Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 1981, Sports, B7

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1411).878.2729. oflldIi 81 MAY1 ouwo 98 .888 0088511. 500808 or .It mnier rtali 1norganlolyI "o PLA1758 ljm888.10 16,80 %"rvis 11801. C8CEilhe880< I..2- w cm WSED & EIR08D 11087, oey voIume84111<018900nd _____________A401157 on oexad a cele n poruil o cep ey DhlPr evie P1 TRAClOR, 981800818 m W&2.751i 597811onGtiles t114hodO 70109 If a ew ro115mfne h5. 5807&tom033 t Touch E& Go w917,841110111111991014701 ilgl scel 08 arIc SOWents for110 189 18 800811811 0919115.8981,078-4128 3 Ferme West81candidates 04111h0ve18 11î0811ioalî0 and 111 comuiion production Plant8 M88080808 8 20raiingof800riece0n8noraii__ 888tr. ad 11- 11W 24w0188 0181100. 2391 roduction l av8li'MeSTOMilton 011911 8118. 88.04 9cam0pion, The HUNTERBROOK FARMSPEMS10MER-Fr@, Engflsh Rkldtaog Sl(Chemicals 18501.<01end07board * 9.olol9aoae8 t 901110îA po oooascreta pnn g toi01014051 13990150y atecicienIIII11S 408 for818. 1011 09 arco 94088888 me or lechnologi8st88 0 01118019111 ak81 OUS11eSuPri1040CIO îdre pO ysib coiie SALESod 8home.8(581U Drseai Hunotfo »M1d8A8 40101145 111111411111194 il crry UI8te prifiatio f 020808 11Ott 0111 Priverte r group iebu145on,&Il le0els 004ani4solvants nd1o19er r 11ucts uing0c11rnca a and pysic8l SAES 40elp Va 5t0l5 t 1 mll sout of Mhon. athod incldingdistilatio.8proo 404uique ffic coo Iice te Mr, DMOIglasK'0011 1 P 4088. 0818488 m SCHOOL bus8 drivera AIREGIS ACRES L8949L70 4119. 88 19888AM889end0,08PM 898oute8998406s OFFERS FOR SALE plus,2091 of ao1 the followlq e tt E t l. horses 01100 8084 41009g Paoau [ Ma11018, w mB'811 0$ 118811 811884109ale.Ek ln-0001111. BarilsOspdr p98918 train ri0ai byan aven bull la 4notED N fer Ott.840 04g. 8 818 FO 97-4448 y1 - 0808011 lai1, 1 218140%Mn-1 -4erln, Bq510 oe 5etntf0. b n Telehon 877929 APPAL00SA S50011 Polka Do. 0Excellent colleur, conformation MA end terni rament.1881 .00 12:06818110d LUME CO. 111185,08. ^130 ho88 s'81. 9738,64 W 808 ofi 88 LACKSMITO Slaoe 110, 8290018000 08901881. 1Normal e84 Wl9lI bulMMr, 8411 900001. For REGISTERE0 10 ya.1C08fid0l99 Interview Clef Pint1me@ ln0011 9111Cli Western. V8918.r90 quiet,0 84.27808889181908.1. Paul Hlman con0d2tion,8Slf111. 878-7207 attention,. $0 P900 ENGLSO S,1881 9888-loi *n11"18In Sp9081889,08er10 MlloOntario. TS*lé whie1 ver & 01184108, 88818>8408608841 C.K.C. reg190i8e aoo88Cellent 8 Campion S0118. 5MOI@ Fr more8Info8ma888. S200.87703411. Il'08 cou:1 Mm. FREE t 0 o me 7 M0840 ai. 7 1 8 8.141 400850Cid male 8o489or81 611-040 804: part1R8008188 5088001 246. 948-F9. 830- & partLab, Cal &fier 430 rE85401 S0a9600 4/06Hus11 969s 9188 10 JANITORIAL =odcoty home1.9 .088 d.14878-441889900 DUTIES 7p m. - fer Lad.. Locke«808800 pAIR 015Australien1 to suri85584188891 80188509 4080S111te10 HsIsai the Club 1187 ood 08111111 09111. 7,91.1985Golf gganse pt. 8E11880îl09 1 81148.a0 8 728.900 1Lino9Milton for 811109. l18911109 HALTON 001.9194 tram terni.8774284. 0094DB URETLV1S8. ^m.8 for jZd f00880905 o ds 1881 part911 8111.4ould ile111mature.1 C il 8/091e8,1 98 eponoible staff3 5114 80014. VOSYrygood 4110 0a840881198a.4 11011410.77.1512. P .aJANITORIAL .90611en 0880688084 5 891104 Onl nusirqi tour. 1Woa11 mature re 411onsbe ault 5,e9988 0 ale400 10bosdabeOIth 00509. 008098 y000 8991. no618and4 4004O Cali T7ot811a. 8841 140-26-U21 CetI todoy BARTEIOIIfull1Ont 844-5588 fr o vluenl1 cu.Phone 878411 f SECURITY 40911100009098.9080 GUARDS DICKE 0E the 1 F l I 111111 11 1011 1bicycle 1001 n 4 4 do 15 e. ay 'IY ,Its ith ed W ,nd aht for la ex- to ,ne ;ce ;n g1117heaith, able eo8f1 I _k, shifts and h- 0111'11 111 1400 110. transp4111910809070 poolioR. 9o11887.3110 115111.7416 80581.01;:ý- 6511 0 r ran8108i 26300115198181or 85844200187 8-2636963 001 loa 1115w ' 04u,19 400818s1011' 510 8Box - - ,0>f1. L62L6. EXCELLENÎT EXPERIENlCEO,11 TYPIST Imed 881Y 11894114 99for 49011i, 001n88901l9p%,0118 118101181>98155148.liant.54ss155bu1108189 permanet Pbrt- 40111ped 510 88 te 111 pefemed but 4019t9810 8 188109. 098911118519 s19059818on0 foma a08118898 80 TO. 091115IMM. Pt04 MiltonCN 0018. O 85310900 oown a8 0178891 g0018 Pou 0991Ces. indueç3fn INDUSMIN LIMITED - CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS DIVISION haopanlngs for: MAINTENANCE WELDERS U0001184 89H81814114 8811181, minimum 4403 118818 of 0898181 88141119 ,9p4081111 11on1181111 soNle e891ip- 400," m,4081111191end s8018111510end1111091110 plant: %Mil b6e re91u11r1d50 weld 14i1h 0111peeth1118118 81814641 3(sci8e11 M. 1.0G. tea day y 1shift 0,0 908811811of109110974et81918401144rate. Awole range19 'f .oofil80 10118 4 the1 isob. MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIANS Licon1 atea nce0151008109 181911ans W144 804e 818 t1081t1 1b8ckground154equir1ed fsr14811rry8and cr1401119 9181158814000. 011008ri. 9Muet08811able00 ul- eh=ooAC and D01ircu1its, motor c800018.11end040 insallaion o. 591. Sa84y dey shift w401 possibily o tnre440800 et040a1404mlrte. A04000181811e80508118191 004008401180the8job. Apply. P.O. Box240 17J 2M3 Tel: (416M"4.161 f15l99)983-2230 711he0311806Board1ofEdu099688 p Cîerk TypîstleceptloflSt LOCATION: GEO1100TOWI DISTRICT 01011 SCHOOL, 70 GUEL1PH ST., GEORGETOWN. 11000 SCHDOULE: 35 0009S PER W04110012 MON- OHS PER 7009. Minimum 0Typîn Seio 561801.p.40. 11picat11g end general officedulies. sonnel Depi.. 7The81101 00811Boar d o 85aion. 200 878-861 Es. 210 TRUCK DRIVERS 60*11 Close "A"'and Glass O'"5drivera required. Muet b. 230,919080of11ge or1009 for Insurance purposeî. ComnpeOltive 9098$ and îompany pald benel 40 AppIy MARL 100E FARMS ITO. 6TH LINE WEST OF BRAMPTON (WINSTON CHURCHILL BLVD.) IVo. M O0F STEELS AVE. PART-TIME SECURITY PERSON immediate openlng AppClt muet b.i prepared ta worlc we.lcodB and809808*09V holldaye. Retlred p70180l 158879901110 acceptable. Excellent wages. Apply to: MARLE LOOGE FAIMS LTO. 6TH LINE WEST 0F BRAMPTON (WINSTON CHURCHILL BLVD.) REPAIR PERSON APaollO9 m1ouldhave Born nso 0840958 with overhead conyeyors. Muet b. wlng ta work day (7 8.05 10 3:30 7.05.) anid otftornrooo (3 p.05. ta 11:30 7.80.) alfts. Excellent oppoto11t taf~ thr- .901 lonowledge wIth aO 8,0111850009110080 11<. Excellent wages and cxnlpaoy p0"l benefl198 Aptoly ta: MARE L008E FAIMS LTO. 6TH UNE WEST 0F BRAMPTON (WINSTON CHIURCHILL BLVD.) % MU.E9MM11OF STEM11AVE. MMnUtI Pubc Libruy 0881109 1.1018111 099 he bray H de Ss. h.& 111140 Imu i IMoosay, My 1 , 9:30 a111-1111AP.m. Tampohosass019114091118 604048for1 9191818 sortoePXOpeosail4oficele. oSgn 9111140for00819154081118 "loe to h1400 081l i0a or 85899811180 87842-00JA pe MOLD MAKER Smali1 0001 90040 199i119 a top notc old 5 or tbol makel to build a variety Of M"ld 8and 0111191 10019 Plastic injcton and/or peciioo 01188140900 mold making ex- 20 9911000084a1must. Ci, G-5 MFG. INC. 'os Poo 93 Mountainview Rd. N. rI- Georgetown, Ont. M 877-3001 or 467-3196 mil WELDERS- 4L FITTERS e Experenced. AbltY to read draw- hui ings an Osset. Good complfly o benefitî. Georgetowno location., Z> 111 4531523Or LiconsSd Ixavy Duty In MECHANIO MplcO8ruet b. ,xp.rlood ln malO 4quarry 580187truck$1, fr0ont6058 1 loaders and58odther 1construction01type dli equlpOlent. 5Shiftw0u1k requred. Muet have P 04011transporttion05. For f0r 1 101 11 111 01n hi Cao: 1 Nelson Cruahed Stone. a 335-5245, ext. 22 Pr Between 8:301..4p.05. Weelcdîys m LANSUNGs 0411 0091 an individ 4008111140004ground exPe On 018 144008 oad ulding112mara Bas Apply ln PerSOn te: stars manager 399 Speers Rd. Oakwlk, ont AUTOMOBILE SALES goo 100, 111 8819 081,î- d-d-1w 1 .110',1110 g191Mo1d 1in - a11 tf niomnpe 014io11Cadil8o. 1.14. 8782356 Kids Summer Camp On Lake8 5oOuLllllolllllO. 1511s wa 0080 3M8808,138Fi- 11040 40,1 wilSe.chf' helpers. aer'.A=,=go 5o,oo 97 e '4I . 6 îe1il.90011 0 assistant, maintenance. 17 GI 01191 APPly a80Sg08 0498cyli .. 984 84 10,8590 81 8 in1 Persan 825 Eglinlton Ae. West, Suite by en 0a80l8y80.88 M hm 80588 88888800 80880t- -8011.71188 ____________ 21 , 1cme Bthrs), Solorday, May 9111. 09981. u* ~ LIc. 1L 06.01 211. (orner. in *' 0431111 .9088088C11110.COTTO16ED ON9) 10 a. m. till121Inn. 1 .. The Canadian Champion, Wed.. M8y 8, IP61 B7 ELECIRICIAN E.74 REMLIN X, vired or miomaiad 6u1a11 11.10cMal @W8sms. modIcaIIy orI800ad, W4911 ipl~e o ansandard, $1,400 car- émurn 3 8volets 718850.a Industrie8185800941e. 0181818.89811818488 services 11.511i1811 810781804. tmdeetiinpoerdm nweg fb&* 1881 *U . 3 8.80.1f« al typsO ad io ,1174 IMPALAS1975 tronis andcoffput» T. or SloopNight. 878O-W4. f884TV 91a111. 111 certifia, P.S., ..8, a, 0514.1 0o Fildy. Tout ecodd4 118099 81oexcellent1condition. lits ho c pply d481 4374. ______ 91 2420 Naional8 1975 LiNC-OLI C8,1 ELECTRO-MECHANCAL E...NBIG Instituts ot0708411981 11885111l, sellin OSl. TECHNICIAN MONEY n. 0o851 se C'l 78-247 ell e ioaad 89158810819lsa caooload 5,411.15.0 ,1880 MAZDA, 2 4081 1~. Ima5e8àmr 1%kedocoolininustie eoc 08ho801, 4 117., 4 @quittaient; Tm y 7018 pa4011o in11sac- I ,I 411411Great 8111,117 ,08148111168 81111011a11; 111184.98 11 1110806517,4585 Lic. OXEOCI Cati Ipment. Kled18ag of micro P11118 wou10sld0abc --- 97,9 MERCURY Capil m .98 Rotatisg, 7 dey ahiITractr, 188 Tra inin.sdag, 22 k01 11., 54111On, Low Tuit15n. Tex 1ires, 11114.4 111g ho00 18rae for bot1jobs0la 9.78. Tisa con-11 Odws . lose 8A. orA BUSE081 an0 d 114.918147 8884, 4l11118 11100111, D 10 P8cptas Foi 0 811-11M8.55, 8a 145M/ 54 î19181 radio, ,y 198188an1exellent0911 teatatp aricage. _0 tic.P11O808 bo.liur 11îcisla litse fo 1411d8111118183.$5,495-878 TaaaPOlt Tra bai itI 8800.4881e0. 981101 11284 dified 89911118185 8aimer 8150y ta,0the Canaa0 Con».08W118's Place la on117S,5 MERCURY 911781985 Centre Intsillissn(310 Mai11St) sis oasd OZ748888 8180088111 808100 58,1îoneo Wth180 117 1801880osa"8l «Oman ICI th l ool. 01114 condition.1 CONSUMERS GLASS TV CWIIoIO'S tiglon41^il11colis1ore ,0U,0854111 COMPANY LIMITED Ail types wa88,110 onf11idniel - 1110 MERCURY 100 Chiaholm Dr. tram for a wx49 -fie yUNATTACHEO7-Do Wagon, 9 paîsttegî. M il tIo n . O n ta a io . d oit 9 6 & 3 3 93S T a s rh08 1 8 0, 1 81 11 1 1 1 11 9 84 40 1 o LOT 306 I- SuhhsaLe, 45., 1101 orAc n 853- 00.0 24., 66.14111 tris1 82.168MUSTANG2 or Allai: Personnal Manager04&1sgat osî30871 .4.9.0-. -4 cy1111481, 4 19984 CONSTRUCTION 030oniton0S FOREPERSON 194______tISS 8800058 cor9veyoiOr. 90< 01y0<Smand oSupe2dilil. Great11 tous installations. Excellent Psîd WcoSeson~ llant 5Must5ce841,110 3nef 9*. Wsgos neglfle dpendn nLwrc.LC E2 perence. P"e»Se8$SjOy *: aaa8IaaACI rîlel., 8010 Enliusdyor 1880 OLOS Dette8 Ü MAPLE LOOGE FARMS LTDa Wdmsday Evmninge 0111181 11Io 1100005 6TH LINE WEST 0F BRAMPTON FplusaOO o, 99881 401,1d11041 'WINTONSupplies Avallable 91017,1Vary 1111.4111111 aWNSO CH4URCHILL BLVD.) LII Pl, H357. Câli M MM OF TEM 131AVE. Limied Seaab 8oreton11100 e EXPERIENCED Frnom1oCl v79 OMN 1,441101. 11front EXECUTIVE SECRETARY F70 irons.lOfCalI41118, 181481 40811619111811519 981111111In1the85MR=118188la.a111s10 13 f -1 O 44 118,11e. 1, 11118809. indviduel w408511 818i8sJslortand .andE118117l 901 404,.TY skilit, lCail G8el, lum 1e0bu fia 809110411 1180or 811197.4011 49911je 118 IRII'cD 1%5 OE ton Inter8 M041 mi1c118 îa.f1111401i111 **4 oev.m 181111181 lîoîi truk, 1111811 end mourra te O1E811? steelbox w9thh due 80888. lWIhonOdia Pooe76104 $1,700. 87823786. rio The Canadien_________- 1174 PlINTO Wagon11917, offer.87651.800101 For Vour Next Ponftiac, 17 PINTO,0111119 QUARRY WORKERS Buick. Cadillac, GMC $650.008i fe51001.0m 29291081108 preerid shoul iNwe 80811ex-' BEV SLESSOR 1"PI9N1704., f - 11 Ost1Jction type equipolet. 51165 work la ROBRTSLESSOo' MOTORS 18181. M5414 Ketd odhouily wagos & be.0.099. GRIMSBY 2___30. _ 87817 1ute 977 PLYMOUTH or urter nfomaton d: 43-221VoeaIaIo 408161 O 111, NesnChed Stone 89 4. 111811va11irons1 Ext. 22 40E HAVE MAI1 19140 DATSUN 20O So.091 09 1 33-25Ot2 UALITY 98E 040100 *,000 or l 89M9,1 mca .548 11111110 81-11or8 6138.4 .10018.sa99s6y8lI. 878-26W. lai co. LIC I 111. 72C811 8:30 &..- :0am eed$ ECONOMY CARS 'M O00E 099m8977-5100. PITA O C18118 81997W814 4 sssa181 Oa 8 81,8 , 9 , eflOsl, 18 dor,44 Va.1, air, 008 81 0re tl one1. LIC. 00A055. OOALITT 118919 11811 11708e, î110 addOiton@, sa6 dock. COîyOlO, 877-51. Phone1 870 20711, 88111or 8018.18814 ld ady, m188400 In. 1$0 e8808868 "' a.natc ir oe 1 8-8. I.n 6oo8o081a5 00154000, 195 0000E cpIC teerl 994power b1181 sys,0of 3 deys, nlce r,800 111t1unk truck. 6 cyl. slanard8î. 1AM/F54 184i11 c1r 11001141118. 1822 CaU Dan. Radio. Stopl 11011 884111 . 119 st 7, 51184 e881111 8594 9. 8830 d111011111, AM/ FM4 8841181for 119181126or 9181l 1 7 1900 S~ estfs1 7848848nI atterra, 39,000O k. Lic. 000610. Cail19 178 TRANS AM54400, 4 088.115f ducIOnAsinIo $7,9915. Calli 0eorgetown11 C0111881. 18114. 51818 T 1001 881111. tiil lt Brr'8788801 081408a11 87.5105. Most options1 1 ,111, 18118 8 8185169 HOME 830165. 1973 0000E Charger, 18,07733421or11665 u181 p,,,c.,,,. muet001 IMPAOVE.E.... 160 C98116 11111111400 1900,14111008, 14 6 ove typin l, ad1111181tndad C48110680117,1 10 18 truck110 1411, 111118888 CaliI808-21 1175 T 117 11--ll-t )ell8C8.08111Mng 1111111181C8sa7,111 Roo- 1400. Cul8111916 P918. aliter5.) -erreColle- 11111411111. 0101 , 18r .99*98,39 54Contact Sr. ing: 0141191 SofiO - .5" i87a476. 19711 0000E Maxi1118,. 0411181 31,000 Miles. roona878231l.- athieu sa1190011110 19791 CHEV l11I8998 8,84. 841 8 184811111 11899018 98100 EsCoeDoks& 84nes 81111c7n,s8, 8, 104 181914110 818LII 18,111i111 788 Ptepel ot o iul Il4.. aille,1.Al11011 005512. . C81 î119111110.01,01107 9911.11181 8178.81. oîl1!047al dl110,. 8774371 &fier 6 (,-,g 8411 Chr111. 01 OANT1 D:001 t Pea4 cas18ee .4. 877510.TWO 1189181118 11811 181018011-"p tOaIdd. ut *excllt codition. 877 cert11y, 100.00. 05 t yc1,elers8771421 1or >1 89991111t8111I, 1ai' 540THER 5 081800, 4M8. 51811.084. 8 270 _____________ 006 hon80i81 , 818.14 CHE11 "/aton-. 503 111' 000 sale. 81. Call Gary Ne011801 11811 1î I ya, 8. , 1841adiai, 1001 400, laît l on01111 81î4o81 01 1187,1 8111British 8bo. Ca1li8. $2,500. excellent cOdIIO, eABYSITTER 189141184 181«,. »Ilpoml y o018111 8205. (1o0011ffl $ 1,500. 87. 1173 VOLKSW11GEN h 1 l1 d han1. 111111900 0 411811. 199CHEVV 1Nova, 4 1541.Cam r 1 Van. 18081Il 00111110 5 Mo. l8ore 7Mrtn, 188gr. A tPr C oupe.816 1881114au SonAM8 FM 8 asse222 ys & 180CORcLE 18 i181/2T877.51rdo8ec8Me e lsh sUdf , . 172radio, 1 18, ou,4ai.,78 o.06 8. C870-0364. 1 I 81 9. a17 for1,91408118k8 G 8Great111large. 118 11049111111148 S21 -6 , 8ga114 8100, 0 8091.L U. 108118,000 nomy 841100 . 11811184 of the 11111 for1the 13a 881 0840 S977-810887CaliLTeorgeCown vl018184,1 C1îMoult.975 08 118 1971, __ UG____ VVfr har ee C are 97 C9RVri, =017180 5 7 21,0111. 10 Dayc re C ntre c 41.d811 Pa "M" w1h95W4va'.011, 1181110184 Md cars, nutr. LIC. titre, C551 C10s1Pot,01 er541485 . ton C9498. 610 1 811.5100. I 1 ll , 110118111 14 11 he181 rîOlO 9,9180. 04 41101i ,1 ie . utl ots8141 9 SOM.81111111il. Ak11 014 011, 8178-88 il5 12 mi m 80. L18 . Ce81. 81 î1082418881.81 ichool. 88-706 ..Ge rget wn 1 r __Or, ii __FORD __lt , _31 7 O O R 09907, 87 -51 8 77 18154 sme1i. g, Po a Ho 5N DA 1GO 8d'fer 9780-7582 11118or 0ra0lles AMI FM _ot y x.. 54 .s' ,g Phc ilOOter 4511L48 15100315 DDy ay GarCenrev b Êsh nI 111 -110 "'0 /1111.G 4EtM t.fllOUda C. tc 011400 181,128058, 041117110 criseton811 . . r Ik oaE d, excellent large; L1711 AGEHAr 6110 3279ro81t08 sale.NO c. 21695..CSl on t sai Campergood co 877-5108. 6 o 1978 RAIADA, lay 4884 818'00880,1 4111189 40110 89 001811001 1 2'11, 4118888. *3.00,'-$00 î546181.1 26 878-8711 - ... , . Hardto ci . llý

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