82 The Canadian Champion, Wed.. May 6, 1981 Two girls' teams featured at Milton Night at the Blizzard T HE BEAUTIFUL eaher e s- bs liowed Mto YoaOi Soccer Clubs rep eama 16 gel ia flood dent more practino 000 Oihey have fea able tosmanagea inme pot year. Motte(cma are noom at p or lmot at op bt a couple stiave me mrlous problemr getin ao fui logether. Jim ftodmond and Ernie Croe ue salOI short Oree or f(m playri for theIr Pop Shoppe mînor afima. Tbey oly gel a vry small tomber of playrs rtorn from lat yers qiit am. Oie of Oie f.tter playeru on Iat iemmunDamion Macin, rooved ail of tomnanmd I her thaI f. mii bc layivg for Erfi Mila Oi year. Anther of lat yer's im abo t mis- sng is big Melvin Simon. Meln wai la- vovedin If. iner traiig program but 4(4 nl upper ouldoors andiIlafi ader- said tbt ho bat a very badly fractured eg and wllI be oui for the seaaon. home olher Inom ave pickeil up new playeri who bine moved loto tomnanad Jims and Ernie ire hopig Iat mme beys horn in 1972 migt torn up. Mezomile tbey are rying fi gel ot 5010e more baya from lai year'a leim. Asy pliyer interested fi Oil age grosp cao conlact Jim Redmond ai1978-00300 ote Crowe t i7-7875. One teîm wbch seema weii seland on ther wîy lu 0Ontar io ee Fruits mior moqotoAdy Rrkmmod i ti ffig a iens p tueelseaecond division nf the Peel-Hlton Leigue hen many temma wbh Ibhfl to the Trie Fruits squad ire i Diviion One. Lat weeb tbey ravelbed 10 IGeorgetown wlh 19 pli yersanmd ailOough Oey did't play tai el came îway wiOi o 2-1 in. Next undy (bey coninue their wmmm up with a gime agoinol Oreelavile. Graham Troahe and Norm Meltyre are very peased wtb their Belvedere Flair1 MRGAN Coverlaga major afim leamn. T'hey bave 13 playori back frim tait. year and plched op a cople of aemcomes fi tmamwhoireworblng ot vry mii. The fu ni d Oelrir it ge e fiether fai Saibrday laing aarromfy tu0 Gaelph 2-. T'heBelvedereleam moerea bi1 fitfin Oie lit ai, mlocb la only 16f. e pictedi i ist gene, bal cime on strong fiOeoe- ond saama. 11bey bave ton game irraaged for tOifiweek hefai Oey mel Oibville "A" adnd f Mua. Kaski Gls Major hfosqutos, pfloted hy Hrold iildred ave struel psactlce days wiOi bad weaOir and bave ait ye bien able fin cul dama rrtom irloriginal 22 pfayers. Hrold and hua auinltent, Mrray Weightmae, ire boplag tfi gel aimne gam try-oufl in iseel. My 27 i Milon NIght aI Oe Blizzard. Mîny peopte wi rememaha Oe enjoyable evening il ExhibitionaStadimu afiaI yer wben me loloi e opportnity of ihomig of f Milfns youOi soccor taleit aid air auppor for Oe game. MYSC executîve ave eoaen fi sbawoff air girls' tants. The two pemie girls' tea=a mlii play i the craifi-rafler game before Oe Bliz- nard play Chicago Stflg. flore ane Oe two leima pflylng aider the sporomabp oftheie Oclagon ClbandadieOptbrflt Club of Mi- ton and coacbad hy Paul Cheli andi Hoard Daum-i 1 tfif i0lii f. a fIiraifor twonglrs' leama fi playfi tf. curlafinratier. A cople of miebsaogo t1mai at a dizain whene Blzzard President. Clive Toyi, mwa talig about yaili soccer fintirmof boys oaly. l'in ure on girls are gnlng fi ahom hlm they coaapul on (ail ai gond a sham as the baysanad mayf. ai ailertaflnngai hi$ Blizzard. Lai year Milton Nght came a Uitle fit- er la Oe seaaon aid e bad more lime fi organize the trip. lllflyearmweari gon ta bave fi gel hilaga sored out vry qui y once Oe aniion gela aidermay. The Mlon cntfinntmu aImait 05W ilraig lat poar aad t i b oped fi eciid Oua niumber tua pair. tn retara for or support, Oe Blizzard mii rim a clinlo al irialient Parh aatorday, May0, fin whch aiii yoaig soccor playensarean fvlted. Aizo Oie Blizzard wmli haveas layfi Mial]iifor a fom daya net mie hmn tbey mlI f.ashowflg someilms. Be aure la dop fiand nov Oem. ta lait meika oloma 1 mlsaalealy des- crlhed Cheryl Wakely ai MYSC Scal Dir- ector TSipsilion fi f.ld hy Srma Bija. My apologliesfi Sarma. aenmthOatlafitOe second lIme thid year 1 bave doae somethifg Oe saimefIn Seras. Cheryl la fivolved i fuid-raiaing andi ru00.00 the cla'a Kik Off Dance tOiflFr1- day evenfig ai Oie Optfilals Ceaire. Tbere are stil o mmctickesaaolablo atOl15 pr couple. Cii Chryl ai 918-7493. The Mlton broch of Oe Ontario Socer Referme Association ave a meetng tOif eveig <Wdnodiy) athOe Optlmft Centre. The guet apeiker la international referee Peter Johnson from Burlflgton. The meting begflsail 7 p.m. and iii refereoi are rged fi attend. r p ANCI Rep girls in tough group lThe fie rip tiami wiief lafgfra paya .aaviim lisffraaatm a ir foa p wIthio Milton Glohi' 5Soi- in," midMltiji~dv an ad lfi omeabd bis yia. pabocktef I mmlil bal fii et icobOWai doit Kn iJolu. -etib a asa iat aa' e a» aile~m101 f fie1 lhe aP=i aa ~ faasotv bau esifctedL Nai .aalam = -tarlI pi-o, iy bas ttnwfi oir flobig l w Ia fflmoi. dMWospfm laassai dsronaPb Mai yenr. teama i tf. laga glas fait yiar mIsahesmeara aiyau sidgl ai . For ye arMtoa i iai(.10 yara 110Nfamaeu m a lga.- teamis iomýaited dii oldI iere cmiohd bf ilo lb fig ip tisalocl a laguea Hilton Rural OAgui. Nowmai aid mii ply fiaidW wmadaum" LAatyear,Z:equoi i an efght-team loagardiv-.Ooaaaaamants. bantamo ilo lr isi aoi. Se""aitassos a111 d te eago mnilwthOy It- Tf. novces (11-12 agalit amm ol fImmo and boiS <efilial years) ane coâcfaid by aqiifin «ldiftfl for eS team occUizrid Paul McCaii aid mili games aid faid mal. in exhibitionfl pay. lo pfay fi ai elghi- T.batrcohetti However, tf. leams lutam dvis miaimon.pt milI nom play in tie mach Mgltoni aa team ait fto hedecifijuaet of stogPi l Cmmtoy (13-4 yeariin thfi ff. f l ayei fiinM ti. Girlag SOfMai Liagut gt division mithio10Tf. boisa loagaabau aà alogidrep teisi froi omgisanad la coacbed by r=iiea a',,si09 Brligtoi, Bramptai, Rd Bflok oi' bonui ri. Bramalea, Gabville. Milon wmat iel d a tait ypur H fr,= W p Streetavllle and teveral midget talon, <15-10;yn bave alaaWipfU diferent aquaida wthfinyears> bt wmli bave a tf. comfing yiren f Mitfiliaia. juveie fiitn(noirle) mui Obani miie f.ises "Some of 0010 160.00 CAARN AT LASI a OAnAffordable Way R-0 , o ,. 0 XP»lflO -- ChI1Wnier . 5.-2 ,OofrySonim O <-5... Rt eniss- 0 . .......ntthi Le.i B«ht.ý ýV'1dem a Rc ode AUTO COLLISION 878-8424 *Custom Painting * Irame Straightening *Collision Repair FREE EstImat" 131 NIpfssIng Rd., Milton IJnits 4 &5 ut Medal winners Chrîs Marcuce Icft) and Glen Van Hoos (right) wrestled their way to good performances at the Maple Leaf Open over the weekend in Scarborough. Marcucci was third at 57 kg. while Van Hees was f îfth at 38 kg. The meet drew 180 compet- tors and the placings of the two Sam Sherratt Schiool wrestlers is considered an accomplishment. This la juat their irst year of wrestling. Kinsmon Park Tennis Club (corner of Woodward & Wilson) TENNIS LESSONS 6 Hours of Instruction -$18.00 (first com -f*st servad) SESSION ONF- June 24-9-11-16-18 A. M. 930 1030 salé Uk~4fX10C lf 10 30 1130 **at AO[i 5:00 600 iil0d lw ym. P. M. 600 700 ewo 700 800 a fe A** SESSION TWG » 345-30 - JuIy 2* 430 600 ale Jaol00(4 -i1 % M. loais P, M 0600 700 Baie Ado»Jgy 7 liJ.ly 9in.1 SESSION TH!r5: ,Iu1y 14-16-21-23-28-30 P. M.&00 700 io<i 7.010 M A emeAnoa lt LI * Sffion oiif lia4hlOl olmWeioo, 00300 for 1iam eO.. AN obi«sno~ lid.~~ 0104 chiqu (e10it datd non ovovt 000payablt i 0 Kem vPakTannis .Cub Lasonu, 851 GooavoCt., Mhon. NAME: PHONO NO: DUILD A DHGK YOU CAN BUILO A 12' x 12' DECK WITH 24 Fr. 0F PRIVACY FENCING AND RAILING AS SHOWN FOR ONLY 27519 SPRUCE PRESSURE TREATED CEDAR $27519 #43615 *458<> TRELUS 037.15 $65.25 $62.64 BENCH $37.93 *63.39 $67.24 PLANTER #19.78 $32.14 $32.80 ALLOW FOR RAILS. CONCRETE AND STAI N AS REQUIREO I HURR Y! AIVANIAGE OF BUY 3 OCT 4 Mdste * udi C5*PEL AND ND 6' PICNIC TABLE KIT SPRUCE CEDAR $269r' 4495r\, ASSEMBLE -à. MLTOM ONT. lusi Eataaofth otff imai 878-171 koi.sa1b0. SaAp$ rHARr.F ITI 1 1