wth ARN COULSON HERE 1? 18 stifl May and already the 1981.11 will ie iascaly te samne a att Oslarlo's, Minsler of Natural Reoorces, James Aud explained titat lonters wnatd agaîn have Il hui in a party of two or tres persans amdichare a momse. lu addton, tse regltlons50w reqUIre a per- son kltlng a moue malt immediately aI ix ltlî seuilite animal a i te site of thte kiltogetoer wit os otier person huntltg lente party. Aiin1lui, oneteaalaare »elrely attacite tam*Igthlio tendon o ose of teiind legs, te corregpndllg moaslirence ieromes invalid. Mr. Auld aadcotrai of hunier namiter in te over-itarvested ameas wil provido wilf e managers wth oîe of tite tools needed te dm1i wit local condtions. BRile àan aCt whitcitreeived royalaant os Nov. 14 of lat year. Hr are a few highiightt from due itll wiich le esw le force and, we thitis, bas some teesliineit. - Te maximum Sfine an een raillvl from $1toonto $5,000for certainî ifractios ofthte law. - lThers are provisionso tarestrict teume and pommesios oftraps. - Ano, tere are laws againsit hiîeftoo masy fisn le oospessiosat one time HunIers, flhrme, trapper and oter wild- fliennsernhold carefally mad te summaries of due 1981 reglallons and note al changes. 1 Was llhlg te Pe Thoma lat wee. Pets hasitees fliing offitepier at Bronte. Heasays ieseawurawp, rainhow asd coto caagitt. Peter le an avid fiaiterman ond oocithathec haî retired Ie .Ii5:sa b do a lot of getting arktot saure. He las a place at Matacitewan and loves te gotiter for long periods of ime Aronmd tetlme ittosherrien rame ou, his cife Milis joina hixt and rîmes homecit hashets of thi deliiom tfrit. She mahes excellent ilashermy maffis. 1 hiow-I have tsted quile a few ofltee. Good lacitad god hasting and fishing in yuo retirement Pet, asd if 1 am lacky, t may joi yoa tram time te tese. Pete and 1 cere raised cititin a mile and a half of sacit otiter andl îhared lome goi imes as idi aid teenageri. Kilbride team starting slowly Altoagh islafinil game la soit Wed- 'iitrsrs'ot tan mue i teresl frsm thongla Paquatte wfiU talp outt anîlihe Ias teaon la lited as Intermediate B, nesday nght aglant Hespeler, Kiliride te Miltonn bague," axplanead Mer- laites a vacaionsle Judy. la OAA standards, hat int so part- Mrchants havs had a few prahtsme chant' npakesmaai Jacqase Paqusîte. la far due leam hbu ignsd ire- icipate oatafide of lise eagon play. ianig rgnsIl ad pr 'a;y A lot of players o dm1want tse travel- ceivei conamifimens t epa rî, lieahdt atafrI ae dînt ho pr;a erl ,,ont orlisf ra= al- lg. notiters Maarice Crliz and Mark Cai- one tiunamest. Elibride willplay tse dans gm~.We'll hsixlkisg 1 tayerawth MWI- li, Dave Gates, Ruam Prices Rasdy majority of lilahome games Wsdnesdsy dlita flatyar atry bas hadilimiteil grove and Fresîten sans and we hopie te Koter, Grsg Firlt-Englanil, Mat aI 8 p.m. In addition, Mrchants have a alceesa drawing players ram tse Mi- lign a fsw me froo tiere." MacAnally. Jach Warres, Glg Dnhtae, f _ lnds aes tirown l init a te FîtaI [agsas Ial jnt10, Merchanla have spet mach tlms Dle Smilt, Ron Hardsond, Williard dsheedraaîtSmtrdîae Marh Carilanad 1010h Laisa.mese, go prspainghd park ai Kllrlde Park. Rath, Nyhrait and Lajeannesse. for Saidsy July 12 ai 2 p. fr. AMlr thes finit fîve or six gamne," In addition, pitcer Dais Yenrm cdl Kiliride playn in te Inter-CityPFat- Mot playera citi thlit ame are frees said Paquette, "ws ahaudd 18 ail joinlite team asn mon aa he in finixheil hall Leagoe (IFL) alnng wlth Cam- the ùtcvllle enry laal pear Altegel- nralghtened ot." wth tan dutien on hia mlch rancit. bridge Guelph, Bailingloi, Waterlon, bar, Kiliride ha igsed 12 players o tRlandy Nykorut will moach te team. Paquette îaid ite hopes te, have '(emes Team Sports Juninrs f(Waterloo), Hon- cards Anist ants hanal yet hees foand ai- inxailfores hy oid-Jaie at te orliest. peler aid Stratford. Qmtwgh becomes Colbieck Another year should help youngsters '(oultaid veraatility willaS t l theya cites tE Te catetangwcUl he ite capabtle hunds of [amy îitting 00t for a lew peri. lits fair-play altitude is a nec Omagit qand startsnlis seond neaonn of play in Wihnell. Sîsce Ingleitart and neccomer Derch plus for te leam. Vol Capalo, a long-ime fixtlme theMilton Fastha L [agas. Neelands, 17, cillanninlWihuell. ciitite MFL, will managete cesm Wilh a large nucles of playeri cho have iteen te- Darrin Ellitl c agale patrnl finI hbase. Heil 18 PragniaI More depti ta te poiiosihotili galbtercince lier minor fathoilidas, te team cili harhed ap hy Dive Marin choix alsen invotigating henefil the allant wiich wai among te mont anemir have te advastage of a aniqe comiintion of yout te pnsiiilily of playing in Grimnsby. inetdu MFL lait pear. Pilching migitthe a question and famlfliarity. Te ment of te infield wW be1 divisil ap among AI mack hioudd Don Mari 00 retain. litI hould pro- lite hlgesl changscilh te quad wcilis8te ame. Hardimas, ail Bnafield, haghly teted newcomer haily ha offsett y te one year of mataiily te team Lat iear. te sqaad cal nown as iduer Dmagit or Lennis Jillard, Perry Capuo, Gies Inglehoml aid acquired last yar. Rokol ose.team manager Val Capuoeba pirked up chat he clln; a grmaI sponor ta Clitech Hoalty Wortd wcrthe18testa cilI 18 calleil hrougit- outte year. Omagi/Rochcoll fininheil fift l interegalar sea- mon lat yoar. lite sqao dumped Milton Combines le two conective gamnes lente finIt round if tdu play- offa blfoe faling te Milton Stagn. lite tsam's trenglil cas pitching aid defesce while ta sorspot wa teting. A sasing of one year îhmdld matare te ynangters dito ars motliy in temr early 20n and late eens te cime up wiit ite big htl 'otch cnrn aaallgamo around. Ptlchng iagain antrengt.Hwever,a bigquest- ion mark le dspendsitle Don Martin chn is trying out witit a junior tenon in Grimsby. Bacit for anililer peur în AI Fentecî, ai 291tdu old mai of teltem. Fentes in a itrnofpilciter and one of te leagme'î hesl itters and fieldera. He dOl ot of orgunizeil hall for Ici ears hfîre liting ap lait year. Hiu cotinuing impîvement cie waî oie of tite MFL'n tep pluyers ltestyar' shocld place hin th top eritelos if the lagie. Also on the moand cilI 18 Gen lngleitarl aid Steve Ingleitart. Gen piitceilt Palermo us celI as pay- ing te field for Omagit lait year. Steve pitchoil one game luit pear loing a 3-2 decision 10 Cmbtines. Rohcillbe gien afull chace teî howclheir stuff. Up and over Fifteen-year-old Joyce Moore, of Oakville Antoinelles, moves over the vault in fine faîhion to take second- place overaîl in the Junior A division of the provincial gymnastir championships over the weekend at E.C. Drury School. Although Milton Springers ddn't qualify a competîtor for the meet, the club hosted more than 600 peple f or ixs fu'st-over Ontario chnmpionahîp in Milton. ittnooor,y OAaVILLE DIA VER rRenault 18. The resuit of 20 years front wheel drive experience We're teanng up the price tags on AL Ronaut 18's DELIVEAED BV MAY 31, 1981! 1981 Renaultl18 Sedan N.- Sportswagon Tita Canadian Citampin, Wed. May 6, 1981 B3 IS INFLAION CONSUMING YOUR FIRE INSURà? If yur fincsrce 1 'a-%falcd t, ep pae, wth inflonuco oood getbovod Fin oui about oocspecial infation gocd codorsm s t ho replacmntvalueof yooc home icîcreasos, o does ou oerge Auolcoolly Tlkos ocrlocal Ecocl icsurceoagent We o r tl ogetherc-for o ASK YOUR ECONOMICAL AGENT Wih srog acei o payrl mny fii a5 armd andingaoddefeodauiveilto 208 Main St. 8829 Anlî> liteavfl necoe11 ',IlCpolcl hc~ i 8. Mas s âditone 8t 8-2894 cilit~~Tuin Noritelteo Uiveaitrainnaplis mch eepwr dthlieep Inn adnainmc liesrtll u orJlar h es. numc ocelleni fielderrhan gnduspestedandsI hit lo lie eyplye wlt it tamw t LL Fne choseinlsadohm -VIAL FOPran NanasPOTCAS RE NSALA MICHELIN XTR 13' STEEL RADIAL SIZE 155 -13 $41 SIZE P_ 1957514 $86.17 BLF. GOODRICH ORA 15 PERFORMANCE RADIAL SIZE P- 2351601l5 INSTALED 125.02 ANO 1 000 TERRIN RADIAL SIZE 10 - 15 $2 33 WE GTA0ANOEE OU0R DERISED PRICES ON TIRES 000BE0TE LOWEST AOTERTISE O PRICES UNIROYAL STEELER 13 WRTEWALL STEEL cooIoL SIZE P 100 15 013 1INSTOLLET $64.80 TIGER 00W 14 PERFORMANCE STEEL RADAL SIZE P -235/60 R14 INSTALLED $102.41 DAYTON BLUE RIBB00014'POLYESTER,EIRfRGLA0', NSTL30 $41 .28 RADIAL ET 15 PERFORMANCE RIREL SITE 24/6 R 15 iNSTLLED$93.54 SOPER SORS 15' ECRE 010v NTIRE INSTLLED$93.43 We're the ail new SP-4 13 RADIALLFORIPORTS NSTR ýET $4256 CO 73s 3RTRL.,RMPORTS NSTALLET $48.45 GO QURLIEIER 14PERFORMANCE STEEL NOTOLLET $97.31 KELLY PACEMR3RADIAL0TIRE 500 P 5500Ri N Si LET$4226 000, FOR P 1330 FREE CR CA0001COUPON3c ROOEEOSAVE S55 To ONTA SET OF TOUR WH00L ROLANCI NG SASE ST5 ,O. ,EOENT Aut mi sevce you can trust. r --f PJO PLPCE MILTON 500 Steeles Ave. E. (At Hwy. No. 25) 878-0501 CLEMENTS MOTORS of Milton Limited 500 Bronte St. 8822 ab on wi ne sir ex le,