board, Oakvlle'i Fred Oivr, sent a lettîr criticizing Mr. Caupland for ststements Mr. Cauptsnd made foltowing regonal debate about the CAS' $2.7 mitlion budget for 1961. Mr. Oiver, who has shawn hie commitîmint ta the CAS by resigning "due lis ther rom- mitîments", fet Mr. Couptand shautd nat hi alowed ta express his apinian in the media. It may hi this regianat cauncittor feets the curtain of sitence descending at Hatton Region shauld antynast- uratty descend around thase hadis the regian heipe ta fund. But il is wth satisfaction vi view the CAS and Mr. Graham for supporting freidam af speech and for reatizing ha1 the truth, as atways, ia the best method of keiping the public acouratity and futty înformid. opposed la sucb a hîfty ike withaut same mare hiniticiat ser, vice (sarI as Iol-tree callîng ta Toronto.) AItIshe moment. Mittan suh- scrtibrs canI cati frie ta Toranto heaase aoflIse crileria Bell bas estahlished ait dropping tait charges hitween rate centres. TIse Canadian Radio Television Commission approved Blî's cri- leins, tast Augast. Accrding la the nîn rates, the exchanges must hi cantiguaus, Ibati s, tbey must shani a border. A miimuam of i0 pr cent of the ciston, v-rs of ane excbange must ce-nres must hi no mare than 30 miles apert. And 51 per cent of the customers whoseebasic axchangi rate would ha incniased wilt tail- trie calling, must approvi the service. The "Milton Citizena Action Committie for Frie Caling with Torant' urges every Miltons ub- scibar ta ign and mail thia piti- lion. rlght eway. Hre an easy way for Uhc ordlnary citizen ta regter tir protest. Rernenber the Comnhtte aru ta omppat Ihiapetiin- 'Y.svotewil cotndo itnow- 0f Road Kings and Queens eîd griga r iangeban egiry -e Thevwarti viatheajust can'l arrive ami enogh Inn Met if asý Belveen the bien cemmencilu and lied adi aid abta of surtern, vi are mine Osen paimed fr cimmir. 00116 gneitheelanm vi ign ep fer tennisr bdmintin esnmn or jeinthe local bauibill teami Yeu dn't have tob . tan et sprts hw- ivin, te lie bck aid enjoy the wvin raye et srmien nashine. Amn heeWvoi ailtr the mitdan vanhen vith grial impetiencet are the sports caroneri. Fr the pst nix menths, e r seas endared the cld and seiv. dnaminf et the"ssimen menthe et convertible driv- iThey are îauy 10 spet. As spaig apprenches, they can bta tnd standing egiide in gneat ihnnght or tese- îng nut vîndeve. sampling the air ev- baing their prieed psessaioens nutenta nat-tran rende. Taey stady veathen tinecaâs, pantiial- enty the long-range varlety and aisaion ai il bicimea ebvineoie the lsoan hehein had, lhey g ta vnrk. tn the past monthn. Oiey have prebcbty viiled tair biedled-ap 'bby", eeeaklag a piek aider th vnîpst e ii vbtnsuds te ta dune. vbal can ta addrd an tan- prnved. Uifike trvv normal car-uwnir, thu pe- son takes great deigt inspnding ihat- rIen meney lhîy teel las ecianaryons the vachine. Teîsky is the limit, tor Itare s niend ta ibat cas ta doete hile natoin a vehicle or jusl iOdlinme lutIle etrae. lIcyti tbla year. it viti bta n set sali migneiim iheeli va- anettir puit Job ta make it look ut a itte 6bitter. Right cev. lhese peptec8e ri afesd la- Battantes, e ai d tutty charged, are caritidty 16eian n leine Thse blocks renmdved , tecrt Oe gantty le, te grand. ecenrada With car vaih h etneclni da jetaerrchaer, 1he unir ae t n wcb ta rîmove any traînet ofdet acceutde deingSils ieter hienallan. A torînugh vacuaum cteanlag and the îhiny machiemok asautheugl itIl an eîicgid ram a stavneite Tai tapine tatded don and Its ia recdy fer the miadi. Tai qvik, Oroaty eapeme iOf the magma e ie signal everythlng la in geid runeing rdir ced they ire att. Taey muettae rgivii if thîy irr eagbl inging a fin bars if "King if the Raid', ai they vlad their vay Oinaigh ontry ronde and emerge enta city strietnveair- ing a brned imite. Annele lmmins, nI 713 Wodvard OVER ANO OVER UNIQUE GIFT St Milon sya via-y hippy neya this Wtepaice aneeled a medictne Simaone yen knnv biving a baby? irak. 16e wncthe 11,000cas n spai a ed n efling etoeal ynuth pille, Heaen a great ia hti iO the Miton Disrit Hnspitat Aexifiay'i liy lneid 6e wyenonie oethovni ditteresI. annual Mayime Bal Salurdiy reprit vietaters. Tae diy the infaet coe ijeth1e i Hp vend. geot ta yeer tavorite eevs- eviliig ebcd bien arrente0 oni6tie s tm adepirchbim a rnpy et yeac daily Fer lbasv îbn pt sockbin sacb charge n 1772.1829 and again in194. stndvppryu eeîynvppr liigs, hen ucky ticket nimber wvii aid aeyOr uO pulicnwatin vic lite.here is alanan "8t"in ber ponei + + + panda ta renatepi. in h nuitn CeicidiceTWrcp toeiop iin ealed plastic big + + + NAME iTHE GOATS and prisant il ta the mettir. FOR CIHARLES AND DIANA intructions sheifd ta attacbed that nIRD1 TO BIRD 2 Ontario Dairy Geal Sciety ai mcdi nati "Do Nil Open fer 21 Years-and B oîavfaibrarà anîg ne an unet agif th e 6evends ment ei y by the n-bon. Birds esthe are cusingsome laminacopte. The DDGS vedding+ + + paetm n 6 el rce aii present ta Prince Cares aid Lady Bafionia Planning aid Public Wrbi Diasa Spencer nla6mi ie-urPanetaed, TICKETS FREE Ceimittee, registened doer idi, representlagthOe Siting ni 1e cemmillie are Birting- leur vet cemmen bnetdinl Canada. Have yeu iver vaited to attend a toe Mayor Rvty Bird aid Dibvilti kick bising matcb? Wel, biesyour CeuscillinKeîithB ird. Tai donu vire tari ced ralaedoni chance. ecasai t1are niterred te at cmm- memberS' tarin acren e Itervince. oSalrdiy, Jase 2olia ipin, ai the miîhe meetings a "CeUicilter" aird Citdren are iîîvited te nami 1h 6 vts Miltoan Memeiit Aaeia, yen cn fi an i tbey are by scîlele bi16 eginet aid any Gnti e niditWbeein the esaoth eeper concilrs) the questioni il let vich agie o ead l e nater by vitlag l o a v~Oe Ise o a ~rop inta Our Bird je suppinad ta speeb bis caiv-d onia -Damry Gv.t Scety, roni, OntI. ofice aid ank Inn,'page 4's ticketi r aime ciituiig-it bimirous- f1fNù.saturday NlgbI alibie Fight." Neoting moments. ODGS suffests the chitdrei sheild elae. Tbini are eîly 16cm peine et Brigta's Bird bs prepnsed a sol- as' ente a short priinaph about tckets, an cenie early ut,îc ,shch jusîi t catchf h javie arTl'yCTat rans to thvm, + + bpBTrd ocT, I * bacbte yaur satîty tati, yvv mîay + ++ ., buihlayear teintg vbiil. + + + DhANES N CHARGE Fr=ithe Pancy Mecv Sch-iel-a- Dian Fank bailut bats cppsited ltiter charprso i carg O Te Cnte.A ibild ile akndagahe CIi Mc. Funak, vhh&gbw m ttdanived eue merntog vith a aile plaaid niOiTieCentre sine liîceptin, wnul a itinig belin hargOfithOe aimbir Of prognIRe t 6e asitImTe tefilurciat i dWsgeidotachiâlden. ySî eoigpledi ban prosptly rnamived the nile, then lan Il"iblia hostomintlaugendi. it jea thakleut-k wkh ohIhmi a:aOr vae unhePPY h unekes b ob& n lemem conlig tcaus ie Mi elter haîte&aile plns auidatite vItIt Fnk ur-ptned ta er nbei the lat fort sbaal logthegesatin prli! f lhe onteaid 6e "'t i~- satiSlila Tar'notaie, vi re conide l md u i IlOe=ian, tbla vacly p-u aitaaalL NAME IMMEGOA1 anid sew hé ta baM.' One year ago FeamthMaY7.lUelaaa Tae tte of 19 bemtoava thea a1,10>. acre pvaedMiltai-M ollIduial lPark aew =eainlathe balane after ltaan tbreet ta resaae tbe ariaa ailtural tend Hoin ne acs edby Mtleain ad Tam Oliver saed tbey i, fietlbsyhave beaetlain lirduii maIiÉ 7atedl fae the towa if t dmeiDat oni ppravns Ppala md 7it whicb wapld tarn the aria artbaid vain of Hlghw 41 and Hghway25 ai h targ= iael devkqeapsint lWtai Lait Navemehr mire tbai li tates atorened a gymnaalam et Mapituat Correeiail Cuntre, teaving a M if destructio iatat led patte damcage. Darig theernet, la lamates mdiethlr escape. Gards latir crltlclned tbe istu- tion for falllg ta provide adequete Mot training firle offIcie. Niarly silx mnthi efter the avait, Mpbhlwa tla takig itip ta pipeistaff la the avent oeftuMra almilar problatia. A 'tactîcal sqad" 0; 7 mn la the firatofet is kWai nIla t e - stttlin, cad ta llbteed, deputY . p~tendent of Maptaharat. SUZ gymnaitie pperormaces by Saa mesjemiaieddthe MltonSl11r ta take the overail gald modalin = e Spinnger tevtatteil rmait SatuwdeY et E C Drery Sil Mii Jameamblned a fini-plcetinih on beau wlth a seond on vauittid lvi ofiuter6an bars and flai to takOthe gld medal vith amarkiof 3308. Frais te May 4. 1081 lassa W. W. Winlemn if Halip Rd. had placid a "fr rent" din The Champin tir Oaa 1311v lime. The date if theise lainsmApril 13. Slaitîad 13 phne cali, id thse 100vprso lob the aparteint. Stieaiyes abcla ait saprtltleus abot tItieulueky nimber. Ciancil la coildilg purehaila a new ridar, ai thse prisant graeinla 22 pear otd and la niidig eiitty rip c.'"We opinail îp sacriar enaid a r! n vis priity abieblie," tonn femai Bruie McKrr totO cumuil. J. Doigtais urnaidi bai basna epointed aesltant agitltiril rpesantetive for Frenisait. rip. in Oaa Hilton office la Matin. Tai neif"'elphb Uni" la beleg cbangad ta "Campblviti ReaO" ta illanliteionfuioni. Mtorlise nHlghay 401a eitinlg on Oaa Gelph Li-a, laekleg for Gunelp, but thiy sbaild be tarnlng ff et Hvy. i. New igne& are tua" ierOtid. Adat vinnera la Thari emo a tm ion oen iplg cinitial vire KmAck- laid if linlit eaid feogi e Igl if Cîmpbellvlte. Cbltdrn'a sction vmonen vire R ea I P itni f M tai He itgb a d Peut Muntain if Miloe. 50 years ago Frai te May 7. 1ti lssae Clef Taptin, if ulirlgtai Bec, la inveeigellag an illeged obbery if «II ron J. Lavrence, if Srnto, vbi clais hi as virgged befori te minis vii taben. Tbare je ni menion lanOaaenetimai«a if prýovlaon 'te aaipnt iffices la Hallin Ciailh.1 vira irged by Olaqatin. The Ontario ple builtdigs tondsvira ridirid by bail Oaa 130 total. Tai iiiltary inectar for Maltai tai deivrid thee met clen-ep notices tao a beusaoildara if Oaa ton. Tai aoielaislt tir att garbage, etc., tniti gaOared ap bY May , ater nblcb dite tha colletara nll gaOaril t p aid tatilt avay. Nt ie many yaecehavi vild fovi bain ai pleitifut etai Brligin BliiaaiilPr&- sent, acrdngietd reildaet. The bey in the iarty mirnlag la tie meeting plaenfoer toanadiif dube, an enusue5y large nimber fti Ouime if the yeux. Tai triat-flabing seain iped nFr1- day lait, aida nimber if letnimnedi lnîed thir teck, vitb inly talr surinali ai veattier van cotd aid viry diagriiable, vbîcb toob il pleaieiont if te flablag tripe. Rimer bis il Ihal aimenoftheOie tavy mtarcyrte constabes ptretiig Daidai aid Trota-Hiltan igtvvaye are tatie givan olber biala aime ditance avey. AU Ibene fbcern are caritut aid efficiet aid Save the confidence if the genecal publie. 75 years agio Frm teMay 1.IlWissue Duig1e bavy Obndiratarne if Wineay amp alîacbed i a broidar exptoed Intinable'onu W R. Devise& facen, vesl et ton. M. Dvii van absent and te ire sami galnehadwacdncy.horbet vhdte tfv fuifldlng vas biraid taoi e ground. ii wasbuil for apig pen and id îasy modern ceviencii. OprativîT have bae cornmescedon the ti. J ad1i ,, Mvs"rzWMl ,jng itstil lvvgth, he oalput -.ft he fatryîni' uIbctdiubled and Olive vlt ta v r k f a r c i im b e f ne v ti a d i f q 1 R r tias ci be fnd fer tbem la ton. Tbe inmpany 1a pcrllcaularly camosaIntatinlac poitilionta engage mccnled opacativia, nblcb thay are umebla tai de ew nvice- coueit f te bitai famiflaa.a iii pIth1e ipircîlite if thlaeterprllag ir anad thise ot ethir local lilnties hulbide crpid ufe th~ibslmine. lag on Mat Striait ately iccupiad by Mat- 1ev Kannay. Ha bis bid il iaproW daid m îved i l it v ie lafam ly i la enta, vbi have arrlved tram igte C= mm psbta9ei foteeMula ar likig fer eaiitabti ste. ¶liay ble te à lIed oui sain. An easy pro test lýi- 1- ui , ýi 2'i', ý,lý, ý ý