1Canadian Champion, Wsd., MaY 6.' It's SfiO WTIMEI Frlday, Ray Stb. 7:30 the curtain rims on aur annuel show. ceiied "SHO0W TINE' .C. Drury Auditorium - tickets at Dance- wear Centre or t the Door. '3.00Aduit» / aS.&OChiIdren 198 Main St. Milton 878-1303 01p 1"Jq 'jz ct m 'S~e MineEafbtgend Mmdtyî 228 Msin St. PN,*iàgarkDeer Our Gift ta You Mom on Your Special Day-- ALL LADIES' SHOES May 7,8,9 ONLYI ALSALE AL Sybrsin Snack Onceo aieynySrescaet. ot oe a WWOW - WHONA S.LEII 223 Main St., Miiof l878tock Pefet for Mo th Norman Rockwell Callector'a Plates and Figurines loppaa5alKnox Chaieti After womhiln your laundry in aur qualtv Wscofflt washers, use Our extfSrSorm frm of chrg.r~I "-we won'f rake yo.a te the cieanei'5" MILL STREET COIN LAUNDRY - -hssiksa.182MStbIM lMâ THE CHANGING FACE 0F IITONE DOWNTOWN EINTRE MILTON With MOTHER'S DAY fast approaching, the Merchants of Down- town Milton are ready with some unique gift ideas ta help make this Mother's Day especially memorable. They can help you select thse perfect gift - art, flowers, jewellery, music, lothing and accessories, footwear and handbags, colector's china, candy, books and much more. Thse friendly attention of these local storekeeperS will make your shopping most enjoyable. We know that if you shop downtown once, you will be back again! Ruth Jarmsas itad atwsys wanfed a sitep ot ber ose and fer Oe put year and a hait, bas badione in Basques Galery et 167 MaisSt. Mitolas Qaiiy guif itemos, decrative prints and watt rsements aretfeatured aitOde sinai spswita wecemnigair. ')ne loteai Orgh Oie front disptay siedes asd pasasity are draws ie te brewse, evrrdisg te tirs. Jarmana who tries lassaiteeifeet etihine by fferief teesr cstfee. 111esjay peope," said ths th ereof trea grownsvilidree. Bornein Newfaeedtaed, sha inaned te Mentrinal a16 et rer a .,dt tW"lts esvhaw ar teesake the City b itimas era linme, Il was aller a meve le Toronteoitat sha inet ber itin- Mm. James, ber itsbaed and yessgest sac Cris, 22 camse tu Mltes t year bt have iveineOe ares fer anar 30 years. QatreOte and Buringles were bols beome tete Jar- "t aissystied deratief and dingtiege aressd the haine," said theforinereoffice seriter. 't sent mIe orefait sorbetsaiamajor departmenet store fr the eperince ofineetingte pubi," tirs. James recette. Site met wiOi servies and ber esperiesce ted ber te open ber own rtait store. Site sas tsakitig fr a sinati tews te open ber sbsp and fasad Miltot e bosat sat site wsc teking tor. The gaOery opeeed ils ders in NeveMbor t979 and since Oe thestock itaegress and sew preductlise intrsdsred.- "tj sas ging la go fr xainty site, bt daidad le ibver- sify." Basques Galery retthet iasteef lbetady bind il. "t itsybiyeyeaplieat." Sieblies variety and dues cal boy maey of thesamev prels, excep fr Oe "iread aed baller" uas i serare etea e- quesed and experliel by the pubic. Wttas trs. Jarosan ffere a few ofthOe saine prinsefr sale sle a isuretuaaccentinrit in a ditierest nianner, citeseing it- frent mateateoreand frainestyles fr escit. Site cls ad des g ber an mate and van show ausafanere a large : etlin ofetoalm fraines whitiv are ardered tuetheitsyer's sperlfisetins. onesand saler colore ity tara artiste arasandispfay et Bas- qties Gatlery atsng iwth a setecienaof ssframned priels by Oie resp et Seras, Paut Pee, Sharkey Titomas, ies leatas, Doug Fsrsytie, NarinsRctseil and Vererke. Mirrare and soier watt devralios inedieg Casha sitis Rutht Jarinan amas and manages Banquas Gallery. plures and Keireead teelsred priets an ha feasd se the sails o e Ogattery. Te voementethOe nariely et gittitems. unique greeiet carde designed by Etgin Curt,Gordon Fraser, Ferredi and thebhasd paintedvcards ot Cieryt Meggs are avaitabte. Senerat dinptays et g ifl iemesentbree-tiarad glass sbetvas iffer a variety insserties as weti as prive. As wuthlite pepuar art pieresacstbckavs, watt knewn gift itemes and mnay unique anas ara part etftirs. Jarmans arase esd cepper weam Oie atramety paputar orientai vasas and tas sels, vetterler plates, place mals asd vastars areonty soeof thaciies for gifi bayers. Accent tumishiegesavith as designer chairs wivb ffr a rat fr siteppers' tieteelvan sel îcty ha viesaed a set ai Basques, bulmay boerdered. Hasdmade craftte maue spevial gifla esd are aven mare spevicitas ose one els Oieim creator. Part ima amptayere t Basques Galery, Eteera Tasaba dispîsys asd setla bar cent t Oe galleny. Beatrira Ptter muici boxes. Esitnn art, prvetain figer- maes, Bsses beass, cletrtrmbles. aserled vasdtes and Britisit Pooleepalfry complesetheegiftl tee. tirs. James invitas Bais SI. sindaw shoppers toe n aed sea wbal BasqueasGatery bas le ffer. New framieg ideas ast cew pretecl lices il kaap tOiam vaniezbarbas thepreprirer beys cils yortaste anditer esc te mnd. 00 i 5 ~ iS is1 'po "Continues! Corne In and Walk Out with sorne Really Good Values! SHOEREPAIRS TAKEN 21Main St. 878-6902 MF drMENSWEAR CHOOSE FREEMAN FORMALS Our free full vomer catalogue niakes ilIseasy tle m hee ieright loeok fer Sail te men and boys in your 1s61 weddlag. Cieese frem styles and celsar frin ctasaic le contempor- ary, fren radlilsenaltole rendaetling aU llred le fit lite yeer aies. De teriyse yeu'U have Oie esire Freemas setectise te vitecse fren weddsg yoslIl baobe sureYOU mad the rgitîrbesce, a- O se E.-*a» 202 M=I ST. MI LTON 878-4472 izze MDELUCIDUS PMZZ AND OTHER HOME MADE ITAUA SPECIALTIES - OVER$10 fN£E euAMvFpop Z HORB Cor1aMnday Tu FL4B o2la.- 07MnSt _878-60i . 1 17 Wilson Dr. Dorset Park Pisaa 878-666 878-1575 P~D Gîve Vour Morne Beautifu/Ladies' BUXTON WALLET 20% oOFF CJa~gofoc~ Forde ltocoeew exftm spedwl do - - find it at Corner of Mu. E& Martin 878-05 When the occasion calis for FORMAL WEAR ... .W.h Choose Syd Si/ver! ee styles and cls frc as cte rate5peite, cciv Ocder yau tevformicaie e avyuIlihaie tha ative Sed Siles, slce e . hosie ifron.Ack fteaiFRE fu vi colo catalogue and pik thaîght Iock forcthernanvîd boys i vsse.981tWeddng fnprt T.IlielesMetb .top PlannbnWg e Wedding Reception or Party" LWe can provide EXPERT CATERING at Ressonabie Cot 270 Main St. E. 878-9962 SAE EEKONL 17 Min St. 8m8 mrCIRH Mb19P seecarronaof guft that ahe wili love: "collecer ylates " igurinles " Cupspatucer sels " cards b giftwrap epemittg 19MaiSt.878-SM- i $ T HE mmewt. m~ont