Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 May 1981, Sports, B4

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B4 The Canadien Champion, Wd., MOY ,1981 wiOh BOB KENNEDY M CPGA ro B Indien Weh ge Golf Course Ai Selectng clubs u Most important The 00001111of golf c1lub1manufacturera lasJe grown subtantially during the ginais mote re- T cnl suoge i poplrty. Eaclo manuacurer DUl- fers ai 11001 four or fîve dfferen types of golf L clubs. The wide array of eqwipmen c0011e very cofusiOîg j 0 the a eage 0er eF810 todecir 2 whol lype of club wll impeovelos ame. Basically, Ibere are only ICo prts of the golf club 1to osider t1he aîltnd the heod. 11enerally 10,001are llree flexes in obots. The fle saîltfor ladies nd some senior sw- ongers.,0me11011 for 901 per cent of male playersal and soone strong women, and t olof for o very 7 stroOlg 7aye00J For sîmplcilyS 00lle, 1 uIdiVide lthe iros In- l tothree groups.l i. The cooîentionally-shaped !lonofr verY gond playelo. 1111101ir0ns have a omalleffective hittinfi area or -001111soe'. Tbe bal must11e 1111 en th1e îîry smaîl spel on the ace of the club 10 gel consistant reuits. 2 The heel andlto0le weigblé,d club for raid- 9 hoodicappers offers an expanded 'sweet sote' t10 a mînîmîle ho variation reslIng from Off- . crntre btsD 3 Te low proile iron for anyose Ibol bas thou- ou ble gelîîng the bal airborne. Most of 1the wegbl P tri theClub head is belou 1the equa0tor of the 11ai impcand tends opropel the hall on higher ta- jecîory Wlen you spenot more thon$250 for a set of clubs, malle sure you boy stsiflI10O steel in- vestIen cal rons. Teiron will oolrutlor peel aod lhey are usua11y beller balanceol andt maîchedteloeacb oher.I Boy your clubo fromn one woo bows golf s equpment, Yor golf pro îan help you malle th1e B wis01101choîce e )L1~idg pi'1. ,ALPHBONDI B rie 0îîners of he Big 0ra1hers JUNIOR eI B, as,0111111. 0.111 0110 But. 29,Nit l ll 0.00K coff Steve111 00111110 00k 8Humas. lu, 701000 0300 010110 111o1 Lewis,$00 chsoie 212,10011000100001a, 11 [ma o,11h0111111y 11110010 111pbe1h8ni110 0,110 0ci,101, 7-De0001 0alli-1.0 tripl0leu0F0 VO B0100011 0 mie Cmpel, J_ Wuteî4.80 0. 0.1001i 5M 0, 0,oub o01andDadMon1110 110000 00000.5181, 000001 ilouco R- 11 -ho,*'ait M dd l'ie boys fo Kadfiten Grimm 141 Imd I 01l11di1225,000e10t10-t10 2190-i0 D_ 41 le13. 100 No.k 2W0and1Scott Karen Hainga KimIl N'137 11Moli17, 16lad N.or 100 and Ir, [Il M ami J..,010Ag.-0 000010NO. 00. caItN.ok S", 111101 01griot, jnad01011e, ch oUl. 0d Scott00000500 Campe11 S111helley May 11. S-7eu- flood li0001.0,11Duo0 ami C 1s" .1Dwn [M David. îImmoil. 317,1Sha0.0n T100.y.,h.hinîglc...K0e0111 00,7.01 000000le 17-.il0 G110111111 0.s10100110 JfG.00 0SENIOR -dSca W11,ke[Y tu m titi vint, 00011001a080tant0Soi s IZ Bsom Mar- l001n100101 ..il164.0l D-e 11h01010h16 and le0 The00001fuitriple1W.0Di. sh1-d O 0T1 11 oil, 0-.0310110010 0101 M Gingan 141 (Il el, -IlMîk11 000.1337 land 203.000«0came 0,th,,01 ,lac.101 M,,0.îI 122s, 0101William0225 1n., rd 1t,01 1,11Iil M11111 Ch1100 00M 00011 rame1colin Ni.,odî111hall11îîlî, 1, .11 0. 10 00.110. ý77Ili1111 1. 1 11 , m1011 0. 0ch' ,0.'M s,110 1111713.111 on16520 »u,01CIîî010029M0and M H-ouse-league soccer teams selected.. BOYS F001000 ' .C01 0000., a J- P-000. Mike 0000,Ar- y OVC old UftNâl. PU bu"L00210 Ch Co000 0b000001 Caq1i Lm2." 0091002-10MI Play-olisa00 111.010 0001 t0*h Mr C....00* C Baiss Ma- mm« .11Paul PloolI. 0.oo0110C-4j Kyi. Z.ohMo, no-.CsisaoM0C0y.T«"y R-1UM00 .MM A-L. G.. ..0.011Y 1.00,0110J. 0.M101. .10.11. H@000.1 Oouch. al ;"10 . G-M, CrW0 0i. M 0.00011. 010.Ni1al Brdley, OloVW leO.0000 01ohud &Y.,. Ry.0001J0 000 MIN-800.00 Ni asc COOO.O1101 H.8.11. pot. 001 V d.o.7 00011 piaysert Ry.. A00000, POP A PhsYO00 002011MCMI10O1. suri 0120.. aOeOOe oal 000 roi S0101100ViaCop110100, Juiso0.100,Cm l 21.0*0 000ne A tO, eres Mech. oer. 0 J-01o0 01..IoPaul1 0100. a». . 1.1k.0,M0.Murray,.0 seuil0 ~ .000 WIIIO8 011.01107 0. .s:%lb Bradi1 01000 0 0 0Wes.10, 007ir Olo11 000 OC.". c. 0 ..00 O1oady BChO k Seau pal&. T ony ODoo- Sas. p0h, M.- W0000 0000 1.10 0111010901O 71 Josao. 090 00 ola Bi . o, 0.10, Ky10O00 Marty So.ns~troo 00013000l. 0- 10 000. GO, . DM0110. 0.10 Au2 . 0.0H0, 01.i00y 0001.00. 01 @assisHossar Z-.AitK,PMM-P si B Y, 01.001 BlloCd, E001 00yers0.18 o Bdy., 0.ou di 110101. MhüII IL-,0. Bay-.yeo, 110011 00000,, 000M ai.,01D.4 b00s. Chrui11010 -1--d, iu.C- ýî pis.- 1, 008Bi....11l.:QO, David De-1. 1M0hk C Russll G-es 2Col. 00101..Ba .01, 00007 0y e . 01o0oJ ilisd. 00ù . StICTi- . Lu.00 owdhll. MOOliCIr. 0 111-,.o By. 0.V .000 Coach: OUI Grata., 11,.11. 0000 Aas0tCO.b00ob 001,90110.111 0,0. LP.I play, . es G), K y.. C.ok ach: 02lOlNO01.001,& .h..0 d-0 . 00011 o.1d0 a. -ook h 000010N Stephen Oolder.bach, TeddUl7143 s Me0o0:.1. 1.011 00. 011110 71800.toy 1.00010.01080 n B-]«1. JolioVGoanpacchO. Paul Leith. G.,îdo, 1,0.d>Se1:1 dao, George Mat.0001000 100. Obm, DaidGllies, Rl. Turner, W00. Paul1 Nel. Poil SVollol 110011 00s.0 011.01 1o101,.W.,.Mel100C10 11000CoIOOecCs oi. 000020.01 a C- FI. Blair0.11000. Gary Solo. 0.201.200 MllSeÇiIOI Cascis. A"'I .'10"'.1.NO 010010'. 714;0,A..& oahFn1001001h TIsa -17 1100. 018..lot, 0SO 1081001 Adms, r1,00 W-de0011 0Ck- .Da ode0110 Mark0,-00 . Michael.1 m0 011.001.0, GM ob-00,0 001110011001 Cbol.0 Bradley 1CIIGl, 1y n o 00001,Chro.topher Morris, F101100 7,010 ooll, 11David01001.W Pp., 1.100.11. MicIOI1WOO2 Ceau- 0000I 0ri00, David 1 0oo0. 00.0 A'%..%O 00Cases:110IL 00 0 000, 000 0. 01M. oy 1100 , 101 0000 .000 1100i W011. M00y00 iIoIo Play-: 01Michael111 010B 000ve 0.0001. 00., vFl 0110,t0y 1 issusol.1, Michael0100 Si, Wb W_,1 »b W oO . 0 01.... 1,0.1101000-Y Chm He0pk 1 Gordo StninMichaelaac 1001s1 Osier osy 0" ...1 F01 11110 NO 11.o>-.-1000011 01,1l M... , lI Say-0 000. 1011-0,10, 10,000 a1.1100 001Michael10A-- 0osc ta1. 10000 111 01p0 01.11 00 000 'IGSc:FankY'S evSPEC7AL Fà TUELWEEK Ry.. Moore,11- 0ru10. D 0a0 .9W GÇARY'SHSEILSON OFATE '4,41 pii~ii or urt-h.1.1dotarls 0732.000,010.01011, l ý 8l837 845-1646R M SAE1,7 I. 00000000000002002010 MumOe210V. 0*18 08000. 0Un 11r.000710.11 00k, Rabbin goC.0101o, 0mark0010008 11i..0000Ooo0. 0801Davi Ima .608 0*010*010010000 8011, PhIlio .0. Tar.0 000d«w PeshNO, 10000 000, 000 ,,0h, 01î010090W . sseOl k..111, 0.0010000, 0.110 001.0,1aid00110a.00Mark0 .001s, BuI 100000t. 0Sandres pis-0, 01.01100100, 0100 Pi00, 0d.0. 01.1000.000 ..t .001s00 000.00 09 k000 su0. 0.e01.. 11Cam 101, Os"0 02000, 01010 oalkoo 0c0Mý..0 00C000ld. Mark 80008 00Dme] 00,00 00,0 .01. 1001a ..-I 00,0, 0110 F007 10& Wood, Ad.00.enami. Jasai SI& d.8, 0hnn.y0V.71B.21r9..7 10000011111,000r 000s. 80119 David11 îloo b.00 000011 e ssai , l0itsams,00 00100t. 8000 0.20.visa0 0.11 11îOhO 0Bary100., 0Bâtir (0 .an, 111000 CI.te o M 7001 1110 ..'t r1ds01100 F011-100. .200 8Bab Mil. 02.p00a 00100.,,Davd1 0o02. I0.0 001.10PMU 002MW0894-01211 00000. 00.. 0.oo 0100m 0000, 0O0087y.0. 028Q- 70001101007.00o. 0111114 80*0.00W00 8ia, 0.& 010.00000, 10.17La", 010000. 1.08., 0mut0209,0000000u. M0M Nrval, nuit 01o.IF can.. Ck.0i1 Fontana. P& H0800M.9000 0000 7Pet0*100 0 mm; -'t0-h:00.000000<00V& Gagn. O00Oy 27200808 0101 000011101 .0ote,000000i 001 .0.0,000.01 8072000 1000000009, 0.e0o0000,o Pa.10, 0.t000 1009, D0030 7... 008 00U 00. P.0W0081RURAL LEMME 0.0kh David, 0119 0000, 0030 .Wo..00000.a**,1A& 70a, 11.. .011800,0111 11.t, Qw 1doo, .00.010 0100180001l00000ri- ,0 00000.010é130D.« 08M4 000100.1000Du00100,019M UP LAN.BOY 150/0THE ONLY OFF WAY TO mow! SPRING WAREHOUSE CHOOSE FROM 13 DIFFERENT MODELS!whioptiom20800 * r E CS COAilG e t0>3 M lCEm OKLY AT w UV ln OWITO FITYOIRMM&I FORIEam 23 ATNST., E. SICIN 1029 SPERS R.. HAMILOTON $61-4324 -OAk-VILLI 844-9348 1 Sm M~ 000. 2. .1.00m . - -1b- 1.Lem0. 0011. 00I0 ec=rDP.. 01o'.%CRVI7. i.00 01.0 0olourd.40am;1910 00Coach:.8902 02000 80*1q0702490 7 IRRY 00.Mo"48 . 7~0. 100020. VoS. MM, a0.0. M. George Gregory. 00 Gien 0 lo. 00a",La Mai0.27 1110 0102, 0,00 0000. .0000=P =0, 0OW o u-000 Nuance. Mark 0000000.000.1 .300.000 0090,raeRdl T* IDII.,10a0.000 eau0. 0.01 0.00"M 2.01, 021000000cead@0%la,70 Am 4 2 m20001 1. 09 8008009 0040 o00, wm&m* 0or 0101011& . o.o. oo to m- s01oi0.0m28o0 7002 0001010001111 he'. 00 100 01 7oo. 270 0100 70001001." C- .00,8800,-&- 0. W& 00010001,0000.20.00 Colot.9 081..11172. 80.00000000810-400.2019. 0 0.,800 80000Cadet. 0 ho,, 800 80.o 0.. - b=- 0000200 10.0. 801000ool. 00 magi, inice mf0, ImmW 8o000i0 »On.00 0.00 110000, 0002».8 .1.0009 o 1-,000000 1,901a.009.WG«l " ,1m&Ir-2. 001108000100200 0001. 01.00 101M0oot0.0. om Ga. ,.GW 7.0010. Qo- 0,00o.00L-&4Ad'.M'a 70700Nicla010tm, 41 =0af mn,0saerLa- Rea 80.80M.1oo7Talli0000 XII0" r) Wu* "Y", ëa0, b.0..010 0fl. NM,00. 0100Ga.0bw4A èr .iv utuewnw.s- q31.00e .80, Mbwm 0md1000ooo.inu = 6»1.ara 1000,0.0000000.0000000,com MON Mal21Sl7:0pm Lio"Tal .0700,10110700 o.o MmooalAren 0000, 1000M EETING11.1 bourg, 1010, l 08 à 00011. aill, 10on000.o orec, m LonsHal Haion1., 0.W 0207.01Ela- 01M om10200 r003 i09 Aron&000 Cd-oon, Uo.,OO . 0 11 - 900980000 .0 7hy01, 0100020aert.20011,0109 0.0 701090 , 8000001 "00 o011ad, .0,009 o00 00o n mlimm gala" 001.00100000, 00 80001000 000ý 01.120 00009l" 00pu011080901 -d

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