Counillor Jim Watson dlaims if is none of the Niagara Escarpmnent Commissions or his neighbors' business whether or flot he has a swimming pool. On that he's got to be right. In drafting legistation to protect tihe b'eauty of the escarpment, the Commission and the province have given littie or ns consideration to the residents who have bought land and but homes in good faith. Most thinking people would agree that the task hefore thc commission is both a noble and much needed one. But its gone overboard. Legisiation sefting sut the steps one goes tbrough to get approvsls forces applicants to wait at least three weeks, and that three weeks could easily be extended to six or more during husy periods at the commission. A person living in the ares subject to conirols must ilt ouf a form and make formai application in addition to normal requirements that apply in other areas of the municipality. A planner visif s the site and files a report with the commission. If the report meets ith the commission's approval, notice of the appicationo s circulated to a host of government agencies and neighhors. Another two weeks must pass to gve negh- hors and agencies time to appeal. Meanwhile a person hoping to build a swimming poot or make some improvemc tto10his home or A commun The Champion was awarded nation-wide recognition ths week when threc awards were presented f0 pubisher Jin itls aI the Canadian Cîîmmuîîîty Weekly Newspapers A s so ctiatto0n convention in Saskatoon. First in the besi al round category (for circulation f ronm 4,000 to 9000), second in the front page competition aidt ied for third for editorial page gave The Chanmpton another "triple crîîwn" victory in the annual contest. Such honora omust be shared ha the ent ire commniity -the corres- pondent. adverttser. news source proporfy waits, and waits and waifs. Cecil Louis, Manager of Development Control for the commission bas said tiat unles the public is willing f0 make application and abide by tise rules, lthe regulations cant ho enforced witb anv degree of efficiency. Counillor Watson hocame one of the first f0 defy ftbe word of the commission wben be built a pool hfore receiving a building permit or development permit, wicb bas since been granted. We cao sympathize witb ftbe counillors position. Be was ready te go f0 work and bad Only f0 wait for the slow turning wheels of haurocracy. But f0 go ahead without the permifs was still wrong. If was wrong if the laws of the land are going f0 mean anyfhing and nobody sbould ho expocted fo know that any better f ban a municipal off iciaI of Counillor Wafson's stature. As a municipal officiaI Counillor Watson shoutd use is political clouf to belp introduce quicker approvats or persuade the commission if sbould deal witb only major changes in the landscape. If s rather ridiculous in sur mind that pools. flag poles and other simple structures are included in the liat on wbicb approval of the commission is required. But in the meantime counicillors dont have tbe privilege of deciding whicb laws they will honor. and the reader who al confribute fo the newspaper's succeas, nof juot those on staff wbo are actively and physîcally învolved in ifs weekly production. its nîce fo be in the winners' cîrcle but we on fthe staff are eapecially prsud thaf such honors corne tii a communîty like Milton, ,'hîch deserves one of Canada's bet newspapers. High marks in a competilion wtb sur peers only serve 10 prove The Champion is altempting f0 live up f0 ifs responsihilily 10 reflect ils community. Commenting briefly An Acton reident who returned recently after a vacationtin hia homeland. H,ltand. reporta Canadian flaga taere flying in the breeze in two norhers Holland lowns wbere Canadiana bad fought in World War Two. The Canadians felI proud f0 aee iheir own inapte lest flag flyîng high beside the Dutch flag. Ifs bearlwarmtng 10 know h01 even aller :30 years, the tDutcb stîll appreciate tht' effor ta ni the Canadians that helped preserve 'beir reedout frttntoppression. 'l'u forme'r caitnet miistaera who have decîded toI 10 seek re- election in the provinîcial hallotting Iis faIt are wetI kîîown itî thi'. area. John Yareîîîko attToronto, a 25- year memher ai tht' Ontarito governinent. a known it ocal for ih. land the rural Nasaagaweya ares Ht'basheld several cainet poitions and bas the distinction of bavîng aerved heneath three premiersL.etlîe Frost, John loharta and William Davis. Another asho is ettring ta William A. Stewart. an 10 year veleran aselI knoons ttally for is work os Mînister of Agrtcultture and a trequent vsitor to agri- cultural evenla in Mlton aînd district. We wisb thein laîtbnetlino their retireivtînt William A. Johntsontta 1 "ttckle sut of last week's news repuort ahout a family in France puting a 'Nassagaweya" sign in front of their home, affer becoming friendly wiOi Milton Counillor Jim Watson and visiting this ares. Mr. Johnson points sut he also bas the namne of Nassagaweya writfen on a canse in front of is home and reminds us Oe ares rafepayere organization is also named "Nassagaweya". os the name of Oie township s'ont ho desd for a long wile yet, locally or overseas. Mid-summer bas heen uîîusualty quiet around Milton, The July 30 issue of The Chanmpion carrîed NO coming eventa ittîlcea -something we cant recaît bav'îîg bappened for maoy years. Msilton ia lafed 10 gel GO Trainî sersice on the CP Rail fine, alibougb if looks like introduction tf local service is aIt eaat two years ataay yet. A suggestion f0 extend GO0 service as far as Kelso Con- servationt Area meets witb sur approvat ift cerlainly attracta Toroînto people. We agree wîlb Mavtîr MacArthur when she says if tht' prîtînce is reatly serions about îîîakiîîg countlry air and recreafion avaîlabte. famîly rates coîld he available lu take city skiera. 'svtmiiners and pîcnickers ta Kelso tand bomte again. The' pisstitity of a Steinergs Miracle Food Mart being Iocated in Mton, as infed tat week hy Mayor MacArthur, wîtt he set- coic news 10 Mllonians wbo feel the' town should bave a greater variety of aupermarkets. The three local f ood stores certainly gîve hetter personaiized service than youl i lnd in city stores, yet many Mitonians insist on driving ouf of lown for Ibeir major shopping ftrip tf tht' week. Perbaps another ttpermtrkel wîtt beli keep honte of Il',î,, lt,îsîkeepîîîg lia'.evl itei-eîîdîîg source of iritation for shoppors at Milton Plaza. The prolem bas nover been wrse than if 15 n0w. Parking problema caused hy contruction of the plaza addition mnake shopping awkward, but the popers and refuse scattered shout Oie area aggravate the difficultios. If would ho easy to blame if aIl on Oie ownr, but someone had to litte orin the first place. If thia or any part sot sur Iown is obehokepî dlean and t îdy, we'îl al bave to take more responsibility. Pages of the Past t / f t1 F t. a i ~ 'Xi ~ ~up~ ,IÉditorial Page t'The Casaan Champion, Wed.,Aag. 20, to75 B3 a, *~44tt. 1 Là Sugi re ,t', iytwdesnd 1tel tt' ,tt'he,'ua 5ht'have' ths rtttatt,,t'guittfetelitng that te '.to,,ttd di),%hatnormal.ttpt'ape dot ntht',tvaa'ation': go, t,,,a tdge, ent t ctottge ,,'a thtg %eegt p eft ttg a etmtt't t,' trticp i* tti*attttti'.gtttd ca'ejoit)eite car t',t ogapng at,,ttett'. , ,, tac t,,,, ,tc,'k'. ,t.ttnthea" he. ,c,,tctc't'ttn'hte' Alcohol plus drugs cran be Rx for death t t, - 'l tct Itit' t t, t", ng he, .ý 'rtbc Ciutnae c', o aoti C,,, ',, ttt a tUa h .utt t,),, sifa eu ai cc iette tîte'l h(il gsi h S', oute' t c. poita e es',gefui , dt'bilamtinoial ,paio ;idmiteis h' 'te' triiicahot ud dcîiai,'. t tttt markiat.ontt otg .tte V'iu 't'Ir i. M ' l' i, 1e t1o s&ti Iie" aborliîse h îsaa ta', !o teo, Thce Ii .suianad Ba o f an ada sîy tuJ. ttTo heto O iOMh Wv53 i. Pi ar and Spice by bill smiley fý,ke the 1),),Ii lodge, foi, (-ýamph, 1hr-ý are all fil, joint, Se,ýond1, are 1>(rokect for th(, hoI,ý minnýq we don t have the uardroh- 1,, riTý,st'otlie luit oraiiýwfwre(-lý(ý Furirth 11, , lheý are full of hore, Aril the food , no 1ý -auung hell. 'Illew the culture nu Il 'I'f liýiilt to gear ýoLiisrlf up for- a --k ot and Sha, and die-fig (il, wil tanding in liTieup., foi (finner 11hVýo -u le INing m the hackvaid hW11,119 tý1 the bil-ds, uli a gnol hook, and ha-l, oný g Il e ne rgý tir rea"il loi 'rati gl a", afid -n knom (here ;un t gralig ý() ri' lit) un ilnc fried chicken awl the 11,11,19 a"' 1 an,] the r m a r"d 'i'l'i 1angý lornat're, 11, ,our ýi"fl (;ýpsý ing arourid tir fil(, , :il iý tirir i,\, ept that ' %ou 1laýv to gr-1 ait rhe -ad -1h a]] thole Mailla", ýri1'I 'imp 'nici c'"e m the heat and j'aý' a ran'on, ", n,ýrteI rooni,. and vat fi vd tooci iiiti -ri run, The Iigg,,,, i, A 'ouple of ai a *i)lt rgU 1, ýi;' pealing. tint %hat il,(, lieck ý- ý1 r, i, .,round ai home il bare teO Ir'd holl- and a, fa, a, litening to 0W o1al, ý1[ log!1! goe,, on air al-- ak ;, 1,-ý\ ot -w friends i', drop ri !Il, i ,, l'a, pl'i' 1 appeal 1 i'lv'aý ai' h a , idri Il illu r'i uo"'j1t1ooýýd 'wOth, , 'f il, 'k- 'mnm11n'ý il ý' pool "'Ih ci rd .l inithile cki's ýecoiid iii(irtgzigt, ,ri -ur hou:e ri) pýiý hý bill. and ýo'j , jn hardi > ý 'ail to 20 ýýh're the lo'rin "q'l'e i, lier, ir, r deal fater f s 20 years ago i ý,rn (Irc Id 0 ht fi, ;Iti 0 f p a lit lit Oak, d- lana l'a il, , ( lak, illu Ilist,ýrjc;il Soc l'I'du, ;1 1 ânipaign lo r aj'e funds ilf Ilhc Ad pj,,teei- farm ý11hl',ý l'Il, aqu't' ýIi ils ,,, .,(iditiIil ici the 1 Il fat a and Il, Il ar , ýIt Ihi, demli ,f Oliver 1 il ýIp al,-, idt,ï ýlt , un k lin Mon- hi, 2E % car (ild ( fwýt ma t irai u orker Ir, flamil- Il Iý ri, ý, I M"f , fat a J ,il ea naý c start 1 f, ri, 1!', ýiI il ri, , pe, 11 ng lier 1 il Is cx (eel , 'a ker pl-ingeýj i i -Ili lank undiq in r [),Il t I), -I' 'ng a ci (' hi, *""iý, i krig Iici*Iý iltli,,g to rasten Il ri, \' l'a, Il Millin , , ýIpri,,», , i-ed v',11, il, Ih, ri, 1 1 1-larl lioard ko', 1ýI"Inn('ns' ý'I)" , "m, Pl ( i na a last iar 11,, fIIwý l II ,t, l-ngineer A IIEED LE'VEL'tt \ Ehh totfvai- lxats glîditg act ts'.Ktl'.tîL.ake. tom ',",Il k a p t,,, t 't' 'i lt, t g, o t ' , " t- ,k- ti ' I lt"' ' l"Itw. 'lu "it" ,, I t"' , ""tl',,,t t t.l 'nt,' t 50 years ago 1t, , , , ,haod 'h t't tt, t, u 1t t Ftt obin-,' 75 ye îrs ago !TZJ1 *Legal intpaitsîe tt i tttOtt' ttt.ttd 'alitttlee 1 u u a, 1t, ltt, "tu,"lt t",1> t 'O ' , ',-m t de i ti tt, 'tl (ma-til f ,îl,,î t-atc t hela dan-tg ho tk ta' 'tena' v tt'road e' N t'. ~I/IIIv ~gzmu~ I 'H le