The Canadian Champion. Wad., May 6, 1961 511 * TOaSi..S lean 18pumd to lin anicidilprice aparimasomme.a wiu eai Mua, 3 mmas ln ias D .R M L RONALD t roa a s a n t Vo l fr ul n t asf . lei. r sa , h ovwia' 5l554 FOR Ri-todasIwrl ars w. 5piea nut. 2,M sel. fn., UM«M . loý i- ailmeni satls. 3mii. Mv ioMaaiin i ls lis lg 1, L,' chiena, dMmra mauwion am,3piar Ms. 00 a. n Saasala i Appl Justilian s-nc Rd Silt. Jot5 a sel. i M ssta svaleai, n e r, lana t aétilal sodut build- in. ARTMINTyS for mhai, NInTMonAUlis & MILTON -COUNTRY1 2 aeDRomoi sprt 10a"paasaaaubdnanbnlm yton tan )aia sle nnpiona quaiy 10 tintafr on OOTiai aiurans pariekl onnin Oinket *#100,0W..05clownn-Veadot aiS I5503 litatiliY hla balsainoniagpaen14 %%. Akita mlv ONE end tion @Ona fr rmmi AHl E.A. MITCHELL LTD. Adalte iîon pais -REALTOR- OOWNTOWN Ars. Tao,. .r-M spart- TRAFALGAR SQUARE Hm altnludedNa Pai. Apy Tus DIRECT LINE 456-1453 Canada.n CilsnPliW bax M, tai1 Mai S DObWNT-OWN 2brt _________&___________ ai nduplex.scond fliss, prIa nt rais.. esaaslSdyard, braadisati. lhem, Wéiir ad parkg lnldi.. raiouthl. Aaliabia j-is 1 Cai P. Wlsaii. ONE bdraonm aar ser GnaniOc trai. 2040 m.ibly incIsion nllit, n =pponctes. Ansllsin ONEse bsra.tsPart- «Mi. avliains Jly la. Lassa aprs. T POTM WTLOVIE Deosaster telsi " n M o btalei iast "M ' = 2kia.0in00. latilvely home but amld M n elb OE. & ion bdouaam cy as intbree weeba .11 dkedraiaaa& Spartiaiail ansllie. tWa-aar, ti aB eaml1enities. rtnsi9-r catI uprnisadiiii. eOlp ianAparitmatis. dlang & lvngra_-a, est-la btcbanwt bnllt-la asot*al t N., dlabwasber, 4 pas. en-saita ta manIai bedromi mitoas- il mari, mucha ar. Malienaac ft ex-. OtMriP S.MAVFiRn' -tarto n! Cali NOW, AUGY CARNOVALE ai fis motial i.. Oneisa. in lx 0rers. 827-M45. & ita spart. ietili ytis niy ors lalursa, bclailtirsa r351 Chum hSt, 0*aw sas, recton riaitr hb crn, parkaig. 842-1920 w wi NEED MANY MORE LISTINGS NDW' MITCHELL REAL ESTATE WE HAVE PEOPLE WAITING FOR YOUR LISTING. CALL OR STOP IN TO YOUR LOCAL MITCHELL OFFICE - NOW - NOW - NOW - E.A. MITCHELL LTD. - REALTOR - MILTON Trafalgr Square 310GMain St. n, . tLim461453 Pim s i.- A Iý ln Po Cbaaiil 2-b.daaona inisowna aa nuite iead blainla iaalOaksia.. wmh b iao* ia diii-,. - pinalannd don miga relsas. New alni lina .Md tamroaf,. ialy laaala. Opa.nMaaa.a 1 ta 4 pan.. aiidsy. May 1iOda lino. SIoaitilsa My.l, itili. wasnoaf W . 26 IeataisaRd). Sf300. Cel 8272811. Noauagi. BRTANNIAROAD 2,000 sq. t. uMlmi-bnilI raach, acely ajaolaldaon 1 ocre mtil connlg vinai of Nagaraascarpant, very ooden btcen mlth dlalashlir, laillI-là min., Jene-aIre gIl & BBQ Brick traplace ln a Sa.iy on.. Walk-aut ran. dlalg rom & tan.5y rmon. 3Sgoanlalnd badron.a. Mster bas 3 pce.en. saille. Lare104~% Mtg Offered ai$142,000. Cas GERRY MACDONALD o77- 2STor Res.335.0 OVEREIL 637-2376 REAL ESTATE LTD. m A. bme innounce thet ) LEFEBVRE mg him métim of MAL WMY MLTON 8784M * YM crry 25 WATERLOOAVE. GU1ELPH (519)8495 SELUNG YOUR HOUAi b' MMmw HS Snimats thm. a poscivelsi hyer 5141 sfo a houa. jsliIk YnOUM.Fine, but h. de yu f.4 1 o cm do. . l ociao o heroi Tirh d. tight toia top taalty soffce ay thai mqi t ntha tabla, and lai theal etani atniaisioaalsamatcth dirott nth suitabla Staparttat. Thsa a pasaly impoanttanh.t nstogaphygltain thwey-wnt ha prospect la lashi tflt a homeain atas location, pathapns ntnahîosaatheilssttv laiamokaat uth"' tha 1paeyout popuity nheaa thah on n l:tth aansina tatahtilltaînhilb; gasatha thonnecins aa tountnand arotd t.otani. Mulipla Lasing Setrvieaiattha local lattaI. antd sautai rnima:a tatil>aaliy, tiak.a t haut rpnsay gets the aidanst psaaîhla ipilsna ta likayhboiats. Selling ynnt housan? I makia muttaa latinith Murray Hnnd. 0784000 or 8784»0 Rasky Wn.4dCoicée lRa"élay t.Lnd 24 M di asilt071100 )WHicaver it af... for yS. Ba le M Lan RelEtt e RELETAELD. 30in t . in 87 -55 Trat ine CLEAN AND EASY ion S astnh wni hss dnmag nnaaaed kahitc large loughed a nilnoua ah wan ha at hm 86-990. Baaiha -- p.,3 p.12pac Man lot, tanita asta Faand yadt Walkmaa dstancea IsGOtri Cnii5idile araanaet 87-055o6h21122. 3 aat -iavstennpmpt $142,M0 19, e e, 2 crsonte sarren- Ettelkesttn Call i.nthaanJi.paKe 4 hadî, olî4 BUILDING LOT On Mill Street, 71 x 132. jWould suit JaIlame single i lu EeAA'S ist.lmte g inantd s statda da tOg hsi Cats8Fat33h48hoftÙ,tb lot.skaVtnta n75O0nî 33b-4i ] n uan .3354,ý- l- . litaasptnaaii$70,900. Cassa a. nvith tm caiiF asco oiF Js eVmum 8MOMa,3&4« JACICE YERNJMM Look.g flt.a.tanhomea fst yusîisnly? Js osad .ta etanobhin a tn loationa? Thas atasutias disacela san iapranat saaideaa Thorai sa a ima h simle nlho of lnctsdipaonatsataaa idlatearo hostaia that aasogaphic îas. Ns loager la tiha Wiih indava s per hînhwanV, ou aanht comutaaaijobs 20 malli away ia lev tînî than tt adnitsta amaiaaau-ityIVisatsaao tlvomlesn. Tday yu hssd dtsn yousîirleinatermeoasiutsîathntthaa aila. Yu maa ha passian Sp sata nsîidnfsihsta,' hynaosppvsitsîa. wna tann, and bhatti a,hsin disanatn,îb,îdunoainiaasivhbeanînnîo. TsilUGHiThy wotha tssttaay. Do't tel, iesn.. . tailmntsnd ymasvviittiad yssîight hose e t the fight ailla. Mkesesa - o sn i lit $59,900 Bocks onto parkiand Escellent financing Cal> Carol Frbe at 878-0565 or 33 5-4486 or Jean Thomson at 878-0565 or 878-0767. Archhtecltssiiv tnllsstad, stth 3tonrpaces, wnlda fui pia tisaos, 4 hndsstaanmd huge kîitc,, aîih skyight, adjoîttats pstty anaît i,,ssapilufin vianot the ngrontd pool srrssdid hy 14 acres oftifertiland ftintîg on2olncessons.Lagetsulo with asîtohats neorstatatn piole arntts se weliahuge hStkha.Pîa.snttya thass.gihaaep fai lt 4amtsasttsatiskasd. Lsedîai $350,000. NVEWLISTING 30 S,45 Rd. Lssîly country hbone sn41/1p,rlv aces tih svia 700 f i.luiotagi and stîalilponid Cathaîttali alunaît [lvng ro sîand o taniytssnî wlh ample caintts, 2 or3 hadîssata Lagei a tsal harnoto s, skhsi. Oly $89.900 nil, goodt 10 i ongagattu.ttnd of 82 LOVELYLOG HOME Pitunthiaisthbitifoi vss u o baufll tI,eed "l1ta. hmtso1- Mhsnk tisanno Oîud hast loge, hab asicds a sst hereîd Io14 sdiisatiana Talsipackageaboust $t1004110,000 Lot osy iv nh aIlilsdiag pntt.tasalv $49,800 PRETTYYUNGALOW lACRE Jusatt oh of 15 Si d ho iis oidilbsit 1brick hc-to isat.s l i,g o,larisge kîlulma, 3 hndrwn.ngssd aastsaz e o, nw dua fi44,t dntachad garage Lssiiy ot isnth huge vegtabla gatder. Lstidt oatvIlt50 Mlle Essry FOI. (416085e9963 or (519) 824-9050 Royal Ciy Reasty Lsd. i